Sohimi Simon Review: A Petite Sex Doll with Balls

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. The tip of a pink vibrator is pressed up against the entrance of the Sohimi Simon. This showcases the size of the Sohimi (noticeably larger than the vibrator but not life-size). My hand rests on the buttcheek to further provide a reference point for sizing. My hand takes up virtually the entire buttcheek.

Different from the standard vulva-focused sex dolls, I was excited to write a Sohimi Simon review on this sex doll with testicles. While most sex dolls like this feature a dildo on the opposing side, the Sohimi Simon purely features the anal entrance and tunnel – with a textured pair of testicles resting underneath (for the visual).

The Sohimi Simon is NOT open-ended. It only has a single chamber entrance through the bumhole. There are no other tunnels.

The internal anal tunnel has been 3D printed, and it features a lot of circular nodules in addition to constant diameter changes with built-in ridges for different sensations of tightness.

And while I assumed this sex doll would be a bit a smaller than average, I was actually pretty surprised when it ended up at my door! The initial disappointment has actually grown to appreciation; this petite sex doll size actually makes it so much easier to enjoy.

With that in mind, make sure to pay attention to the measurements, first and foremost! Some of the marketing pictures can be a bit misleading. The Simon Sohimi has a hip width of 10.83″, a height of 4.33″ when laying on the ground, and a length of 7.87″ from torso to bottom-of-thigh. It weighs a little under 6 pounds.

Sohimi claims the Sohimi Simon is made from silicone, but I can’t imagine there is any universe where this is a pure silicone material. I’d guesstimate it’s a TPR material between the off-gassing we’ve experienced, the super-squishiness of it, the peeling of the outermost layer, and the jigglyness of it.

Let’s get into my Sohimi Simon review:

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. The tip of a pink vibrator is pressed up against the entrance of the Sohimi Simon. This showcases the size of the Sohimi (noticeably larger than the vibrator but not life-size).

How Big is Sohimi Simon?

I think the Sohimi Simon sex doll hits that magic sweet spot between “not a stroker” and “not a sex doll”.

It isn’t so large in size that you’re ever going to mistake it for a real-life partner.

But it’s large enough that it feels formidable and well beyond the standard “stroker” sizes when its in your hands. It’s wide enough that it provides squishy push-back and some slapping noises when you lay it on a flat surface to fuck.

It’s kinda the best of both worlds. I love some of the other sex dolls we own, but the real-life, full-size sex dolls come with a few downsides. Namely: they’re really difficult to move around, cleaning can be a serious pain, and they cost a lot.

The Sohimi Simon negates a lot of those downsides. It’s small enough to be cleaned in your kitchen sink, it’s not easy to grip for handheld use but it can be done, and it’s about 1/6th the cost of a standard, full-sized sex doll.

Image for How to Do Anal Rimming Safely. A miniature sex doll is laying on top of a wooden countertop. A dental dam is laying out over the anal area of the sex doll. Two bottles of Wicked Jelle anal lubricant are propped up in the background.

Shown above, a dental dam placed overtop of the anal entrance of the Sohimi Simon.

With that in mind, I highly, highly recommend physically measuring out the measurements of the Sohimi Simon sex doll. It can be tempting to rely on photos, but really, measure it out so you have a good idea of how large this mini gay sex doll will be. It’s about 11″ in width – and a little over 4″ tall when laid on a flat surface. It’s only about 6 pounds (compared to the 50+ pound weight of my full-size sex dolls).

When sitting on the lap of my super-slender (pant size 29 in men’s) partner, it’s slightly smaller in width than his lap – but not by much.

If you’re someone with a larger frame, you may find the Sohimi Simon to be too small to fully rest your weight on top of it during a Missionary position. With my super-slender partner, that hasn’t been a problem, but this may be something you want to consider if that’s your sex position of choice. Adding sex furniture or pillows to either side of the Sohimi Simon during that position may help provide additional support to lean into it while using it.

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. Top-down view of the Simon. The very large, bubble-like cheeks are easy to see at this angle. The butthole is also viewable - even while the sex doll is at rest. The cheeks don't need to be spread apart in order to "enter" the doll.

Sohimi Simon Review: Realistic Sensations?

Everything about the Sohimi Simon is super squishy. I’d actually guesstimate that it’s all made out of the same material density. This can be a great thing – or a downside – depending on what you’re going for.

