It’s finally time. You bought a brand new cock cage, and you’re ready to give chastity play a try. Only the cage arrives looking like one of those mind game puzzles with zero instructions, and you’re left feeling like being chaste requires a cryptic adventure to even try it. So let me help: let’s go over how to put on a chastity cage with most of the common ball trap device styles.
(Ball-trap cock cages are the most common type of cage. They have a large ring at the base that fastens underneath the heft of the testicles with a protruding shaft cage that contains the shaft of the penis. They do not have any belt or harness that wraps around the hips.)
So let’s do it. Let’s talk about how to put on a chastity cage:

Step 1: Know How Your Cage Works
Learning how your chastity cage fits together while simultaneously putting it on for the first time is like trying to learn how to make a complicated dinner while reading the recipe for the first time. You’re going to quickly find out you need something you don’t have.
That’s the case with learning how to put on a chastity cage, too.
Before it ever touches your cock, hold it in your hands. Most cages arrive fully assembled; slowly take it apart, paying attention to how each piece fits together as you do.
Once it’s fully pulled apart, put it together in your hands. See how it all fits together, and figure out where the difficult/sticking points might be.
Many cock cages offer adjustable pieces as well. For example, the Golden Chalice Chastity Cage has 3 separate base ring sizes. Hold the cock cage up to your own penis and scrotum and see which pieces you think would fit your body best. (You may need to readjust after putting it on, but it helps to have a starter idea!)
While you’re here, run your fingers along the inside of your chastity cage to check for sharp surfaces. Some of the cheaper chastity cages have horrendous quality control, and the last thing you want to do is find that out with your penis.

Step 2: Get Soft
You might laugh, but this is probably the hardest step on this entire list.
Turns out, if you like the idea of being put in a chastity cage in the first place, you’re probably going to start to get hard as you just look at the cage.
Unfortunately, cages don’t really fit that well (or at all) when you’re not flaccid.
It’s a hilarious catch-22 (from the femdom side anyway).
Aim for being completely soft for the least resistance when putting on the cage, but that can be “hard” to manage too.
To “solve” this problem, chastity lovers have tried a variety of options like:
- Putting on a chastity cage directly after your last orgasm.
- Thinking unsexy thoughts.
- Putting the chastity cage in the fridge (not freezer!) to offer instant cold as soon as it touches skin.
- Using a bag of frozen vegetables on the shaft to try to force it to soften.

Step 3: Lube Up Your Penis, Balls, and Cage
Dry skin doesn’t really slide. If it’s dry, it’s much easier to pinch, too. I promise, you don’t want to pinch your penis or balls.
We fix that by simply using some lube.
You can use water-based lube or silicone-based lube. Oil-based is friendly to most chastity cages, too, but it might not be so friendly to the clothes you put on over it. (Oil-based lubes can stain fabrics.)
A lot of experienced chastity device wearers like to use silicone-based lube because it lasts a long time after you’ve initially put it on.
However, it’s also much, much more slippery, and it’s harder to easily clean up if you use too much. I’d recommend beginners start with a water-based lube. Then you can simply towel things off if you use too much.
When you’re ready use your chosen lube on your fingers to coat the entirety of your penis and balls. After that, use your fingers to coat the inside of the chastity cage.
While you’re learning how to put on a chastity cage, I recommend washing your hands with soap and water before continuing. This can make it easier to handle the cage on future steps.
(Protip: You can also wear a disposable glove while putting on the lube then pull it off for a dry hand underneath.)

Step 4: Slide in the Balls
Your chastity cage probably came with a ring of some sort. This ring rests underneath the balls, using the balls to “anchor” the rest of the device onto your body.
How this ring will fit underneath your testicles will vary, based on your device, but almost all ball trap devices start with getting that ring in place.
If your ring has a bendable joint, you may be able to open the ring, place it gently underneath the testicles, and close the ring around the base of the testicles. That’s for the fancy chastity cage owners out there.
For most cages, however, you’ll have a literal, unbendable solid ring that needs to slide underneath the testicles like a rigid cock ring.
This requires slowly, patiently, and carefully feeding the testicles through this ring, one at a time. Start with the testicle that generally hangs lowest for you, and gently push it through the ring.
Once that first one is through, feed the second testicle (if you have one!) through the ring.

Usually, the excess scrotum skin is part of what gets in the way of this tight fit, so I recommend maneuvering your skin as you go, gently pulling it through the ring as well. As you gently pull your scrotal sack through the ring, you’ll find a point where that second testicle just sorta “pops” in because the skin tugs it along for the adventure.
(This is usually the hardest part of learning how to put on a chastity cage. Don’t feel too frustrated if it takes you a while. It gets easier from here!)
Exercise caution when feeding your balls through. You CAN hurt your testicles. My submissive sheared his vas deferens from trying to do this too quickly. Do things with patience. If things are too tight a fit right now, come back to it later. There’s no cock cage in the world worth multiple urologist appointments and months of testicle pain.
Once in place, the ring should be a snug, but not completely restrictive, fit around the balls. You want it to be a good anchor for the rest of the cage, but you don’t want it to be as strict as a cock ring usually would be; we’re not trying to achieve and maintain erection through blood flow restriction when wearing a chastity cage.
Expect this step to take at least 5 minutes.

