Welcome to another installment of the BDSM Scenes Step-by-Step series. Today, we’re focusing on a pampering femdom bath slave scene. This simple, step-by-step scene outline breaks down the basics of a scene, the ideas behind it, why you might enjoy it, how to prepare for it, how to do it, what to say during it, and any safety concerns you should be aware of.
When I was a baby Domme first stepping into the kink world, the idea of planning an entire scene was ridiculously daunting. It was, honestly, so daunting that I’d regularly turn down play or chances to play just because I was so terrified by being in charge of this entire, elaborate sex thing that I had to plan all by myself.
I remember doing so many Google searches, hoping to find someone who had made scene outlines or inspiration for me to follow. If only someone gave me all of the info I needed, I think I could muster the confidence to be in charge and bring it all to life. Surprisingly enough, though, those scene plans were nowhere to be found, and I just kinda stumbled my way through years of feeling so unconfident that I couldn’t get turned on during play; I was just worried about making it all run smoothly.
Now that I’m a less-baby Domme, I’m writing out the BDSM scene outlines I wish I had been able to find. Think of them as your personal cheat sheet to kink scenes, and feel free to modify and swap things up as desired. This is your sex life. If something isn’t a good fit for you, simply change it!
Use this BDSM scene planner to feel comfortable with a plan of what you want to do – then modify it to make it exactly as hot as you want for you and your partner.
Now, let’s get onto this femdom bath slave scene outline:
This Scene Is…
A great way for the femdom to enjoy some pampering and service – especially if they’re unfamiliar with being the center of attention.
While it requires the submissive’s attention, it’s otherwise low-key, and this could be a kink scene that’s a good fit for a long day where the submissive may not have a lot of energy but the femdom still wants to require their service.
This femdom bath slave scene is mostly non-sexual, but sexual aspects can be added if desired. The scene focuses on the femdom’s relaxation while training the submissive for patience and attention to detail.
What Do You Need for a Femdom Bath Slave Scene?
- A towel
- Any bondage gear for the submissive that enhances their mental space – preferably easily washable or water-friendly
- Massage oil or a massage candle
- Any spa-like items that the femdom desires (face masks, favorite bath creams, bath lotions, etc.)
- Dry brush (optional)
Household Things to Have
- A bathtub/shower with a lot of privacy
- A way to heat a towel (optional)
- A cup of water to show how warm/hot you like your bath
- A favorite swimsuit (if you and your submissive aren’t comfortable with shared nudity)
I highly recommend having a bathtub for this femdom bath slave scene. Not only does it have a different ambiance to it (compared to a shower), but it’s also more relaxing. If you don’t have a bathtub at home, this scene can easily be done in a hotel room with a regular or jacuzzi tub with its small supplies list.
How Long Does It Take?
I highly recommend picking a time when time isn’t a constraint. The goal here is to offer a pampering, relaxing experience for the femdom while the submissive gets to bask in the headspace of submission. It can be hard to achieve either of those things if you’re watching the clock to make it to a dinner party.
If time is usually so hard to come by, this femdom bath slave scene might be best as a date night or weekend getaway activity.
If you have to map out times, I’d recommend an hour at a minimum with four hours probably being your maximum. It all depends on how long the femdom would like to relax in their pre-bath and bath lounging.
How Do You Prep for a Femdom Bath Slave Scene?
Most of the prepwork for a femdom bath slave scene comes from gathering supplies and knowing what the femdom enjoys.
Especially if you’re unfamiliar with your submissive (or want less friction, day-of, because, honestly, they probably have no idea what your favorite scent of your favorite brand of lotion is), I highly recommend you (the femdom) write down a supplies list ahead of time.
Taking cell phone photos or screenshots of the items that they’re expected to gather can be perfect; this also makes for easy punishment because, goddamn, bringing the wrong item after being shown a literal picture of it is just worthy of some punishment.
You can also gather all of the items for this femdom bath slave scene yourself, but I highly recommend having your submissive do it. This is a scene focused on you and your relaxation, and your submissive will not learn your preferences without giving them the time to learn them.
I also recommend some pre-scene knowledge sharing.
- What beverages do you enjoy?
- What type of music do you prefer to listen to?
- What’s your preferred home temperature while clothed? Naked?
- What is your preferred bath temperature? (Take your submissive into the kitchen and have them pour water into a glass at different temperatures while you offer your opinion on whether you’d enjoy that temperature or not.)
- When you start toweling off, where do you prefer to start on your body?
- Especially if you have long hair or hair with special care instructions, how do you need to care for it after a bath/shower?
All of this information can be really helpful for a submissive trying to maintain your “dream” relaxation space. If possible, make sure to share all of this info pointedly, encouraging them to take notes for the future. Casual mentions may get missed in everyday conversation.
Other than that, the hardest thing about prepping for this scene is simply finding the time when you can expect to feel relaxed!
Step-by-Step Instructions for a Femdom Bath Slave
This scene outline can be used as inspiration by a submissive looking to impress their femdom, but it will be written from a Domme’s POV who is commanding a scene.
