Enema Play 101: Everything You Want to Know about Giving Enemas in Kink Scenes

A enema bag hangs on top of a glass shower door. The entire bathroom is very white and tiled, and the red bag of the enema kit stands out. The white enema cord drapes out from the bottom of the bag. For my enema kink article.

Curious about an enema kink – and using enemas in BDSM? I applaud you for doing a web search about it – and you’ve been so nicely rewarded with this guide. Let me give you a comprehensive look at enemas from start to finish – including what enemas do, why people might have an enema kink, what supplies you’ll need to give your kinky enema, and how to do the enema itself.

Well, let’s jump in!

What Will a Kinky Enema Do?

An enema will, in simplistic terms, clean out the inside of the butt by “forcing” a bowel movement to happen.

In more complicated terms, an enema adds fluid into the rectum and lower intestines which softens any mess inside the body to gently cause the body to have a bowel movement. Depending on the state of your bowels before the enema (how recently you’ve had a movement of your own), this enema can be almost entirely fluid or it can include small amounts of solids as well.

The enema giver (whether that’s done solo or with a partner) can determine how deep and far-reaching the enema goes by how much liquid is introduced and how long the enema is retained inside of the body.

An enema can usually be kept in the body from anywhere between 1 minute to over an hour; it depends on what solution is used, the position you give the enema in, and how much is used.

I don’t want to mislead you in any fashion: an enema will come right back out of the butt like a bowel movement – and it will be a very urgent bowel movement. Expect the standard watery-poop noises you can get with watery movements. You’ll probably want to have a toilet nearby.

If the end goal is the absence of any poop for anal play, you’ll want to do multiple enemas. The first enema will be the messiest; subsequent enemas will be “cleaner” and without as many solids. If you keep going for multiple attempts, you can get to a point where the enema comes out almost entirely as clear water.

(Big note: Depending on your goals for kinky enema play, you use this repetition to your advantage. You may choose to do the first enema in private as a “prep” enema – and you might choose to use your 2nd or 3rd enema as the “play” enema to have a lower likelihood of encountering feces. If you’ve ever watched enema kink porn, the actors/actresses are likely 4 or 5 enemas deep before they shoot their scene; in some scenes, for hygiene, the liquid is dyed to look like a brown color for visuals while everything that comes out is primarily water for easier cleaning for staff.)

Enemas have been used to clean out the bowels for a very long time. They’re used in medical settings for extreme constipation and some naturalistic lifestyles regularly use them as aids in relaxation and health. In a sexual setting, they are used for cleaning the rectum for anal play or for filling the butt for a pleasurable, full sensation.

For some people (most noticeably in kink and fetish communities), the giving/receiving of the enema can be the sexual activity all to itself as well. Why is that? Well, let’s talk about it – especially if your partner is the one who expressed an interest in kinky enemas.

Why Would Someone Want a Sexual Enema?

Okay, so let’s get real here: figuring out why someone might find an enema arousing may not be quite as easy to understand as enjoying arousal from a handjob.

But, the world of BDSM is full of awesome things that turn us on that might not seem quite so obvious on the surface. An enema kink, along with thousands of other things, just happens to be one of them.

Some people have an enema kink purely for the sensation. Especially for those who enjoy large anal toys, there’s an intense “full” sensation that comes alongside having fluid introduced to the body. If you think of an enema like a thick dildo that’s perfectly shaped to hit all of the pressure-responding erogenous zones inside of the body, understanding an enema kink becomes easier.

For others, it’s about intimacy. Many couples find that the act of retaining and releasing the enema fluid can be an entire exercise in trust. Pooping tends to be one of those super-private activities that we don’t share with others; there are thousands of discussions online about whether it’s even appropriate to do that in front of the person you’re married to. Actively inviting someone to fill you with liquid – and then potentially be around while you expel it – can be an intense level of intimacy.