On one hand, this means that everything about the Simon sex doll is going to super squishy, squeezable, and jiggly. If you squeeze the butt, it feels fantastic. The thighs too. The testicles are even really squeezable (no firmer, interior balls located inside the sack.) If you smack the ass, it jiggles with the impact.

On the opposing side, as the Sohimi Simon sex doll feels like it’s all made out of the same, super squishy material, this also means that it’s a bit unwieldy to be flinging all over the place. There’s no firm interior material that helps it sustain its shape. That means that it can easily fold into itself while you’re trying to carry it or use it in various positions.

Really, like most sex dolls, the Sohimi Simon gay sex doll will perform best when laid out on a flat surface for hands-free fucking. This makes the jiggly, squishy material completely irrelevant and lets you enjoy everything squishy about the torso gay sex doll.

That being said, as the Sohimi Simon is only 6 pounds and relatively small in size (compared to a sex doll), it is one of the few sex dolls on the market we’ve found that can be handheld if you’re feeling particularly motivated.

You can sit down and attempt to move the Simon up and down the shaft; just be aware that it isn’t a simple, fluid motion. The squishiness of the material can make that an exercise in patience – and the 6 pound heft can actually get decent muscle fatigue going.

So, the soft, super-squishiness is going to make the Sohimi Simon feel amazing – but it also means that it’s easiest to use while the gay torso sex doll is laid on a flat surface.

All of the Sohimi Simon toy is a single color. Thankfully, no additional color has been added anywhere (I feel like the attempt to add coloration frequently “goes wrong”). From testicles to bumhole, it’s all the same material color.

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. Close-up of the testicles underneath the cheeks. There is a rippling texture on the testicles. The material can also be seen peeling along various areas of the sex doll with testicles.

Sohimi Simon Review: How Does It Feel?

Zero complaints about the sensations of it. While my partner reports that it isn’t quite as stimulating as some of the most intense Fleshlight textures, it’s still more-than-enough for quick and easy orgasms. At no point was he struggling to get enough stimulation to cum.

If anything, between the hands-free fucking and realistic jiggling sensations in a missionary position, he ends up cumming much faster than usual. This usually requires quite a few breaks and pauses in the fucking to avoid ejaculating way faster than he originally wanted to. (I have a premature ejaculation kink, though, so that works out in the best of ways).

He really loves the addition of the testicles between the legs. It was actually sensational enough for him to stop mid-thrust and talk to me about it. The sensation of his testicles touching up against the doll’s testicles with each thrust actually feels different for him; he says that it’s really neat a way that he doesn’t often get to feel with penetration with vulva-owners.

We end up using the Sohimi Simon pretty often in femdom situations. It’s lovely to watch him pleasure himself with a sex doll; it means I get to watch angles I almost never get to see when he’s on top of me.

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. A side view of the Simon doll. This angle showcases the slight protrusion of the testicles from the side as well as the gigantic bubble butt of the doll.

For us, the primary use, as recommended, is with a hands-free Missionary position. This ensures the squishiness is only a bonus – and not a downside. We’ve experimented a few times with sitting to use it – or standing to use it – but we regularly find that it gets too unwieldy to use after a few minutes. For longevity and ease, we generally stick with Missionary on this one. Works for me, though. It definitely looks hot to watch him use it.

With the Sohimi Simon’s 11″ width, it’s not quite as wide as his hips, but he isn’t too much smaller than his body. Again, he’s very slender-framed. This can make for semi-realistic sensations pushing back on him while using it – and adding to the fun. If you have wider hips or a larger body, that might not necessarily be the case. If you think that the Sohimi Simon’s petite size might not be a good fit for you – but still want something to enjoy like this, I’d recommend a Fleshlight mount instead.

We did find one way that you can use the Sohimi Simon while sitting up, with the doll pressed upright on the lap. You need to be looking for more of a grinding motion than an up-and-down stroking motion. Honestly, the visual of the stroker sitting upright looks really hot. It has thick cheeks, and the penis disappears nicely between them. But the squishiness makes it a bit unwieldy to grip the Simon, lift it up, and place it back down.

If you’re open to a grinding motion, though, where you slide the Simon along the thighs towards the knees and pull it back towards you with each motion, there’s still a lot of sensation to be had. (Not as much as thrusting, to be fair). A bit of lube on the thighs might be necessary, but all things considered, we found it much easier to push and pull the Simon sex doll with balls instead of trying to lift it entirely up.

