This Mistress went out and bought herself a Queening Chair because I have low impulse control when good sales are involved. That being said, I settled on the XR Brands Master Series Queening Chair – mostly because it was on sale and shipped for free, but also because I really loved the head strap that it was equipped with. I’ve had a couple of iterations of rimming chairs at this point, and all of them have led to an exhausted submissive with a sore neck the next day.
And the Queening Chair has 100% fixed that!

What Is a Queening Chair?
A queening chair is a piece of BDSM furniture designed for oral sex on a vagina owner. (It also can be used for rimming on anyone, but the term “queening” comes from the general vaginal use). Queening chairs are usually designed to make receiving oral sex more comfortable for the receiving partner – and to allow more breathing room and comfort for the person who is giving the oral sex as well.
A queening chair can be built in a multitude of ways, but the most important facet is that there’s a hole within the sitting platform where the receiver sits. This hole/empty space allows the person underneath the chair to provide oral sex to the exposed vagina/butt of the person that’s sitting on top.
Queening chairs can look like large, open boxes (like in this Master Series Queening Chair review), toilet seat chairs (like this), extra-sturdy stools, or a variety of things. The design is up to the creator/manufacturer; the important part is that it offers the receiver a comfortable place to sit while leaving a space for the giver to slide underneath and pleasure the receiver.
To use a queening chair, a person sits on top of the queening chair – which usually offers a hollow area underneath the “seat” of the chair. Someone else then lays underneath the queening chair with their face pressed into the open, hole.

What is a Queening Chair For?
Especially for those looking for a face smothering chair or a smothering box (because they’re into those kinks), a queening chair allows a lot more longevity to oral sex. No one’s knees and legs get numb, and everyone is able to breathe as much as allowed/required in order to keep doing this for awhile.
Queening chairs can also be fantastic as position aids for people who may not be otherwise able to enjoy sitting-on-top-of-face oral sex (aka – queening) just like other accessibility aids like swings for sex. The chair alleviates a lot of pressure on the knees and thighs, and it also alleviates a lot of weight that would otherwise sit on the giver’s face. It can drastically reduce the risk of injury to the giver during face sitting.
In addition, this type of furniture opens up queening chair bondage. If you’re looking to restrain the oral sex giver, many femdom queening chairs include bondage points that can be used to keep the giving partner in a specific position or simply keep them underneath the chair. Especially if using the queening chair for power exchange or domination reasons, this can be a fun way to enhance the dynamic.

What is this Queening Chair Design?
The Master Series Queening Chair is extremely sturdy through its wood-box design. Covering the wooden frame is some padding which is further covered by the red and black PU leather all over the entire thing. The box is 27″ in length, 20″ in depth, and 13″ in height. The hole on the top of the box is oval in design with 8″ of width and a height of 11″ – pretty much easily shaped for anyone’s face with extra space left over. It’s a little under 30 pounds in weight, so it’s not super-heavy, but partnered with the size, it does require a little bit of effort to move it.
This particular femdom queening chair brings a whole lot to the table, so let’s go over it:
Queening Chair Bondage: Unlike a lot of queening chairs, the XR Brands Queening Chair Stool offers bondage options built right into the design. It accomplishes this queening chair bondage in two ways: the shoulder straps and the D-rings on the sides.
If your submissive’s shoulders comfortably fit inside of the Master Series Queening Chair, the two vertical straps that run across the opening actually can be undone – and redone when your submissive is in position. They end up right underneath your submissive’s armpits – and they’re really, really hard to get undone by the submissive themselves because of the angle that they’re at.
That being said, if you want some extra queening chair bondage insurance, the Master Series Queening Chair includes two D-rings – one on each side of the chair. These D-rings can be used as bondage points for wrist cuffs – definitely ensuring your partner isn’t going anywhere.

Femdom Queening Chair Comfort: Unlike a lot of queening chair designs that are just two thin fabric straps built onto a metal frame – or even a toilet seat – this femdom queening chair offers one important thing for the femdom: and that’s comfort.
The HUGE platform means that you’re going to be more than comfortable – especially with all of the additional padding. Even if you’re a person of size, this femdom queening chair will still offer a comfortable sitting experience. (I’d say it’s not even slightly concerning until you have a hip circumference of over 95″). This could easily support 450 to 500 pounds – if not more. This BDSM queening chair is more comfortable than some “regular” chairs I’ve sat in.
Queening Chair with Head Support: The Queening Chair also offers some really good head support for your submissive. I’ve used a couple of Queening Chairs/oral sex chairs at this point, and most of them just leave the giving person to fend for themselves – and this usually leads to my submissive giving up early or feeling really sore the next day because they had to support and strain their neck. That isn’t the case with this queening chair by XR Brands.
The head is nicely supported by the equipped sling inside of the Master Series Queening Chair. My submissive says it’s super-duper comfortable, and he has yet to feel strain while trying to use it. (If you’re not into the supportive head sling, it can easily be removed. As long as no one is sitting on top of the Queening Chair, the sling can also be raised or lowered to find the perfect height for your partner’s neck comfort.)
Easy Cleaning: The PU Leather is designed for easy clean-up. After you’re done, you pretty much just take a slightly soapy washcloth to the material and wipe it down. There usually aren’t any bodily fluids to clean up (that ends up in the hole itself and onto your submissive’s face), but there’s usually sweat and body oils I’d want to wipe up from the XR Brands Master Series Queening Chair to keep the material in tip-top shape.
It’s worth noting that, unlike some full-metal queening chairs or other options, this chair was never designed to be fully waterproof. You should avoid any watersports or wet play on top of this chair – at least without thoroughly shoving a waterproof blanket (like the No More Wet Spot waterproof blanket) into the entire base of it and thoroughly wiping it down as soon as you’re finished. I still wouldn’t recommend it, but it’d be less damaging than attempting it without the blanket.
(Edit September 2023: I will say we’ve done some light watersports play with this chair, and it still wipes up easily afterwards! We just have to be very careful to clean all along the internal joints to make sure no pee/moisture remains there after the cleaning.)

