Automated thrusting stroker function GIF for the KIIROO KEON Review

Helloooooo automated penis pleasure. Let’s dive into a KIIROO KEON review.

I feel like the world of sex toys has slowly been inching towards the idea of automated penis stroking – because I feel like it’s been a big desire from penis owners for a long time now. In fact, I’d say that a lot of the innovations in penis sex toys (like penis vibrators or the Arcwave Ion even) have purely been because penis owners are really looking for a way to enjoy effort-free orgasms where all the work is done “for” them – similar to how a lot of sex toys have operated for vagina-owning people for a long time now.

But I think the KIIROO KEON is one of the first options that is genuinely a win for effortless penis orgasms. As someone who has tried a whole lot of different penis toy options (some go well, some don’t go as well), we’ve been looking a lot for that “holy grail” of effortless sex toys too. We’ve settled (often) for hands-free sex toy pleasure (like the Exo sex toy or the Hot Octopuss Pulse Solo Lux), but the idea of something that could do all the stroking for us has always been a huge fantasy.

We both have a bit of a sex machine kink – probably each for different reasons. I find the idea of laying back and watching him get pleasured amazing; it’s essentially turning my partner into my own personal porn – and interactive porn at that. Instead of pleasure where I need to be within hand’s distance to my partner to cause the pleasure, I can literally sit back, enjoy the show, enjoy myself, not feel lazy/bad about it, and get to see my partner in a new lot. It’s hot as hell.

For him, I think he likes a couple things. For one, adding sex machines tends to make it easier to use hands elsewhere – which means you can quickly up the “intensity” of everything until it gets to a point that’s almost overwhelming. I think he enjoys that “pleasure everywhere at once” feeling.

For another, I think he just straight up as a bit of a sex machine fetish. He likes automated pleasure, and I think it can really tie into his kink for bondage, helplessness, and a bit of a medfet. Sex machines can feel so clinical – and perfect for a tied-down patient who needs their “treatment”.

Anyway, I’m getting off topic here.

So, while the KIIROO KEON doesn’t tick all of those boxes (mostly, the only thing it isn’t ticking is the ability for hands-free use….yet. we’re kicking around some hands-free methods), it ticks a whole lot of those boxes – to the point that I was already feeling pretty freakin’ excited and positive about the KIIROO KEON before it even made it in the door. All it had to do was live up to its basic marketing, and we were going to be golden. (Despite that low bar, you’d be surprised how often sex toys don’t quite make it there. That’s a good chunk of why I started Kinky World sex toy reviews in the first place.)

But the KIIROO KEON delivered – really well – in lots of ways. There are a few shortcomings – some easily addressed by KIIROO and some not – but we genuinely love the KEON, and it’s going to continue to be a staple of our sex life for a long, long time to come.


KIIROO KEON Review: What We Love

There’s a whole lot to love about the KIIROO KEON – honestly. But here are the top reasons in my penis sex machine review that I’ve really fallen in love with this stroker.

What does the inside of the KIIROO KEON look like? for the KIIROO KEON review

Orgasmic Sensations

The KIIROO KEON is ultra-orgasmic. Since he has the penis, pretty much all of this information is direct from him. I can tell you that he’ll orgasm within 10 to 15 seconds if we even slide the KEON past the 50% speed point on the app – so it’s really effective when you want it to be.

But direct from the sub’s mouth, here’s his checklist: (nobody said partners of writers are writers themselves)

  • Feels really good
  • Really envelops the head really nicely and feels really snug around the entire thing
  • Sleeve seems snug by default, so you can really feel it expanding as you drill into it
  • By default, has good suction with the stroker cap closed
  • Easily compares to and is just as good as our Fleshlights including the STU
  • Suction can be so intense that I have to wait until flaccid after use to comfortably pull out
Long distance KIIROO KEON control image shows the app KIIROO KEON touch controls for the KIIROO KEON Review

Full Manual Control (!!!!) Via the App

This is, by far, my favorite aspect of the KEON. I’m sure my sub likes it more for the orgasmic pleasure, but I love the app-controlled design. While we’ve mostly ignored the Interactive VR functionality of it (more on that below), the app also offers touch-and-drag control over the KEON when it’s connected. So you tap some buttons on your cell phone screen – and the KEON responds.

There were a lot of opportunities for this to go wrong. It could have connection issues, it could respond too slowly, it could only listen sometimes, etc.

