Should I Buy a Fleshlight?

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Should you buy a Fleshlight? If you’ve done any sort of research into male sex toys, you’ll know the most-recommended toy is the Fleshlight. You’ll also have looked into buying one – and found that the price tag definitely shows the demand for this high-quality male masturbation sleeve. Fleshlights have been the biggest seller for penises in the sex toy sphere for (literally) years now, so you’ve probably read recommendation after recommendation that says you *need* to get one. But should you? Is a Fleshlight the best male masturbation sleeve – for YOU?

Should I buy a Fleshlight?

Let’s get into it.

What IS a Fleshlight?

First off, we have to address what a Fleshlight IS. Turns out, as the Fleshlight branded products have become more and more popular over the years, the term “Fleshlight” has begun to mean “any penis stroker” – instead of what it is: a specific brand of penis strokers. Similar to how QTips mean cotton swabs and Band-Aids mean wound bandages, a Fleshlight is actually a specific brand of penis stroker.

And Fleshlight got to this hall-of-fame spot by having some of the best-feeling, and most-realistic, penis strokers out there – especially at a time where the entire market was just saturated by $10 “pocket pussies” that didn’t feel like a whole lot of nothing. Nowadays, there are actual competitors to Fleshlight’s quality and sensations (like Tenga Spinners or KIIROO), but Fleshlight was the big dog back in the early days – so they ended up in this everyday language spot.

So that being said, in this article, we’re going to specifically discuss purchasing a Fleshlight – the actual branded toys from the Fleshlight company.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight? What Fleshlight Toys are Available?

Back in the olden days, when Fleshlight was the Top Dog, Fleshlight pretty much only made one toy – and that toy was available in multiple colors, designs, and textures. It was their crowning jewel: the full-sized Fleshlight.

Nowadays, Fleshlight has expanded their penis stroker portfolio – probably to meet the growing needs of consumers – and probably partially because of complaints that their original, 9.75″ long Fleshlight was overkill for the vast majority of penis owners. When a lot of people needed 5″ to 6″ of length, and the olden-days Fleshlights were 4″ to 5″ longer than that, they were definitely, by-far, the largest penis strokers available on the market.

So, let’s go over what Fleshlights are available nowadays – and let’s talk about their pros and cons so you have a good idea of which Fleshlights are even possible. After all, you can’t really figure out “Should I Buy a Fleshlight?” unless you actually know what the options are.

Let’s first give’em a simple glance:

Should I Buy a Fleshlight? Compare Fleshlight options
Left-to-right, Bottom Row: Fleshlight Original, Fleshlight Fleshskins, Fleshlight Flight.
Left-to-right, Top Row: Fleshlight Go, Fleshlight Quickshot.

Now that you have a visual of what those toys look like (and you can see how big the bottom-left option is compared to the rest of them! That’s the Original Fleshlight!), let’s compare Fleshlight options to give you a good idea of what’s available out there.

(Note: I don’t spend a ton of time on how the Fleshlights “feel” within these comparisons. Why? Because, honestly, Fleshlight makes a freakin’ orgasmic penis stroker no matter what size or shape it is. For the most part [as long as you avoid the Classic internal texture], you’re going to get a really intense, really pleasurable experience, sensation-wise – no matter what you pick. So I want to focus on all of the other aspects that most reviews leave out – like everything else besides how it feels.)

Should I Buy a Fleshlight? This is the Full Size Fleshlight Original

Fleshlight Original

As mentioned, the Fleshlight Original was the “first” of the Fleshlight options out there. It’s also the biggest of the entire bunch at 9.75″ in total length with an insertable length of 8.5″. This makes it a great choice if your penis is particularly wide or particularly thick – the Fleshlight Original will have the ability to accommodate you. If you don’t necessarily need that larger size, though, the Fleshlight Original can occasionally feel a bit unwieldy – and some people find that they need to two hands to comfortably use it.

Suction and intensity is controlled on the Original Fleshlights via that twistable cap you see at the top of the Fleshlight. Untwist the cap, and you relieve pressure within the Fleshlight. Twist is shut, and you get full-suction inside the Fleshlight.

