XXX Truth or Dare Questions – Femdom Edition

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Ahhh, one of those conversational games that’s as old as time itself. (Well, probably not that old, but you get the idea.) Instead, as adults, the game usually ends up taking a sexual turn, and most people may not even mention the idea, especially online, unless they were hoping for a game of kinky truth or dare in the first place. After all, it’s a game that allows people to ask some of the questions on their mind – and to be able to ask another person to do silly/erotic things too. All the while, it helps “break the ice” and gives people a “reason” to do the things they wanted to do anyway. Femdom Truth or Dare makes a common addition to kink and sex parties, and it’s a pretty common addition to erotic online conversations too.

And online communication is where I’d like to focus today. While looking at an online list of erotic questions and erotic dares might throw off the game at an in-person sexual truth or dare gathering, it actually lends itself really well to online communication through sexting or other online platforms. (But hey, if you still want these questions for femdom truth or dare during your in-person play, have at it.)

This particular list, however, assumes that the two of you are engaging in a real-time, XXX truth or dare game through texting or another medium that easily allows transfer of video, pictures, and text. None of these kinky truth or dare questions require weeks-long commitments to the game (though if you want to add those yourself, have at it!). All of it was designed to be right-then, right-there during your gameplay.

While we’re here, you’ll notice that this XXX Truth or Dare Questions list is oriented towards femdom and female dominants. That’s because, well, it’s impossible to find elsewhere.

In addition, having a pre-existing power exchange dynamic between the two (or more) participants instantly means the questions, dares, and phrasing will be different. After all, you might not feel like much of a submissive when your “dares” have you commanding your Mistress to do various tasks, and it might shove your Top out of their headspace too. That’s no fun for everybody.

Instead, with some slight modifications to the phrasing of dares, we can end up with an XXX Truth or Dare game that respects your underlying BDSM power exchange dynamic while allowing you to enjoy all of the fun of femdom truth or dare questions.

I know, as a D-type myself, I enjoy this game, but it quickly sours for me if a potential submissive starts barking out commands (in the form of “dares”), so this phrasing works much better for me. (Though it may not be the be-all, end-all of solutions for your own relationships. Every partner is completely different with different tastes, and everyone has different backgrounds. Make sure you tailor your gameplay to whomever you’re playing with – whether that’s sexy London escorts, a brand-new chat buddy you met a few minutes ago, or a long-term partner.)

Either way, take the inspiration of this femdom truth or dare game of femdom questions and femdom dares, and enjoy! Add your own inspiration, build off of the questions and dares that are already here, and have a great time!

Rules for Femdom Truth or Dare

Of course, before playing, you both should negotiate some pretty simple rules. These rules are just for your comfort – and the comfort of the person that you’re playing with. Take my femdom advice on these things:

  • Photos/Videos: Are photos or videos required? Are they just a pleasurable addition? Or if you’re looking for the highest level of privacy, are they entirely banned?
  • Hard limits. If you’re going to be getting into kinky things, what hard limits does each person have? Are there certain kinks someone doesn’t want to do? Your “hard limits” can also be temporary limits for today too. Maybe your butt is feeling a bit sore today, so anal play is off the table. It’s up to you!
  • Items on Hand. Especially if you plan to go into kinky things, sex toys, or bondage, having a general idea about what each participant has on hand will make the Dare crafting much easier. In fact, knowing what items someone has can be a great source of inspiration later on!
  • Location-based limitations. Does everything need to stay within a bedroom – or within a household? Is public play allowed but with restrictions?
  • Time-based limitations. Is a dare that requires a daily component every day for the next week allowed? Do you only have a single hour to play tonight? Are you only interested in playing until you orgasm in the next two hours?
  • What’s the “Out”? How many “skips” are allowed? Did you want to institute a “punishment” but allow unlimited skips? No matter how well-meaning you both are, there are probably going to be some XXX truths and XXX dares that get brought up that just won’t sound sexy – or might be straight-up anxiety-inducing.

While you can skip the “rule-setting” part of the XXX Truth or Dare Questions, I recommend that you don’t. From a “game” perspective, it’s not particularly fun to come up with a truth or dare – and have the other person have a bucket-load of excuses as to why that won’t work. Nobody likes having to rethink five Dares in a row. Head off that problem in the first place by negotiating and understanding the limitations of your femdom truth or dare game before you start.

Now Onto the XXX Truth or Dare Femdom Game

Here are your XXX Truth or Dare Questions Femdom Edition. Each Truth and Dare category is split out by Domme and Sub to make it extra easy for you. As playing in a Femdom relationship (where a power exchange is inherent) is a bit different than playing in the vanilla world, I’ve also phrased the questions in ways that might be respectful of the power exchange the two of you have. If you’d like to forego that, have at it.


