Odile Anal Dilator Review

Odile Anal Dilator Review

You might have heard whispers about the Odile Anal Dilator. It’s one of the few sex toys that has made it to crowdfunding campaigns (alongside its fun brethren the Cute Little Fuckers). Odile’s Indiegogo campaign made it to completion, and now, the Odile anal dilator is ready to find its way into the hands of anal lovers everywhere.

So it seemed like exactly the time to get an Odile Anal Dilator review done.

Odile Anal Dilator laying flat on top of its instruction manual on a brightly lit, white background.

What is the Odile Anal Dilator?

The Odile butt trainer essentially replaces an entire anal training kit – but with a single toy. By using an expanding mechanism inside of the Odile, you just twist the lever at the bottom of the Odile, and the shaft of the toy gradually expands from its at-rest 1″ in diameter all the way to its fully expanded 1.5″ in diameter.

Essentially, this replaces an entire anal training kit – AND does it even “better” (depending on what you prioritize in your anal training kit). Most traditional anal training kits (or anal dilator kits) have 3 to 4 different toys in them. Since the Odile can hit every single size between 1″ and 1.5″, it’s effectively about 13 toys in one. (Yes, I had to Google how many millimeters were in an inch.) So you can choose the exact size you need at any given day in (literally) millimeter increments.

At the same time, most anal training kits require you to pull out the previous toy – then slide in the thicker toy when you’re ready. That isn’t the case with the Odile. You can gently turn the key at the base of the Odile while it’s inserted into the body – which will gently expand your butt (or vagina!) while it’s inside of the body. That’s pretty much unheard of outside of inflatable toys. You’ll learn more about how this expanding functionality works during the rest of my Odile sex toy review.

It does all of this with a full silicone design – and no inflation involved. I don’t know about you, but I find inflatable toys (with all of their excess cables and usually-latex or usually-rubber designs) to be a bit off-putting for most of my play. Inflatable toys are also harder to control in exact increments. The Odile butt expander does all of this through a mechanical design that doesn’t require inflation and relies solely on the internal, mechanical, non-electric parts.

(Yes, you read that right. The Odile doesn’t have a lick of electricity inside of it! It doesn’t make a single noise, and it’s much-less-likely to meet an early death to a motor failure. It’s entirely based on internal mechanics.)

The Odile Anal Dilator, at this point in time, is available in a single size that goes from 1″ in diameter up to 1.5″ in diameter (in 1-millimeter increments). The box says “For Beginners and Intermediate” – which gives me hope that this will start to be available in larger sizes for people into the larger side of anal stretching – like my partner and I.

At the tip, the Odile butt plug also features a very tapered tip. This tapering is most gentle at the 1″ diameter, and while it still tapers at the 1.5″ diameter, it’s more of a drastic size change at that size. This taper helps make for more-comfortable insertion, though – especially if you’re using the Odile as a dilator.

How Does the Odile Butt Plug Dilator Work?

I haven’t cut apart my Odile, so I can’t promise that I’m 100% accurate here, but from touching and using the Odile butt trainer, it feels like the interior of the Odile is some form of five metal “arms” surrounded by a thin layer of silicone. This thin layer of silicone isn’t very “plushy”, and it very much feels like a thin layer of silicone surrounding a hard internal “core”. (It’s that silky-smooth, super-slippery silicone that I love though. It feels amazing both sexually and just to touch. It feels like luxury.)

With the Odile closed as its tightest point, you don’t really feel the distinct “arms” at all. It feels like one cohesive thing, and you could (honestly) mistake it for a plain, plastic solid interior. However, as you turn the key, these internal arms gently expand – literally 1 millimeter at a time for every complete rotation of the crank at the base.

Odile Anal Dilator Review
Shadowed image that shows the flower-esque shape that forms in the shaft when the Odile is fully expanded

With the Odile Anal Dilator fully extended, you can feel a lot more of these “arms” when you touch the toy and look at it with your eyes (though your butt really can’t tell when you insert it). It isn’t entirely “round”, but it’s round-ish with slight divets in the silicone in the spots between the anal arms. It really reminds me of the corpus cavernosum of the penis. You know, where it’s a rounded, oval-like design at a glance, but if you start pushing around at different parts, you can really feel where the different erectile tissues are located.

Honestly, it’s an amazing little toy, and every person that has seen it has been amazed, wanted to see how it works, and given me the “Wow. I can’t believe nobody thought of this yet. This is amazing” spiel – similar to my BumpHer or OhNuts toys where it just seems so “obvious” because it fills such a necessary need in the sex world.

Close-up of the key base of the Odile anal dilator

How to Use the Odile Anal Dilator?

So, the Odile is extremely easy to use. Really, it just works like any other insertable sex toy out there. You lube it up, slowly and patiently slide it into the place where you want it to be, and enjoy yourself.

The Odile can be turned to the perfect diameter BEFORE insertion – or you can change the diameter while it is inserted into the body. Both styles work just fine with it.

