Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo Review

The Silicone Cum Dildo is sitting out on a grassy platform on top of a pumpkin on a kitchen countertop. It is surrounded by candy corn. In the background, there is red, yellow, and orange flowers and other orange and fall items. The photo looks very fall seasonal. For my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Been looking around to find the best ejaculating dildo? If so, this Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review might have exactly the information you’re looking for. Spoiler alert: it’s a great dildo, but it’s proclaimed ability to “shoot the largest load” is very, very oversold.

The Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo is a silicone dildo that uses the same shape as the manufacturer’s Bendable Dildo – just without the ability to bend. Instead, the Silicone Cum Dildo features a channel cut through the entire length of the dildo from base to tip. A slim tube is carefully threaded through this channel.

Once you attach the included syringe to the end of the tubing that sticks out the base, you can “squirt” liquids through the dildo! It’ll come out the syringe you’ve attached, through through the tubing, and shoot out the tip of the dildo through the force of the syringe’s push.

At an “average” size, this Silicone Cum Dildo is 7.7″ in total length with a diameter of 1.4″ at the widest point (the head). While it has a pronounced head, it features no other “realistic” design choices, and the dildo in black may be far enough away from skin tone to avoid giving realistic vibes.

The syringe tubing is a little over 32″ in length (you “lose” some of that length to the tubing inside of the dildo itself), and the included syringe has a capacity of 30ml. The tubing diameter is 6mm, and the tubing and syringe come apart. You can BYOS (Bring Your Own Syringe) if you have a preferred one at home.

The Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo includes the dildo itself, 1 tube (already threaded through the dildo), and one syringe that fits perfectly onto that tube. To take advantage of the “largest cum capacity on the market” claims the manufacturer makes, you’d need to purchase additional tubing and/or larger syringes.

The tubing for the Silicone Cum Dildo extending out from the base of the toy. The three different tube channels are visible from this base-focused image. It could be routed three different ways out the base of the dildo. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Understand How the Tubing Works

For anyone curious about the tubing measurements:

  • the hole inside the dildo for the tubing to run through is almost exactly 6mm in diameter.
  • the tubing’s external diameter is about 5.5mm in diameter
  • the diameter of the internal hole within the tubing is about 3mm in diameter (the tubing doesn’t have thin walls)
  • there is ONE single hole that goes through the center of the dildo up to the tip. It is the standard 6mm in diameter; another tube will not fit in there.
  • the base has three separate cut-outs in the bottom of the dildo to divert the dildo’s tube one of three ways to allow the dildo to sit upright on a flat base
  • the syringe has a capacity of 30ml

The Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo does NOT have a suction cup base. The base is entirely flat with three “channels” cut into the base of the dildo to allow the tubing to divert one of three ways for easier use. When the tubing is run through these diverting channels, the dildo will stand up straight on its own on a flat surface.

The base of the Silicone Cum Dildo. The tubing is extending out the base of the toy. An unused hole is empty next to the used hole, showing where the tubing could have routed instead. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

How Does This Cum Dildo Work?

There are a few basic designs that power most of your ejaculating dildos. A “squeeze” reservoir might be located within the testicles, an electrical mechanism might push out the liquid, or you might use the power of tubing and syringes to make it happen.

For the Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo, you’re looking at the last item on that list.

The Silicone Cum Dildo comes with tubing and a syringe.

There’s a hole in the center of the dildo where the tubing runs into. This directly connects the tip of the dildo to the end of the “tail” of the tubing that runs out the bottom of the dildo.

The silicone cum dildo next to the syringe it comes with. The tubing is coming out from a side of the base. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Before you get down to playing, you fill the included syringe with your ejaculating liquid of choice. You can then leave it unattached from the tubing OR attach it to the tubing already; it depends on what you’re doing with the dildo. Even if laying horizontally, the syringe does not seem to leak much as long as the syringe’s stopper is inserted into the base. We get a few drops of leakage, though, so cover any surface you’re playing on.