As the outer case is plastic, it’s worth noting that the suction selection through that cap is the only way to really “control” intensity. Especially if the Fleshlight is a bit large for you, you can’t “tighten up” the sensation through pressure of your hand. You really rely on the Fleshlight Original’s texture being the right, snug fit for you – along with the suction the Fleshlight provides. For this reason, if your penis is on the smaller side, I wouldn’t recommend a full-sized Fleshlight. It just may not have the intensity you’re looking for.

Another big point to know about the Original Fleshlights is that you can purchase the penis-sleeve-only OR the case-only. This means you can mix and match your cases and your penis sleeves for a fraction of the cost of rebuying another full Original Fleshlight. This can become important if you want to try new textures (just pick up a new sleeve and use the case you already have) or you accidentally crack or misplace a part of the plastic case.

The “Fleshlight Girls” and “Fleshlight Boys” lines are all the size and shape and design of the full-sized Fleshlight Originals.

As far as I can tell (at this point in time), the Fleshlight Originals is the only place where you can get a non-white/non-“pink” sleeve for skin colors. All of the other Fleshlight offerings are either white/pink or non-realistically colored.

It’s also worth noting that almost all Fleshlight accessories out there – whether branded by Fleshlight or not – are made for this full-sized Fleshlight. Some of the accessories now have adapters to work with other Fleshlight penis strokers on this list, but they were all designed to work with this model.

Should I buy a Fleshlight – especially the Original? Basically, it’s an unnecessarily large toy for many, but if you plan on doing lots of “stuff” (not just sit and stroking) with your masturbation sleeve, you might prefer to stick with the Fleshlight Original. It has more available options for replacement, more accessory options, and more texture options.

Pros: Very large and roomy – especially if you need the length, Feels very “all-encompassing” sensation-wise, Offers the widest variety of internal textures and orifice options, Stores very discreetly, Widest range of available accessories, Non-white/pink flesh tones available, Fleshlight sells the sleeve-only for Originals.

Cons: Particularly large and unwieldy if you don’t need the length, Unable to adjust specific tightness along the grip

Fleshlight Original Reviews: Over the years, I’ve reviewed a LOT of the Original Fleshlight designs – most of them older posts. We still use quite a few of these Fleshlights still, though – especially the Fleshlight Alien: Fleshlight Ice Lady Crystal Review, Fleshlight Pure Review, Fleshlight Vibro Cyclone Review, Fleshlight Girls Jenna Haze Forbidden Texture, Fleshlight Lady Super-Ribbed Texture Review, Fleshlight Alien Review, Fleshlight Girls Katsuni Lotus Texture Review, Fleshlight Ice Lady Wonder Wave Review, and Fleshjack Endurance Jack Ass Masturbator Sleeve Review.

Fleshlight Go Torque Ice Review

Fleshlight Go

Let’s go a little bit smaller with the Fleshlight Go. As the name implies, this was Fleshlight’s response to the “Original is too large” complaint. The Fleshlight Go is basically the Original Fleshlight – but shrunk down a little bit more. Instead of being nearly 10″, the Fleshlight Go has a total length of 7″ with an insertable length of 6.5″.

Everything else remains the same, though. It offers the same suction cap as the full-sized Fleshlight Originals, and the same plastic case design – just on a much smaller scale.

It does NOT offer the same buy-just-a-case or just-a-sleeve purchasing functionality as the Original Fleshlights. While the Fleshlight Gos offer a wide range of options to choose from, they are all case-and-sleeve.

However, since it’s been around for a bit and the only thing accessory-manufacturers have to do to accommodate the Fleshlight Go is make an adapter for the case’s slight diameter change, some accessories are designed to work with the Fleshlight Go as well. (Even my Fleshlight Shower Mount review is shown with the Fleshlight Go for the photos.)

Effectively, if you like the idea of Original Fleshlight – but don’t think the 8.5″ insertable length is necessary for you, I’d say to size down to the Fleshlight Go.

Fleshlight also says that the smaller size makes it a better travel companion. I’d agree with that statement – though I wouldn’t say it’s that big of a difference to travel with the Original compared to the Go. Both are relatively easy to travel with because of their snug case design that just pretty much can be tossed anywhere.

Pros: Smaller size than the Originals is more functional for most people, Feels very “all-encompassing” sensation-wise, Smaller size works well for travel, Much-more streamlined design that allows most people to reach the entirety of the texture.

