UPDATE MAY 2020: This adult movie is no longer in production – thank God. I still can reference this movie with my friends by saying “Remember that porn we watched where the woman was abused the whole time?” and ten years later, they still know exactly what I’m talking about. I am really, really glad this isn’t around anymore. While you’re here, why not check out my BDSM advice, femdom advice, BDSM Scenes Step by Step, Enema 101 information, beginner pegging positions, and Should I Buy a Fleshlight?
It’s always a chance when you buy something that doesn’t have any reviews on it, but I’ve been looking for a great BDSM film, and this looked promising.
“Corruption” is a three-disk DVD set. They all are stored in one case. Disk 1 is the first half of the story, Disk 2 – the second half, and Disk 3 is all of the special features. In total, the movie itself runs four hours and five minutes. This pornography also won seven different AVN awards back in 2007 including “Best Screenplay” and “Best Non-Sex performance”. The stars in this pornography are numerous, but the main ones are: Hillary Scott as Natasha (The sex slave), Bryn Pryor as David Walker (the main male character), the wife (Carolyn), and Alana Evens as the Secretary (Sarah). It was also directed by Eli Scott. Overall, this movie has received numerous raves and is known as a five-star movie. I’m a little inclined to disagree with that.
The general premise is that David Walker is running for President. He also has an unhealthy attachment to his sex slave. Seeing that, his wife, Carolyn ends up taking “care” of Natasha.

The movie begins with David Walker standing in front of the mirror, practicing his speech, while Natasha sucks him off. She does it wrong a couple times, and Walker ends up slapping her across the face. It’s about a three-minute scene and isn’t really meant to be a long sex-scene. It’s just an introduction. Overall, it’s definitely pretty hot, and I enjoyed this scene.

Afterwards, Walker’s entire posse goes off to a speech that he’s giving for the Presidency. In the hallway, we get to meet the Secretary who promptly shoves Natasha into a wall and shoves a buttplug (a GIANT one) up the sex slave’s butt. This scene is barely two minutes long and seems a little non-consensual but still hot. At this point, I’m loving this movie. I love short sex scenes, and the “forced” aspect of it all seems pretty hot.
We get to listen to Walker’s speech. The secretary and Natasha sit in the background – Natasha squirming quite a bit. During this time, we get to learn that Walker definitely has some anger and Dominance issues. In his head, he’s insulting all of his viewers quite violently while giving his eloquent speech. Not sexual at all, but definitely a good scene. During this scene, we also see that a reporter is specifically taking pictures of Natasha. (Probably because she’s squirming kinda awkwardly.)

After that, we go to a scene with Walker and Natasha in a bedroom. Natasha is ranting because of how the Secretary treated her, and it turns into a sex scene. This scene is only about four minutes long and consists mostly of Walker pleasuring Natasha both anally and vaginally with his fingers. (I was a little concerned about safety when he slid his fingers from anal to her mouth as well as anal to vaginal.)
The camera then spans out to the night sky and instantly – it’s night. A bunch of “tight-wad” politicians have gathered for a meeting with Walker. Lots of political jokes and then the “threats” for the candidacy begin. At this point, we bring out the “party favors” – some women for the politicians. That makes two men and two women: Kelly Wells, Franko Del Torro, Sophia, and Johnny Castle. The third politician is walked off with Walker and is presented with Natasha as a special present. We then cut back to the first two couples. They have sex with each other in each other’s presence (really ignoring each other mostly). It includes anal sex, vaginal sex, and oral sex on both genders. The couples don’t really interact until the end where it ends up as a threesome. Honestly, one of the girl’s moaning sounded kinda creepy and fake and was distracting to the scene. At the end, the two women swap semen sloppily from each other’s mouths. (I closed my eyes for this.) It lasts about fifteen minutes.

We then cut over to Walker who is sitting alone on the balcony watching the third politician with Natasha on webcam. He’s videotaping their session for use of blackmail if he will need it. He isn’t masturbating or anything – he’s just watching very apathetically. Natasha and Herschel Savage play a roleplay where Natasha is the “confessor” to a priest and repenting for her sins. She ends up getting face-fucked. After that comes anal sex then vaginal sex with her on top. In the end, she receives his ejaculate on her face. Nothing too special. This one is about ten minutes.
Right after Natasha is finishing up with the politician, the Secretary sneaks into a room with Tyler Knight. Oval sex, vaginal sex. Nothing exactly exciting. This guy is definitely pretty vocal during the sex, though, so that’s definitely a nice plus. Overall, though, this fifteen-minute scene is nothing too exciting.
After the jampack of sex scenes, Walker meets with his secretary and his wife and an argument breaks out because of Natasha’s involvement in the campaign. His wife is concerned that someone will recognize Natasha as a former prostitute when he’s out with Walker. We also cut into the a cutscene where the reporter from before is showing off his pictures of Natasha at the speech to his boss. His boss tells him to look into her involvement.