Your sex positions with the Odile are, admittedly, a bit limited. The “key” that you turn at the base of the Odile, while thickening or slimming the Odile, also happens to stick out from the base. This means that you can’t really use the Odile while applying any sort of pressure to the base of the toy. That means that using the Odile as a butt plug is out (it wouldn’t stay in anyway), and you can’t really use it while sitting down or laying on top of it.

Outside of that, though, all of the possibilities are open. You can use it while laying on your back (as long as no pressure is applied to the Odile while it’s inserted), while bent over, while on all fours, anything. As long as you’re actively sliding the Odile in (whether to yourself or to a partner), the Odile works great. Just don’t expect it to stay in on its own – or to be able to easily move around or sit on top of it.

Odile is really designed for active engagement – not “slide it in and forget it”. The lack of a retention area means that it can slowly slide itself back out if pressure isn’t applied to the base of it, so you can’t just half-way slip it in and use both your hands elsewhere.

As a final point, the flared base on the Odile is a bit slim when Odile is at its widest (at 1.5″). As you can see from the photos below, it doesn’t have much of a flare at all. For anal beginners, this may not be a huge issue. If hitting that 1.5″ point was a severe stretch, your body won’t easily take that last little bit easily unless you’re over-inserting the toy. If you regularly take toys with huge diameters, though, the Odile’s current iteration is probably not a good fit for you. It’ll be much easier for your body to overinsert the diameter – since you’re used to toys that are larger in thickness.

Odile Anal Dilator Review
Odile’s flared base and shaft shape when at the thinnest diameter (1″)
Odile Anal Dilator Review
Odile’s flared base and non-spherical shaft when at the thickest diameter (1.5″)

It’s just generally odd that Odile didn’t choose to add more of a flared base to the Odile. A little flare (even something as afterthought-y looking as the LELO Loki), would have made this for-sure safer. It’s just an odd design choice that will ensure users need to be more cautious with the toy than they otherwise needed to be.

It’s worth noting that the Odile instruction manual states that this dilator should only be used anally. I don’t have any idea for a reason for that clarification, but I do want to be upfront that Odile stays this is for anal use only.

Is the Odile Going to Last?

One of the neat things about the Odile is the fact that it’s electronics-free. That means there is no battery, there is no recharging, and there is nothing “automated” about it. Since the toy is made from silicone, plastic, and stainless steel, it means it can, conceivably, still be around for your use 5, 10, or 20 years in the future. There’s nothing about it that should give it a limited lifespan unless you rip the silicone – unlike automated toys with batteries and electric motors.

Since the Odile’s internal “spreader” is made from stainless steel, I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about any disruptions there. Steel is powerful and strong, and while asshole muscle strength can be pretty strong too, I don’t think it has quite passed the “crushing steel” mark.

Covering that “claw expander” of steel is a thin layer of silicone. This thin layer of silicone is fully supported by the stainless steel “claw” (which is closed up) when the Odile is at its smallest. When its at its thickest, the stainless steel “claw” spreads apart – which means there are areas (that you can feel) where the silicone is hollow underneath. Unless you go shoving sharp objects at the Odile, I don’t see any concern about punctures or breakages in the silicone. It doesn’t show any signs of being under too much stress. But definitely don’t store this in the knife drawer (or needle draw) while fully expanded. It does seem like it would be possible to puncture it if you’re (for some reason?) letting sharp objects near your sex toys.

I think the biggest stress point is likely the plastic key at the base – and probably due to user error. The Odile starts providing resistance against turning the key once you hit a certain point (whether you’re about to reach the thickest or smallest size it can go). If you over-turn it, I can easily see it snapping the key.

Just be cognizant of how far you push the toy AND keep it away from sharp objects, and I don’t think you’ll have much to worry about in terms of durability and having a lasting toy.

Odile Warranty?

One of the biggest holes I’ve seen is any lack of a warranty. Especially as it’s a brand-new toy to hit the market (to the point where I’m not sure they have a website of their own), I’m not sure if this is something that’s coming in the future. For a high-end toy like this to lack a warranty, though, is really weird. Almost all silicone-made, brand-name toys at least offer a 1-year warranty against defects. The only other high-end toy I’ve reviewed recently that didn’t have a review was the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strap-On.

I’m not saying Odile doesn’t have a warranty, but I am saying I can’t find any info about it online – and nothing is included about it in the user manual. I’m happy to update this review if I find out anything to the contrary, but if that is the case, it’s something to be aware of.

Odile Video Review

Interested in seeing things in real-time and listening to me talk about it? (Instead of reading) I have an Odile anal dilator video review. You’ll have to click into YouTube (and ensure you’re logged in) to watch it since I think the term “anal” flagged it with the service, but it’ll give you a good overview of the Odile, how it functions, how it looks, and all of the other applicable visual things.

Final Thoughts on my Odile Anal Dilator Review

It’s really neat to see the Odile out on the market – and ready to help people. Unlike most anal dilator kits – which usually only offer 3 or 4 distinct sizes (and require switching out the toys between sizes), the Odile can be slipped into the body, and it can easily achieve 13 different “sizes” – down to the (literal) millimeter. Not only does this make for a much-more-gradual expansion, but it also means that you can fully customize your experience.

