Buying hemp rope for bondage doesn’t have to be impossible. In fact, UberKinky stocks the UberKinky Hempex Synthetic Hemp Bondage Rope that can be added to your cart with your other delicious items. 32 feet in length, this rope isn’t true hemp. Instead, the rope features the traditional look and feel of hemp rope while adding the strength and benefits of polypropylene ropes.
One thing I really love about this synthetic blend: it doesn’t come with the same smell as hemp rope. Hemp has a very Earthly smell to it, and while some people absolutely love it, it only reminds me of a farm (Growing up in Iowa will do that to you). For that reason, I really have never been a huge fan of the hemp smell, and I try to air it out and clean it out of the rope as much as possible before using it. That hasn’t been an issue with the UberKinky Hempex rope. It has no scent to it at all.

There isn’t any particular packaging to worry about with this rope. You’ll just need to pull it out of the box it came from, and it will be ready to use! It ships in a standard and discreet box.
If you love the feel of hemp rope but haven’t liked the smell or the origin of hemp rope, this honestly could be the perfect substitution. Not only does it have a feel like hemp when you run your fingers over it (only a little bit softer than hemp), but it has the strength of hemp too.
The knots don’t always hold firm. This might be because the rope can feel a bit slick. It WILL hold firm if you tie your knots – tightly. However, this also does present some problems with untying the rope as it definitely tightens up really nicely when you try to tighten it. So too light of a tie comes undone easily while too tight of a tie it hard to undo. I recommend you mess with finding the perfect medium – or use ties that are easily untied for when the time comes. As always, please make sure you have safety shears nearby in case you’re unable to get the ropes off in case of an emergency.

Some people really love those gorgeous rope marks. This leaves the rope marks that hemp ropes will leave (with the pretty spirals on the skin as well). As always, it’ll disappear from the skin after awhile, but while it’s there, the spirals are really pretty and give that unique bondage look.
Be aware that the rope is 32 feet in length. This may not be long enough for all body work, but it’s a long enough size to do most of the work that you’ll probably want to do.
Since this is a synthetic rope, it’s easier to clean than some other ropes. It can be cleaned with a wild detergent in the washer even, but it should not be placed into the dryer. Allow it to air dry if possible. Make sure to give it a thorough washing after every use where it may have come in contact with bodily fluids – and of course, just a regular washing every once in awhile to keep it fresh as well.
Overall, this rope is a fantastic choice for your bondage – especially if you dislike standard hemp rope for any particular reason. It holds knots relatively well (though it may need some reinforcement), and it has a legitimately “real” hemp feeling to it. It’s light-weight, and it seems to hold a lot of good weight without stretching out. Now I just need to find more of it in various colors. Thanks to UberKinky for providing this synthetic hemp rope for my UberKinky Hempex rope review.