We now cut to one of the movie-changing scenes of the movie. Natasha is sitting in front of her dresser when the secretary comes in and makes Natasha get dressed for a “new change of plans”. (Pretty good acting here. The secretary seems extremely condecending and jealous.) At this point, the reporter is outside the house waiting to take pictures and ends up following the gang after Natasha gets into a car. The car Natasha is in pulls in outside an empty warehouse building and the reporter parks nearby to watch what’s going on.
This leads us into a scene with Natasha sitting on a chair while a very-Dominantly-dressed Carolyn (the wife) questions Natasha about her involvement with Walker and how much it is hurting his campaign. Natasha ends up making Carolyn mad by continually insisting that Walker loves her more. It turns into a full-blown lesbian sex scene with some angry undertones from both participants. Carolyn starts off by pleasuring Natasha and insisting that she like it. (This is hot on so many levels.) They both then move onto a ratty-looking mattress where Carolyn forces Natasha to pleasure her with a dildo. The wife also forces Natasha to deepthroat the dildo which leads to lots of gagging. After that, Natasha is on the receiving end of some oral from Carolyn. The three male guards stand and watch stoically without much expression. All the while, the reporter had snuck in and was now taking pictures of the giant scene. This scene lasts about twenty-five minutes.
The wife leaves shortly after and leaves Natasha for whatever the three guards wish of her. One guard just watches while the other two (Jenner and Steve Holmes) participate. This scene is completely focused on the two guards. In fact, Natasha, while dripping in cum and spit, seems to not want any part of it at all. She grows to somewhat take it as the scene goes on. Mostly just horribly placed dirty talk and misplaced grunting. She ends of giving oral to one’s penis as well as his foot. It also includes anal and vaginal sex – actually at the same time in one of the scenes. At the end, one of the males comes in her mouth while the other continues have sex with her. This one goes about fifteen minutes. The guys end up locking her up to a chair after they finish with her. Of course, shortly after we cut back to find out that Walker knows Natasha is missing, we come back to the empty warehouse to find that the reporter is cutting Natasha out of her restraints and taking her away.

The next scene takes place back in the mansion where Walker has discovered that the secretary allowed his wife to take his sex slave away. The secretary professes her love for him and instead of taking it to heart, he actually orders her to strip and perform for him as a sign of her love. She starts crying, and throughout the entire scene, she’s absolutely bawling and trying to shy away from him. The entire time he’s just leaned up against a dresser and just watching her while he commands her to use a giant dildo on herself to prove her love. This scene honestly was a huge turn-off. It screamed “abuse” so bad it was ridiculous. I know it’s a pornography, but I like my porn to be semi-realistic of the world. In fact, in the middle of this scene, he randomly turns on a music box that we get to listen to the child-like music while this scene plays. It’s just downright creepy. This scene could be potentially triggering. At the end, he leaves her sobbing on the floor saying “You’re pathetic.”
This ends Disk 1. Now we start on Disk 2 which is much shorter in length.
The disk begins with the guards finding out that Natasha has escaped. It cuts straight into a MMF scene with the wife and two guards (Alex Sanders and Jenner). The scene is a huge variety of things. It includes oral on all people, vaginal sex, anal sex, and lots of double-penetration in different positions. The positions actually are so numerous that some of them are extremely awkward (and shot from weird angles which doesn’t help.) She also gets face fucked quite a few times. Carolyn spends most of the scene begging the two guards to fuck her harder or treat her like the dirty slut she is. There’s lots of gagging and spit *everywhere* in this scene. Walker ends up walking (no pun intended, really) into the end of the scene to ask where Natasha is. Both parties are confused with Carolyn finds out that she’s not in the warehouse.

We then cut back to the reporter (James Deen) and Natasha. Natasha ends up talking about herself and says that she’s in love with Walker and would do anything for him. At this point, we learn that the reporter is a genuinely nice guy who rescued her because he thought she was in trouble. Natasha says “No, you want something from me” and he assures her that he doesn’t. He makes her sleep on the couch instead of in his bed to prove his point.
Randomly (Seriously. It’s random.) Natasha gets up in the middle of the night and gets naked and crawls into his bed. He automatically slides his fingers in her no questions asked. (I actually have a hang-up about this because it’s extremely out of character for the character they tried to give him. You’d expect his character to focus on her feelings and her physical enjoyment) After the initial foreplay, he goes straight to making her give him a blowjob and having vaginal sex with her. (Like I said, extremely out of character.) It also includes lots of forced-holding blowjobs, gagging, and face fucking. It ends with a slightly hot shot of him cumming right along the small of her back. Fifteen minute scene.