XXX Truth Questions for Femdom

Do you prefer light and fun questions, sexual questions, or deep and intimate questions?
How do you tell when a man/woman/submissive is interested in you?
If it pleases you, will you tell me about your sexiest session with your favorite sex toy?
What names do you want to call me? How would you like me to address you?
What’s the most dominating thing you’ve done in public?
Ideally, how would you want to treat a sub while at the mall with them?
What initially drew you to wanting to be a Domme?
If you had a dick/vagina for a day, what would you do first?
Do you have a favorite sex toy you like a submissive to use on you? If so, how do you like it used on you?
What was the first time that you commanded someone to do something kinky?
Have you ever played a femdom game with other femdoms?
What are your top three favorite kinks? Would you like to experience any with me?
What’s the hottest thing a submissive could do for you?
What piece of kink furniture do you have the most scene fantasies about?
Do you ever wake up with cravings for femdom activities?
Have you ever worn a strap-on and/or done pegging? Is this something that interests you?
If you have done pegging, what’s the largest dildo you’ve ever strapped on?
What’s something you haven’t tried but really want to? (Is there anything I can do to help make that a reality?)
Have you ever controlled a remote-control sex toy for a submissive before?
What would your dream dungeon look like?
Have you ever dressed up for an online roleplay scene?
Have you ever had a “one night stand” in a kink sense? Played with someone and never talked to them again?
What’s your favorite “scene” you’ve ever done?
How do you show your dominance on an everyday basis? With or without a partner nearby?
Are you currently learning any new skills purely to improve yourself as a Dominant?
Have you ever (insert fetish activity here)? Did you enjoy it? What would you change if you did it again?
What do you think is the most humiliating way to use a ball gag on someone?
Have you trained under someone? If not, where did you learn most of your skills? Can I help find new resources for you to learn new things?
What’s better: wake-up sex or bedtime sex?
Have you ever done a kinky craft? What was it?
Do you have a routine for getting into a dominant headspace?
Have you ever needed to safe word? Are you comfortable explaining what the circumstances were that required it?
What movie sex scene would you want to recreate?
What do you think your most unique kink is?
What’s the most useful thing a submissive could learn to do for you?
Have you ever switched? Did you enjoy it?
What’s one “non sexual” thing that turns you on?
Have you ever been to a kinky play party or kinky social meet-up? How did it go?
If you’re interested in public play, what would your “dream” D/s date look like?
What’s a scene you’ve always dreamed of doing?
Do you have any favorite pegging positions?
What activities or prepwork puts you in the domme headspace?
What songs make you feel dominant?
What are your hard limits?
What is a kink you tried because you thought you’d like – but found out it wasn’t for you?

XXX Truth Questions for Submissives

Do you prefer light and fun questions, sexual questions, or deep and intimate questions?
What website do you masturbate to the most?
Do you keep a social media account specifically for sexual purposes? If so, what’s the link to it?
If you had a dick/vagina for a day, what would you do first?
If you don’t have internet, do you use other material to masturbate? If so, what?
What initially drew you to wanting to be a submissive?
If you wake up horny, what would your daily schedule look like?
Have you ever had a “one night stand” in a kink sense? Played with someone and never talked to them again?
What’s better: wake-up sex or bedtime sex?
What’s something you haven’t tried but really want to? (Is there anything I can do to help make that a reality?)
What’s the longest you’ve gone without an orgasm?
Do you fantasize about going even longer without an orgasm?
What’s something you came to on the internet that you were embarrassed about or deleted from your history after?
Have you tried a chastity device before? Does it appeal to you? Why or why not?
How did you get into orgasm denial/control?
If you were only allowed one orgasm a year, what activities would you want to happen around that single orgasm?
Have you ever been bound to a piece of kink furniture? If so, what was it?
Have you ever been in a cuckolding situation? Is it something that interests you?
Have you ever given a foot massage? Are you any good at it?
Have you ever done anal play? Is that something that interests you?
What bondage have you experienced before?
Have you ever (insert fetish activity here)? Did you enjoy it? What would you change if you did it again?
What are your top three favorite kinks? Would you like to experience any with me?
Tell me about the most elaborate online scene you’ve ever done.
Have you ever played with a remote-control sex toy and had it controlled by an online Domme before?
Have you ever slept in bondage?
Tell me about the first time you were under someone else’s direction for something kinky.
If you were going to pick a pet to become for pet play, what would it be, and why?
What’s the hottest thing you’ve done that involves your favorite fetish?
What movie sex scene would you want to recreate?
What’s a scene you’ve always dreamed of doing?
How do you show your submission on an everyday basis? With or without a partner nearby?
Are you currently learning any new skills purely to improve yourself as a submissive or potential submissive candidate?
(Penis-owner only) Have you ever tried to suck your own dick?
What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to you during a scene?
Have you ever needed to safe word? Are you comfortable explaining what the circumstances were that required it?
Are you interested in forced feminization? Do you own any clothing that’s designed for the opposite gender?
Are you multi-orgasmic? Do you think that helps or hinders your kink capabilities?
What do you think your most unique kink is?
What’s something that can get you into subspace – even when you’re by yourself?
Have you ever left home without your underwear – intentionally or unintentionally?
Have you ever been to a kinky play party or kinky social meet-up? How did it go?
If you’re interested in public play, what would your “dream” D/s date look like?
What is your favorite way to show your submission?
Have you ever eroticized a medical procedure? Which one?
What would be the most humiliating piece of kink gear to have used on you?
What would your ideal soundtrack be for a scene? What type of scene?
Tell me the top 5 things you’re hoping I’ll dare you to do tonight.