Essentially, as long as you can slide at least 1″ diameter into your butt (or vagina! Whatever you’re working with), the Odile is the “right” toy. It really eliminates the “What Anal Toy Size is Best for Me?” questions that fill up sex toy forums on a daily basis. Because as long as you can slide an inch in (which most anal newbies can – but not all!), the Odile can adjust anywhere within the 1″ to 1.5″ range – which makes it the perfect size for you. You can’t buy “too big” or “too small” with the Odile. You just adjust it bigger or smaller to what you need. Especially for a lot of anal beginners who sink their money into a few toys while trying to find the “right” size, the Odile is a fantastic shortcut that reduces environmental waste – and, y’know, reduces wasted money.

One big thing to note about the Odile Anal Dilator – and it’s probably its biggest downside: you can’t sit down with the Odile inside of you. This may or may not be a big point for you. Most dilator toys are designed to be used while actively paying attention to them. Depending on how sexual dilation is for you (this anal dilator can be used for medically-suggested anal dilation too!), you flip on a TV show, slip in the dilator, and let your body acclimate to the tightness and fullness while you mentally entertain yourself somewhere else.

However, for a lot of people into anal training for anal sex, one of the bigger recommendations is to “just wear your plug while doing other activities” – and the key lodged into the base of the Odile Anal Dilator means that it isn’t possible to do any activities that require sitting up. The Odile also slips out – quickly and easily – if you attempt to stand up and walk around. It’s very much a toy that needs to be used while laying down or actively holding it in the body.

It’s also important to be aware that the Odile’s “flared base” is relatively slim at its widest, 1.5″ diameter. This means that well-experienced anal users who are used to very-thick toys should probably steer clear of the Odile – or at least use it with serious care. Beginners and anal newbies who don’t usually use 1.5″ diameter toys will be fine as long as they don’t overinsert, but if your butt is regularly used to 2″ toys, it will be much-easier for your body to overinsert the base of the Odile’s slim flared base.

Those are really the big things to note before thinking the Odile is right for you.

For us, I’m actually a bit saddened that this wasn’t on the market when we were doing a lot of our initial anal training and stretching. I feel like this would have been an absolute treasure. We’re actually already waiting to see if Odile will release some larger versions for experienced anal stretchers – like a 1.5″ to 2″ version – or even a 2″ to 2.5″ version.

We’ve “grown out” of the need for the 1″ to 1.5″ stretching most of the time, but even then, the Odile can make a lovely warm-up toy for anal sex if we put it around 1.3″ and gently increase the diameter until it’s the max diameter. It really does make anal intercourse much more pleasurable. With our anal experience, though, we have to use the Odile with caution, and we never insert the shaft over half-way. This is not a toy that we can thrust with mindless abandon because of the flared base concerns.

In short, the Odile has its limitations, but for what it offers, it solves a lot of problems too. A genuinely new innovation in anal toys that I’m excited about, and if you’re sure that your uses fall within its wheelhouse, I’d recommend it.

Odile Anal Dilator Review

Mistress Kay from Kinky World

Ease of Use
Noise Level
High-Quality Features


The Odile really ticks some boxes for “unique” and “necessary” in the anal training world. Not only is it made out of body-safe silicone, but it entirely avoids an inflatable design – which makes it much more compact, reliable, less prone to breakage, easier to use, and approachable for beginners.

Its unique shape allows the Odile to adjust from 1″ to 1.5″ – and that’s really the exact span that most people want to go from “new to anal” all the way to “comfortable and pleasurable anal sex”.

The Odile does this in a way that other anal training kits don’t. It allows you to adjust the exact size you need in 1-millimeter increments. This means you can slide the Odile in, turn the key once, and the Odile will instantly become 1-millimeter thicker (or smaller). This allows you to actively stretch the butt while the toy is inserted in a safe, controlled manner (unlike inflatable toys) and without pulling the toy out and inserting another toy (which is what you have to do with anal training kits).

The Odile functions well. The key turns easily as long as you aren’t approaching its limitations, the dilator slides in easily and is made from super-smooth silicone, it’s waterproof for easy cleaning – especially if you get lube on the handle/”key”, and it behaves exactly how you want it to behave. No surprises here.

The Odile’s biggest downside is just the design of the base. At the widest 1.5″ diameter, the Odile doesn’t offer much of a flared base, and if you have regular experience with toys or body parts larger than that diameter, you’ll want to use the Odile with caution to ensure you don’t overinsert it – and slide it totally into the body.

Due to the “key” sticking out of the base that adjusts the thickness, you also can’t sit down on the Odile. Its dilator-like straightness also means that the Odile slips out if you try to move around or “wear” it around. This makes the Odile a toy you need to actively use. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s something to note if you like to slide your anal toys in and go about using your hands elsewhere.

Odile Anal Dilator Review
Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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