Interested in pet play scene ideas? You’ve come to the right place!
What is Pet Play in BDSM?
I have an entire article that explains the basics of Pet Play in BDSM – but if you want a quick, short definition:
Pet play is the act of “roleplaying” an animal for headspace, arousal, or identity congruence purposes. The exact “animal” roleplayed can vary. Common choices are dogs, cats, wolves, foxes, and bunnies, but I’ve seen squirrels, chinchillas, pigeons, Chthulus, and more!
Because the reasons for doing pet play in BDSM are as varied as the people who play with it, your scenes will probably be just as variable as well.
For example, someone who likes to do a squirrel roleplay because they feel like a squirrel themselves is not going to enjoy the same scenes as someone who’s roleplaying as a puppy because they don’t want to think about the upcoming work presentation they’re stressed about. Another person, who is roleplaying as a cat because they find catboys/catgirls to be sexy, is probably not going to be doing the same scenes as the first two either.
While the focus is generally on the “BDSM pet” in a pet play scene, “handlers” and “pet owners” are also common identifiers for any “human” in the scene who may be caretaking or training the pet.
Pet Play Scene Ideas
You know you want to do some pet play focused scenes. But what, exactly, should you do? There’s only so many times that you want to lead your pet around on a leash. Let’s add some inspiration into your pet play with these pet play scene ideas, nicely organized by type.
First Stop: Training Sessions
Honestly, “training” your pet can last until the end of time – just like you could for a biological pet. Just focus an entire scene on training your pet on a specific activity or behavior you want them to learn.
Rinse and repeat as you want them to learn new, different abilities.
Some pet play scene ideas for training could include:
- Heel (work on where you want them to stay while they’re collared and being walked)
- Speak (work on their vocalizations)
- Bedtime (work on a night-time routine while in pet play headspace like going to the kennel, getting final food for the nights, etc.)
- Potty (work on any bodily waste protocols you want to have in place when they’re in their headspace)
- Sit Pretty (work on any “display” poses that you want your pet to be able to hold on command. Nitpick the exact placement and angles of their limbs.)
- Treat (work on how you want your BDSM pet to take their treats. Opened mouth? Sitting in a certain spot?)
- Eat / Drink (work on how your pet will eat/drink while in pet play mode and without their hands. This can require a decent amount of experimentation with food and drink types as well as ways to serve those foods and drinks)
Pet Play Scene Ideas: Heading Outdoors
- “Bathe” your pet. Do you have the free space (and privacy!) outside to “bathe” your pet? The water from your hose is probably going to be cold AF, but that might be what you’re going for. Alternatively, you can bring buckets of extra-hot water outside and place them into a tiny, portable pool. Make sure to test the temperature before placing your pet inside the pool. Now your ultra-excitable pet can do some fun zoomies after their bath too!
- Groom your pet. When I was a kid, we always used to do the big, seasonal brushing and hair removal for our dog outside for easier clean-up. You can make that into a pet play scene idea of your own. This might involve simply brushing your pet as they roll around in the grass, or it might involve giving them a haircut while they’re outside.
- Take your BDSM pet for a “human” walk. Go outside and go to the park. Obviously, a collar and leash is a no-go for public venues, but you can add a lot of significance to the little things. Require your pet to hold your hand – because that’s their “leash” and they aren’t allowed to let go. Play “fetch” by tossing a ball back and forth – only you just happen to be terrible at throwing and they’ll regularly have to go fetch the ball from the ground.
- Practice your athleticism. Are you lucky enough to have access to a large outdoor space? Consider making a fun obstacle course for your pet. To do this on the cheap, simply get a set of small cones and pool noodles; your pet is expected to jump the pool noodles and dart around the cones. This works particularly well for puppies and ponies who love the idea of being part of a show competition. You can do all of that in your local park without raising too many eyebrows (you’re trying to better your running times, after all!) If you have a private space, feel free to try this in tandem with a leash or with your pet fully clad in their pet play gear if you both think you’re up for it!
