The Ride On is a silicone, realistic penis extender created by Vixen Creations. It’s made of regular silicone instead of the usual VixSkin silicone. It is six inches long with a hollow portion of four inches in length. The hole/base of the toy makes up about another two inches for length, but those don’t really apply during use. The sex toy comes in Vanilla, Chocolate, and Caramel, and it’s one of the only realistic penis extenders in silicone out there.
The packaging for the Ride On is a typical Vixen Creations box. It is a plastic, clam-style box, though, so it easily will shut and easily will open. I recommend keeping it in this box for storage as the Ride On dildo does attract hair and lint, and it’s also pretty vulnerable to squishing/harm. The box is larger than the toy itself, but it also protects the Ride On pretty well. We’ll be keeping ours in the box. For information, though, the box is see-through and does easily show off that there is a penis-shaped object inside.

The Ride On is very unique as it really is one of the few realistic-looking penis extensions that don’t require a strap around the body, and instead, grips around the testicles for the best fit. The silicone that the Ride On is made out of is very flexible, and on the inside of the Ride On, there are ridges to help with holding it on and providing more stimulation. The ring that goes around the testicles is not very flexible either, and at the base, it is about an inch thick, so it will not be tearing in half anytime soon. The first four inches of the Ride On are hollow while the last two are filled in much like a dildo would be with silicone. Where the penis’ head would be, there’s some silicone, so you aren’t just hitting a dead end; the silicone is slightly plushy.

The Ride On itself feels relatively realistic, and while it isn’t as plushy as you’d expect from most VixSkin toys, it does feel and look pretty realistic. With a condom on, aside from a few minor differences, you really can’t tell the difference once it is inserted. It feels a bit bulkier than your biological penis, but with a condom, you won’t notice the silicone’s drag, so it’ll feel pretty realistic. Depending on how rough of sex you have and how much you pull out for each thrust, you do have to remember that the first two inches are virtually “on their own”, so they can bend awkward if you get too rough and it catches on a body when you push back in. Again, a condom and lots of lubricant helps avoid that issue though.
To use it, you should put some water-based lubricant on your penis to aid in insert and insert your penis into the hollow toy. You then can use the Ride On strap to “strap” this strap-on penis to your testicles and give your strapless penis-extension a base to hold onto. Rockin’ with a Cock In, in her review on-site, mentions a great method to use it with, and that’s what we went with, and I’d recommend probably using her method for best use of this realistic penis extender.

We got this for evil purposes. In our M/s relationship, I thought it would be fun to have a way to have intercourse without him actually being able to feel everything, so I wanted to put an extra layer between him and the stimulation. Sure, a condom would work, but that wasn’t nearly as effective as possible, so using a penis extender seemed like the next-best possible thing. For our purposes, it didn’t work as well as we had wanted.
The biggest issue with the Ride On is the inner canal. It was obviously designed for a flaccid penis, and in many cases, that may be exactly who is using the toy. Using my pointer finger, I can insert my finger and touch the “end” of the canal without too much difficulty, and the inner canal is about slightly-less-than-an-inch in diameter. For a flaccid penis that isn’t that long and will easily squish and conform, this will work fantastically. However, the issue comes if you aren’t flaccid.
Maybe, like stated above, you want to make your partner use this while hard. Maybe you just want a longer penis while hard. Maybe you want to be “mean” and dull the sensations for your partner. For whatever the reason, the Ride On doesn’t work nearly as well for partners who are erect and have a penis over 4/5 inches long with a diameter of over an inch. The sleeve just ends up being really small, and it’ll push your penis back out, slowly, over time, if you don’t have the testicle strap adjusted as well as it can be. Plus, in our experience, the inner fit will just be really, really tight – almost to the point of uncomfortableness during intercourse which really wasn’t the intention. If it is your intention, though, go for it!

So for us, for when the idea of intercourse while being “penalized” to not feel it all would be a turn-on, the Ride On didn’t work nearly as well as we had hoped. For someone who wanted a second-wind after they became flaccid or wanted a pressure-free way to give intercourse with their own body, though, you could get some good use out of the Ride On. It really just depends on what you want to use the Ride On for.
Cleaning this penis extender does require a bit of extra time, but it isn’t hard. As this is made from silicone, you can clean it using warm water and anti-bacterial soap. During use, make sure to only use water-based lubricant on it as silicone-based could harm it. Make sure to also clean the outside of the silicone sex toy as well as the inside as bodily fluids have touched both sides. It does pick up hair and lint from the material, so I suggest keeping it in the box it comes in or in a plastic bag. Keep it away from heat and direct sunlight.
Overall, if you plan to use this while flaccid or with a vibrator that’s slimmer in length, you could definitely enjoy it. However, if you have a moderate-to-large sized penis to begin with, the Ride On may not fit you as originally intended and may not work the best. If you fit the niche for this realistic penis extender, though, you could definitely enjoy it.