Cons: Unable to adjust for specific tightness along the length, Unable to purchase just-sleeves or just-cases.

Fleshlight Go Reviews: Fleshlight Go Torque Ice.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight? Fleshlight Flight

Fleshlight Flight

I’m gonna be honest with you here: I’m not entirely sure what Fleshlight’s angle was when designing the Fleshlight Flight. From what I can gather from the marketing language, they essentially wanted to streamline the design of the Fleshlight Go – and make the masturbator look a bit more “futuristic” and “sleek”.

So you ended up with the Fleshlight Flight. It’s about the same size as the Fleshlight Go with a total length of 8″ and an insertable length of 6″. Unlike the Fleshlight Original and the Fleshlight Go, the cap of the Flight is actually angled – so you can’t place this sleeve upside-down for temporary resting while you reapply lube or take a break from masturbation.

The Fleshlight Flight’s case is also less-texture than the Fleshlight Original or Fleshlight Go. While this helps make the masturbation sleeve look sexier, it doesn’t really help with handling – especially if you get a bit of lube on the plastic case, the Fleshlight Flight is much harder to keep in-hand. It doesn’t have the ridging along the case like the Fleshlight Go and Fleshlight Original do in order to keep your hand from sliding around.

Like the Fleshlight Original and Fleshlight Go, the Fleshlight Flight uses that same suction-cap control. I know you’re tired of hearing about it, so you’ll be happy to know that’s the last one on this list that uses it.

With the Flight’s odd-er shape, most Fleshlight accessories are not available for it – at least without purchasing a separate adapter.

Essentially, if the other Fleshlights look “too obvious” for you, the Fleshlight Flight series might be a good solution for you. I’m not sure I necessarily see the benefits (discretion) outweighing the negatives (slippery case, tilted cap), but if you think the Fleshlight Flight is the one for you, have at it.

Pros: Sleek design is crafted for further discretion, Much-more manageable size than the Fleshlight Original, Feels “all-encompassing” sensation-wise, Smaller-size makes for a good travel companion, Much-more streamlined design that allows most people to reach the entirety of the texture.

Cons: Non-textured case is much more slippery, Tilted cap prohibits the sleeve from being turned upside down, Unable to adjust for specific tightness along the length, Unable to purchase just-sleeves or just-cases.

Fleshlight Flight Reviews: Fleshlight Flight penis stroker review.

Fleshlight Quickshot Alien

Fleshlight Quickshot

Finally, we get to the penis strokers that are noticeably different! The Quickshot basically looks like a tiny “trial size” Fleshlight – and to be honest, that’s really what it is. This “trial size” design has a lot of benefits, though – along with a drastically cheaper price tag.

The biggest “downside” to the Quickshot is also what makes it great – its small size. At a total length of 4.4″ with an insertable length of 3.5″, it’s the smallest Fleshlight out there. This is unlikely to cover the entire penis for most people. This small size is also its greatest strength: it is designed to be used during other sex activities – and especially with a partner. Fleshlight has always marketed this one as a great fit to use during oral sex with a partner.

The Quickshot is also unique in that it’s open-ended. A lot of people dislike open-ended designs since they don’t contain the ejaculate – but some people love the open-ended design because now you can see the final “money shot” too.

The Quickshot is also double-sided. Both sides of the Quickshot are the entrance – and the exit. Fleshlight takes advantage of this with some of their designs that feature two separate orifices. (Like an asshole on one side – and a mouth on the other). This can allow you to easily get two separate visuals in a single toy if the orifice appearance is a big thing for you.

(If you really hate the smaller size or want more versatility, the Fleshlight Quick Connect lets you connect two Quickshots together – to make a much-longer Quickshot that’s about the standard penis stroker size.)

The Fleshlight Quickshot won’t be compatible with virtually any of the Fleshlight accessories out there. Fleshlight makes their own accessories for the Quickshot (I have to imagine it has quickly become a best-selling line with the fact that Fleshlight now even makes a sex machine JUST for the Quickshot), but most third-party accessories do not currently cater to the Quickshot penis stroker.