If you want it to be, an enema kink can also be about humiliation. Just think about it:

  • Spreading the cheeks and putting yourself on display for the enema
  • Having someone comment on anything about your butt, how much fluid you take in, or the sounds you make while expelling them
  • Having someone observe – and judge you – as you receive the enema. Are you getting turned on by this?!
  • Feeling the urgency of needing to use the toilet – but being unable to until someone gives you permission
  • Being forced to expel the enema in the toilet while someone watches
  • Being forced to expel the enema not in the toilet while you “soil yourself”

Others, yet, have an enema kink because of the medical play implications. Enemas are used in medical settings, and the equipment to give an enema (unlike most medical procedures) is actually pretty cheap! Giving an enema in medical fetish settings can be an easy way to involve anal play while still staying true to the source material.

Finally, I want to touch on the people who have an enema kink as part of their power exchange dynamic. They may not, necessarily, be sexually aroused by the enema or the sensations of the enema itself. They are, instead, aroused by the fact that an enema isn’t off-limits to be “forced” into. They enjoy the fact that something so personal and intimate is something that can just be demanded from their body within their power exchange dynamic.

On a practical level, enemas can also be used for cleaning out the rectum and anal area for anal sex. Especially for any type of rough or deep type of anal sex, there’s a chance of encountering a bit of “mess” with anal. That’s just part of doing things around (and in) a butt. However, some people feel more comfortable knowing that their bodies are already cleaned out before any type of anal sex happens – and enemas, when done correctly, reduce the risk of running into any related mess.


What Enema Kink Supplies Should I Use?

All things considered, exploring an enema kink is probably one of the cheapest kinks out there. You simply need:

  • A device to give the enema
  • Lube
  • Salt (optional)
  • Water (or other liquid; stick with water as a newbie!)

As enemas are commonly used for anal hygiene, constipation relief, and holistic medical reasons, getting ahold of an enema kit is surprisingly simple. You can, quite literally, get everything you need at a Walmart. (The cheap “combination hot water bottle” set shown above is from Walmart.)

Especially if you start with a cheap enema device, though, expect to replace it over time. Remember: your enema kink device is going to come in regular contact with the butt – and, honestly, probably some poop. Especially if you find out that an enema kink is a big turn-on for you, this means you’ll want a device that can be cleaned as thoroughly as possible.

With all of that in mind, the world of enema kink toys has really expanded in the past 10 years. While I’d imagine most of this expansion is due to the popularity of enemas as a hygienic clean-up option, you can still take advantage of all of the different devices out there that can help give an enema.

So, let’s explore the different types of enema kink toys out there:

Pre-Bought Squirt-Bottle

These are tiny, liquid-filled bottles found in the medicinal aisles of your local pharmacy. These tiny bottles come filled with an enema-inducing liquid that’s designed to be squeezed up the butt – then tossed in the garbage afterwards. If this is all you can get ahold of for whatever reason, I highly recommend dumping the liquid out and rinsing the bottle thoroughly before using it for enema kink purposes. Imagine their intended use: a non-kinky person is desperate enough for constipation relief that they’re willing to squirt something up their butt. The medicine-laced liquid inside of these squirt bottles is extremely potent, and if you’re giving an enema for fun, the intensity of the results for a body that isn’t constipated will likely ruin your enjoyment.

Bag-Style Enema Bag

Think about filling a waterproof bag with liquid – and then letting that liquid drain out through a tube that can be slid into the butt. You can control the intensity of the liquid flow by changing how much higher the water-filled bag sits from the person who is receiving the enema. Since a waterproof bag folds up really easily when empty, bag-style enema kits also are easy to travel with – and can be hung virtually anywhere sturdy.

Bag-style enema kits are probably the kit of choice if you a) do solo enema kink play often and b) enjoy large-volume enemas. As the bag-style holds a lot of liquid and only requires a single “insertion” to add as much liquid as you want, bag-style enemas

As noted above from my photo from Wal-mart, these bag-style enema kits are also very common – and very cheap. Quite a few kinksters start with bag-style enema kits as their first step.

