What is omorashi? Before we dive in, I’m actually a bit curious how you came across the term. It’s a pretty niche term used among fetishists within pee-related communities and some people within the anime and hentai community. It doesn’t have nearly the popularity as “BDSM“, “femdom“, or other kink terms.
But it’s a descriptive fetish term nonetheless.
So let’s get into it:
What Is Omorashi?
Omorashi is a form of arousal from having (or watching other’s have) a full bladder. Unlike other pee-focused kinks which often focus on the resulting pee itself, omorashi requires someone to hold in pee – and become aroused from watching it or doing it.
It’s important to note that there are two “primary” ways to have an omorashi fetish. You can:
- enjoy holding your own pee
- enjoy watching someone else hold their pee
Some omorashi kinksters are very firmly on one side of the fence. They may be extremely turned off by their own full bladder, but a lover’s full bladder can be a huge turn-on. Watching someone else need to pee may do nothing for them, but experiencing the sensations of a full bladder for themselves may be their idea of a perfect evening.
As with many things in the world of sex, though, some people into omorashi enjoy both sides of the coin!
People within the omorashi community have different preferences on the release of the aforementioned urine. Some people really enjoy the sensation of wetting clothing while others enjoy the “barely-made-it” last-second dash to the toilet. Others may enjoy a “grand finale” of peeing on themselves, naked, while at the point of orgasm. Some fetishists find omorashi to be a non-sexual kink, and even the thought of mixing sexual stimulation with a full bladder can ruin the entire scene. While the focus is on enjoying the desperation of having to pee, the final way to empty the bladder can vary from person to person.
The timing of the urination can vary, too. Some people will choose to wait until they’re extremely, extremely desperate – and then make the conscious choice to pee. However, some people will wait (and intentionally try to reach) the point of failure where their bladder sphincter gives in and the body will uncontrollably release their urine. This is a desired point and sensation for many into omorashi – though it isn’t required by any means.
Not all people into omorashi find sexual arousal from omorashi. Some may find physical or mental enjoyment without sexual arousal or orgasm. Quite a few people who are deeply into omorashi consider themselves asexual.
What Uses the Term “Omorashi”?
Omorashi, as a term, is primarily used by people who are into anime, hentai, or other parts of Japanese culture. Omorashi is a Japanese word that means “to wet oneself”. For people discussing similar kinks outside of Japanese media, they may use “pee play”, “bathroom use control”, or “watersports”.
However, some people who are not into Japanese media may still use the term “omorashi” because English lacks a similar, succinct term. Omorashi is focused on the desperation of intentionally holding a full bladder (the key aspect). The terms “pee play” or “watersports” do not require any desperation or urgency, and “bathroom use control” implies a BDSM dynamic that may not be present in omorashi play.
Because this term originates from Japan, quite a bit of its animated pornography includes clothed wetting. This skirts around the genital/explicit ban of Japan while simultaneously showcasing the kink. Another, similar kink you may see featured alongside omorashi in Japanese adult media is omutsu (diapers).
Unlike other kinks, omorashi play requires a long build-up since it requires a full bladder. Because of this, “holding challenges” are common in omorashi circles with scheduled water drinking, poker-style “I’ll drink if you do”, restricted bathroom breaks, and online games that code-in water breaks to beat a level and continue playing the game.
It’s easiest for non-omorashi-kinksters to think of these challenges like alcoholic party games – only the end goal in omorashi is a full bladder, not intoxication. (Some omorashi kinksters do mix alcohol and liquid intake, but as always, it should be approached with caution.)
Why Do People Like Omorashi?
Anybody can give you a generic definition of omorashi. In fact, I’d be lying if I told you that I didn’t get a good chunk of that inspiration from Wikipedia. (Hey, Wikipedia is fantastic, and I recommend donating to them every year. How many websites are left that are dedicated to knowledge and don’t have ads? C’mon.)
But, as a kinkster who actually likes – no LOVES – omorashi, there’s a whole lot more to it than a generic, dry definition.
What you get out of omorashi, however, really depends on which side of the experience you’re on. That’s the thing about omorashi. There are really two big camps: people who like doing the wetting themselves – and people who like watching (or controlling) the people doing the wetting.
So, let’s get into why people like omorashi – based on whether you’re the one watching – or the one doing the wetting:
What is Omorashi’s Appeal for Wetters?