It’s worth noting that the Quickshot is the easiest Fleshlight on this list to clean. This is because of its dual-ended design – and very small size too. The Fleshlight sleeve just pops out of the very-minimalist plastic case, can be easily rinsed in the sink (and you can see what you’re doing, too, with its open-ended design), and then allowed to dry. When you’re done, both end caps of the Quickshot are snapped back onto the Quickshot, and you’re good to go again.

If your penis has a noticeable curve to it, the Fleshlight Quickshot also allows you to follow the natural curve of your body. While the other, above Fleshlights on this list are all “straight” and rigid, the Quickshot’s smaller size lets you stroke in the curve that your penis is.

Pros: Cheapest Fleshlight out there, Allows you to focus on just one part of the penis, Can be used alongside other toys/your hand/etc., Can be used with a partner – especially during oral sex, May have two separate orifice appearances in one, Open-ended design, Easiest to clean, Most-travel friendly on this list.

Cons: Only allows sensation on one part of the penis at a time, Won’t be all-encompassing for most, No suction sensations at all, Open-ended design, Unable to adjust for specific tightness along the length, Unable to purchase just-sleeves or just-cases.

Fleshlight Quickshot Review: I just want to go on the record by saying that the Fleshlight Quickshot (and the next one, the Fleshskins) are the most-used Fleshlights in my sex life. As the partner of someone who uses them on their penis, the smaller design of the Quickshot allows me to see more of the action – and get more involved on the “leftover” parts of the penis if I want to.

Fleshlight Fleshskins Blue Ice Review

Fleshlight Fleshskins

We reach our final option: the Fleshlight Fleshskins. Just like the Quickshot before it, the Fleshskins was an entirely new redesign of the Fleshlight experience. Basically, Fleshlight got rid of the plastic case entirely – and then changed up the material of the sleeve itself too – and that got you the magic of the Fleshlight Fleshskins. At 5.35″, it might be “just enough” for a lot of penis owners – but it will likely be too short for all-encompassing pleasure for a lot of penis owners too.

This makes the Fleshlight Fleshskins a little bit closer to your standard “pocket pussy” than it does the traditional Fleshlight. Fleshlight added some key differences to really make things stand out though:

The “brass knuckles” design: Instead of worrying about lube making a slippery slide during use, the Fleshlight Fleshskins has built-in finger holes that you slide your fingers into. This means there’s no slip-and-slide sensations like most pocket pussy designs out there. This also means, well, there’s a penis stroker stuck to your hand. If you tend to multitask a lot, you might find this design frustrating, but if you tend to leave your stroking hand in place most of the time in your jerk off session, this is probably a plus.

Non-stick material: Most pocket pussies are made of odd materials that smell weird or leave your hands sticky when you’re done. Fleshlight avoided that. It doesn’t have any scent, but still feels like a jelly sensation – and no “residue” on your hands afterwards.

Open-Ended-ish: The end of the Fleshlight Fleshskins penis stroker sleeve is technically open-ended. I show it in my Fleshskins review, but essentially, the open-ended design is about the size of a pencil tip, but it’s made of the same super-stretchy material as the rest of the Fleshskins sleeve. This means that, if you apply pressure to the end (like if the head of your penis is trying to “break through”), it will easily stretch to accommodate and let the penis through. However, if you aren’t using the full length (like targeted stroking near orgasm), the “open-ended” tip is mostly closed – and catches the vast majority of the ejaculate upon orgasm. It feels like the best of both worlds there – but it does mean that the Fleshlight Fleshskins doesn’t have any sort of “suction” beyond what you make with your own hand.

Storage/Drying Case: The Fleshlight Fleshskins dries better than any other option on this list, and that’s because of this drying case. It allows air through the Fleshskin penis stroker really nicely, and it keeps the internal portion “open” and upright to really expedite the drying process. When you’re done, the case also functions as the storage case. It’s worth noting that the Storage/Drying case isn’t the sturdiest or most-discreet with its see-through design and pop-off lid. I wouldn’t travel with this.

Unlike every other option on this list, the Fleshlight Fleshskins allows you to control sensation on every inch of your penis with your hand grip. While the plastic casing “gets in the way” of that with every other Fleshlight on this list, the Fleshskins has hand-to-penis contact with a squishy sleeve that gets tighter if you just squeeze your hand tighter.

