Christmas Chastity Game

Holiday Chastity Task / Christmas Chastity Game

The holidays are coming – but maybe you won’t be. A Christmas chastity game can really make it so!

This holiday-themed chastity game is a discreet way to add a whole element of chastity play to the entire month of December (and beyond). In fact, depending on your level of control, you could make this an annual tradition – that lasts as long as the Christmas tree is put up.

And if you’re lazy Christmas-tree removers who don’t usually put away your Christmas decorations until February, well….

So what is this discreet game that’s secretive enough to use the family Christmas tree for chastity restrictions? (And can also work for long-distance online bdsm tasks?)

The secret? Candy canes. (Or other repetitive ornaments throughout your Christmas tree.)

Holiday Chastity Task / Christmas Chastity Game

Christmas Chastity Game Materials

Candy Canes
Food-Safe Marker (if eating candy canes)
Any ol’ Marker (if not eating candy canes)

Holiday Chastity Task / Christmas Chastity Game

Chastity Game for Christmas Instructions

Start by purchasing your candy canes. If you’re one of those people that like to eat candy canes, you might prefer picking out flavors you like. If you’re someone who hates candy canes, this is a fantastic chance for some femdom sadism – or just to pick out colors that you enjoy. (I hate candy canes, so the $1-a-pack dollar store variety works great for me.)

From there, take these candy canes home with you – and make sure you have a marker around for drawing on it. I recommend a food-safe marker (found at a bakery supplies store or most craft supplies stores – or online) if you plan on eating the candy canes, and if the candy canes are just decoration for you, a regular marker will work.

Holiday Chastity Task / Christmas Chastity Game

Sitting with your marker and candy canes, the top can now notate days onto each candy cane. Depending on the size of your candy cane, you might be able to hand-write an actual number. I had a horrible time trying that, so I switched over to using hashmarks. One line meant one day, two lines meant two days, and three lines meant three days. A heart meant an orgasm was allowed that day – but you could use anything you could easily draw on a candy cane.

As the top, the “mixture” of these numbers is up to you. If you don’t want to put a single heart or star into the mix, you don’t have to. If you want the numbers to go all the way up to six or ten, you could do that too.

To make the game seem like an exciting opportunity to orgasm every day, however, I recommend keeping the majority of the candy canes at one hashmark – and mixing in a good mixture of orgasm candy canes. (That’s a weird phrase to type, but that’s what you get with a chastity holiday game.)

Since the “game” isn’t set in stone, you can change this later on if you find that the game is too easy or two hard. Since you might add in punishment candy canes later on, I recommend starting with “too easy” if you need to lean one way or another.

Holiday Chastity Task / Christmas Chastity Game

Now that you’ve labeled all of your candy canes, you’re going to place them all on the Christmas tree. I recommend specifically placing them to best hide the number you’ve drawn on the candy cane. To make it a full surprise to the submissive partner, I recommend you do all of this part by yourself, but you certainly can’t enlist help if you’d like. Now you have a beautifully ornamented Christmas tree that’s also functional and kinky! Yes, go you!

Every day where the submissive is “out of days”, a new candy cane is drawn. That candy cane will either extend their chastity sentence – or allow them an orgasm that day. (Or, if you’ve creatively added some punishments as mentioned above, it may extend their chastity sentence a day and require them to complete a task that day.)

Again, you’re in charge of the game, so you can do what you want, but as part of the fun is the “drawing” of the candy cane each time the count reaches zero, I recommend a lot of 1 day candy canes.

Now your Christmas tree is beautifully-decorated and there’s a discreet Christmas chastity task right in front of you!

Punishments while Using the Chastity Christmas Game

So, I’m not a huge fan of chastity games that don’t put me, the femdom, in control – mostly because the whole point of orgasm denial (for me) is that I’m in charge of the denial.

However, I enjoy using this Christmas orgasm control game because I can “stack the deck” how I want – putting the control back into my hands.

Is my submissive being naughty? I tell them to get out the candy canes/ornaments, and I write out five new “four day” objects to go onto the tree. That’ll fix that behavior real quick.

Has my submissive done something that deserves recognition? Those candy canes and ornaments come out, and I write out five new “You get an orgasm!” objects to go onto the tree. Now they have a much-higher likelihood of drawing that orgasmic ornament they’re hoping for.

(To avoid your charge clearly selecting the ornaments that were freshly added, I recommend making them leave the room in order to add the ornaments – and preferably, replace some of the current ornaments with your new ones and scatter things around a bit. If this is a punishment, you can easily force them to “stand in the corner” while you do this – and all they can do is listen to the rustling of the Christmas tree.)

Alternatively, you can add some weird tasks onto the Christmas tree for your holiday chastity game punishment. Maybe a square means that your submissive needs to do an extra-long workout today. A triangle could mean they’ll be fetching the groceries today – or making a special trip to pick up your favorite drink or treat. A circle could mean they have to do something else they dislike; it’s entirely up to you! (And of course, it “goes without saying”, but each one of those special, weird tasks also extend their chastity by another day.)

Holiday Chastity Task / Christmas Chastity Game

Alternative Chastity Christmas Game

If you don’t like candy canes on your tree for any reason (sugar, bugs, pets, etc.), you can play an alternative version a couple of easy different ways.

One alternative: You could use the already-there ornaments throughout your tree. The Top can make a hidden “key” (probably on their cell phone) of how many days each ornament is worth – and the sub gets to select their ornament each day to find out their “fate”.

To keep this interesting, I recommend changing the key on a weekly basis – and no ornament can be selected twice in the same week. (This also provides a fun way for the Top to add their own sadistic flair. Did the key “actually say” 5 days…or did the Top just decide to lengthen the punishment on the spot? Who can say?)

Alternatively, if you don’t mind making some marks on your ornaments, you can purchase a set of those “40 balls in a box” ornaments you can get at big box stores. On the backside of each ornament, use a market to make lines. Each one of those lines is how many days will be added to the chastity punishment. Instead of selecting candy canes, the submissive now selects from the new ornaments.

If anyone asks, the lines on the ornaments help you organize the ornaments when you put them away. Simple and discreet – and reusable for next year when this becomes an annual tradition. (Speaking of annual traditions, if you pick up that big-box of ornaments after Christmas happens, you can usually get them for around $5 a pop! Talk about a cheap chastity game!)

Holiday Chastity Task / Christmas Chastity Game

Solo Holiday Chastity Game Options

As you can see, this game, and its alternatives, work particularly well for solo play as well. While the “using a key for already-there ornaments” is a bit more difficult for solo play, the candy canes and the drawn-on ornaments can easily work for solo play.

To truly hide the “results” from yourself, I recommend you go through and bulk label the candy canes or ornaments, then put them onto the tree while (trying your best) to not peek at the “result” labeled on the ornament.

If you want to have a bit more festive fun with it and you have the house to yourself, you can always buy a big-mouthed ornament to “house” your keys – so you have to stare at the keys every day when you select a new ornament. That’s some festivity right there!

Have Fun with It!

No matter how you celebrate the holidays, I hope this holiday chastity game makes it a bit more festive. After all, our sex games should get a bit of a taste of the holidays this time of the year, too!

(If you’re just starting to get into orgasm denial, you might appreciate my 6 weeks to chastity training plan.)

Learn and Play More with Chastity

Check out these related articles on Kinky World:

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Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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