Welcome to my Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold Review!
Who doesn’t love a blindfold made from genuine leather? For one, it just looks hot. For two, the close proximity of the leather to the nose means you get some seriously-lovely scents of leather. Finally, leather can feel really luxurious against the skin – especially against the sensitive skin of your face.
A leather blindfold is exactly what you get with the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold. Made from a wine red and black cow leather combo, this adjustable blindfold is part of the Wine Red bondage series that Liebe Seele sells. Built with gorgeous, matching rose gold metal bits, this cow leather blindfold is extremely lightweight on the face while matching the rest of the Liebe Seele kink gear you happen to be wearing.
The Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold uses a standard buckle on the backside of the blindfold in order to adjust the tightness and fit of the blindfold. The blindfold has 8 adjustment holes for a circumference of 20.67″ to 25.1″ possible.

Does the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold Block Out Light?
Here’s the biggest test for any bondage blindfold: does it block out ALL light? Certainly, blocking some light is better than none, and as long as the person can’t see much, I’d argue that your blindfold is doing “good enough”. Since you bought a blindfold to ensure the person can’t see – at all, a blindfold that blocks out all light is definitely the gold standard. For many people, being left in pitch blackness is part of the enjoyment of the scene.
When it comes to that, the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold is about on-par with standard, unpadded blindfolds. That is, it blocks out vision, but it doesn’t block out all light. If worn in the right place (as close to the eyes as possible), it makes it impossible to see what’s going on around you. You will still have light that escapes underneath the blindfold (so your partner will not be in pitch darkness when they open their eyes under the blindfold), but they will not be able to see what’s going on.
Depending on your needs, this can work great. For some people, being left in complete darkness is anxiety-inducing. With the Wine Red Leather Blindfold with Rose Gold Buckle, you’ll never entirely be in complete darkness. There will always be some light leaking in – BUT your partner won’t be able to see what’s going on. I can’t even make out any sort of shapes or colors from the light that peaks in. It just looks like “not blindfold” light.

Durability of the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold
I have zero concerns about the durability of this Red Leather Blindfold. There’s not a single errant stitch out of place, the leather feels luxuriously amazing against my fingers, and everything feels fantastic. I’ve tugged on the leather, tossed it into 4 separate bags (for travel on trips, at this point), and used it during multiple play sessions. It honestly looks as good as the day it first came out of the box.
Outside of intentionally cutting it (it’s definitely thin enough for that) or scratching the surface of the leather, I see no reason that the Liebe Seele blindfold would give you any durability issues.
Is the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold Comfortable?
Take my BDSM advice here, this blindfold is surprisingly, surprisingly comfortable.
The Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold is probably one of the thinnest blindfolds we own. While the thinner leather is opaque (so you can’t see through it), it also means that it traps less heat. This makes for a much-more-comfortable wearing session too.
The only thing you’ll want to watch out for is the tightness. Almost all kinky blindfolds use an elastic band to keep the blindfold in place. Not only does this ensure a tight fit, but it also reduces snagging on the hair due to the buckles.
(Elastic strap blindfolds also can stretch over time and become useless – and be TOO tight and cause headaches too, so they aren’t without their faults. Elastic bands also tend to “frizz up” the hair – which can be a serious downside when using blindfolds at play parties or places where you’d otherwise like to keep your hair looking nice.).
Since the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold doesn’t use an elastic strap to keep it in place, that means you need to fasten the strap at the desired tightness for wear. However, this also means that the blindfold isn’t infinitely customizable. That is, there are specific, set holes built into the length of the buckle strap, and if you need a tightness between those holes, it just won’t.
Luckily for us, the space between the holes is minimal (so it IS possible to get a good fit for the majority of people!), but you’ll want to keep this in mind when fastening it on – especially if you prefer to wear your blindfolds underneath the ears. The ears can really help with keeping this blindfold in place if the blindfold is ever-so-slightly loose.
One of my partners finds the blindfold to be the very-perfect fit while the other finds it to be ever-so-slightly-loose – or too tight on the next tightest setting. His ears keep the straps of the blindfold in place, so our playtime bondage gear stays in place, but it’s just something to consider.