This is part of what makes this a great option for smaller penises. You don’t need to reach a certain thickness or length in order to enjoy the texture with the Fleshlight Fleshskins. If your penis is on the smaller side, all you have to do is tighten your fist – and the Fleshlight Fleshskins will be at the perfect snugness for your own anatomy.

That being said, the Fleshlight Fleshskins is probably the least-durable on this list. While all Fleshlights have a “lifespan” (that gets shorter with improper care), the Fleshskins is the only one that’s probably going to be stretched and tugged at on a constant basis – both to get it on the drying rack, to get it around your penis, and to get it around your fingers. While I haven’t had any tears in mine yet in the last year, I would expect this one to tear before any of my other Fleshlights.

I also consider this one the most-likely to be discontinued. Since releasing it two years ago, Fleshlight hasn’t released any new textures, colors, or anything. It’s just the one single offering.

Pros: Full tightness control by using your hand, “brass knuckles” grip for no slipping, Drying case, Non-sticky material, Partially open-ended, Feels a lot more like the hand-focused masturbation you’re used to, Can work great for smaller penises.

Cons: Not great for travel (very see-through and lid can pop off), Not particularly discreet, No accessories for it, It gets “attached” to your hand, Tear-prone, No accessories, No built-in suction.

Fleshlight Fleshskins Review: Fleshlight Fleshskins Blue Ice review. I remember being so enamored by the Fleshlight Fleshskins toy when I first touched it that I instantly made a note to do a video review on it.

Compare Fleshlights Should I Buy a Fleshlight?
Compare Fleshlights: Left to Right: Fleshlight Original (Full Size), Fleshlight Go, and Fleshlight Flight.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight? Fleshlight Comparison Chart

So, now that we’ve taken the time to compare Fleshlight options, it makes sense that our Fleshlight comparison chart should take the time to break it down into a short, easy-to-view chart. So, y’know, here’s the compare Fleshlight versions chart and all that:

Suction Lid
Fleshlight Original9.75″8.5″YESYESNOYES
Fleshlight Go7″6.5″YESYESYESYES
Fleshlight Flight8″6″YESYESYESNO
Fleshlight Quickshot4.4″3.5″NONOYESYES
Fleshlight Fleshskins5.35″5.35″NOYES-ISHNONO

Should I Buy a Fleshlight if I travel often? If that’s the case, I’d go with the Fleshlight GO or Quickshot. Both make fantastic travel toys.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight if I’m well above-average in size? If that’s the case, go with the Fleshlight Original. While a lot of the excess size is unnecessary for most, you might be one of the cases where it’s a welcome sight.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight if I’m well under-average in size? If that’s the case, the plastic cases of most Fleshlights will work against you; the strokers may not feel very tight. Instead, go with the Fleshlight Fleshskins – which will allow you to set your own tightness level based upon how firmly you grip the toy.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight for my partner to use on me? If you’re hoping for a partner to use it on you, I’d go with the Fleshlight Quickshot, a Fleshlight Fleshskins, or a Fleshlight of any type – but in their Clear Ice variety. The visual of the Clear Ice varieties can be fantastic for partnered play. At the same time, the Fleshlight Fleshskins just feels so cool to use, so I totally recommend that one too.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight if my budget is tight? Well, you make your own choices about your budget and what’s possible. But if you have the discretionary funds, the Quickshot and Fleshskins are the lowest-priced options. I’d recommend the Fleshskins if you want something that feels all-encompassing and the Quickshot if you want something that has more of a typical “cased” feeling of a Fleshlight.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight if I want to do stamina training for intercourse? Yep! If your end goal is “lasting” long before ejaculation, Fleshlights can work for that too. (To be fair, most penis strokers can.) However, the Fleshlight STU series was specifically crafted for that. Pair a Fleshlight full-size STU with a sex toy mount, and you’ll have a semi-realistic scenario to get practicing on.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight if this is my first sex toy? That one is a big tougher. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with almost all Fleshlights. (Like I said, avoid the Classic Texture). But outside of that, if you like stroking sensations and find some orifice on the human body attractive, a Fleshlight is pretty much the cream of the crop. I’d say a Fleshlight makes a great first toy if it fits into your budget.

So What Should You Consider Before you Buy a Fleshlight?

