“Women Loving Women” is a full-color book about female/female relationships published by Quiver Books. The book is softcover, but it’s also pretty large in size at about ten inches tall and eight inches in width. The inner pages are all in full-color. The book has 128 pages which are divided into nine different chapters.
This book couldn’t be read in public because of all of the full-page pictures. The front of the book does show two girls kissing one another, and all of the inner pages make this a not-so-discreet book.
I should also mention that the white “Women Loving Women” banner across the book is not flush with the book. It’s an extra layer up, but it’s also glued onto the book, so it can’t be removed without tearing it off.
The amazingly neat thing about this sex book is the pictures. The publishers did a great job with the pictures. There are tons of full-color pictures of women together. It seems to be the same three models, but they are in various states of undress in the different pictures. It never shows blatant pictures (like a close-up of the genitals), but it does show breasts, butt, and a sneak of a vulva here and there. All of the models look like, well, models which I thought was slightly damning since, looking at these pictures, it seems like fat girls just can’t enjoy the pleasure of another woman.

This book doesn’t seem to be directed towards lesbians which is something I was a bit surprised by. Instead, it’s directed more toward straight women who would like to try out their first time with another woman. This means that the book does spend quite a bit of time persuading you that females are sexy and how they are sexy. It also spends a bit of time talking about how it doesn’t mean you are a lesbian if you want to experiment with women.
I just wasn’t fond of how the author always referred to women as the “better sex”. I know this book was meant to be read by just women, but always referring to women in such a “we’re better than you” type of way was actually frustrating. It talks about how loving a woman is so much better than loving a man and things like that.

There’s so much more they could have done with this book. Instead, it just seems like a bunch of words were haphazardly added, so they could sell a book of pretty pictures. The words that are included are only about 1/3 of every page and what the words are is usually something very vague like “Women enjoy pleasure too” instead of “Women would enjoy it if you did this, this, or this”.
In the chapters where they could have done more, there just isn’t more. For example, in the “Sex Toys” chapter, there are just more pictures of the models and aren’t any pictures of the sex toys. In the “Sex Positions” sections, there are just pictures of the models and no pictures of the sex positions they are trying to demonstrate. They really could have done better.
I was just a bit disappointed by the lack of good information. Like I just stated, most of it is very vague instead of being helpful. If I was reading this book, I would have been reassured that my attraction to women was completely normal, but I’d still feel completely scared and have no idea what to do. There wasn’t much in terms of exact how-tos. There was a bit including a couple of different ways to touch the clitoris and a bit on how to find the g-spot, but there wasn’t much about how being with another female can be different than just being with yourself. There also wasn’t much about toys at all. For something that makes up a lot of lesbian sex, there was only a couple of pages without pictures, and those pages basically said “Do it without toys unless you really have to.”
This book’s chapters cover quite a few things with very little depth: Introduction and assuring you it’s normal, the smell, taste, and touch of a woman, the beginning of your woman-loving-woman relationship, anatomy and understanding your own pleasure, using your tongue for oral sex, a couple of pages about sex toys, quite a few pages about threesomes, how being with women can alter your sexuality in a good way, and resources for your sex toys/information/porn.
The book does have really sexy pictures going for it. In fact, if you just want to feel reassured about your desire of women, this is a great book.
If you are looking for cold, hard facts about how to best please a woman, though, this book isn’t all that helpful – at all. However, the pictures do make this a sensual adventure, and if you are looking to plunge into the women-loving-women pool anytime soon and are nervous, this will help calm your nerves.