Turn your “standard” vasectomy into a femdom vasectomy! For whatever reason, quite a few penis-owners choose to have a vasectomy, and their own reasons for that are just as varied as the people themselves.
And with so much ego and self-esteem wrapped up in this part of very-personal anatomy, a vasectomy can be filled with all sorts of neat, interesting feelings to play with – especially within the context of a femdom dynamic. There are built-in periods of (necessary, by terms of the procedure) denial and periods of necessary (by terms of the procedure) ejaculation. And when it’s all said and done, a part of ejaculate that used to be there should no longer be there anymore.
So, if you (or your partner) is having a vasectomy, let’s talk about how to make it a femdom vasectomy – and get a bit of kink involved in this “once-in-a-lifetime” medical procedure that happens to focus on a part of the anatomy that both of you probably play with regularly.
The Big Caution with your Femdom Vasectomy
A vasectomy is a very-serious (okay, serious enough) medical procedure. It’s a part of your healthcare. With that in mind, while it’s okay to fetishize and spend time eroticizing your vasectomy, ensure you’re going into the procedure with full consent (unaroused consent to a boring medical procedure) and full attention to the medical instructions of the procedure.
While it’s all well and good to play with the idea of a femdom vasectomy in the privacy of your own home, the actual undertaking of a semi-irreversible medical procedure should not be taken lightly. Ensure you’re doing this with a clear head for the potential side effects and long-term consequences of your decision.
Since this is a medical procedure, you’re also going to come across non-kinky people just doing their everyday jobs while getting this done. It is VITAL that you do not expose them to your kinks – or take any aspect of your power exchange in medical facilities. While light teasing is probably acceptable, any sign of coercion or arousal in the presence of medical staff is not only rude, but it’s possible grounds for the cancellation of your procedure.
Be smart and don’t involve unsuspecting people in your kinks.
Why Is Someone Turned on by a Femdom Vasectomy?
I’m not the judge, jury, and executioner of what turns people on, but mixed with personal experience and some good guesstimation, I’ll do my best:
Lack of Fertility: Some people equate penis-owner fertility with masculinity and dominance. So, if that’s part of your arousal profile, taking away that functionality can be a reinforcement of the “lesser-than”, submissive status. For some, the roleplay about the lack of fertility can be a part of their current arousal profile, but having the surgery done can make it really “real”. (“I can never be an alpha because having sex with me is useless.”)
Some people also find the freedom of shooting blanks to be, well, freeing. Without a worry about pregnancy, on a practical level, this can free up a lot of worrying and safer sex barriers for monogamous couples.
Service to a Femdom: If you put the two aforementioned points together, some penis-owning submissives can view getting a vasectomy as part of their service to their femdom – especially if the femdom is the driving factor behind wanting it done. As this is a very private part of the anatomy, and you’re asking to “strip it” of some of its functionality, this can be viewed as a very deep and personal gift to give to a partner.
It’s Permanent: It can be easy to think of a vasectomy like a tattoo: it’s a permanent body modification. Especially for submissives who aren’t into tattoos or other body modifications, this medical procedure can have a lot of the same permanence and ownership mentality – but without any sort of outward presence that others can see. (Vasectomies may be reversible, but as most medical professionals will tell you, you should undertake the procedure as if it’s permanent because reversing it is not guaranteed.)
It’s a Big Deal: Yes, accepting someone’s collar is a big deal, but going through the time, money, expense, recovery, and the medical procedure of a vasectomy can feel even more momentous. This isn’t something to be undertaken lightly and should be considered permanent, and because of that, it can add to the arousal factor when it’s happening.
It’s a Mark of Ownership: A bit different – but also similar – to some of the other points here, a femdom vasectomy can feel a bit like a mark of ownership from a femdom point-of-view. Similar to how I enjoy premature ejaculation, I think it’s hot to think about my submissive making a permanent body modification – for me – that may make him less valuable to another femdom in the future. Sorta like “ruining him” for anyone else while simultaneously perfecting him for my own use.
Surgery on a Very-Private Part: It’s surgery – on a penis. Like a lot of other penis-focused activities, the constant focus and discussion on the penis can be arousing. Probably not hot enough for someone to seek out a femdom vasectomy all on its own, but it can be a hot addition to some of these other points.
How Does a Vasectomy Work?
Step one in eroticizing the process into a femdom vasectomy process is understanding how, exactly, the process of your vasectomy is likely to work. I can’t give you the exact step-by-step for your own procedure, but I can give you the general, generic steps that’ll happen for getting a vasectomy done.
Schedule the Consultation: Before a health professional is able to agree to perform a vasectomy, they need to see the patient. This will require scheduling an in-person visit to chat and determine whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure.
Attend the Consultation Appointment: This consultation is a really basic surgery consultation; it will include a discussion of the procedure, discussion of the risks, reinforcement of the permanency of this procedure, and a discussion of your medical history. Depending on previous testicular or erectile injuries, this may include a physical examination or other investigative procedures to ensure a vasectomy is possible and safe on the person. This is also the patient’s chance to ask questions of the doctor – like their previous experience or any other questions. Most locations, outside of COVID restrictions, will allow a partner to attend the consultation.