  • You’ve experimented with other male masturbation sleeves. If you’ve played with other male masturbation sleeves and love the idea – but wish the sensation was more lifelike or intense, you might be ready to try a Fleshlight. What’s most important is that you enjoy using a toy and the sensation of a different type of material around your penis.
  • You’re looking for realistic sensations. There’s a reason that Fleshlight has developed a cult following, and it’s because it is one of the most realistic penis stroker experiences out there. Partnered with Fleshlight’s realistic molds from famous adult stars, lots of penis owners swear by Fleshlights as the most-realistic sensations they’ve felt from their sex toys. Fleshlights can even be warmed in warm water before use to increase the realism of the experience. (There are lots of steps you can take to make a Fleshlight more realistic).
  • You’re okay with taking care of it. Fleshlights were never designed to be a “use and toss” type of toy. They’re expensive for that. Instead, they can last for a couple of years with regular use as long as you take care of them. This requires fully washing them out after every use and allowing them to fully dry in an area with good air circulation. (For real, the design of a Fleshlight can easily grow mold if you don’t allow it to fully dry out. Depending on the Fleshlight, “drying out” can take at least 24 hours – all the way until 5 days later.)
  • You’re willing to put in the effort to keep it “realistic”. To really keep the material feeling as super-soft and realistic as when you first received it, it also can require some extra powdering after usage. Without doing this, your new toy is going to lose that “real feel” sensation a whole lot less time than it otherwise would. You can get away with hot water for washing and forgoing the powdering if the cost is a large concern – but you’ll likely lose that skin-like sensation faster.
  • You’ve measured your penis and are open to getting a Fleshlight that works well for your length. It’s easy to let your ego get in the way and assume you need the full-sized, Original Fleshlight for “your length”, but picking up a Fleshlight that isn’t the right length for your own body is going to be much-more-likely to result in disappointment.
  • You don’t usually use “death grip” masturbation. As mentioned in the above overviews, most Fleshlights use plastic cases around the penis stroker sleeve itself. This means that you’re unable to adjust tightness on-the-fly with your grip. You can use the suction cap to increase suction – where applicable – but if you’re used to super-tight grips on specific parts of your penis, you might find that Fleshlights can’t provide that sensation. (But maybe you’re looking to train yourself off of it anyway!)
Fleshlight Fleshskins Blue Ice vs Tenga Spinner
Fleshlight Fleshskins Blue Ice (left) shown next to Tenga Spinner (right). Lids sit in the background. Both sit in their cases to hold them upright. Otherwise their squishy design just falls over.

Should I Buy a Fleshlight? Alternatives to Fleshlights

Since we spent this entire article talking about “Should I Buy a Fleshlight?”, it kinda makes sense that we should delve a bit deeper into alternatives to Fleshlights too. Since, y’know, looking at your other options can help you figure out if these penis strokers are right for you.

If you like the Fleshlight Go…consider the KIIROO RealFeel Stroker. It’s similar-ish in height, but aside from a slight height difference, it’s virtually the same type of design as the Fleshlight Go. The KIIROO Feel Stroker’s claim-to-fame is its compatibility (as-in, it’s specifically designed for!) the KIIROO KEON penis stroking sex machine. I have a KIIROO KEON review if you want more info on how the stroker feels.

If you like the Fleshlight Flight…consider the Tenga Flip Hole Zero. It’s similar-ish in length, but it’s definitely a little bit different than the Flight. It has the same “can’t set it down”, rounded base design like the Fleshlight Flight has, but the Tenga Flip Hole Zero is equipped with pressure plates on its plastic shell. These “plates” can be pushed down during use to add pressure and intensity instead of Fleshlight’s standard suction-cap design. In addition, the Tenga Flip Hole Zero has a drying base that makes for easier drying. Comparing the Fleshlight Flight to the Tenga Flip Hole Zero is a bit more of a stretch than the other options on this list, but the Flight doesn’t stand out to me as too many super-specific features aside from smaller size, inability to set it down upright, and futuristic design – all of which the Tenga Flip Hole Zero checks off.