- Provide your submissive with the full list of items that they’ll need to gather. Include as much specific information as possible including branding, where to find the items, and more. The idea here is to take all future worries off your plate.
- Agree upon an available time with your submissive. I highly recommend planning for at least 3 hours. The idea is that your submissive will have nothing else to do, and their full attention will be on you – and they’ve agreed to that use of their time.
- When the day comes, go through any over-the-top, ritualistic, scene-entering space. For us, this will look like my submissive kneeling, head bowed, as they recite their pledge to me, and I slip their collar around their neck. Wrist and ankle restraints usually follow, and they are expected to stay kneeling until I release them. Your ritual may differ. The idea here is that your partner will start off with a subservient, focused headspace.
- Now that we’ve started things off with a bang, go to your favorite resting spot (like a couch) and lounge out. Require them to kneel/stand near you, and they will be fetching your favorite beverages for awhile. While you’re here, use them to set the scene. Command them to:
- Turn on your favorite music. Feel free to command them to stand by the music until the volume is “juuuuust right”.
- Dim or brighten the lights. Again, they will stand near the light switch until you’re completely happy.
- Fluff or move around pillows around your body.
- Add (or make them drink a bit of) your drink to get the perfect amount of beverage in your cup.
- Light the massage candle (if you’re using one) or any other scent-enhancing addition to your space
- The idea here is that we’re slowly sinking them into an attentive, focused headspace where they’re ready for even the tiniest of commands. This means that you want to be a bit over the top with this. Take things slowly, and really make them wait to figure out if they’ve finally gotten the perfect mixture that you want. Spend as long as you want here. Be conscious of the fact that we’ll be making them do similar waiting tasks in the bathroom shortly, but again, they are here to serve you and that should be extremely obvious in your behavior.
- Enjoy any additional fun for as long as you’d like (a variety of suggestions below in “Add-on Fun for a Femdom Bath Slave”).
- When your submissive isn’t serving you or following a command in some fashion, require them to sit or kneel in a specific position. Feel free to get as specific as desired (all the way down to the pinky finger placement) as a form of mental bondage. Be extremely specific on how you’d like them to wait the first time – and then offer regular corrections each time they get into the pose on subsequent tries. Allow them to move (if desired) or scold them if they are squirming in their position.
- When you’re ready to move on, command your submissive to prepare a space where you can receive a massage. Depending on what you prefer, this might involve towels/blankets on the bed or simply twisting sideways on your couch to receive an upper back massage. It’s all up to what you enjoy. Don’t forget to command them to swap the room temperature as needed to ensure you’re comfortable.
- Stand in front of your massage area of choice and command your submissive to remove your clothing to receive the massage. I’d recommend leaving more clothing on for a second reveal by the shower/bath, but it’s up to you. Feel free to be as specific as possible for your clothing removal (eyes closed, with their mouths, with only their non-dominant hand, etc.)
- Command your submissive to give you a massage until told otherwise. While they’re doing that, be specific with your requests for harder, softer, faster, or slower like you were earlier for the ambiance. If you’re someone who likes to dangle carrots in front of your partner, offer them some sort of future reward if they do a good job.
- Enjoy your massage until you’re ready to move on.
- Command your submissive to draw you a bath (or get the shower ready). Tell them you expect all of the supplies in the bathroom as well – and promise a punishment if it isn’t complete. Bask in the afterglow of your amazing massage while you listen to your partner scurry about to get the next part ready.
- When they tell you that it’s ready, get up and move into the bathroom.
- Stand in front of your shower/bath (I’ll assume it’s a bathtub from here onwards) and command them to remove the rest of your clothing. Feel free to use a different method than earlier.
- Ask for their hand to help you get into the bath. Slide down into the bath and get comfortable. Require them to add anything you need like bubbles or a different water temperature.
- Command them to bring you any additional items you need. This might be the beverage you were drinking earlier, or it might be a book to read. You might want them to move the candle/scent or the music to the bathroom. If you have a water-friendly pillow, this can be a great addition to really amp up the “lounging” vibe.
- Require your submissive to take up another “waiting” position while you bathe. You can make your bath as lounging or as functional (trying to get clean) as you’d like. Now is another time you can experiment with additional fetish-focused activities (suggested in the Add-On Fun for a Femdom Bath Slave section below) if you’d like.
- If you own a bath scrubber or bath scrub mixture, you can command your submissive to kneel near the bathtub and scrub/exfoliate your skin as you lay in the tub.
- If you’re into face masks, this can be a great time to lay back, neck relaxed, and require your submissive to apply a face mask for you. They can also be commanded to keep time and to remove it when it’s time as well.
- At some point, stand up in the bath and command your submissive to use a washcloth/bath poof to clean your body. Make sure you remove the massage oil from earlier. This can be as detailed or as rewarding as you’d like. Feel free to bend over, presenting your butt to them, for really “detailed” cleaning as a reward to them if you’d like. (Be careful where you get the soap!)
- When you’re entirely done in the bath, command your submissive to get you your towel. If you’d like to prep ahead of time, have commanded them to put it in the dryer (or against a safe heat source) for a warmed towel when you get out of the bath.