- Beat the heat with a sprinkler and hose. Remember when you used to run around in a sprinkle when you were younger? Your pets would love it too. Your human pets can love it too. While this works best for puppy play, ponies and foxies can love the fun of hopping around in a sprinkle as well. Look in your local store’s pool/summer aisle to see what different sprinklers exist out there. A “fire hydrant” sprinkle could be particularly applicable here. ;)
- Enjoy laying out in the sun. There is no way in hell most kitties would be caught dead in a sprinkler. But if you pull out the chaises, your kitty will likely be a happy cat laying out in the sun. Wearing cat ears while sunbathing isn’t illegal (just a bit weird) if you want to add some pet play flavor. You can also encourage your cat to “perk up” anytime they hear a bird’s chirp and encourage them to be able to locate exactly where that bird is at and point it out to you. Just don’t forget the sunscreen!
- Head into the snow. Okay, winter cold sucks. But hear me out: a lot of pets love prancing in fresh snow. Whether you have a fox, dog, or pony, there’s a lot of fun to be had by simply heading outside in the fresh snow. Your pet will want to have adult snowpants, thick gloves, and snow-ready coats. As an added bonus, all of that thick layering means that your pet can discreetly wear some of their pet play gear underneath their winter gear. As your pet is likely to get sweaty, though, make sure your pet play gear is easily cleanable!
Pet Play Scene Ideas: Indoors with a Large Space
- Take your crawling pet for an indoor “walk”. Draw this out for as long as you want by pointing out objects for your BDSM pet to interact with, taking breaks to play with them or pet them, or otherwise interacting with them. What about a water break to make them drink out of a bowl? Obviously, if you’re going to be having your pet crawl around on their hands and knees with a collar and leash, make sure to keep this scene private. It doesn’t take up a lot of space either. It can even be done in a hotel room!
- Play date time! Do you have other pet play friends? If so, a play date might be in order! If you don’t have any close friends who have shared their pet play inclinations, consider heading to your local kink group. Many kink groups have non-sexual pet play group meet-ups. (Caution: If you’re attending a local gay-focused puppy mosh, it may have a lot of sexual themes. Nothing wrong with that, but understand that might be the case if you’re going!)
- A Pet Play “Treats” Flight: Do you know what treats work best for you and your pet’s headspace? Does your rabbit like carrots, or do they prefer orange candy gummies? Would nibbling on large leaves of lettuce be fun because they’re so huge or would they prefer much-more-manageable kale leaves? Consider making a flight of common foods/veggies that your “pet” is known for eating, and then make a flight of them, enjoying your pet’s reaction to each one. If you’re part of the social media generation, this might even include filming your pet’s reactions for “socials”. Don’t be afraid to get creative here. Would candy carrots be a good option? What about gummy salads? Maybe your pet prefers carrot-flavored protein balls? (in tiny, bite-sized balls like kibble) You can get really creative!
- DIY Pet Play “Treats”: Speaking of creative treats, if you and your pet are into it, “making” those treats can be part of the fun of your pet play too. Have you ever made your own pony-friendly sugar cubes? Did you know that you could buy sugarcane raw from the store and process it at home for your pony to enjoy? Would your kitty enjoy a flavored tuna mixture that you “pack” into a food-safe can for realism when you serve it? What about cookies in the shape of dog bones? You and your pet can turn the baking/cooking into a scene in itself. Your “human” partner can help you (if you prefer!), or you can simply have a pet underfoot while you’re in the kitchen. Remember to write that recipe down when you find the perfect pet play food!
- Simply Being a Pet! Sometimes the benefit of being a “pet” is that you get to sit there and do nothing but get pet. While a day of activities is fun for pet play, don’t forget about the relaxing simplicity of simply letting your pet lay on your lap. For added realism, watch TV or pull out your laptop to mindless “pet” your pet like you would any other companion. (This can also be a great spot to fit in some sexual play since your pet still has eyes. Viewing porn or escorts in London on your laptop screen where your pet can only “watch” can be a fun tease.)