If you like the Fleshlight Quickshot…consider the b Swish bHandy. It’s essentially the same design – a plastic container holds a mini, double-sided sleeve with two caps on each side. The texture on the inside is a bit different, and it has more of a “sporty” design, but it’s a very similar concept to the Quickshot with most of the same pros and cons.

If you like the Fleshlight Fleshskins…try the Tenga Spinner. The Tenga Spinner also offers that “your grip determines the tightness” sensation that the Fleshskins have. While the Spinner doesn’t have the built-in finger grips of the Fleshskins stroker, it has a plastic coil around the outer layers of the Spinner which make for easier gripping. (That “coil” also is what makes the Tenga Spinner “spin” around the erection with each stroke. It’s really cool, and for the price, it’s ridiculously pleasurable.) The Tenga Spinner also comes with its own drying case (superior case, I think) if you were into that aspect.

If you like the Original Fleshlight….you’re a bit out of luck on alternatives. Honestly, the Fleshlight Original still stands out as its own type of masturbator without a whole lot of competition with anything near its size. There are a lot of Fleshlight Go-sized alternatives, but most manufacturers stop short of going anywhere near the size of the Fleshlight Original. Should I buy a Fleshlight? Well, the answer is probably “yes” if you’re looking for something that’s like the Fleshlight Original.

Tips for Buying a Fleshlight

You’ve decided you want to buy a Fleshlight sex toy. If that’s the case, for the best possible experience, there are some Fleshlight buying tips you should consider when picking up your new sex toy:

  • Don’t go with the Classic texture Fleshlight. Mostly because the “Classic” texture is the complete lack of texture. While some people enjoy this lack of texture, most newbies will find it completely underwhelming. After all, you got the Fleshlight in order to feel a new sensation, right? If that’s the case, you’ll want to pick a Fleshlight with a texture. Users tend to agree that the “Mini-Lotus” or “Wonder Wave” texture feel the closest to the real thing. (In fact, both Lotus Fleshlight texture and Wonder Wave Fleshlight texture have been around as Fleshlight’s best-selling textures for the past seven years.) Fleshlight’s “Build a Fleshlight” will let you craft your own Fleshlight with your own chosen sleeve texture.
  • When selecting a texture, consider how long your penis is. While some guys tend to be extremely long and others are extremely short, most guys are average size – which is fine! But when Fleshlight makes their toys to be over 9″ in length, if you’re only 6″ in length, you’re not going to be able to reach that final 3″ of texture. When selecting a texture, make sure the majority of the textured portion falls at a point where you can actually feel it.
  • If budget is a concern, go for some of Fleshlight’s smaller-length products instead of their Original Fleshlights. The Fleshlight Quickshot or Fleshlight Flight or Fleshlight Go provides much-smaller lengths than the full-sized Fleshlights to ensure you can reach the entirety of the texture with your penis. Plus, they’re usually much cheaper!
  • Consider whether you’d like to travel with your Fleshlight. If you plan on taking it with you places, consider how well it will pack into your bags – and how well the case will keep it snug and tight while it’s in there. Quickshots or Fleshlight Gos tend to be great travel companions – full-sized Fleshlights or the Fleshlight Fleshskins – not so much.
  • If you would like to watch (or your partner would) consider getting one of the Fleshlight Ice toys. See-through, these toys make it a lot easier to watch the action. Whether you’ve met that person on a text-based sexual service like Arousr or they’re your regular partner, they’ll appreciate being able to see inside the Fleshlight as you enjoy yourself. I also recommend the Fleshlight Quickshot if you want your partner to watch – or the Fleshlight Fleshskins if you want them to do the stroking; it feels fantastic to still feel all the nuances of the erection while using a sleeve on someone!
  • Look around until you find the best Fleshlight for you. The Fleshlight official site has the most options, but you can potentially find better deals on Fleshlights on other websites if you can find the one you want. Start your journey on the official website to see the full extent of your options, and move onto other sex toy retailers once you figure out what items from the Fleshlight line appeal most to you.

Once you get your toy, enjoy it, and take care of it! Make sure to read the instructions and take good care of your new toybox addition to ensure it lasts as long as you want to use it. Feel free to leave some of your own suggestions below for other shoppers.

Updated again: May 2022, March 2022, December 2021, August 2021, May 2021, April 2021, March 2021, November 2020.

Original Publication Date: July 23, 2015.

Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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