The Rest of the Liebe Seele Wine Red Bondage Set
I’m a serious sucker for matching kink gear – like, a very serious sucker. I absolutely love all of my kink gear to match – whenever possible. This means I love the Wine Red coloration from Liebe Seele because they – quite literally – have an entire bondage line in the exact same coloration. Whether you’re still a newbie looking for BDSM scene outlines and femdom advice or you’re an experienced pro who just wants to get a quality set of bondage restraints, the Wine Red bondage set from Liebe Seele offers enough variation (and in matching colors!) for me to be a very, very happy camper.
(I’ve already reviewed the Blackish Green Cow Leather Bondage Set and fallen absolutely in love, so I’m starting to think everything Liebe Seele puts out is really A+.)
Their Wine Red collection goes way beyond the standard “cuffs and collar that match” to include a lot more bondage accessories. They have a wine red ball gag, a wine red tawse paddle, a wine-red spreader bar, and even a wine red hogtie strap with clips! Of course, that already includes the “standard” bondage items available in the Wine Red series like cuffs, this blindfold, and a collar and leash – plus, Liebe Seele makes a matching bondage belt that wraps around the waist!
I hope to review some of those extra accessories in the future, but for now, I’m totally enamored with them as-is!

Tips for Buying a Bondage Blindfold
If you’re here looking at a review of this red bondage blindfold, you’re probably looking to purchase a blindfold – or at least curious. Honestly, good on you. Blindfolds are surprisingly cheap for how “powerful” of an effect they have on your sex. A good blindfold instantly can leave someone feeling “helpless” and entirely at your sexual “mercy” – in a good way! When we remove the sense of sight, the rest of the senses get stronger, so your touch, sexy words, and scents feel even more potent than they usually are.
My tips for buying a bondage blindfold include:
- Check for light permeance. Like mentioned before, one of the biggest factors of a kinky blindfold is how well it blocks out light. Is it a total blackout? Or does light leak in around the nose – which allows your partner to “peek” a bit? Depending on the wearer’s preferences, someone who hates absolute darkness may actually prefer the lil’ bit of light – even if they never peek. Some people just find absolute darkness terrifying.
- What hair style does your partner usually wear? If they have super-short hair, this may not matter, but if your partner regularly shows up to play parties (or your play dates!) with elaborate hairstyles, they may not appreciate you sliding an elastic band all over their hairstyle – and tangling it up. In that case, a fastenable blindfold (like this one) is a better fit – since you can wrap it around the hairstyle.
- If your partner wears contacts, you’ll want to be especially careful with blindfold selection. Your ideal blindfold won’t apply much pressure to the eyes – especially if you’re going to be wearing it for longer sessions. Essentially, with someone’s eye’s closed on top of contacts with pressure applied to the eye, you can really set them up for some uncomfortable sensations when the blindfold is removed – and the eyes can open again. Something that doesn’t apply pressure to the eyelids themselves is highly-preferred for contact wearers – or just removing the contacts ahead of time entirely.
Video Visual of the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold
Do you learn best through video? The Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold was the first thing I unboxed in my unboxing video for Liebe Seele products, so it got its definite time in the limelight. You can see the video overview for the Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold below (specifically set-up to show you the spot where the blindfold begins):
Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold Review: Final Remarks
The Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold with Rose Gold Buckle is a gorgeous blindfold – especially if you want a matching set, want to easily put it on around hairstyles (and reduce bedhead after wear), don’t want pressure on the eyes, and want something that feels silky smooth (and smells like leather!) on your face.
At the same time, it doesn’t entirely block out light – but it does block out vision. You won’t be able to see what’s going on, but it won’t be entirely black inside the blindfold when you open your eyes. You’ll have to decide if that’s a concern for you – or if all of the benefits of this blindfold outweigh the lack of complete darkness.
For us, that’s definitely a “yep, definitely worth it” – and having the light leaks also reduces his eye strain and need to reacclimate to ambient light when the blindfold is removed.

Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold Review
The Liebe Seele Wine Red Leather Blindfold is a gorgeous, leather blindfold. While it doesn’t leave the wearer’s vision entirely blacked out, it doesn’t block out a majority of their vision, and it will do its job of making someone unable to really “see” what’s going on.
The buckle fastener design allows the blindfold to be buckled around hair styles – which can reduce some of the bedhead frizz complaints that elastic, slide-on blindfolds can cause.
At the same time, when put together with the rest of the Wine Red Liebe Seele bondage gear, this can make a really hot visual. With its high-quality leather and rose gold accents, they really raise the bar on the visual.