“The Little Bit Naughty Book of Sex Toys” is a small pillow book published by Amorata Press. It matches the rest of the “Little Bit Naughty Book of…” series. The book is a small hardcover, and it measures about five inches tall and four inches across. It’s a hardcover book, and the inner pages are all full-color. The book does include a lot of photography, so this is not a book to be read in public. However, it doesn’t take long to read. It only took me about thirty minutes to read through the entire book. The book has 95 pages which are split into 4 different parts.
This book is actually fun to read. Even though it’s very short and very easy to read, I was surprised that the author, Siobhan Kelly, managed to include a lot of safety information. Under lubricants, you’ll learn what lubes are compatible with what, and with bdsm toys, they include safety and safeword information. The only thing that was missing was probably a mention, when talking about food play, about being careful of using them in the vaginal area due to possible yeast infections. The author does include all of the safety information, but it’s not done in a boring way. You’ll actually enjoy reading all of the information, and while it’s not amazingly descriptive or humourous (just due to the small size), it does get straight to the point in a fun manner without adding too much unneeded detail.

The book basically gives you 2 to 4 pages about each one of the sex toy items. Some of the kink items stay at 2 pages while some of the more extensive items like a rabbit vibrator are much longer at 4 pages. None of the chapters are too extensive, but again, it’s meant to be a shorter gudie instead of a long guide about specific details.
The book does not give any sort of recommendations. Other sex toy books I’ve read sometimes give recommendations about some of the more popular sex toys. Instead, this book just talks about the different types without giving any sort of specific recommendation. This makes the book a lot more timeless, but at the same time, if you were looking for recommendations, you’re going to walk away disappointed. The book also uses a lot of Ann Summer’s branded items. This is not a bad thing, but it’s just something I noticed since Ann Summers is not really a US brand.
I liked all of the different pictures included in the book. Unlike other books which might just show regular sexy pictures, Amorata took the time to take their own photos which included pictures of sex toys being included in couple’s play. None of the pictures are graphic, but you’ll see some naked butts and naked breasts. The models all look like models, but a bit of racial diversity is represented. Almost everytime a product is being talked about, the book also includes some pictures of the product type itself, so you won’t be confused as to what is going on.

The book is split into three parts: Sex Ed, Sex Toys, Best of the Rest. (There’s a fourth part, but it’s just the glossary.) Those titles are pretty self explanatory. The Sex Ed chapter talks about the different parts of the human body as well as different types of orgasm, how to pick out your first vibrator, and different types of sex toy material. I was a little disappointed by the fact that the book does not mention phthalates as a problem with jelly toys.

The next section is the section all about sex toys. This section talks about different types of sex toys including rabbit vibes, anal toys, penis sleeves, cock rings, vibrators, lubricant, and lots of other little things. The book is good about including males when talking about different types of anal toys as well. Each one of the little entries talks about what the toy is, has a section about where the toy goes and what it does, and then has a couple suggestions. The first suggestion is their “solo” suggestion which is basically a suggestion on how to play with this toy solo. (Ex: “Play in front of a mirror”.) The second suggestion is their “Together” suggestion which is a way for the two of you to play with it together. (Ex: “Use a rabbit vibrator for double penetration purposes.”) Their third suggestion is the “Sextra” tip which is basically a suggestion on how to best use the product. (Ex: “Trim your pubic hair before using a cock ring.”)
The last section is all about non-sex toys. It just basically includes kink toys. In this section, you get the “solo” and “together” information just like in the previous sections. In the kink section, it also tends to be a bit shorter since they don’t include as much information about kink toys. You’ll learn about whips, riding crops, clamps, and other kinky stuff.
Overall, I like “The Little Bit Naughty Book of Sex Toys”. It’s not comprehensive by any means, but it is a good overview of some of the sexual toys that exist. The full-color pictures make it enjoyable to look through, and if you have no idea about the types of sex toys that are out there, this book is worth the read. It will not, however, give you instructions (mostly) on the actual use or specific toys to buy. Regardless, it’s definitely an easy book and worth the read. Thanks to Amorata Press for sending me this pillow book for The Little Bit Naughty Book of Sex Toys review.