Like any stroker, lube is going to be king/queen here. Make sure to use your fingers to lube up the entirety of the inner channel, and lubricate the penis as well. It’s pretty hard to go overboard on lube with a sex doll – but keep in mind that you have to clean all of this out when you’re done. For that reason, water-based lube is probably going to be your option of choice.

(My final suggestion? If you want the Sohimi Simon to feel as realistic as possible, pre-soak the sex doll with testicles in hot water before use. Fully dry any areas where you need grip AND ensure the anal channel is empty of water before using it, but the material takes on the temperature of the water really nicely. It can add a very realistic feel to it.)

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. The Simon is shown with everything it comes with including a small instruction manual and a small sample-size bottle of lube.
Image for my Sohimi Simon review. Two holes on the underside of the Simon - one underneath each butt cheek.

Sohimi Simon Review: Let’s Talk about Care and Cleaning

A sex doll is a sex doll. As I’ve talked about in my other sex doll review, cleaning a sex doll isn’t the easiest task in the world – even a smaller one like the Sohimi Simon. If cleaning strokers is at the very bottom of your “want to do list”, please keep this in mind before buying a sex doll. (Literally) fucking mold is probably not high on the experiences you want to enjoy.

The Sohimi Simon has an advantage over standard sex dolls though. Its smaller size means that you don’t need to put your sex doll in the shower or bathtub. This one can be cleaned in most sinks. I’d recommend the kitchen sink (as the deeper, wider size of most will be an advantage for this large item), but it has worked in the bathroom sink.

Don’t forget about the drying time either. If you can get a sex doll internal drying stick, that’ll be your fastest option. If not, I’d highly, highly recommend leaving the Sohimi Simon doll out to dry – preferably in front of a fan that’s blowing air inside of it as best as possible. We’ve noticed ours can take over a week to fully dry; it is not a fast drying toy (which is why we bought the sex doll internal drying sticks in the first place).

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. Packaging for the sex doll with balls. It is a plain black cardboard box that looks shiny. The words "Feelingirl" are emblazoned in a large, pink font on the box.

The Simon’s original box is atrocious. Not only is the giant word “Feelingirl” written on it (which feels really weird for a gay male sex doll), but it just doesn’t have a modern design to it. On the bright side, there aren’t naked photos all over it, so it’s a win on that account.

Despite that, the original box works well for storage. It’s a sturdy cardboard, and it will help ensure you don’t accidentally let anything sit on top of the Sohimi Simon sex doll. The material may off-gas over time (and we have noticed those oily stains on our cardboard), so we started storing it inside of a plastic grocery bag inside of the original box. ENSURE the stroker is fully, fully dry (with your hands slipped inside it and everything) before storing it like that, or you have a perfect recipe for mold, though.

Sohimi Simon Review: Final Thoughts

Sohimi Simon Review

Mistress Kay at Kinky World

Visual Appeal
Ease of Use
Pleasure Potential


When you’re looking for a sex doll experience without the price or size of a standard sex doll, I’d recommend the Sohimi Simon. Not only does its smaller size mean that it’s more portable, easier to clean, easier to use, and easier to store, but it also means a drastic reduction on the price tag too.

While it’s a sex doll, and it does come with the cleaning downsides of a sex doll, the sensations check out. They feel fantastic. It’s delicious enough to make for easy orgasms for my partner. Add that to the smaller size that’s easier to care for and this becomes our sex doll of choice when I want to watch him fuck something – but we don’t want to go through the production to get out our largest sex dolls.

Plus, the Sohimi Simon has a very spankable butt with a soft, squishy, probably-TPR material that jiggles with every slap or thrust.

I highly, highly recommend the Sohimi Simon as long as you’re down for the care and cleaning of it.


Note: Thanks for reaching my Sohimi Simon review. While the term “gay sex doll” was used often in this review, a sex doll with balls isn’t just for people who identify as gay. If you’re into a sex doll that has testicles, have at it – regardless of orientation! However, the search engine gods demand that I use terminology that someone might search to find information about these types of dolls, so I’m, unfortunately, beholden to using the terminology.

Image for my Sohimi Simon review. Top-down view of the Simon. The very large, bubble-like cheeks are easy to see at this angle. The butthole is also viewable - even while the sex doll is at rest. The cheeks don't need to be spread apart in order to "enter" the doll.
Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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