When you’re ready to enjoy that money shot, the syringe needs to be attached to the tubing. When attached, once you forcefully depress the syringe, all of the liquid inside that syringe will have nowhere to go except through the tubing. It’ll shoot into the tubing and out the tip of the dildo.

There you go! Ejaculation!

If you want, you can then refill the syringe and go again as many times as you’d like. Especially if you enjoy marathon sessions with peaks and valleys in intensity, this can be a fun way to keep the “climax” happening over and over.

Close-up of the tip of the dildo. It's an open hole. This is where any ejaculated liquid will leave the dildo after you squirt it from the syringe. The hole is not small. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

At any point, the Silicone Cum Dildo can be used like a standard, everyday dildo by ignoring the tubing and syringe. Since the open tip requires extra cleaning compared to your standard, everyday dildo, I’d recommend a separate dildo when you don’t want to use the ejaculating functionality.

But its base, dildo-like shape is always there in case of an “I need a dildo now!” emergency.

Close up of the measurements of the toy printed on an outline of the dildo and the syringe. The dildo is 7.7" total length with a diameter of 1.4" near the head. The syringe is 5.3" in length.

Let’s Talk Liquids

One of the fun things about ejaculating dildos (and there are a LOT of fun things) is that they can squirt your choice of liquids.

For the “usual” sex purposes, that could be a specialty lube made to look like cum – or you could use it for functional purposes by filling the Silicone Cum Dildo up with your favorite, everyday lube to easily apply lube deeper into the body for better sex.

READ: Guide to Cum Lubes

Once you start getting into kink and weird applications, though, you can have a field day. The Silicone Cum Dildo can be used for watersports or other bodily fluids. It could be used for teas or drinks. It could be used for adding air into the butt or down the mouth if burping or farting are your jam.

The only thing I’d recommend is that you stick to easy-clean, thin liquids. Chocolate syrup sounds hot, but the syrup is much-too-thick to make it through the thin tubing of the dildo. As it’s impossible to use elbow grease inside the tubing for cleaning, you’d also probably find chocolate syrup remains inside of the tubing – even after you tried to clean it. It’d probably require replacing the tubing entirely (which might be a financial burden you’re willing to take on for your scene).

You’d be better off trying to squirt a chocolate flavored lube or even non-fat chocolate milk through it if chocolate is the kink you’re going for.

For best use, you’ll also want to be able to pour the ejaculating liquid into a small bowl or container in order to stick the tip of the syringe into the liquid to “slurp” it up. The syringe has a small, plastic, blunted tip, and it will not be able to reach inside bottles with small openings (like a lube bottle).

If you want to try an alternate route, you also could entirely remove the depressor on the syringe, hold the syringe upside down, and drizzle/squirt the lube into the syringe as if you’re filling a glass. Plug the tip of the syringe with a finger to keep it from drizzling straight out. When you’re done, slowly reinsert the depressor, remembering that it’ll stay pretty far out from the syringe unless you accidentally want to shoot your liquid through the tip of the dildo.

We’ve used this dildo like we’re “supposed to” for purposes of this Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review, but I have to admit, I primarily wanted this as a drinking dildo. The idea of having my submissive have to get on their knees in order to suck the dildo and be “rewarded” with water was a hot one for me. The dildo’s decent liquid capacity, silicone design (so it wouldn’t taste weird), and long tubing made it feel like a great fit for that functionality.

And was it?

It was! It took a bit of trial and error (full-force ejaculation led to a lot of coughing and sputtering. We had to swap to a modified, “dribbling” ejaculation to make it drinkable), but it was hot to be his sole source of water throughout a couple of hours.

We had to keep a large bowl of covered water nearby (which luckily never spilled), and it was a bit of a pain to refill in 30ml spurts, but it was about the right amount for drinking without overloading someone’s mouth.

From a femdom power exchange perspective, I highly, highly recommend it.

