In time for Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d buy and review this nice little book. To be honest, I was amazed and how big it is. It’s 444 pages long and those are all nice, high-quality pages, so it’s quite a hefty book. I think it took me well over six hours to read the entire thing, and I read pretty quickly. This is also a sex book that doesn’t look out of place in public – you could easily read this during breaks at work and no one would give you a weird look.
This book is set up into chapters. The chapters aren’t very long – about one or two pages each, and it’s pretty hard to tell where one chapter starts and the next ends. They really are more of headings than anything else. However, as shown in the pictures about the book, they do include all of the chapters in the table of contents, so if you really have something in mind, you could go ahead and just look it up in the table of contents.

All-in-all, though, they are great suggestions. The author, Gregory J. P. Godek, teaches a romance class in his spare time, and a lot of the suggestions are real-life examples from his class or just something that he teaches to all of his students. A lot of his chapters also have “theme songs” that go with them. “Sex, Sex, Sex”‘s chapter’s theme song is “SexyBack” by Justin Timberlake. Not all of the songs are so “pop culture”, though. A lot of them have earned their names as “traditional” sex songs.
To be honest, I was surprised by a lot of the suggestions in this book. Sometimes I feel like authors publish books like these just to make money and just include lots of common-sense things that people would already know, but I feel like Godek actually did a pretty good job with including lots of unique things. He includes lists about how to be romantic without spending money, how to make your sex romantic, how to use flowers romantically, cute ideas for unique gifts, and even a cute little section about little coupons you could give to your lover.
Some of the tips include things like “Identify one pivotal thing that brought you two together. Celebrate that every year.”, “Test drive a Porsche together.”, “Buy an extra box of Valentine Conversation Hearts and save them for six months later.”, and “Start saving momentos of your life together: Make a Memory Box”.

To be honest, you really get a lot more than you were expecting because of the way this book is set up. You don’t get just 1,001 suggestions. Each of his suggestions usually has about three or four different parts. You really end up with a good 3,000 or more suggestions. It’s actually a really cute book.

Godek also includes some “bonus” sections in this book. “99 of the Best Love Songs”, “Songs to help you express your feelings”, “Best Love Song Duets”, “Best Romantic Movies and Best Romantic Movie Couples”, “Great Date Movies” and more.
My favorite idea for this book? When you aren’t feeling as attached to your partner, go ahead and open the book and just pick a page. Decide, then and there, to do one of the activities that is mentioned on the page to improve the romance in your life.
Of course, for the single men and women, there are a couple lists in there that don’t require having a partner, and even if you don’t have a partner, these are pretty good things to read for wooing your partner in the future.
I’d have to say this is definitely a must-buy for every couple. It’s cheap, and it really helps improve the romance and the quality of your relationship. Every relationship could use more romance, and this book really provides easy, minimal-thought ways to increase it.