Squeeze-Bulb Style

Cloud9 Novelties Deluxe Enema Douche Review
Cloud 9 Enema Bulb Kit

Have you ever had to get liquid into a syringe or pipette? Think of squeeze-bulb style enema kits as the enema kink version of that.

You filled a bowl or tub with your enema liquid, and then you squeeze the bulb on your enema toy, dip it into the bowl/tub, and let the water pressure fill up the bulb full of water as air rushes into the system. Now you have a bulb full of water that’s ready to go into a bum.

As squeeze-bulb style enema kits have a much lower capacity than most of the enema options on this list, they may require multiple “trips” to transfer liquid into the butt. If you’re really into the sensations of the initial penetration or first enema squirts, you might fall in love with squeeze-bulb style enema kits.

Squeeze-bulb style enema kits also happen to have the most interpersonal interaction. Bag-style enema kits and shower/toilet attachments can be slid into the butt and left there until “full”. Squeeze-bulb style kits will require multiple times of penetration to fill up with the same amount of liquid. This gives the enema kink giver a lot of opportunities to play up the various enema aspects of the kink. Because of this repeated penetration, squeeze-bulb enemas also have one of the bigger “risks” for splatter zones or leakage.

That being said, especially if you prefer small enemas for play, squeeze-bulb enema kits make it easy to squirt in a bit of liquid without needing the “full set-up” of other options on this list.

Soda Bottle Style Enema

Designed especially for people who do enemas “on the go”, sex manufacturers have gotten a bit creative on this one. Instead of needing a full kit, this style of enema requires simply carrying around a tapered, plastic tip that can be screwed onto any standard soda bottle. You use any empty bottle that works with the tip as the liquid receptacle; it’s essentially a squeeze-bulb style enema – except you BYOB – bring your own bottle.

Shower Attachment Enema

Cloud 9 Premium Shower Kit

Especially fantastic for people who use enemas as a form of anal hygiene, an enema shower attachment directly attaches to your showerhead to make it easy to clean the area – both internally and externally. Not all shower attachments are created equal: as the shower can have a lot of water pressure behind it – and you’re adding gravity to the intensity as well, some enema aficionados caution against shower enemas – especially when you’re new. The idea isn’t to pressure wash your insides. If you’re keen on shower attachments for your enema kink play, make sure to get one with adjustable pressure.

Toilet Attachment Enema

So convenient! If you find that enema kink play is perfect for you and you have a bit of plumbing knowledge, a toilet attachment might be a great fit. Essentially, you install a water diverter to the toilet plumbing system to divert clean water into an enema hose that’s conveniently available right next to the toilet. Enjoy your enema, and easily expel into the toilet. Depending on where you like to enjoy your enema kink play, though, the idea of being “leashed” to the toilet for the entirety may not be fun for you.

Where Should I Do my Sexual Enema?

So, now you know what is a kinky enema, why people are turned on by enemas in BDSM, and what sexual enema supplies you need. Next, let’s talk about location. You should explore your first sexual enemas…

Near a Toilet: An enema kink can really be explored anywhere in your home. As your enema retention time will likely be on the slim side when you’re still experimenting with positions and volume, I recommend doing this somewhere with an accessible toilet nearby. If a toilet isn’t part of your scene, make sure you know of somewhere else that the enema can be released – a diaper, bucket, or other area. For most people, however, the most comfortable and familiar option for releasing an enema is going to be a toilet.

Near Easily-Cleaned Floors: Remember: an enema (and the enema’s water!) ends up having a lot of contact with fecal bacteria. Especially when you’re new to enemas or using a new enema kink device, it’s possible for spillage to occur when you’re “filling up”. I highly recommend putting down something to protect your surface (like a towel) for easy cleaning – or doing your enema above hardwood or tile floor that can be bleached when you’re done. This is especially important if you share a space with anything that would lick or roll around on the floor – like pets.

Somewhere Comfortable: Turns out, staying “near the toilet” may not be particularly comfortable. Bathrooms aren’t known for their plush surfaces. If that’s the case, feel free to sit or lay in a covered chair/bed until you know “it’s time”. Just make sure the toilet stays accessible. If you really don’t want to chance it, consider bringing an easily-washed blanket onto the bathroom floor to make your own little fort.