My hand grasping the syringe for the ejaculating dildo. I only have one hand on the syringe with my pointer and middle finger holding the flanged base and my thumb ready to depress the base. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo Review: Ejaculating with the Dildo

I am genuinely surprised by how hard it is to depress the syringe. In my brain, you’d hold the syringe by its flange between your thumb and you’d use your pointer finger (like shown above) to press down the syringe to trigger ejaculation. (Just imagine how you’d hold a syringe single-handed on any TV show you’ve ever seen)

That doesn’t work with the Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo. This thing has some resistance to it! I can one hand it, but it feels like a gym-level strengthening exercise to be able to depress the syringe with a single finger. It’s nearly impossible to get the power needed for a “squirting” vibe with a single finger.

This means I usually have to two-hand the syringe of the Silicone Cum Dildo. That’s, surprisingly, not what I was really imagining when I first picked up the dildo. Luckily for me and the dildo, the Silicone Cum Dildo comes with really long tubing, so I can usually find a comfortable place around our activities where I can hold the syringe in one hand and shoot it with the other.

I’m hoping the syringe “loosens up” a bit as we continue to use it beyond my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review, but I’m definitely not holding my breath.

(As a note, though, you are not forced to use only this syringe with this tubing. There is nothing proprietary about the tubing or syringe; they do not connect to each other with any fancy mechanism. As long as the tip of your syringe can slide inside the tubing, you can use any squirting syringe you’d like.)

On the bright side, when you depress the syringe with force, this thing SHOOTS. If it’s going into my partner’s throat, we’ve had multiple occasions where it squirted directly into the back of his throat, causing him to start coughing and sputtering. (We intentionally don’t use full-force orally anymore – not unless it’s my end goal to make him uncomfortable.)

My fingers try to pull apart the various sides of the dildo to showcase the single cum tube channel within the center of the dildo. It doesn't look like there's any space for any additional cum tubes to run up the middle. It's a very snug fit. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Extra-Large Ejaculations?

One of the manufacturer’s marketing points about this dildo is the “highest ejaculating capacity on the market”.

They claim this is because the toy includes the 30ml syringe – AND has two additional channels at the base of the toy to two more hoses during use.

I’ve tried every which way I can think of to make that happen (I want extra-large ejaculation capacity!). But the reality is: there are three channels at the base of the dildo and only ONE hole through the center of the dildo.

As long as that hole is occupied by a tube, I see no other way to add another tube into that very same hole.

This means you could add additional tubes to the …base?… of the dildo? But they’d have no way to actually run up the dildo and add to the ejaculation power.

If you’d try to “ejaculate” from those base tubes, they’d just squirt liquids out of the base. I’m not sure why you’d want to do that, but it’s an option.

The cum tubing coiled up near the base of the dildo. There's a lot of tubing for the dildo.

The three separate base channels make sense as a fun way to determine where you want to place the 1 tube that’s already there. But I see no purpose, at all, in buying additional tubing to try to use at the same time. It will not add to your capacity. It will not have anywhere to even really go.

Instead, if you want to focus on increasing capacity, I’d probably pick up an additional syringe to get more “shots in the tank” by simply swapping out your syringe mid-play. It’s not the ejaculating utopia that Strap-on-Me promised, but it’s something.

Everything included with the Silicone Cum Dildo laid out on a flat surface. It shows the dildo itself, the tubing next to the dildo, the syringe, the instruction manual, and the silver drawstring bag. The tubing is laid out around the entire image, showcasing how long the tubing is. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Using this Ejaculating Dildo for Oral Play

The Silicone Cum dildo is made of a super-smooth, silky silicone. Honestly, it’s impressively smooth – and that’s coming from the woman who owns (a literal) thousand dildos. It glides along the fingers, and it glides along the lips and mouth.

Alongside this smoothness, the dildo is also somewhat squishy. This squishiness can make it a bit of a pain to slide inside a tight hole (more on that below), but it works for above-average oral sex play. The plushiness makes it easy to grip around the lips, and since it “bends” easily, your oral sex giver can easily tilt the dildo any way they need to make the sex position work best for them.