- Pile Up All the Blankets. If going out in the snow will never be one of the pet play scene ideas you can bring to life, consider making a “faux” snow space to frolic in the house. Simply pile up all of the pillows and blankets in the house – and then encourage your pet to play in it. Bonus points if you hide soft squeaky toys inside of the giant nest. Feel free to hop on in there and play along with your pet (honest, it’s fun!).
- Watch YouTube videos meant for your animal. Human beings have evolved into a weird stage of humanity where a lot of us are filming videos with the sole intention of an animal watching them. If you have a common pet (cats and dogs), a simple search for “video for X” will bring up these videos meant especially for them. If you have a less common household pet, you might need to put on your thinking cap. What would a horse want to see? What would a bunny or fox want to see? You might look up “walk through beautiful valley” or “first person wrangling a cow” for your horse. (Did you know horses like to chase cows? I didn’t.)
- Intentional Destruction. In most cases, our “human” brains will prevent our “pet” brains from destroying our possessions while we play. (I have yet to see a human puppy chew on furniture long enough to destroy it.) However, we can really let out a bit of our primal sides when we intentionally encourage that destruction. For the most accessible way to explore this, simply toss a cardboard box into the center of the room and encourage your pet to ruin it. They might step on it, use their hands to crumble it, or even try to chew on it. Other options (including if you have access to outdoor spaces for easier clean up): sand castles, store-bought cake, thin paper cups, towers of fluffy bubbles.
Pet Play Scene Ideas: To the Veterinarian
Every pet needs a check-up at some point, and you can roleplay that too. By taking a stand-off-ish vibe and trying to add in a bit of medical fetish flavor, you can take your BDSM pet to the “veterinarian”. This can include a whole lot of ways to interact with your pet including:
- Taking their pulse. Take it on the common areas (necks and wrists) or take it internally. The same can be done with their temperature. (Make sure anything you use won’t get swallowed!)
- Snap on some gloves and use some lube to really inspect every one of their holes.
- Do a full “inspection” with humiliation intention. This can include commentary about their body, forcing them to hold awkward postures where you can see everything, speculums, mouth gags, and more.
- Force them to do pet show postures. How far apart do their legs need to be? What about the resting posture of their spine? Where should their eye sight and head be facing?
- Require them to perfect show tricks. Take some inspiration from dog and animal trick shows. You can get really thorough with this one (just be careful!) or keep things pretty basic.
- “Bathe” your pet in your Vet’s “Tub”. Put them into a bathtub with warm water half-way up the tub. For bonus points, use pet-specific soap and pick up a few pet-specific bathing tools from your local pet store. Depending on the size of your bathtub, your pet may need to face the spout instead of facing outwards, towards you, but you can both make it work.
- Shave your pet. Do they have an upcoming “surgery”? Maybe you’re worried that they might get a rash in this heat. Your local “veterinarian” can use an electric beard trimmer to shave your pet in various spots. Just make sure to do this over puppy pads, towels, or a blanket where you can easily pick up all of the hair.
- “Cone of Death”. You’ve seen the “Cone of Death” for animals, and your human animal can wear them too. Think of it like a posture collar and pony play blinders all in one! A search for “pet vet cone” will bring up some options you can explore. Getting one meant for medium-to-large dogs will likely fit your human. I recommend looking for something adjustable.
You can take your “Veterinarian” visit to the next level if you have a friend (or have hired an escort from Escorts Club) to play the Vet for your visit. Ensuring your partner would consent to a third party ahead of time, it can really make the “Vet’s Office” feel realistic when they walk into a stranger who’s about to do their “healthcare”.
More about Pet Play BDSM
Is your curiosity piqued? Want to do a deep dive into more information about pet play! Let me help with a few of my favorite articles:
- BDSM Advice Series: Pet Play 101
- Gear to Make your BDSM Pet Play More Realistic
- BDSM Scenes, Step-by-Step: Pet Play Headspace Ritual
Updated: January 2025, October 2023, May 2023.