UPDATE MAY 2024: This vibrator is no longer in production. This sex toy review remains as a reference. While you’re here, why not check out some additional educational info – like online submissive tasks, beginner pegging positions, saran wrap bondage, and enema 101 info.
The Screaming O Balm Stick “Chapstick Vibrator”, made by Screaming O and sold by TabuToys, is a small, mini vibrator that’s disguised as a lip balm. Made of plastic and using replaceable AG13 batteries, this little vibrator is meant to look as discreet as possible. Only featuring one speed, though, this little vibrator also includes a soft-sleeved head (under where the cap is) that’s made from SEBS silicone which is like a low-grade, hybrid mixture of silicone (though I’m impressed that The Screaming O clearly states that it’s SEBS silicone.)
The packaging for this vibrator is pretty minimalistic, and it reminds me of the regular packaging for most lip balms. It talks about the features of the vibrator as well as the fact that it’s a “cherry-flavored” lip balm. The packaging pretty much has to be destroyed to get the vibrator out, though, with zero ability to recycle. As it’s an odd shape, the packaging really won’t work to be wrapped up in gift wrap for gift-giving, either, unless you stick it in another box first.
This vibrator is actually a realistic-esque-looking chapstick tube. It’s not 100% passable because the outside of the tube says “Screaming O” and “Cherry Bomb Vibe”. So if somebody decides to read the chapstick tube, your cover will be blown. This vibrator is the same size as a regular tube of chapstick, though, and it even has the removable plastic “lid” that chapstick has. Inside the lid there’s the SEBS silicone soft portion, and you can use that softer portion up against your body when using the vibrator.

This vibrator requires AG13 batteries. These are some odd batteries to try and find. Some sex toy stores will sell the “Screaming O Replacement Batteries” set to make it easier to replace the batteries on your Screaming O sex toys, but I’m a bit annoyed that Screaming O couldn’t have chosen to use an easier-to-get-ahold-of battery type for their sex toys. However, the batteries are pretty easy to change out. There’s a setting on the base of the vibrator that says “Open”, and all you have to do is open the compartment and put in the new batteries. There will be a cardboard piece inside this chamber for your first use, so you’ll have to remove that sleeve before it will vibrate like it’s supposed to.
To control this vibrator, it’s like a traditional pocket rocket. The base on the bottom can be twisted. There’s ON, OFF, and OPEN. Twisting to “Open” allows you to take off the battery compartment and insert new batteries. Twisting to “On” turns on the vibrator to the single speed. And twisting to “Off” turns the vibrator off of the single speed. As the base of the vibrator includes a ridged texture (much like a usual chapstick twist-base but larger in size), turning between these settings is pretty simple – even if your hand is lubricated.
The vibrations on this vibrator aren’t too impressive. This discreet vibrator only has the single vibration setting, so you can’t really adjust it to be more or less intense. The single setting is definitely on the softer side, and I’d say that most people probably won’t be able to orgasm with this single intensity. Along with that, the single intensity is a bit loud. It can easily be heard in the same room, and if it’s very quiet, it could possibly be heard outside of a thin, closed door. So this really can’t be used in most public places which tends to put a damper on the discretion afforded by the chapstick design.

When it comes to use, don’t expect too much from this Screaming O Balm Stick “Chapstick Vibrator”. To be honest, I’m just not too fond of it. It’s totally cute in the fact that it could pass as chapstick, but at the same time, the whole reason for needing to pass for chapstick is the fact that it’s to be discreet. And the Screaming O Balm Stick “Chapstick Vibrator” doesn’t do that so well. The vibrations are too loud for it to be discreet in most settings, and even if that wasn’t an issue, the vibrations aren’t really strong enough for orgasm for most. I’d be okay with the softer vibrations if the vibrations were quieter, too – it’d be a trade-off that I’d have to take for being able to play in public. But I don’t get that. The vibrations are soft AND loud which really isn’t a good mixture.

Weirdest thing ever: this vibrator has an expiration date. I’m not sure if the packaging was kidding to make it look more realistic or what, but apparently this vibrator expires in 2014. At first I thought that maybe they actually DID add chapstick to the tube, but no, it’s just a regular vibrator. Then I thought that maybe the batteries weren’t replaceable – but they are. So I have no idea what would make this vibrator require an expiration date, and in fact, it actually really bothers me.
(UPDATE MAY 2024: It’s 2024, and we still own this vibrator. Nothing about it appears to have been degraded with that expiration date, so it probably was going for realism.)
If you want to clean this vibrator, you’ll want to be careful. Nowhere on the vibrator does it say anything about this lipstick vibrator being waterproof. For that reason, be careful to avoid getting water inside the battery compartment while cleaning it. It can be cleaned with warm water and antibacterial soap, and again, just be careful not to accidentally twist off the battery compartment while cleaning it. It’s compatible with water-based lubricant, and it doesn’t require any type of particular storage to keep it safe. Just make sure to put the cap back on, and this vibrator can sit anywhere you want.
Overall, if you want a cute chapstick vibrator, the Screaming O Balm Stick “Chapstick Vibrator” sex toy is pretty cute. It’ll make a cute gag gift, and it functions pretty decently. However, be aware that the vibrations are a bit too loud for public use and that the one-speed vibrations aren’t going to be strong enough for orgasm for most. It is cute, though, but it’s not one of those vibrators that I’d recommend for someone who wants to get a sex toy to provide strong orgasms. Thanks to TabuToys for providing this discreet lipstick vibrator for my Screaming O Balm Stick “Chapstick Vibrator” review.