Welcome to my Slubb review! Especially if you’ve never seen this interesting toy, you’re in for a ride. Let’s jump in!
What is the Slubb Sex Toy?
The Slubb masturbator takes the power of a 12V Oscillating Multitool power tool – and turns it into a vibrating experience for a penis shaft.
Yes, you read that right!

It’s probably one of the most interesting ways to repurpose a random household object since the Mojowijo remotes about a decade ago. (Those attached to a video game controller to take advantage of the vibrations for bedroom use).
The Slubb turns into a sex toy by attaching a thick rubber loop to the tip of the 12V Oscillating Multi Tool. This rubber loop is an adjustable loop; you can loosen or tighten the loop using the two attachment posts on the base of the attachment. The loop then wraps anywhere around the shaft. The Multitool can then be turned on, and the ridiculously powerful oscillations will be felt throughout the shaft.
Surprising no one but me, it turns out that a 12V Oscillating Multitool isn’t kidding around. These vibrations are, by far, the strongest vibrations out there made for penile use.
To be clear, though: the instructions on how to use the Slubb masturbator sex toy include further instructions about how to use that same device (with a different attachment head, of course!) for sanding. The Slubb sex toy is part genuine power tool, and you should understand that, be okay with that in your risk profile, and fully read the instruction manuals before use.

How Do I Use the Slubb Sex Toy?
If you get the full Slubb set, it will include the Slubb attachment, the 12V Oscillating Multitool, the battery, an instruction manual for the 12V Oscillating tool, a set of sample-sized lube, and the charger for the battery. It does not appear to include instructions specific to the Slubb sex toy.
Lucky for us, Slubb has them – nicely illustrated – on their website. So make sure to read through the 12V Oscillating Multitool instruction guide to start (to ensure you’re using the power tool correctly!) and then progress to reading the instructions for the Slubb attachment itself.

Essentially, though, the Slubb works exactly like any other attachment for the 12V Oscillating Multi Tool. Attach it like a standard multi tool attachment then secure the rubber strap at your desired tightness. It’s, honestly, a 10-second set-up. It’s impressively fast.

What Does the Slubb Sex Toy Feel Like?
It took a whole lot of discussion to get my partner to try the Slubb for this Slubb review in the first place. The only image he had in his head was of the garage projects he had completed with an Oscillating tool – and all of the safety warnings about losing fingers.
Which, okay, fair. It’s a power tool, and you should respect it as such.
That being said, once he did agree to try it, holyshit: this thing is essentially an instant orgasm in a nutshell. Even for someone terrified of losing his penis in the next 5 seconds, he came in about 30 seconds – even on the lowest setting.
It doesn’t fuck around. This is a sex toy that’s designed to stimulate your flesh – period. There’s no honeymoon period with the Slubb. There’s no warm-up with the Slubb. If you lube up the Slubb and use it, you should be at a point where you want to orgasm – and you don’t want to dilly-dally around it. This is not an edging or marathon session sex toy. This is a “gets shit DONE” type of sex toy.
He says it’s a bit hard to explain the exact stimulation of the Slubb, and he notes that it’s easiest to feel the sensations on the lowest setting. As things get turned higher and higher, the sensations go from “easy to describe” to “just plain intense”.
He likens it to when he places his penis very, very firmly onto our Motorbunny – only the movement is so much more compact and shakes the entire penis in a way that other vibrators can’t.
The best way he’s come up with to explain it is to say that it overwhelms the pleasure receptors. He notes that it seems to push him to orgasm – almost painfully sometimes – even if he isn’t aroused in the slightest. He likens it to a direct connection to the pleasure receptors of the penis that bypasses the brain entirely.
Just straight to the explosion.

We’ve found the Slubb to be a bit too intense for a lot of our play – but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We love to play around with edging and staying at the precipice of orgasm (there’s my premature ejaculation kink showing up). The Slubb doesn’t allow for that type of play; it’s simply too powerful. (There’s a sentence I never thought I’d say about a sex toy.)
Instead, the Slubb is the must-have toy that we reach for when the penis isn’t cooperating. After a stressful workday – or after a few too many beers – the Slubb sex toy does the job when all of our other methods aren’t working. It really is a foolproof orgasm.
It reminds me, a bit, of how I like to use the Domi 2. It’s too strong for everyday pleasure, but I’m really, really thankful I own it when I’m frustrated that my body won’t orgasm even though I desperately want to. That’s essentially how we use the Slubb sex toy too. It’s a toy that never goes into storage because we always want to know that it’s there – because it really does provide over-the-top, orgasmic sensations that we can’t find elsewhere.
Really. Honestly. It’s overwhelming how much power the Slubb has. We’ve never played with it above level 1.5, and it still leads to near-instant orgasms. Wow. Just wow.
(As a note, the Multi Tool offers 6 intensity levels. The instruction manual states (verbatim) “Do not use the Slubb masturbator at too high a speed and do not twist the rubber unit too much.” I do not have any idea what “too high” a speed is – or how much twisting is allowable. The manufacturer may want to consider being very specific – because more information is always better than less! For us, we haven’t touched the skin above a 3 in all of our Slubb review testing, and our play sessions have never gone above 1.5.)

