Sex Pot: The Marijuana Lover’s Guide to Getting It On by Mamakind is a book about sex and marijuana and is published by Quick Publishing. The book includes 154 pages which are divided into 11 different chapters. The book is a full-color book and has photo-like pages. The book is an oblong shape at about four inches tall and six inches long. The book features an illustrated woman in her bare underwear on the cover, so you may want to keep that in mind if you have discretion concerns. I received an Advance Review Copy, so it may be a bit different on final press.
To start off this review, I suppose I should have a disclaimer and to inform you of where this review is coming from. I’m not someone who uses drugs, personally. I have nothing against those who do, but it’s not something I want to do. This includes both alcohol and marijuana, so I was pretty much reading this book from an investigative standpoint. I was really curious what a “Marijuana Lover” would have to say that most sex books didn’t cover. I was hoping I’d learn about the effects of marijuana during sex or maybe how different types of marijuana could effect sex differently.
I must admit, unfortunately, that I’m disappointed. I didn’t want to assume things about the book before I had started, and the title seemed like it would be a good, educational book, but it turns out that this book is more of a joke book than an educational one. That’s fine if that’s what you’re looking for, but for me, I was really disappointed that it didn’t deal much with how marijuana actually would effect two people having sex.
That’s not to say that the book is all bad, either. It’s certainly interesting to see a bit into a marijuana culture. For example, the author, Mamakind, includes a lot of articles in the book about her different experiences with marijuana and sex. In one of them, she attemps to “pussy bong” while trying to get high with a dildo-like bong. (I sincerely must admit that I never expected to type that sentence, ever, on Kinky World.) She gives tons of other little stories like that in the book as well.
Aside from her stories, the book is also broken up (from just being stories) by including questions and answers as well. One of her readers would ask her a question, and the author, Mamakind, will answer the question. Some of the questions have to do with marijuana and sex, and others just have to do with sex or marijuana. It really depends on the questions. Some of the questions include:
Mamakind does an okay job answering the questions. I certainly wouldn’t look to this guide for actual advice, but she does that type of “humor” answer that you’d expect to see in humor advice columns. She answers the questions, but she does it in a bit of a smart-ass way. It’s entertaining to read, but it’s not as helpful as it could be. If you’re going for entertaining though, it’s certainly amusing.
The last portion that the book (in case it isn’t obvious, each one of these pieces is intermixed – not just split into sections) is made up of the quizzes. I pretty much skipped over the quizzes aside from skimming as they all are pot quizzes. There are four different quizzes in the book, and they are like the women’s magazine type of quizzes. If you are a stoner and enjoy those quizzes, these might appeal to you, but they really weren’t my thing. The quizzes are: How Sexy a Stoner Are You?, Are you a Pot Snob?, Are you a Pot Pimp or Pot Ho?, and What Strain of Pot Are You?
The slang of the book is, unfortunately, probably my least favorite aspect of the book. The slang makes it really hard to stand, and at points, the slang makes me think that the author may have been high while writing the book because sometimes I don’t understand the sentences. I must admit that I don’t know any drug slang, so I’m sure that did not help me with my understanding of some of the phrases.
Here’s one of the phrases – just to give you an idea of what the language is like. All of the language is like that in the book, so you might want to make sure that type of language is something you can read before you venture into this book: “Unless, in the heat of the hazy moment, the unpressed bubblehash chunga I was saving for post-coital relations is mistakenly grabbed for the utility doob. Then my bodacious tata is branded with molten trichomes and my hemp-cotton fuck towel is forever burned/stained in a vain attempt to quell what looks like Pele’s Revenge on my breast.”
The format and look of the book was certainly a “plus” too. Most of the book consists of easy-to-read text that’s split into two columns per page. On the quizzes, there’s a lot of color, and the little illustrated women that they used for the decorations are cute. The format makes the book really easy to read, and it’s really entertaining and quick to read through the entire book. I never once felt like I had to drag my heels because the book wasn’t entertaining. It certainly wasn’t what I was hoping for, but it also wasn’t boring.
So what type of information is included in this book? Again, there isn’t much in terms of education in the book, but it’s mostly entertainment. The chapters (that aren’t quizzes. Quizzes are listed in their own paragraph.) are: Pot: Questions You’ll Never Ask, Fetishes and Anal, The Magical Vaginarium of the Stonerchick Kind, What Do I Do with the Males?, Betcha Can’t Have Just One, and the Perpetual Harvest of Love. Those chapters have to do with pot and sex, fetishes and involving them in sex, the vagina, group sex, and how to pleasure a male.
What seems to be the “lesson” to get out of this book is the fact that Mamakind wants you to know that marijuana is natural and normal and shouldn’t be illegal. She also talks about how great pot and sex go together on a regular basis. All of the rest of the points in this book seem to really lead back to that general point, and while she doesn’t do too much of the politics in the book, you can tell her beliefs through the way she writes. It isn’t an annoying fact that you’ll be tired of hearing, but it is mentioned a couple of times.
Overall, this book is interesting, but you certainly shouldn’t go into it expecting to learn something. Think of this as a humor book for those of you who like sex and marijuana. You won’t get too much knowledge out of the book, but you can laugh at some of the suggestions, and if you aren’t into marijuana, you can also learn a bit more about a culture that’s not really yours. Thanks to Quick American Publishing for providing a copy of this book for my Sex Pot: A Marijuana Lover’s Guide to Gettin’ It On review. You can purchase this book on Amazon.