XXX Dares for Femdom

Can you please show me your favorite pair of heels?
Will you please recreate this powerful pose from a photo I found off the internet?
Ma’am, I would love to see your sexiest bra.
Goddess, I would appreciate it if you’d rate a picture of my penis.
Can you send me a picture of your favorite sex toy?
If it pleases you, could you use your favorite toy on yourself?
Will you put on your sexiest set of lingerie for me?
Are you lusting after any lingerie items right now? Will you send me a link to it?
If you want to be extra nice, could you describe what it looks like on you? (Or send a picture)
If you’d like to make my night, Queen, would you send me a picture of your strap-on harness?
My Queen, would you be willing to wear the harness for me right now?
Do you have a chastity key, Ma’am? Will you wear it during the entirety of our conversation?
It would make my night if you would send me a picture of that chastity key between on your breasts/on your foot/etc.
For the next week, will you send me a daily photo of your chastity key in a new place each time? I promise to treasure them.
Next time you need to shower, will you film a short striptease video for me, Ma’am?
Ma’am, I’m sure you know some of the best lingerie sites out there. Will you look around and send me links to panties you’d like to see me in?
I’d love to see what you look like when you go out clubbing for a Friday night. Can you send me a selfie of your outfit?
Ma’am, may this slave request that you provide a set of jerk off instructions for my next pleasure session? I’d like to think of you again, even after this conversation is over.
May I hear what your orgasm would sound like if I did a good job of pleasing you?
Do you have a favorite set of bondage items? If so, could I see a picture of them? I’d love to imagine being in them.
Ma’am, may I see your paddles/floggers/canes/impact play collection of items?
Ma’am, if I’ve been good enough, would you show me what it would look like if you were to stroke me? (photos/videos of a handjob on a suction cup dildo, cucumber, etc.)
Do you have any photos of you wielding one of those toys? I’d love to shower you in compliments over it.
Mistress, may I see what you look like in the bath?
Goddess, it would make my night to see you wearing your favorite shade of lipstick.

XXX Dares for Submissives

I dare you to send me a selfie of you wearing a collar.
Spend our conversation bound (with bondage area and implement of your choosing). (Use this multiple times to bind various parts of the body. You can start with ankles and move onto wrists.)
Write my name on your body. (You can choose the location of the writing).
Write a humiliating phrase on your body. (Choose the words and the location)
Lay out tomorrow’s outfit choices on the bed and take a picture. I will choose your outfit for tomorrow.
Perform this TikTok dance for me – while naked.
Go to [Domme’s choice of website; preferably lingerie/sexual], and look for an item you’d want to wear for me.
Kneel on the floor in your sexiest submissive outfit. Take a photo for me.
I want to see you clean the floor of a room while your ankles are bound.
(Now that the floor is clean) Dump a glass of liquid on the ground, and lick it up.
Show me the underwear that you’re wearing – right this second.
Pinch yourself at a spot. (You can choose the spot)
Use saran wrap to bind both of your legs together.
I expect your nipple clamps to stay on your nipples for the next 10 minutes. (Or select minutes you prefer)
Hump something embarrassing in the room. Better yet, I’ll choose what you hump. Send me a photo of your room.
Spank yourself 10 times (choose an impact play toy or just use the hand).
Spank yourself 10 times in the exact same spot.
Bring yourself right up to where you would orgasm and then stop.
Send me an audio clip of the sounds you make. To make it interesting, you’re going to touch yourself during those ten seconds.
You will close all other erotic material you’re viewing. You will only masturbate to what I give you permission to masturbate to.
Show me/tell me about the sex toys you own.
Use a dildo-like object (banana, dildo, cucumber) and slide it into your mouth at least X inches. Pretend you’re doing it while I watch.
Use a suction cup dildo to show me how good you are at pleasing a penis.
You’re expected to edge yourself 5 times before you’re allowed to message me again.
You are prohibited from any orgasms for the next week.
For the next week, you’re only allowed to orgasm while looking at a photo/video of me.
Tell me about an embarrassing time where you came/ejaculated before you or your partner wanted you to.
Gather the pervertibles you have around your house. I’ll decide if you’ll be doing something with them.
You have X minutes to get yourself to the edge of orgasm. No cumming, but you’re allowed to get close.
Touch yourself in front of the mirror for at least 30 seconds. I want you to see what I’d see.
Send me the last sexy picture you took on your cell phone before our current conversation.
Send me the link to the last pornographic thing that you came to.

(Does this femdom truth or dare lead to an online set-up for the two of you? You might find this list of online bdsm tasks inspiration helps you settle into a good D/s pattern.)

Updated: September 2024, July 2024, May 2024, April 2024, March 2024, February 2024, January 2024, November 2023, October 2023, September 2023, July 2023, May 2023, December 2022, September 2022, June 2022, May 2022, March 2022, January 2022.

Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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