But instead, it really works flawlessly – to the point that, if I make a change on the app, I know that it’s going to change the next stroke that the KEON does – without fail. It’s reliable enough that I can (and have) edged him – and ruined an orgasm with the KEON. If you’ve ever tried to do a really complete ruined orgasm scene, you know exactly how razor-thin that ruined orgasm line is – milliseconds, really. The KIIROO KEON can manage it.

My sub and I are both a bit of sex machine and automated sex fetishists, and the KIIROO KEON fits in perfectly. It also tends to fit in really well to our small penis humiliation and cuckolding play – though it doesn’t have to do so for you!

The app ensures I can lay back, fiddle around with controls on my phone, and watch my partner get off without even needing to be within arm’s distance of him. It can really add a serious power dynamic all on its own – but if you want to use that extra control to use your hands to pleasure other parts of his body (or your own!), that’s another benefit of the KEON too!

If you’ve ever tried to do a really complete ruined orgasm scene, you know exactly how razor-thin that ruined orgasm line is – milliseconds, really. The KIIROO KEON can manage it.

Explore the KIIROO KEON App Video

Curious what the KIIROO KEON App is like? I crafted an entire video exploring just that very thing. See the various functionalities of the app as well as how the manual control (which I adore!) functions.

KEON and RealFeel Stroker Are Separate

We really like that the KEON (the electronic part) and the RealFeel Stroker (the penis stroker itself) are separate entities. Essentially, this means you get much-easier cleaning – but it also means that you can replace the RealFeel Stroker without needing to rebuy the entire KEON unit.

This means you can switch out sensations by a much-cheaper purchase – and essentially make your own masturbation salon full of different sensations. KIIROO has just started releasing porn-star-branded RealFeel Strokers, so if you’re someone who really likes getting immersed into your favorite video by having a sleeve that matches the star, you’re going to be good to go.

KIIROO KEON compared to Tenga Spinner for KIIROO KEON Review
Left to Right: KIIROO KEON (electronics only), RealFeel Stroker (comes with some KEONs), and for size comparison, the Tenga Spinner

KIIROO KEON Review Problems

The problems with the KEON are few, but they exist. Mostly, I’d love to see an improvement to the hand-holding design – and more variety in the available VR sync options.

Hand-Holding the KEON isn’t Effortless

The KIIROO KEON isn’t light. At all. It’s 4.5 pounds, and it’s probably the heaviest sex toy you’ve ever had on your penis. That being said, since the penis sex machine does all of the “thrusting” itself, all you have to do is hold it in place. But while the KEON does all of this thrusting, it builds up a lot of momentum – which can make it feel a bit like a wild bronco sometimes.

This means you really kinda want as much “help” holding it as possible. The KIIROO KEON has two little outdents on it (opposite of indent. Google apparently agrees that this is a word?). These outdents are very slim, and while they provide a natural resting point for the top of the hand that doesn’t hurt the hand, it doesn’t do much to actively “support” much of the weight on top of the hand. That is, while using it, he finds that the majority of the ability to keep the sex machine for penis in place comes from a tight grip with his hands and wrist.

That isn’t necessarily the “worst” thing out there, but when a toy is designed to allow you to relax into it and and enjoy effortless sensations, having to focus on your forearm strength and finger grip isn’t really fitting into that.

Other competitors (namely, the Fleshlight Launch which is pretty much the ONLY other competitor for this on the market) might go a bit overboard with an entire handlebar-with-handles system. But I feel like the KIIROO KEON went a bit underboard too.

I think more of an outdent – possibly padded with silicone with a slight curvature to match the curve of a sideways, gripped hand – would have drastically improved how much the of the weight of the KEON could rest on the hands – and made it possible to just use the hands themselves for direction and upright capability.

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2022: KIIROO has regularly been releasing various, new supportive items to help making holding the KEON easier. They have sex furniture that holds it in place, a neck support strap, and a hand support strap. I’m guessing they’ll continue to expand the line with new options as long as the KEON continues to sell well.

God-Damn, the Interactive VR Porn Needs Variety.

One of the biggest selling points (for us) was the interactive VR porn. How fucking hot is it to have your sex toy perfectly synchronized up with your favorite porn action? That’s awesome, and that’s the type of future porn (and sex toys!) could really use.

In practice, the reality was a (huge) letdown.