The (Literal) Sensations: Imagine you draw up a giant bathtub full of perfectly warmed water. It’s just the right temperature. Warm enough that it makes you break out in goosebumps but perfectly welcoming, too. You don’t give a second thought to sinking into it. That’s the magic of wetting. As you release your bladder, the perfectly warmed liquid (okay, it’s pee) slides down the legs, pools into the clothing, and just feels perfectly warm. The exact temperature can vary based on external temperature and other factors, but peeing will always feel pleasantly warm.
The Potential Embarrassment: Bathroom functions, in some form or another, are something every person has to deal with. Despite that, it’s considered extremely private for most of us – and definitely something we don’t do while general company is around. Thus, there’s a whole lot of erotic taboo mixed up in peeing or wetting your clothing (intentionally or otherwise) while others are around. It can be partnered with gigantic feelings of shame and humiliation which, in a kink context, can add to the enjoyment of omorashi.
The Loss of Control: For most people, there’s a point in your body where your straining holding muscles will just give up. There’s just a limit to how long they can be strained before they simply fail for most people. This can be an extremely arousing activity for a lot of people. The loss of control (sounds similar to a lot of BDSM activities, doesn’t it?) partnered with the instant feeling of relief can feel on-par with orgasmic sensations all to itself.
How It Feels in the Sexy Parts: Turns out, most of us (not all of us!) pee from an area that’s nearby (or attached to!) some of our most erogenous zones. This means that urination can (and does) end up crossing some wires with arousal for a lot of people.
Having a full bladder does other things to the sexual system too. A full bladder can encourage erection – which many people take as a cue for arousal. That same, full bladder also makes the prostate and g-spot more accessible for pleasure. Depending on how your body translates arousal cues, the simple act of having a full bladder can gently press onto the g-spot or p-spot.
The Physical Relief: Have you ever needed an urgent, urgent, urgent piss? Like, it’s the only thing you can think about, and you’re pretty sure you might die if you don’t pee soon?
That same urgency can be part of the appeal. Relieving that urgency can feel downright orgasmic in its own way. To go from an overfull bladder that’s taking up 100% of your thoughts to an empty bladder releases a whole bunch of physical sensations in the body. Even for people who aren’t curious about what is omorashi, the average layperson can still get chills and waves of pleasure from releasing a full bladder.
Now that you’re learning more about “what is omorashi”, you can quickly see how the mental and physical sensations can add up to some serious pleasure for the person with the full bladder.
We’ve learned about “what is omorashi” – and the appeal of omorashi for people participating in the kink. But what about the person just watching?
What is Omorashi’s Appeal for Watchers?
Seeing/Causing Humiliation: As a general rule, peeing your pants as an adult is considered humiliating and shameful. We’re expected to make it to the bathroom for any potty needs, and you’re certainly not supposed to wet your pants in public spaces! Seeing someone’s attempt to avoid humiliation – and ultimately failing – can be really hot for people who like watching. This can be multiplied by the specific scenario – like being on a bus or at work.
It’s Gross: Some people enjoy watching omorashi purely because it’s “gross”. The taboo juxtaposition of a hot person doing something we, as a society, consider “gross” can be a really potent mix.
It’s Very Visual: Wetting clothing generally causes clothing to get wet. (See what I did there?) But this wetness is extremely visible. Watching the wetness grow, especially as someone is struggling to hold their bladder, can be extremely erotic for a lot of people. Some kinksters even have specific kinks for the size of the resulting wet patch – or the specific clothing or panties to get wet!
The Eventual Relief: Some people are really into seeing the relief on the peeing person’s face and in their body language. Especially for someone who may have really, really needed to go, their facial expression may look something like their expression from pleasure or during orgasm. Watching this intense relief can be a big part of it for some people.
The Resulting Volume: Some people who enjoy watching omorashi are really into the resulting volume. A long, fast-coming pee can seem particularly urgent – and be part of the arousal for some watchers. People into this aspect of omorashi may enjoy watching someone pee into a measuring cup or try to beat previous records for volume.
It’s Unprofessional: How often do you see your doctor or accountant doing a pee-pee dance in a meeting? It’s not because they don’t have to pee during appointments sometimes; it’s because we consider outward signs of needing to pee to be unprofessional. Seeing someone “break” this unwritten code because they’re so overwhelmed can be a big turn-on for many people.
Sharing in Something Vulnerable: As we talked about for Wetters above, peeing is generally considered a very private, personal activity. Some watchers share that same mindset, and they love watching omorashi because it’s sharing a personal, private moment that this person generally wouldn’t share with anyone else. The person watching is risking the person peeing finding them “gross” after getting turned on by this activity. This can be a huge shared vulnerability!