Near your Enema Device: Not all enema applications can go anywhere in the household. If you’re using a shower or toilet enema device, you’ll be tethered to those objects. If you’re using an enema bag, you’ll need to find a space where you can hang the enema bag at the appropriate height. (A doorknob can be a good spot for beginners) To get a comfortable flow rate, you’re looking for an enema bag height of above two feet from where your butt will be.

In Public? Maybe not. If humiliation play is your intent, you can explore an enema kink in public. I definitely don’t recommend it, but it’s possible. Be aware that this scene could go very wrong in a way you never intended very quickly. I most definitely do not recommend this to beginners to enemas, but if you’re dead-set on trying a public enema, consider:

  • How does the person’s body react to an enema?
  • What’s the ideal liquid solution that you’re 99% sure will be a great fit for that person’s body?
  • How long can they retain the enema with a 99% certainty?
  • Where will they expel the enema?
  • Have you done trials to ensure the enema expulsion idea works with a 99% certainty? (container, diaper, whatever)
  • What will you do about the potential smell?
  • What’s the plan for clean-up?
  • Is what you’re doing – and where you’re doing it – legal? And if not, how are you mitigating those risks and going into the experience as risk-aware as possible?

(Gotta leave that 1% chance in there. There’s never a 100% certainty of anything when you’re planning. Make sure you always have a Plan B in case the “this has never happened before!” happens.)

How Do I Do An Enema for Enema Kink Play?

Of course, this is the bread and butter of what you want to learn about, isn’t it?

Prepare The Liquid:

For most beginners, a plain water and salt enema is the best choice. Use clean water for your enema; for most places, tap water will be more-than-fine. Turn on the faucet and allow the water to run until it’s comfortably warm. You don’t want it to be hot, and you don’t want it to be cold. Around 95 to 105 degrees F is what most people tend to prefer. Too hot and you can harm yourself, but too cold causes cramping as well. You want it to feel slightly warmed on your fingers. As soon as you think you’ve found the right temperature, insert a brand new, dry finger into the water and see what the actual temperature is. (Leaving a finger inside of the water can acclimate it and obscure the actual temperature of the water.)

Overestimate how much liquid you need to prep. Heading back to the sink to refill and make a new solution is a pain in the ass. Almost all enema devices allow you to stop administering before the device is empty, so always prep more than you need – and stop when you’ve had your fill – even if you didn’t use all of the water.

Add 1 tsp of sea salt for every liter of water you use. (Most enema bags are a standard 1.5 or 2-liter bag). Shake up (or stir) your water mixture a bit to mix the solution before administering it.

(In case it wasn’t clear, use standard, very-fine table salt. Do not use coarse salt or larger pieces of salt; large “chunks” may irritate or scratch the sensitive lining of the bowels.)

Before you continue, if you’re using an enema bag device, after the bag is filled with the solution, open the valve and let a little bit of the water flow into the sink. You want to ensure you have the air bubbles out of the valve. Air won’t hurt you, but it can produce a bit of gas, and most people aren’t looking for that.

(If you are looking for a bit of humiliation, you can always use that air as a tool in your toolbox, though. Just ensure you don’t add much; just like everyday functioning, too much air in the bowels causes discomfort and pain, and that’s probably not your intent.)

If you have a bag, you then need to find a good spot to hang the bag (assuming you’re using a bag. If not, you can use a bowl filled with the water you plan on administering via the bulb) for your enema. You’ll want the bag to be between 18 to 24 inches above the body while taking your enema. Too high can cause too much pressure. Too low may take longer to administer – but it’s usually best to err on the side of too low if there’s no other option. Drawer handles, door knobs, closet shelves, and anything else can be used to hang your bag; just make sure it’s sturdy. 2 liters of water can get heavy.