Slubb Review: The Noise
A 12V Oscillating Multi Tool is just that: a power tool. There isn’t a lick of “discretion” when using the Slubb. It sounds like it belongs in the garage with your latest project.
This is just not a toy you can use with anyone else in the house. You can use it with apartment living (as your neighbors don’t have free reign to walk in), but I can’t promise your neighbors won’t assume you’re working on a home DIY project either.
The Slubb is loud enough to cover up the sounds of a movie or video you might be watching, so headphones may be in order if you’re someone who likes to enjoy their porn in a video format. It can still be heard over the headphones, but we’ve found that headphones provides enough coverage that you can hear your videos over the loud buzz of the Slubb.
It, still, does not compare to the noise of a Motorbunny. The Slubb will not shake your floors or be heard multiple conference rooms away. So while it’s definitely one of the loudest handheld toys out there, be reassured that it isn’t quite on that level!
(As a note, if you’ve heard a 12V Oscillating Multi Tool, you understand the exact noise the Slubb will make. The penis vibration attachment provides no movement or noise, so the only “noise” you’re getting is the sound of the Multi Tool itself.)

Slubb Sex Toy Compared to a Vibratex Magic Wand
Okay, so the Slubb is strong. Like, really strong. But how does it compare to the sex toy that’s constantly touted as the “strongest” sex toy available: the Vibratex Magic Wand? (I still think the Domi 2 unseats it, but that’s neither here or there.)
It really doesn’t matter whether I compare it to the Domi 2 or the Vibratex Magic Wand because it’s stronger than both of them – and not by a tiny margin.
If you leave the Slubb on setting 1, the higher settings on a Magic Wand can unseat it – same with the Domi 2.
But as soon as you start increasing the power on the Slubb, level 2.5 has unseated either vibrator entirely, and it only goes up from there.
Honestly, it’s freakishly and unbelievably strong – especially as the penis gets closer to the attachment point.
So if you liked the Magic Wand or Domi 2 – but thought your penis would want more, the Slubb pretty much delivers in all manners. The Motorbunny’s power is probably on-par with the Slubb – but the Slubb’s sensations are much more concentrated because of its smaller size.

Slubb Review: How Does It Handle?
Aside from the fact that you’re playing with a power tool (and you should respect it as such), the other largest downside of the Slubb is simply the size. At its full length, it’s longer than Vibratex Magic Wand – and it feels heavier because of how the weight is dispersed throughout the handle. It isn’t a lightweight toy, and most images of an Oscillating Multi Tool in a garage show the person two-handing it.
The Slubb also needs to be held the entire time you use it. Unlike some other penis toys, you won’t be able to lay down and let it do its job hands-free. For safety – and to get the best sensations – you really need to hold the Slubb in place where you want it to do its job. Depending on your position, you may need to support the Slubb’s weight (if your penis is pointing away from the body) with your arms.

My at-home kitchen scale puts the Slubb at 1.76 pounds with the attachment on. That’s a whole lot of heft. That makes it heavier than the Vibratex Magic Wands by about a half a pound – and people say those can be uncomfortably heavy to handle.
Now if you have a power tool fetish or are turned on by different roleplays that might happen in a garage, the obvious power tool design – and the heft of handling the toy – are easily a turn-on instead of a turn off. Honestly, there’s a whole mix of terror – and turn-on – that goes into things when you see your partner approaching your penis with a power tool, and you can really use that to your advantage – regardless of heft.
Just make sure you’re able and comfortable with holding a large, weighty object up against your penis if you’re curious about the Slubb.
On the bright side, with how fast the Slubb “works”, you won’t really need to hold it for long.

Slubb Review: Final Thoughts
Slubb Review
If you’re in the market for a penis sex toy that gets you straight to orgasm with no questions asked, that’s the Slubb in a nutshell. You need to have decent arm strength and be comfortable with (or turned on by!) power tools and their associated loud noises, but if you can manage those two things, the Slubb is probably the fastest way we’ve ever found to get a penis straight to orgasm.
It doesn’t do warm-up or foreplay. It goes straight from point A to point B with penis-shaking sensations that are honestly a bit hard to believe – and sometimes, that’s really all you want.
You’ll never look at a 12V Oscillating Multi Tool in your garage the same way again.
Thanks for reading my Slubb review!