It’s Squirting-Adjacent: If you have a kink for squirting, peeing can look very, very similar (and full bladders of pee are often used in porn to simulate ridiculous amounts of squirting!). If you’re someone who is into squirting, you may end up into omorashi and pee play purely because the eventual release can look exactly the same – especially during sexual activity (like intercourse).
Controlling the Situation: “Bathroom control use”, and its connection to omorashi, is a common reason for falling in love with watching omorashi. In this, the watcher “controls” the other person’s bladder, telling them when they can (and can’t!) pee. Even for kinksters who aren’t really into pee itself, this level of overwhelming control (over the basics of bodily autonomy itself!) can make omorashi appealing.
Omorashi Risk Factors
Now that we’ve covered “what is omorashi”, I want to make sure that I leave you with a few tidbits about risk. Omorashi, like pretty much any activity on the planet, isn’t a zero-risk activity. While it has fewer risks than the majority of kink activities (especially if you’re just playing by yourself), it does have a few risks:
Urinary Tract Infections: While omorashi doesn’t directly cause a UTI, not emptying the bladder can allow bacteria to multiply within it. Luckily for most omorashi kinksters, staying hydrated is the name of the game, and UTIs are not common within the kink. However, a UTI is the most common risk while practicing the kink, and anyone interested in omorashi should have the financial means to see a doctor to receive treatment if they happen to get one. (You do not need a primary care provider or health insurance in most parts of the United States. This is something that can be taken care of in Urgent Care. In 2025, an uninsured urgent care visit for a basic UTI + generic medicine is generally less than $200.)
UTIs are not a cause for concern for most people as long as you’re able to seek prompt treatment. Sexual intercourse is a more common cause of UTIs than omorashi play. (Basics of UTIs info. More in-depth info about UTIs.) On a personal level, myself or my partners have never had a UTI from omorashi play, but I’ve had multiple ones after sex live.
Kidney Damage: This is rare – but possible. If, at any time while holding your pee, the sensations go from uncomfortable to sharp pain, it’s time to go – especially if that pain is located in the lower back. For some people, the body’s holding muscles are strong – and the body will continue to retain urine to the point where it can start to do kidney damage. If you’re one of those people, you probably already know – not from erotic circumstances but just from the fact that most of us have felt that strain of a full bladder in entirely boring, everyday circumstances.
Skin Rashes: Urine, especially concentrated, dehydrated urine, can be particularly unfriendly to skin when left in contact with it for long periods of time. If you wet some clothing and wear it for awhile, you’re at risk of a skin rash. If you find that you’re sensitive, only play with omorashi when well-hydrated, change out of clothing after wetting, and take a shower.
Yeast Infections: Especially if you’re a vulva-owner, the added moisture of wet clothing around the genital area can be a cause of a yeast infection. If you’re sensitive to yeast infections, consider changing out of wet clothing sooner rather than later to reduce your risk. Taking a shower afterwards can also help.
Staining Clothing: You know that pee can be yellow – especially with concentrated, dehydrated urine. It gets less “yellow” the more you hydrate. The very-concentrated yellow, however, has a higher likelihood of staining clothing/furniture/mattresses/etc. If you know you’ll want to engage in omorashi games, hydrate (especially with water). If you have concerns about staining objects, stay as hydrated as possible, wash/rinse the item as quickly as possible after wetting, and/or protect the object with a waterproof blanket to reduce any potential staining in the first place. I’ll say: after about 17 years of doing this play, I have yet to stain a single piece of clothing, furniture, or towel.
Interactions with Unknown Health Conditions: Trying to retain a full bladder can put a lot of stress on your system. One study shows blood pressure was increased in middle aged women 3 hours after last urination. Add that to the traditional stress that arousal can put on the system (as many people into omorashi are doing this for some level of mental/physical arousal – even if it isn’t sexual), and this can be an activity that can negatively interact with some health conditions. Talk to your doctor about participating in omorashi activities if you think this might be a concern.
Pre-existing, Known Health Conditions: People with an enlarged prostate, neurogenic bladder, kidney disorders, or urinary retention disorders should discuss holding urine with their doctor before considering any type of omorashi play. (You can easily use the excuse of “I can’t pee regularly at work. What dangers may this cause for me?”)
Updated: February 2025.