You want to get into a good position to enjoy your enema. Laying flat on your back – or laying in a fetal position on your side – tend to be the most-recommended first-timer positions. This allows you to lay back and focus on the sensations while simultaneously keeping the liquid from going too deep.

You can take in the “face down, ass up” position, but be aware that it will push the enema further into your body than laying flat. If you’re looking to retain more liquid, that position can be helpful, but if you’re looking for a shallower enema, having a position where your chest is no lower than your hips can help.

All of that being said, if you can imagine the position, you can take a kinky enema in that position. Any position is possible: over-the-knee included. I just recommend taking it easy with laying on your back (or side) as your first explorations into BDSM enema play.


Now it’s time to put in the enema device tip. Lubricate the tip with your favorite lubricant, and slide it in. Depending on the size of the enema tip (and whether you’re using a sex-specific tip), this may take a bit to get comfortably inserted. Feel free to play around with penetration and movement if that feels good too. There’s no need to rush into the enema liquid if you’re otherwise enjoying yourself.

Once it’s in and you’re comfortable, you can allow the liquid to fill the body. If you have a toilet or shower enema, that might be as simple as turning on the water. If you are using a bulb enema, you just need to squeeze the bulb. If you’re using an enema-bag device, you’ll want to unclamp the hose.

There’s really no “wrong” way to fill up. Continue until you (or your partner) says that they’re full, and then clamp off the hose again. For some people, this might be only a bit of water and for others, it might be more. Do what feels pleasurable to the enema recipient – and err on the side of “too little” rather than too much. You can always do another enema scene later with more liquid.


Once you have the solution in the body, it’s time to “retain” the liquid. At first, it’ll likely be easy to ignore, but as the liquid makes its way back towards the entrance, it will start to feel extremely urgent. Just clench the muscles like you would to retain anything else that you would from the butt. Whenever feels “right” for you, go ahead and use the toilet (or whatever else you have planned in your scene). There’s really no wrong or right way to do this.

While I wouldn’t recommend it for someone new to enemas, some people also like to add a butt plug in to aid in the retention.

The kinky enema can be held as long as you want. Some people will enjoy some discomfort while others mostly enjoy the sensation of the filling process. Hold for as long as you want, but be aware that, as a beginner, it may not even be more than thirty seconds. There’s no “have-to” time limit.


Once you’re ready to be done, you can move to the toilet and expel like you usually would. Avoid straining, but “expel” until you feel like it’s done.

After feeling “done”, I recommend getting up and moving around. Possibly try squatting or bending at the waist to do different tasks. This will likely push even more water down and cause a second trip to the toilet.

(Optional) Rinse and Repeat:

If you’re enjoying your kinky enema as part of an attempt to “clean out” for anal play, I highly recommend following your first enema up with another enema as long as you’re feeling okay. If your electrolyte balance isn’t doing so hot, feel free to lay down and give yourself a bit of recovery time.

Do be aware: If you’re doing a BDSM enema for anal play, a singular enema can actually make your mess worse for play. An enema helps dislodge some of the solids from further up the tract – and it adds liquid into what was solid. This means that a singular clean-out might actually add more mess into the “play” area of the butt – especially if you’re new and not 100% sure of what you’re doing.

If the end goal of your enema is minimal contact with fecal matter during anal play, definitely try to do a second and third enema. Some people prefer to redo their enema until the expelled water runs entirely clear. Depending on the process you use, it can take 20 to 45 minutes to reach that point.

If you’ll be repeating your enema process multiple times, make sure to penetrate slowly with the enema tip (to avoid soreness) and avoid too much straining when voiding the enema. It’s water; just give it time. It’ll come out.

How Can I Fit This Into a Kinky Enema Scene?

So, your interest is piqued – and you want to try a kinky enema of your own. Not everyone wants to make an enema the sole focus of their kink scene, though – and you might fall under that same jurisdiction. If that’s the case, let’s talk about how you can fit a kink enema into other types of play:

Enemas for Humiliation

If you’re into humiliation, enemas fit in so easily. Tease the enema recipient over what you’re doing to their body. Gently “fuck” them with the tip as you administer the enema. Consider locking the door to the bathroom and making them beg for the key as they retain the enema. Force them to stand up straight for an “inspection” as they try to retain the enema. As long as you get a bit creative, you can come up with a plethora of ways for an enema to add to further power dynamics.