- Standing in the tub, drip-drying, command your submissive to towel dry your body with the towel. Be forceful about their method. Most will try to go straight to efficient toweling, scratching at your skin. Scold them and require them to slow down, treating you like the “(your honorific here) you are”.
- For additional fun, whether you believe a dry brush has any benefits to your skin or not, ending the scene with your submissive dry brushing your skin can be a final way to reconnect. They can also apply full-body lotion for you.
- End the scene as you’d like. I personally would enjoy requiring my submissive to get naked, and we’d stand in a hug, body on body, as a final moment of reconnection before moving on. You both could also go to the bedroom or dungeon for further, different kinds of play. I highly recommend being cognizant of the relaxed energy (on your end) and the attentive energy (on their end) when planning for what you’d like to do afterwards. It could very well be a night where you both simply want to cuddle up and relax into your D/s dynamic. High-energy scenes may feel very jarring after hours of this tempo.
Pre-Written Dirty Talk
While you can add in as much explicit, lewd commentary as you’d like, I find that a femdom bath scene like this lends more to an aura of “superior woman expects servant to show better performance”. I like comments like these:
- “Chop, chop! I expected to already have a drink in my hands by now.”
- “Stop fidgeting! Your constant wiggling is ruining my relaxation. Even better, go stand behind me where I can’t see you. I’ll call you when I need you.”
- “Mmmm. I desire entertainment. Do a little dance for me.”
- “Thank you, boy. You may go back to waiting.”
- “This is already amazing, but it’d be even better if you were naked. Get to it. I need eye candy.”
- “This really is making my week better. Thank you for always being such an attentive submissive.”
- “Thank you for spending your time this evening as my treasured servant. Not only do I feel closer to you, but I’m really feeling my dominant energy. Thank you.”
Add-on Fun for a Femdom Bath Slave
The coolest thing about this BDSM scene is just how versatile and relaxing it really is. You can pretty much add any other kink that you want to it while simultaneously lounging around – all while being a “femdom” and turning your submissive on.
It’s a win-win in all categories here.
Some of the ideas I came up with while writing this:
- Make your partner read you passages from your favorite book or erotica while kneeling at your side. It’s like your own personal audiobook!
- Having required them to write it in advance, this can also be the time when they read their own written erotica to you.
- Enjoy a forced feminization “fashion show” pre-bath while laying out where they present their best outfits to you. Choose your favorite, and they will serve you in the bath while wearing that outfit.
- If you or your submissive have an ignore kink, this can be a really fun scene. Instead of so much interaction with them, simply ignore them and do your own thing as soon as you’re comfortable in your bath/couch. Only pay attention to them when you need something from them, and go back to ignoring them as soon as you don’t. As a finale, letting them add a bit of lube to your feet (hanging out the edge of the tub) to jerk themselves off (if they have a penis) while you ignore them can be a creative way to end things.
- If you love the idea of “amping” them up for post-bath play while you’re relaxing, consider setting up a phone or TV with lesbian video chat or other porn they enjoy. While you get to settle into relaxation, you can watch them be enthralled by naked bodies. Just make sure they’re still attentive to your needs when you call for them!
- If you or your submissive have a foot fetish, a femdom bath slave scene can be fun. Your feet can dangle off your first chair or the edge of the bathtub for a foot rubdown. You can also add a pedicure or foot massage to your spa-like day as a treat to yourself (and them!)
- If chastity is a kink for the two of you, this can be a great addition. Equip the chastity cage before heading into this scene with lots of little reminders about how their place in the world is “serving women, not fucking them”.
- If you enjoy receiving rimming but regularly don’t feel “clean” enough for something like that, you can use this bath as an easy way to get clean before forcing your pet to put their face between your cheeks.
- Make your submissive provide “entertainment” by riding a dildo or using a vibrator/Fleshlight while you’re lounging around. Feel free to place them across the room and use them as “live entertainment” for your lounging time. You can give jerk off instructions, or you can simply let them do their own thing while you’re in the vicinity – but not really involved. Feel free to make them stop to fulfill small, minor requests as a power move to remind them that they’re always at your beck and call.
There aren’t a whole lot of safety concerns with this femdom bath slave scene. If you can comfortably take a bath or shower, you’re probably well within the usual risk profile for simply bathing.
That being said, this scene requires the submissive partner to spend a lot of time in stationary, quiet positions. Depending on your partner (like if they have knee problems or ADHD), this may be very difficult. Feel free to have a conversation with your partner to figure out what would make those expectations easier, and be sure to provide them. It may be as simple as adding a fidget spinner or changing the position you expect your bath slave to wait in.
(Author’s Note: “Femdom Bath Slave” is the most-searched term for this type of play, and I want to make sure that anyone who wants to explore this type of play can find it. You do not need to identify as a slave or any particular type of submissive/bottom to enjoy this type of play. Even someone who identifies as a Dominant could be the “slave” in this scene; it’s entirely up to what you and your partner want to do!)