As the cherry on top of this ejaculating dildo sundae, this Strap-on-Me ejaculating dildo is also taste-free and odor-free. It tastes and feels like an inert, medical-esque object, but it doesn’t get in the way of the taste/smell of whatever you have going on. I’d say it’s about on-par with using a plastic glass for drinking something. You know the plastic is there, and you can probably “taste” plastic if you stop and think about it, but it isn’t really impacting the beverage you’re enjoying.

Close up of the tip of the included syringe and the tip of one end of the tubing. They both look like they're designed to fit one another, but there's no fastening mechanism that keeps them together. They simply fit together really snuggly.

Using the Dildo for Penetration

For physical sensations, we’re impressed with the slippery-smooth surface of the silicone. This is not a tacky silicone that may end up picking up lots of hair and lint. Just like for oral use, the silky-smoothness just feels amazing on the hands and when you’re touching it. Holes you slide it into are a bit less picky, but we’re very fond of the feel before we even slip it into a hole.

The only downside to this slippery-smooth silicone is the firmness. It’s a little on the plushy side – especially for anal use. The dildo will collapse under pressure. We always have to insert this one with two hands (one stabilizing the base and one stabilizing the tip) as we slide it into a bum. Especially during strap-on use, trying to do it with a single hand and the inability to get clear visuals makes this one a bit frustrating for the initial insertion.

Once inside, though, the dildo has a pronounced head that helps offer extra stimulation to the p-spot or g-spot. It isn’t our best p-spot targeting dildo, but it does hit the spot when you’re using pegging sex positions that specifically target getting the dildo up and in there.

We find that the dildo’s flexibility does lead to less targeted p-spot stimulation than we’d like, though. When pressure is applied, it tends to bend and move alongside the pressure. While this means the Silicone Cum Dildo has never actually poked my partner in a way that’s painful (even in our extra-deep positions), it also means that it isn’t as skilled as getting into a spot and doing micro-thrusts that rub it in there.

As the manufacturer’s name implies, the Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo is specifically crafted for strap-on harness use. It works pretty darn good for that. The base is a little thicker than I’d like in my harness, but it’s not bad. It fits comfortably underneath the harness, pressing up against the vulva with a nice pressure that’s easy to grind against.

Unlike a lot of ejaculating dildos on the market, the Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo does have that flat base. Because of the channels built into the base, I don’t have to deal with the cording pushing into my body while trying to use the dildo in a harness. It protrudes out to the side (which, admittedly, has poked my thighs a few times) and can be tucked/wrapped around the hip band of your strap-on harness if you’d prefer. It drastically improves the strap-on wearing experience of an ejaculating dildo. Normally it’s impossible to press my clitoris against the base of an ejaculating dildo, but not with this one!

If doing excess cleaning isn’t in your plans, wear underwear or clothing underneath your strap-on harness if you’re a vulva-owner. The channels for the tubing on the base of the dildo also manage to be a great place for moisture or a vulva’s wetness to slide after strap-on wear. Since nobody wants to do more cleaning than they have to, take this into account if you have no preference with clothed/unclothed pegging.

When it comes to that big “money shot”, the Silicone Cum Dildo delivers. I wish it wouldn’t require two hands to do that delivering, but you’ll get that liquid exactly where you want it when you depress the syringe.

There’s not much to say about it: as long as you use a thin enough substance, it does exactly as it promises, shooting out with a surprising amount of force that directly correlates to how firmly you depressed the syringe.

Everything included with the Silicone Cum Dildo laid out on a flat surface. It shows the dildo itself, the tubing next to the dildo, the syringe, the instruction manual, and the silver drawstring bag. The tubing is all coiled up and fastened in a circle. Image for my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo Review: Let’s Talk the Long Tubing

As anyone who’s done strap-on sex with an ejaculating dildo knows, dealing with the tubing is a bit of a pain. That’s still the case with the Silicone Cum Dildo.

The extra-long tubing can definitely be helpful for finding a tubing solution that works for you; it can wrap around the straps of the harness, or you can let it be weighted down by the full syringe it’s attached to and simply toss all of the excess cordage on the bed next to you while you’re playing.