For some serious humiliation and embarrassment, consider sticking around and making remarks as they expel the enema; almost no one is used to having their intimate partners around when they do such a thing. (Obviously, the time to negotiate that last idea is not when they’re holding the enema. Make sure you’ve made your intention clear ahead of time because it can lead to some pretty intense shame and personal embarrassment in a way that you’re not intending if they really didn’t want you there.)

Enemas Without Humiliation

Not into humiliation? You can use enemas in a different way. Use an enema as a caring and thoughtful “gift” that you give to a partner. Enemas can be given lovingly and gently; think of an enema like a high-end, pampering spa experience, and you’ll understand. (For real, though, it’s called a “colon cleansing spa”, and it’s an actual thing.)

Gently lay out your partner in soft blankets as you prepare the enema, slowly lube up the tip, and slide it in. Let them languish in the pleasurable sensations as you touch their body. As they start to feel full, remove the tip. Consider sexual foreplay as they retain (if that’s something you do within your dynamic), and if your dynamic works best for it, leave them with privacy as they expel the fluid.

Then you both will be ready for anal sex or other play; this “spa” treatment happens to be a practical process as well if you both were looking for other types of play.

An Enema Kink for Solo Play

Of course, an enema can always be used as your own “private” solo scene as well. As you shave areas or wash up for particular anal pleasures, you can add your own solo enema to prep. You can use the enema as part of your own body exploration – or you can treat it much like you would a sex toy: a focus on getting right into the delicious sensations.

You can also make an enema a side sensation to a masturbation session. Instead of going for a “full” enema, go for a light enema that’s light on the fluid. This should (hopefully!) allow you to retain the enema for longer. As you enjoy the gentler enema sensations, you can pleasure yourself. You may enjoy the “masturbation on a time limit” as you try to get off before you need to expel.

What Other Types of Enemas Are Out There?

There are a plethora of other types of enemas out there. As with anything involving kink, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Do not go using anything that sounds kinky in an enema without doing the research and thinking things through. I really only recommend the basic salt and water enema for safety, but if your curiosity is piqued by any of the other types of enemas out there, do your research and go very slowly.

Other enema types include liquids like milk and molasses, coffee, alcohol, soap, Epsom salt, yogurt, or others. Especially if you’re hoping to use this for punishment or embarrassment, consider doing more research about the different types of enemas. Some will cause discomfort, some will cause urgency, and some can have other side effects. ALWAYS know what you’re putting into someone’s body before you do it. This isn’t a time to experiment without your due diligence.

Water has the benefit of being the most “benign” of the enemas. For the most part, unless you mess with the electrolyte balance or go too hard, you can give your partner a slightly-warmed water enema and reasonably expect that it’ll just come back out in an urgent bowel movement with minimal side effects. That’s not the case with other liquids; you can cause hours of cramping, pain, nausea, upset stomach, drunkenness, and more. Once those symptoms happen, there’s very little way to undo it. Again, do not use something in an enema until you’ve done a whole lot of research into its safety and consequences.

Be aware: alcohol, caffeine, or energy drinks in an enema can be extremely, extremely dangerous – and potentially deadly.

If you’re really, really into the idea of giving the enema recipient a different liquid, consider a nice, friendly mindfuck. Let the kinky enema recipient watch as you pour your chosen liquid into the enema device – but before you squirt it into the butt, do a quick switcharoo to your basic water enema. With how cheap combination enema kits are, this can be as simple as owning two matching kits. Feel free to chill/warm the water as needed to let it “pass” as your intended liquid of choice. The butt will not be able to tell the difference as long as the enema recipient’s eyes don’t get to see the switch!

What Enema Kink Safety Concerns Do I Need to Have?

Exploring an enema kink isn’t without its safety risks, but most of the risks are relatively minor when you know what you’re doing and leave your ego out of the equation.