Step 5: Move Onto the Shaft Cage
Once you have the base ring in place, you’re ready to add the rest of the cage. That is, the actual “cage” itself that slips over the shaft.
In most chastity cages, that’s literally as easy as it sounds. Feed your lubricated shaft into the lubricated cage and watch it slide into place.
In many cases, however, your erection might get in the way. All of the handling of the balls (and the success of getting the base ring on!) might have led to an erection, and you really can’t feed an erect penis into your chastity cage. Sorry.
If that’s the case, just chill around, using the same steps as earlier, until your penis has gone flaccid again. Depending on the tightness of your base ring, this may take longer than usual if the ring is providing some restriction.
Once your flaccid shaft is ready, hold the empty chastity shaft cage at the tip of the shaft, gently pulling it onto the shaft. Simultaneously use your fingers to “push” the soft material of your flaccid penis into the cage. If you’re able to align the head of your penis with the tip of the cage (and the urination hole!) as you go, all the better!
Once the shaft cage is touching the base ring at the bottom, you’re ready to move on.
If the shaft cage doesn’t touch the base ring at the bottom, you could have one of these problems:
- You’re still erect. Chastity cages are designed to be worn at the softest size you achieve. Not “sitting in an ice bath” small but “sitting comfortably at work without a sexual thought in sight” small. Even a half-chub can make it impossible to put on a properly fitting cage. Again, sorry.
- You need more lube. If your cock cage or penis isn’t lubricated enough, it’ll be hard to slide the shaft all the way into the bottom of the shaft cage – especially when your fingers can’t fit all the way down there. Try more lube.
- You’re not pulling it enough. Your shaft cage is supposed to be tight. It should compress and squish the penis shaft a bit when pulled taut up against the base ring. It shouldn’t simply “hang” with a cage on it. Expect compression (that’s the point!).
- It’s the wrong cage. You might own the wrong-sized cage. Most chastity newbies go through a ton of cages when they start – some up to 15! If a fully flaccid shaft doesn’t fit into the shaft cage you bought, you might need to get a new cage with a longer shaft measurement. There’s nothing wrong with that. Cocks and balls are as unique as the person who owns them. This just might not be the right size for you.

Step 6: Fasten the Cage to the Base Ring
You’re finally ready to turn those two pieces into a single “cage”! This is where cock cages can get really unique, and most cages have their own, unique fastening system that can make it hard to advise you on.
Luckily for us, this is where your personal knowledge should come in handy. Since you spent the time putting together and taking apart the cage when it first arrived, you should have a general idea of how to get the two pieces to interlock with one another.
Simply pull the shaft cage tightly against the body and fasten the two together. In most cases, this simply looks like a plastic or metal piece slid into place, fastening the two together.
On the below example, you can see that a plastic fastener (in the center of the cage) simply slides through both the ring and the cage, and a lock thread through a hole in the fastener’s tip will keep the cock cage in place.

Step 7: Lock the Cage
Once the cage actually looks like a finished cage hanging off your body, you’re ready to lock it!
The type of lock you’ll choose will vary based on what you’re trying to accomplish and how you play. The most popular types of locks include:
- Plastic, disposable locks.
- Metal, reusable locks.
Plastic, disposable locks are, essentially, small zipties. They loop around the fastening area and pull tight. To remove them, you have to cut the zip tie. Most of these disposable locks are numbered to ensure continuity and make it difficult to cheat. The chastity wearer simply sends a photo of the number on the lock to their partner, and their partner will know cheating occurred if the number is different when they see the cage again in the future.
While these disposable locks need to be repurchased (since you’ll go through them!), they also are much lighter in weight and easier to use. It’s impossible to lose the key, and you can cut it off mid-day if there’s an emergency. You just need a pair of scissors. Kinky people who regularly travel via airline also appreciate the plastic design; nothing metal will trigger the metal detector.

Metal, reusable locks are small, tiny versions of the same padlocks you’d use to lock up a locker. They slip through the fastening area, and the U-shaped top is pushed firmly into the locking base to “lock” the cage shut. Now, this lock won’t open until the key is used (or bolt cutters).
These locks are reusable, so you only have to purchase them once – and a lot of chastity kinksters really, really appreciate the look of a keyholder wearing the metal key around their neck. However, these locks are heavier and may make a “clanging” noise against the cage itself with lots of jumping or activity (like working out!). They also require the key to release – which can be a serious issue if the key is lost. At that point, you’ll either need to own a bolt cutter or get ahold of a locksmith professional – which can become a worst-case scenario.
The type of lock you choose will be your personal preference; I usually lean towards metal, reusable locks, but we’ve played with plastic locks as a way to swap things up. I particularly like the plastic locks when the cage feels a bit “weird” when he puts it on. Especially during long work days, this ensures he can easily remove the cage if something is pinching or cutting off circulation.
Some chastity devices, like the Bluetooth Electro-Shock Chastity Cage, don’t allow anything other than their proprietary, built-in lock. While this can streamline the look and wear of the cage, it does mean that disposable, plastic locks may not be an option. Some people find that a happy trade-off, though.
Learn More about Chastity
Now that you’ve learned how to put on a chastity cage, you might want to find some fun ways to use it. Check out these related articles on Kinky World: