Rosie BBW Big Butt Sex Doll 101
Using the Rosie sex doll requires knowing a couple of things beforehand. It can be super-hot (and super arousing!) to just focus on the realistic pleasure the doll can provide (which is a lot!), but owning a sex doll also means planning for some of the realistic aspects of a sex doll. That includes:
The Rosie big butt sex doll torso is weirdly hard to handle. Imagine something that’s really heavy, as difficult to grip and move as human flesh, and doesn’t really have any “bones” in it. That’s pretty much the Rosie butt sex torso. It’s over 30 pounds of super squishy, super-wiggly, realistic material. Essentially, the things that make it feel hot-as-hell to hump are the things that also make it hard to handle and move around. You need to plan for this ahead of time.
Moving the Rosie sex doll, for me, consists of picking it up, snuggling it up against my chest like I’m moving a hard-to-hold sack of potatos, and plopping it at its eventual location – then attempting to shove and move it around into the right spot. Once I got the storage tote (mentioned at the end of the review), it made it much easier to move the butt sex doll around the house, but those movements of removing it from the tote and getting it into place still continue to look just as unsexy as ever. If you have a bad back, this is probably not a great toy for you purely due to the weight and moving it around. (Almost none of us can just “leave” a sex toy sitting in a permanent spot all of the time.)
Due to the realistic material the Rosie sex doll torso is made from, your sex doll will likely experiencing some “sweating” for awhile once you first get it. This is pretty normal for some sex toy materials (and honestly, a toy of this size made from silicone would likely be in the thousands instead of the hundreds), so with that in mind, I don’t recommend storing the Rosie near anything that’s fabric, brightly dyed, or could potentially be ruined by off-gassing of the material. We noticed wet spots in its original box after a couple of weeks (not a huge deal if you store and keep Rosie correctly, but it could be problematic if you don’t). Read more about how to store a sex doll later in this review.
The first time you get your Rosie sex doll, you really should give it a super-good bath. For us, this was one of the weirder sex toy experiences we’ve ever had. There’s nothing like carrying a human torso to dump it into the bathtub so it can take its own bath that makes you rethink where you’ve ended up in life. So that was a weird experience.
But I do recommend sticking the entirety of the Rosie sex doll in a bathtub full of water and gently scrubbing the entirety of the doll. Manufacturing can leave some films on toys – especially realistic materials like this – and if you’re going to be in constant close contact with it, it’s really worth it to make sure it’s as skin-safe as possible from the get-go. We also used some soap to thoroughly clean out the penetratable holes of the Rosie as well. This was definitely an endevor (even though a removable showerhead helps a ton!) – which is why I recommend doing it at least once since there’s no way I’d want to do this after every sex doll use.
(ALSO, plot twist, the Rosie big ass realistic sex doll actually floats! This was entirely unexpected, and our plan for “let it submerge for awhile” had to be modified.)

Speaking of cleaning, having a sex doll like the Rosie means thinking about how you’re going to clean it. This isn’t small and portable like most penis masturbation sleeves, so you’ll want to have a plan in mind for cleaning the Rosie. You can read more later about how I clean it, but make sure to think about that before picking up the Rosie bbw sex doll.

Is Rosie BBW Big Butt Sex Doll Representative?
It’s worth noting that, while the Rosie BBW sex doll has a big butt, she isn’t much of a “BBW”. “BBW” is an acronym for “Big Beautiful Women” – which has mostly been used as a fetish/sex-focused term for plus-size and fat bodies over the years.
That being said, while the Rosie Big Butt Sex Doll does include a thick butt, the doll doesn’t include anything else that would really make it a “BBW” doll. It looks more like a Kardashian body more than any type of BBW sex doll. The only truly realistic BBW-looking sex toy I remember seeing is the April Flores Voluptuous Cyberskin Pussy. You’ll note the folds of skin, the extra fat around the skin of the vagina, and the tummy fold above the vagina – all pretty classic signs of fat distribution with a vagina-owning individual.
So, the Rosie BBW Big Butt Sex Doll isn’t really “BBW” so much as “has a huge butt” – which hey – maybe that’s what you’re going for.

How to Use a Sex Doll?
Using the Rosie BBW sex doll torso is just as simple as adding lube and enjoying. I highly recommend adding lubricant to the internal canal on the doll in addition to slathering a layer of lubricant onto your penis as well. If you plan on using both canals of the Rosie BBW sex doll, I recommend waiting to add lube to the second canal until you’re at the point where you’d like to use it. Lube can dry up – which just results in wasted lube.
Alternatively, if you’re looking for a higher level of realism, you can attempt to warm-up the doll before use. I don’t think it’s realistic to try to stick this in the sink or bathtub in hot water, so you might need to get a bit creative. If I was going to try to get the inner tunnel to feel warmer to the touch, I’d likely use an enema/douche bulb filled with hot water and flush the doll’s vaginal/anal tunnel a couple times before use. It won’t make the doll warm enough to be “realistic”, but it will warm up the material before penetration. (And it has the bonus side of providing a cleaning rinse before use!).
Before getting hard and ready to hump Rosie, though, I highly recommend spending a bit of time figuring out where you’re going to put the Rosie sex doll in order to make the angles match up. The easiest position is placing Rosie on your bed. You can achieve missionary position very easily. Depending on your bed height, you can also prop the Rosie sex doll against the end of the bed and do a standing sex position. You can place Rosie on your lap for a “girl on top” simulation, but it will mostly be grinding against Rosie as lifting and lowering this wiggly, 30-pound sex toy is pretty difficult – much less doing it over and over again.
It’s worth noting that the weight of the Rosie sex doll also ensures that the sex doll stays in place. Even if you’re being pretty rough, the sex doll will stay in the spot that you put it. If you plan on resting all of your weight on top of the doll, you may be able to scoot it along the bed, but it takes a long time and some really rough thrusts to manage that. In our experience, it has yet to move at-all during use – including throwing his full weight behind each one of his thrusts.
Femdom Uses for a Sex Doll
While you can definitely just use the Rosie sex doll like any other sex doll for solo masturbation, I mostly wanted the Rosie sex doll for femdom and humiliation kink purposes. And for that, Rosie has done absolutely amazingly!
In fact, the kink uses for this sex doll have been so damn plentiful for us that I ended up inspired enough to write a sex doll femdom how-to that specifically focuses on how to use the Rosie sex doll for cuckolding and small penis humiliation kinks. It works really fantastically for that.
As an added note, with the realistic butt and jiggle, if you place the Rosie on any high-enough surface, it could be used to practice flogging and other impact play skills. I highly recommend foregoing any floggers that could potentially pierce the material (or “draw blood” on humans) as you might end up chopping off some of poor Rosie’s flesh, but if you have some suede or faux fur floggers to practice with, Rosie’s realistic size can be a fantastic target. (And satisfying to see the jiggling)

Do Sex Dolls Feel Real?
Above everything else, my partner has really remarked on how well the Rosie big butt sex doll torso “pushes back” against him. While using a hand-held sleeve leads to a ton of great sensations on the penis, it usually leaves the rest of the hips and body “left out”. When thrusting into the Rosie sex doll torso, the ass material jiggles against his body and it offers full pressure against his lower stomach and hips for something that feels a lot more “realistic” to hump. He was also really impressed by using the sex doll on the bed. He says the toy tends to “push back” with every thrust which feels realistic to having sex with a partner.
Literal-penis-sensation-wise, he says it’s extremely pleasurable, and he had no problem orgasming anytime we used it – especially if he was left unblindfolded for the process. The sensations are orgasmic on their own, but the literal visual seems to add a ton for him. That being said, he said if you’re literally only-comparing penis sensations between toys, he has felt more-pleasurable penis textures before in other toys (like Fleshlights). That doesn’t affect his enjoyment of the Rosie because Rosie’s texture is more-than-enough for orgasm, but he said he’d be cautious if you have issues achieving orgasm even with really-intensely-textured toys like the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit.
(He also remarked that it’s pretty tight [not painfully so] even for his average size. He was worried about a less-tight grip because of the size of the doll, but he says the tightness rivals most other hand-held masturbation sleeves he has used.)
When we took the Rosie sex doll directly from a hot bath to use and added warmed lube to it, the Rosie sex doll did feel realistic. In the name of science, blindfolded my partner and laid next to the doll, and while he could tell the difference, he says it was mostly through context clues (like my legs didn’t end mid-thigh). With the toy pre-warmed and lube pre-warmed, he says it’s surprisingly realistic, and obviously, very pleasurable.
He hasn’t noted a huge sensation difference between the anal and vaginal canals. They feel about the same to him – though they definitely look different, visually, when using the doll. One canal might be easier to access than the other depending on what sex positions you’re using the Rosie sex doll in.

Are Sex Dolls Worth It?
Sex dolls can 100% be worth it if you already have your gameplans in place and know what you want it for. If you just want to replace your favorite hand-held penis stroker sleeve and haven’t thought things out, you might be a bit overwhelmed by purchasing a realistic torso sex doll like Rosie.
However, if you’ve thought things out and specifically want a torso sex doll vagina, you’ll be really likely to enjoy yourself. The sensations do feel MUCH more realistic when you’re using this torso sex doll than when you’re just humping a Fleshlight snuggled between the couch cushions. Especially if you’re someone who’s really looking to “practice” your thrusting for a better time with a future partner, you really need something like the Rosie sex doll instead of handheld stroker. The realistic view partnered with the realistic sex doll angles will offers a whole lot more real-life practice than a hand-held stroker does.

How to Clean Sex Doll?
Obviously, as a sex toy, you need to keep the Rosie bbw sex doll torso clean or else you’re going to have a breeding ground for bacteria (and, honestly, the toy will likely start to feel less good if the material breaks down from the neglect).
However, it’s a giant sex doll, and for those who have been paying attention, it can be pretty hard to move around. That problem gets multiplied when the sex doll is covered in lube and you’re exhausted from an orgasm.
That’s why I’d recommend using an enema/douche kit in order to just clean out the penetratable holes that you used. Instead of toting the entire sex doll into the bathroom, you can use a douche/enema bulb and use the pressure of the water (combined with your fingers in a “scooping” motion) in order to clean out the Rosie’s vaginal and anal entrances. I recommend a folded-up towel underneath the exit of the tunnel (can be the same one you used to capture lube during sex) in order to absorb the water mixtures you’re going to use to clean the bbw doll sex torso.
I recommend a soapy rinse a couple of times (swirl soap and warm water together in a bowl and use that mixture within the bulb) along with your hands. Once you think it’s clean, you can use clean water and flush the canal with clean water to rinse it. A warm washcloth can easily clean the external areas of the Tantaly sex doll – especially any excess lube.
The hardest part of cleaning the Tantaly Rosie is definitely the internal canals, but a douche/enema kit can help get it done. Tantaly sells their own sex doll cleaning kits (that are essentially just enema/douching kits) if you think that will help. In addition, Tantaly sells Absorbent Sticks that will absorb the water/moisture after cleaning to help keep the internal areas of the Tantaly sex doll as dry as possible (to prohibit bacteria growth). Especially if you’re unable to allow the sex doll to sit out for long periods of time to fully dry (we’re talking days here), I really recommend the Absorbent sex doll sticks.
Where to Hide Sex Doll?
This is one of the biggest points out of the entire review: Rosie isn’t small. She isn’t a tiny penis sleeve – or even a large Fleshlight. She’s one of the larger toys I own and the size of one of my Motorbunny sex machines. This leads to some pretty unique storage concerns – and storage needs.
As I’ve mentioned before, the Rosie BBW sex doll isn’t easy to move around. It’s wiggly and heavy and can be difficult to get a good “grip” on it. This meant I wanted to have something that was solid and box-like to A) hold the toy’s weight b) protect it and c) make it easier to move around.
So I settled on a plastic storage tote you can get from any of your big box stores. (The linked one is the exact one I use.) This actually works fantastically. Not only does it protect the Rosie BBW sex doll from any damage or squishing, but it also allows me to pick up the sex doll and move it much easier (my back thanks me). It also means that I can “stack” other items on top of the Rosie while its in storage, so the toy’s large size isn’t nearly as much of a problem anymore. It can just be put into a closet with other items, and I don’t need to dedicate a specific shelf just for the Rosie. (And if you choose to do that, make sure your shelf can hold 40 pounds or more. Again, the Rosie big ass sex doll isn’t light.
As a note, most of the plastic storage totes I could find that fit the Rosie big ass sex doll were see-through. This isn’t a large problem, but I do store the Rosie with a couple of disposable puppy pads to ensure there isn’t a giant vagina greeting anyone if they happened to open this closet.
(In particular, when shopping for your plastic storage tote, make SURE to compare the measurements of the Rosie big ass sex doll torso to the size of the tote. Most totes were a bit too small at the base, but I was able to find one plastic tote that would work.)

Final Thoughts of the Tantaly Rosie Review
While the Rosie bbw sex doll requires a bit of extra effort compared to just using a regular penis masturbation sleeve, it’s definitely worth it for us. While I mostly love using it for femdom scenes (and it’s been absolutely amazing for that), I can see the benefit for solo masturbation as well. We’ve primarily used it for cuckolding and small penis humiliation scenes, and it is 1,000% better than using a handheld sex toy sleeve for that.
That being said, it does require some extra time and attention to care and cleaning – which means it doesn’t always get pulled out when he’s looking for an orgasm. When we’re making that pleasure a production (and a noticeably-long scene), it usually makes its way onto the bed, but for a 10-minute-lets-just-get-off orgasm, it’s usually a bit more hassle than its worth.
That being said, when we do pull out the Rosie big butt sex doll, it’s entirely worth it. It adds so much to the entire experience. Especially when we’re doing femdom things or I just really want to watch how his body moves when he thrusts in a way that’s impossible for me to enjoy while I’m the recipient, the Rosie sex doll has been perfect. When we just want to involve a “third person” without physically having another human being, the Rosie has been absolutely amazing. It doesn’t come out constantly (because of the care and cleaning), but when it does, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’m glad that we have it. It really does that that much to a scene.
Updated: August 2023.