I really do enjoy all of that excess cordage though. Sometimes, corded remotes (or ejaculation cords) are shorter to “reduce impact” to the wearer. This actually can make it worse, though. If it’s so short that I have to keep it on my person, I have to figure out where I can tuck it in or put it safely out of the way.

The Silicone Cum Dildo avoids that with this extra-long cordage. It’s a little over 32″ in total length. (Since some of that disappears into the dildo, it leaves you with about 25″-ish of visible length.) This lets you make the choice for yourself.

If you want, the cord is long enough to allow the syringe to sit on the surface next to you and your partner during sex and keep it off of your person.

If you hate that, you can use a pair of scissors to trim the cord, reducing it down to a length that feels manageable for keeping track of while you’re playing with your partner.

It’s a win-win on both ends!

The depressor fully removed from the syringe. It has a rubber stopper to help keep the liquid inside of the syringe when it's full.

Let’s Talk Cleaning: Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo Review

Yep, an ejaculating dildo is a pain in the ass to clean compared to a standard dildo. The Silicone Cum Dildo by Strap-on-Me is no exception.

After you’re done with it, clean the outside of the Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo like you’d clean any other waterproof dildo; use warm water and a mild soap to clean the entire outer surface of the dildo. Since this silicone dildo lacks texture, it’s really, really easy to clean the outside. It just requires a few strokes of the hand with some soap, and you’ll be on your way.

The inner tubing requires a lot more work. You’ll want to make a bowl of soapy water (the same soap is fine!). You’ll then use your syringe to shoot that soapy water through the inside of the dildo, like it’s ejaculate, multiple times. Use as much force as possible to dislodge any potential lube caked on the inside of the tubing.

After running the soapy water through multiple times, you’ll want to then get a bowl of clean water, and repeat the experience with the syringe. Try to be as thorough as possible – even though I know this part is boring. If not, you’ll be ejaculating soap inside yourself next time, and that’s probably not high on your list of things you wanted to do. (Shove enough soap inside yourself anally, and you’ll have a bonus enema!)

This is not a dildo you can leave to sit after use and clean it later. It must be cleaned directly after use. Without the ability to use your fingers to rub off any dried lube from the internal tubing, it’s imperative that any lube is removed from internal tubing as soon as possible.

As an added bonus, Strap-on-Me included a large, gray, satin drawstring bag to store the dildo and its accessories in. It all fits within this bag, and a 4oz-ish bottle of cum lube fits as well. It would allow you to keep your whole “kit” together for easy grabbing next time!

Final Thoughts: Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo Review

Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo Review

Mistress Kay at Kinky World

Visual Appeal
Ease of Use
Squirting Functionality
Pleasure Potential


The Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo is a solid ejaculating dildo. Not only is it made with body-safe silicone, but the ejaculation gear choices make it easier to use this one in the bedroom. The long hose goes exactly where it’s needed with three hose angles built into the base itself. Divert the hose to the right angle for your position – and trim the hose to fit if you find that the hose is too long for you.

While I wish the syringe was a bit looser to allow for one-handed use, it doesn’t seem to leak, and it does push out your liquid of choice with quite a bit of power.

It squirts reliably, and powerfully, with everything you need (sans lube/water) contained right in the box itself. Plus, when you’re done, it all fits back into its included drawstring bag to keep all the pieces together.

There was a huge miss on the marketing from Strap-on-Me with this one. With a claim that it “offers the largest capacity on the market” with the ability to add even more hoses and syringes, it’s a gigantic let-down. There’s absolutely no way to add additional hoses within the dildo at the same time; only 1 hose fits.

If you ignore their marketing mishap, the Silicone Cum Dildo remains a solid squirting dildo choice. Outside of fantasy dildos, I’d say this is probably the best squirting dildo I’ve reviewed.

The Silicone Cum Dildo is sitting out on a grassy platform on top of a pumpkin on a kitchen countertop. It is surrounded by candy corn. In the background, there is red, yellow, and orange flowers and other orange and fall items. The photo looks very fall seasonal. For my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review.

Thanks for reading my Strap-on-Me Silicone Cum Dildo review!

Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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