Schedule the Surgery: If the patient and the doctor are on the same page (hell yes, let’s get that femdom vasectomy!), a surgery date will be scheduled. Depending on what comfort methods are used (anesthesia and beyond), you may need a driver to take you home. The “standard” pain reduction methods for the procedure do allow for the patient to drive themselves home.
Go Through Surgery: Pop into the office, lay on a table, try to enjoy an awkward conversation with the surgeon while they’re doing their thing, and hop off the table about 15 minutes later. There are lots of vasectomy posts out there to describe the receiver’s experience, so I’ll leave you to do a web search if you’re curious. From the femdom vasectomy point of things, I can tell you that I had brought a book to read while he received the procedure and didn’t even get to finish one chapter before he was done.
Drive Home: At least on our end, the bumps and wiggles of the road were very painful for him immediately after surgery. Try to minimize driving afterward.
1-2 Weeks of Healing: In our experience, the first three days were the worst – and he had no interest in anything that would move the testicles because it would result in immense pain. A week after surgery, he was heading out to a friend’s party with no issue but still didn’t have interest in anything that touched the penis. Medical advice states it’s safe to enjoy masturbation and play once the wound is healed and the pain and swelling go away. For us, that was shy over two weeks – but our doctor said it was fine after a week if he was feeling it. (There are risks to masturbation and play directly after a vasectomy, so really, err on the side of caution.)
“Enjoy” 15 Ejaculations: Your medical professional will request that the patient goes through a specific number of ejaculations. This is to “flush out” what’s there and try to ensure the later sperm count test is as accurate as possible. Now, enjoying those 15 ejaculations is not a required part of the medical procedure.
Go In for a Sperm Count Test: The submissive will need to head into a clinic and provide a sperm sample. Exactly how this will play out will depend on your local set up. Some clinics will require a sample in a private room in their practice, but quite a few clinics are moving towards private, at-home collection with the patient bringing in the sample as soon as it’s collected (within the hour, for most).
Your Doctor Will Reach Out: For about 96% of people, you’ll be told that your vasectomy is good – and you’re ready to play without future worries of sperm! If that isn’t the case, your doctor will discuss the next steps with you.
Now that you know what to expect from your femdom vasectomy, it gives you a lot of wiggle room to have some fun with all of it. Let’s go through different ways you can eroticize the procedure including before and after.
Femdom Vasectomy: Before the Procedure
Here are some ideas to inspire your kink play before the vasectomy:
Taste Test: Does the submissive’s ejaculate taste differently after a vasectomy? Well, there’s no reason for you to need to taste it; hype up the fact that they’ll be doing a lot of cum eating before the procedure – and after – to see how different things taste.
Turn the Pubic Hair Removal into a Scene: The femdom vasectomy recipient’s pubic hair will need to be closely trimmed – or removed – depending on the doctor’s orders. This can be a fantastic time for an entire hair removal scene. Will the femdom bathe, pamper, and clean the submissive before removing all the hair on their body? Will the submissive be expected to do daily shaving with daily inspections all the way up until the appointment? Will the femdom pluck 20 different pubic hairs every day until the appointment? (Careful with the inflammation and/or potential for infection; keep this away from the testicles.)
Go “Femdom Vasectomy” Panty Shopping: Doctor’s orders will include wearing snug, supportive underwear after the procedure. Depending on what the submissive currently wears, this may involve buying multiple pairs of new underwear. You can turn this into a fun findom shopping experience (“I want you fixed, and you’ll pay for the supplies too!”) – or you can simply use the excuse to go shopping while the submissive wears a butt plug. Male lingerie may not offer the roomy pouch your submissive will want after the surgery (especially with inflammation), so buyer beware there. The pair of underwear worn to the appointment may get blood-stained, so just like a pair of period panties (play with that idea if you want), you should consider making the Day 1 undies black or disposable.
Require Use of Condoms: Depending on what your safer sex procedures look like, you may not use condoms. If you want to change up the sensations and allow the penis-owner to go condom-free after the procedure, you might consider adding in condoms ahead of time to really make the sensation change obvious.
Consider a Countdown: As the surgery date looms in the distance, consider some sort of “countdown” activity. Do they have to cum every day until the procedure? Are they expected to do some sort high heels training or anal training? Extra-tough workouts? I would avoid an orgasm denial challenge to avoid inflammation of the area, but there are lots of other options you could consider.
Ask About Attending the Procedure: Would it be fun for the femdom to be allowed to be in the room during the procedure – for whatever reason? Make sure to ask if this is possible during the initial consultation. Due to COVID protocols, it was a no-go for us, but some places may allow this.
Femdom Vasectomy: During the Procedure
Keep kinky play away from the procedure itself. I know, it can be tempting. But between the expected pain after the appointment, the need to keep distractions to medical staff to a minimum, and keeping non-consenting people out of your play, there just really isn’t much room for play during the femdom vasectomy itself. Honestly, the procedure is so fast that you’d have a hard time planning much with it anyway.