The next morning, Walker’s guards burst in and take both him and Natasha. We end up seeing him chained to a chair under questioning. They are suspicious since they found the pictures of the sex scenes in the empty building that could ruin Walker’s career. The reporter promises that he destroyed them all. While taking Natasha home from the reporter’s house, he asks Natasha if she loves the reporter. She answers “Yes”. Walker replies “Then you’ll do what I want.” While we see Walker at his Presidential election and the reporter’s body being dumped in the garbage, a guard takes Natasha in a full-vinyl coat to a boat on the pier.

The guard hands over Natasha’s leash to the man in the boat and leaves. The boat sets sail and then we move inside where a male and female Dominant (Stacy Thorn and Mike Davis) now have Natasha as their “pet”. Neither Dominant shows any sort of care or affection to Natasha – in fact, they rip off the necklace her dead mother gave her straight off her neck. Cue sex scene. Includes Natasha servicing the couple with oral and vaginal sex. She also sits by while the female of the couple has sex with the male of the couple. Various BDSM toys are used including a flogger, paddle, and riding crop. Nothing extreme – just taps here and there. There’s lots of yelling over each other in this scene with commands and moaning.

After the scene, she crawls up into a corner and when they ask why Natasha agreed to be theirs, she says it’s because Walker agreed to keep her lover alive if she did. The couple laughs sadistically then throws a copy of the daily newspaper at her in which the headline is stating that the reporter was brutally murdered. The couple continues to laugh and point at Natasha while she breaks down into heaving tears. (To be honest, it’s a little overdramatic) We cut to a scene where the reporter’s boss gets an unmarked envelope with the empty building sex pictures in it, so we can take happiness in knowing that Walker won’t be President. Back to Natasha – she crawls into the “slave room” to cry more and cling to her mother’s necklace when she spots another “slave” who looks terrified. Honestly, when I see the other girl, I think “kidnapped” not “voluntary”.

Last sex scene: A giant orgy, really. With Kylie Ireland, Tyler Knight, Sandra Romain, Seth Dickens, Arianna Jollee, Rick Masters, Lexi Bardot, Derrick Pierce, Annie Cruz, Vixen, Jordan Styles, Jerry, and Alana Evens. Lots of the normal (in fact, I honestly have no idea what’s going on in this because it cuts around so often.) oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, and double-penetration. There’s some squirting from a couple of the women. Also, there’s some vaginal fisting and some vaginal double-fisting. Biggest creepy aspect? Walker sits in a recliner the entire time sipping on wine and watching apathetically. Really. He doesn’t do anything, and when he’s included in the shots, it just looks awkward. This scene is the longest in the movie at fifty minutes. We close up on Walker looking depressed and that’s the end of the movie.

Special features include: Behind the Scenes, Pre-Production Behind the Scenes, Bloopers, the full-length version of the beginner blowjob scene, the movie trailer, an i-pod download version of the movie, photo galleries, SexZ trailers, and SexZ Video On Demand.
What struck me a lot about this movie is how…well…messy everything is. No one in this movie apparently knows how to locate a bottle of lube – they’re spitting on everything. Including anal toys which is not the way to go about it. None of the male actors wore condoms either. There was very little semblance of anything revolving around safe sex. Nothing about safe BDSM either.
What *alarmed* me is how BDSM is portrayed in this movie. It’s not portrayed consensually in the slightest and really, with some of the scenes, if it hadn’t have been in a movie where I know it was consensual, I would have downright called “abuse”. I want my movies to contain semblances of non-consensual consent. Where you know they’ve talked about it and it’s safe. In this movie, it’s just not there at all. Some of the scenes really touched downright on abuse. I sincerely believe this movie could be considered a trigger for anyone who has gone through any sort of abuse. It is not a realistic portrayal of BDSM, and I found that quite a turn-off for a movie that was using BDSM as its main draw. I know it’s not “supposed” to be realistic but having safety in pornography doesn’t have to be boring. It’s quite easy to make it sexy.
I’d mostly be concerned about a person who has no experience with BDSM watching this movie. They may think this is really what BDSM is like, and this may be where we have problems with people turning violent after watching pornography. Personally, it’s one of my biggest qualms about the movie.
Overall, though, it isn’t too horrible. The actors have enough chemistry to make it work, the sex scenes aren’t too boring, and the plot is definitely enough to keep me interested. Some of the scenes just left me completely turned off, though, but looking at all of the five-star reviews this pornography has, I assume it’s me with the problem and not the pornography.