For one, avoid doing enemas too often. Experts disagree on how often “too often” is, but more than one night a week may become problematic. You want your body to still have regular bowel movements and be able to balance itself. There’s some speculation that “forcing” bowel movements through kinky enemas can disrupt the body’s natural waste elimination cycles.

For another, stay hydrated. Doing enemas can deplete the body of electrolytes – and disrupt its delicate hydration balance. Avoid doing too many enemas at once – and experiment with adding more (or less) salt to the enema to attempt to help with this. Day of your enema, make sure to stay hydrated with regular water – and consider adding an electrolyte-filled drink to your diet that day as well.

Be cognizant of nausea and lightheadedness. Especially when you’re new to the enema kink, it can be easy to accidentally disrupt the delicate electrolyte balance in your body. If you do, this can quickly make you nauseated and sick. Stop doing enemas, give your body some rest, and consider trying it again next week. You may need to experiment with less liquid – or a higher salt content – to find the recipe that’s going to be right for your enema kink play. Take it easy on yourself and cease any play if that happens. I don’t know of too many people who enjoy sex and kink while feeling like they’re going to vomit, so don’t feel pressured to continue the scene.

Keep the next day in mind. While this isn’t a safety concern, this is a “peace of mind” concern. Doing an enema may make your body feel a bit odd – or encourage your body to have more bowel movements than usual. Make sure you know you have comfortable access to the toilet the rest of the day – and preferably the next day as well. This is probably not a kink you want to engage in before you travel cross-country on a road trip.

What About an Enema Threesome?

Whether you’re polyamorous, prefer to take your toys with you between monogamous relationships, or simply want to share your love of enemas with your monogamous partners, you might end up wanting to give enemas to a different person.

However, even if you’re fluid-bonded for semen, you’re not poop-bonded. Sorry.

Our digestive tracks are weirdly personal, and bacteria that your body is used to can cause an infection or problem when it finds itself in someone else’s body. (In rare cases, it can also be used for good too – like the treatment of C. Diff. We’ve even been trying to figure out if we can share poop for weight loss. I’m not making this stuff up.)

This is before we consider that anal microtears from anal penetration may lead to unintentional blood sharing.

This is why you should use the same protocols you’d use to prevent any cross-person contamination of fecal bacteria. An enema kit isn’t quite the same as sharing a riding crop, gag, flogger, or sex toy; it comes in very direct contact with fecal bacteria and potentially unseen blood.

You can accomplish this in a few ways:

  • Only use enema kits that can be sterilized. This may mean selecting all-silicone enema kits or use metal-only enema kits. You also will need to take the time to sterilize the kit between people.
  • Purchase unique kits for each individual person. Each individual kit will only be used with the person it was purchased for. This is the best option for people short on time who have a lot of repeat play sessions with multiple people. Just ensure the kits are kept separate from one another (plastic bags, perhaps?) and are clearly labeled.
  • Use disposable kits. After each use, the kit can be thrown away. For obvious reasons, this isn’t the most Earth-friendly. However, if you pick up a store-bought enema kit from your local drugstore, this isn’t as expensive as you’d assume.
  • Use unique tips for each unique person. If you use unique penetration tips for every individual person, you may still be able to use the rest of the setup. However, this assumes that there is no “backwash” with any enema you’ve ever given, so I consider this one a higher risk than your other options.

Unless sharing poopy bacteria is on your “yes” list, you shouldn’t share a single enema kit mid-scene.

If you’re aware of the risks and still down for it, though, have at it! Everyone has their own risk profile, and while that isn’t a go for me, it might be for you.

Updated: March 2025, September 2024, September 2023, August 2023, May 2023, April 2023, March 2023, July 2022, May 2022, April 2022, December 2021

Original Publication Date: January 6, 2016

Banner for UPKO. It shows a person in make-up wearing handcuffs answering a phone. The text on the banner says: "UPKO. Luxury designer BDSM gear and accessories" with the URL.
Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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