XR Brands Queening Chair Stool Review
Step one is getting down onto the Queening Chair. I highly recommend letting your submissive get settled into place first. Once there, you can both determine if the head strap needs to be raised (or lowered) for the least strain on their neck. This head strap can only be adjusted when no one is sitting on top of the Queening Chair.
If you prefer, you could likely take your seat first (it does make it less awkward) as long as you’re able to hold your weight on your arms to help your submissive’s face get into position. (However, it’s much more difficult to utilize the bondage queening chair functions if you’re already sitting on it, so I generally have them go first.)
I will note that it feels a bit awkward to “get onto” the XR Queening Chair. There’s no real handle or way to lower yourself down, so you just gotta spread your legs wide, be aware there’s a person looking at your naked bum through the hole underneath, and sit down.
As a plus-sized woman (or, “fat woman”, as I usually self-describe), facesitting hasn’t always been pleasant for me – or my partners. Most notably, a partner said it wasn’t for them because it felt “painful” because of my weight on top of them. (No shade to that partner. Unwanted pain is unwanted pain!)
The Queening Chair really reduces that problem. Since the frame of the Queening Chair takes the bulk of the weight, it pretty much leaves the submissive’s face virtually weight-free. The only “weight” the oral-sex-providing partner will receive is whatever ass weight transfers onto them through the hole in the XR Brands Queening Chair. Since the head strap is fully adjustable, this means you can easily reduce (or increase) the amount of pressure on the submissive’s face.
Make sure to do that adjusting before you get deep into your scene, though. Your butt and thighs hold the straps in place while you’re on top of the Queening Chair, so adjusting the neck hammock requires getting up off the Queening Chair. This means you can adjust the submissive’s head pressure on-the-fly if it’s too much or they’re feeling neck-strain trying to reach the “goods”.
Once you’ve found that sweet spot, though, if you plan to use the Chair with the same partner over and over, it should be good unless you remove it or change it. The sling doesn’t move or loosen on its own.
We spent a lot of our first use just getting up, sitting down, and adjusting it to find the right fit, but it’s only required a few micro-adjustments since then.
Once you’re on top of this chair with your submissive enjoying the queening chair bondage, the sensations are pretty fantastic. The design of the queening stool leaves everything open and easily accessible, and with the submissive’s straps fully adjusted, it leaves my submissive’s mouth in the exact spot where I want it to be. (And if it didn’t? I can easily adjust the straps to make it happen.)

The one thing I generally have to deal with is where to put my hands. I find that I enjoy this femdom queening chair more if I can lean forward to get my clitoris directly where I want it to be. This means I like to rest my arms/hands somewhere. I’ve found I like to put them on top of the Queening Chair’s surface, between my spread legs.
Alternatively, we’ve used this in a hallway, and I’ve found it comfortable to put my hands on the hallway walls on each side of me as well. If I was going to carve out a specific spot in my home to keep this XR Brands Red Queening Chair permanently, I’d probably install something in the ceiling to grip onto.
Speaking of the femdom queening chair’s strength, I’ve never been concerned about the durability or my weight. This is a seriously sturdy queening chair, and I imagine it could probably hold 550 or 600 pounds with no issue. It doesn’t wiggle, it doesn’t feel fragile or bow. We’ve had 498 pounds on it with no issue. It’s very sturdy.
Do note that this femdom queening chair is fully assembled – and there’s no way to unassemble it. It isn’t a small piece of furniture, and if you’re a couple who need to be discreet, you’ll need to find a place to hide this in its fully-assembled form. There is no breaking it down or making it smaller for storage.
The Queening Chair also comes fully assembled (the box it shipped in, while huge, was fully discreet). So it’s a matter of just opening the box and pulling out the Queening Chair. (You could keep the original box for discreet storage?)
The Master Series Queening Chair has been a game-changer for our oral sex. We used to wait until play party nights to use the queening chair at the local dungeon, but this takes all of the fun of that and brings it home for something we can use pretty much anywhere in the house. (Decently easy to move around).
It puts him in the right spot to provide fantastic oral, and it makes it extremely comfortable for me to enjoy. I’m focused entirely on the sensations between us – and not my legs shaking or the feeling of my circulation being cut off. My legs have never even fallen asleep on this!
It feels sturdy, and I love the bondage options when I want oral sex to feel like “service”. It’s comfortable to sit on, it gets him into the right spot, it’s easy to clean, and most importantly: it makes it easier to enjoy amazing orgasms. I love the shit out of this femdom queening chair. Thanks for checking out my XR Brands Master Series Queening Chair review.
XR Master Series Queening Chair Review
I love, love, LOVE this chair.
Not only does it make oral sex much, much more comfortable and sustainable for the receiver, but it also can relieve pressure on the giver – and make it a lot easier for them to breathe and stay available for oral sex.
The chair is easy to clean, extremely sturdy, and comfortable to sit on. The adjustable functionality ensures anyone (who wants to!) can really use the chair – as long as you can squat/sit down low enough to get into place.
Seriously, it’s been a game-changer for us for oral sex and queening. I’d highly recommend it.
Post sponsored by: https://bedbible.com/
Originally Published: October 7, 2021.
Updated: September 2023.