For one, I had a heck of a time figuring out what websites offered this functionality. I had (honestly) expected a master-list to come with the KEON – or be available somewhere. Maybe one is. But I still haven’t found it if that’s the case. The only thing I could find was the official website for the FeelConnect app (the KIIROO app). The FeelMe website seems to be the only website I can find that is explicitly designed to work with the KIIRON KEON (interactive-wise), but it wasn’t mentioned in the instructions.

If the video selection had been slim but varied, that would have been workable. Instead, it’s very much a selection of the most “mainstream” porn you can think of – like videos like “Precious little cheerleadering teen” and “My boss destroyed my tight little asshole” or “Fuck this cute schoolgirl in her tight ass”. Hundreds of videos like this.

Literally nothing that I can find interests me in the slightest. I can’t find any non-white actresses, any advertised transgender actresses, any plus-sized people, or any kink at all. Nothing looks feminist-directed or story-focused or focused on the woman’s pleasure. It’s just really a poor fit for us in that regard – but I’m holding out hope that this type of interactive design might make it into some of the smaller, niche porn sites soon. I don’t think we’ll likely see it on OnlyFans-amateur stuff, but it’s possible to see it on some of the smaller niche sites.

With a couple more hours down the rabbit hole of searching (seriously, why is this so hard?!), I found this webpage – which lists more interactive options that I had previously found. It has some trans-performer options as well as gay options and even women’s POV interactive porn, so it’s definitely a little more inclusive than I originally thought. Still haven’t found fuck-all for kink stuff or larger bodies, but at least it’s a little bit more varied than my first excursions out.

KIIROO KEON App images show the VR Video scan capabilities for KIIROO KEON Review
Here’s all the guidance you get with what videos are available. It launches directly into a QR Code reader.

Shopping for a Penis Stroker

If you’re looking for a penis stroker, that might be how you ended up here – looking for info on the KIIROO KEON.

While you’re here (and shopping for a stroker), I’d really encourage you to think about some important aspects of penis stroker ownership:

  • What does it feel like? A big aspect of any penis stroker is just going to be the sensations themselves. Do you need to sensation on your head? Do you need the sleeve to go your entire length? Do you like specific textures over others (like beaded over ribbed)? Keep that all in mind when shopping for a penis stroker.
  • Do you need to squeeze it? Especially if your penis might be on the smaller side, plastic-case penis strokers like the KEON can feel a bit gentler on your anatomy. Keep in mind what your penis size is – and if a super-tight squeeze is important to you, penis strokers surrounded by a plastic case (like the KEON), might not be a good fit for you.
  • How does it clean? You gotta clean your penis stroker up when you’re done (unless you buy a disposable one like the Tenga Egg, but y’know what I mean). That means you gotta pay attention to what it takes to clean it. How do you clean it? Can it be flipped inside out? (Not the KEON!) Do you have the patience to slide your fingers through both sides, running water through the center, to ensure it’s clean when you’re done? Make sure your new penis stroker is something you are comfortable with caring for.
  • How long does it take to dry? This is a big one. Big, full-sized Fleshlights and the KEON can take a bit to dry – because they’re just big toys in general with long sleeves (and a lot of hidden interior space). Are you able to leave it out the required few days to ensure it dries safely? Because if you don’t, you’re going to get a moldy sex toy – and seriously, that sucks.

KIIROO KEON Review: Video Version

Are you someone who prefers the visuals? Or do you just want to listen to the noises of the (somewhat soothing) masturbation sleeve? (Seriously, it’s so rhythmic I could probably fall asleep to it.)

If you want to see the KIIROO KEON in action, I got you covered. This KIIROO KEON video review lets you see the penis sex machine in action – with my ultra-very-important voice telling you about all of the things you really should know about it.

(Also, YouTube’s censorship on anything remotely adult drives me nuts. I should be able to talk about jerking off a penis in an educational video. Gah.)

KIIROO KEON Review: Final Thoughts

We love the hell out of our KIIROO KEON. It has a few downsides, but they’re minor compared to the serious amount of pleasure and femdom interaction that this sex machine stroker can provide. It’s super-orgasmic, it’s easy to control, it’s easy to clean, and the app control is extremely reliable.

If you’re someone who loves details, my other KIIROO KEON review has a buttload more information on it. 

RealFeel Stroker and KIIROO KEON itself next to other items it comes with for the KIIROO KEON Review

Thanks for reading my KIIROO KEON review!

Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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