If you really, really want to inject some sort of ownership or power exchange into the procedure, consider hyping up a pair of “vasectomy underwear” that they’re expected to wear to their femdom vasectomy. Be aware that this pair will likely get very blood-stained; the after-surgery gauze isn’t likely to prevent all of the blood from making it to the underwear. (This pair of underwear should be snug and supportive)
(I know this sounds like it could be a fun fit for requiring a menstrual pad on their underwear after the surgery, but try to avoid that temptation. It will be an absolute world of pain – and potentially set back healing – if the pad’s adhesive accidentally ends up on the submissive’s skin.)
You also could require them to wear a bracelet, necklace, or public-appropriate collar/mark of ownership to the appointment.
Expect them to be in a decent chunk of pain – with very little energy to move or play – after the appointment.
Femdom Vasectomy: After the Procedure
(Caveat: Your submissive’s penis and testicles may not feel fantastic after the procedure. Depending on how roughly this impacts the rest of their body, they may not feel great and up to play for the first day or two after the procedure. My partner said it felt like a rough hangover for a day or two. After that first day or two, they felt less full-body pain, but any erections or movements of the shaft and testicles were extremely painful for the next three weeks. So, keep that in mind when planning for your femdom vasectomy play. Even if their penis isn’t directly involved in the pleasure, if something hot is going on, it may cause an erection – which may be painful and scene-breaking depending on how they’re feeling.)
Focus on the Femdom’s Pleasure: The penis is going to be out of commission for a bit after the procedure – but there’s no reason that your pleasure needs to go on the backburner. Ensure your sub knows their place by continuing sexual activities – only they don’t get any stimulation from them. They can hold your favorite sex toys, provide oral sex, use their hands, and more. You get to keep having orgasms – because you aren’t under doctor’s orders here!
Swap to Anal Stimulation: Does your submissive enjoy anal play? While the penis may be out of commission for a week or two after the procedure, the butt won’t necessarily be – and this can be a fun time to play with prostate “milking” – or simply just to add anal play. They might be too sore for pegging, but sliding in a butt plug – or gentle use of a dildo from the hands – could be a perfect fit.
Ruined Orgasms: The medical procedure requires that 15 ejaculations occur before testing the sperm count – but it certainly doesn’t require that the receiver of those orgasms enjoys them. Considering throwing in some ruined orgasms to make sure your submissive still knows their place within the dynamic despite the change in their fertility. I was particularly fond of making their first orgasm after the femdom vasectomy a ruined one; it’s a “first” that will forever be marked by the fact that I ruined it, and I love that idea. (You probably should go beyond the standard 15 ejaculations before the fertility test if you end up ruining a large portion of them though. You still want the final test to be accurate.)
Make a Humiliating Chart: Similar to a potty chart or “chore” chart, you can make a fun, humiliating chart to track your submissive’s orgasms after their femdom vasectomy. Not only does this ensure you both stay in-line with medical requirements, but you can make this as embarrassing, thorough, or silly as you want.
Use it for Humiliation: Some humiliation tropes lend themselves really well to a femdom vasectomy. Things like:
- Cuckolding: “No point in having sex with you anymore. Your dick is useless – which is why I need a different one.”
- Chastity: “There’s really no point in ever letting it out to cum again. We no longer have to pretend that your dick even matters.”
- Small Penis Humiliation: “Good thing it’s fixed. Nobody would want to chance getting pregnant after such an unfulfilling experience with you.”
- Group Sex: “Oh yay! Now we can really loan you out to my friends without having to worry about your dicklet getting someone pregnant! You’re going to be the best dildo they’ve ever had!”
- Beta Play/Sissification: “You aren’t really a real man anymore. Your dick is basically just for decoration and dress-up.”
- Premature Ejaculation: “Good thing we got that taken care of! I’m tired of dealing with your little “accidents”. Now we don’t have to think twice about your inability to please me!”
- Pony Play/Pet Play: “Oooooh! My little puppy is getting fixed! Now maybe he’ll stop trying to hump everything in sight!”
Enjoy a Medical Fetish Scene for the 15th Ejaculation: For our 15th ejaculation, I planned an elaborate medfet scene in the privacy of our own space where my submissive was there to provide his “sample” – all at the hands of the very nice nurse dressed in latex. You can get specimen cups from a medical supplies store – or even Amazon. Craft a medical history form – and feel free to add humiliating admissions to it too. Get creative with costumes if you want. Add bondage, other kinks, or anything else you have in mind. The 15th ejaculation can be a fantastic excuse to bring some medical fetish play into things if that’s your jam.
Curate Porn for the “Sample”: Whether your submissive is giving their femdom vasectomy sample at home or at the doctor’s office, they’ll probably use porn to get there. Feel free to curate a specific selection of porn for them to look at. This could look like providing a full set of porn that focuses on a specific kink, creating a playlist on top tube porn sites, or it might even be a folder of sexy selfies from only you. For your entertainment, this might even look like prohibiting the use of any porn or erotic imagery at all! Just remember: this procedure is to determine whether the femdom vasectomy is was successful, so don’t mess around with the sterilization/cleanliness of the collection.