BDSM Advice Series: How to Use Bondage Tape

How to Use Bondage Tape. Image shows three rolls of bondage tape (in red, pink, and black) piled on top of a book next to a set of safety shears.

Bondage tape is honestly one of the most versatile and inexpensive bondage restraints you can purchase. It comes in a multitude of colors and designs, and it can be used to bind pretty much anything. It’s extremely approachable, and someone with zero bondage experience can make suitable restraints in seconds. People use it for full-body bondage (mummification), beginner bondage, and even to make clothing! You can purchase tons of bondage tape and it stores away in seconds. Plus, it looks like regular tape, so no one will question it when they see a roll of tape for bondage lying around. So, the big question is: how to use bondage tape?

What Is Bondage Tape?

First off, learning “how to use bondage tape” requires understanding what bondage tape is – and how it differs from regular masking or duct tape.

Bondage tape is made of thin, slick layers of PVC that stick to itself. The advantage of using PVC bondage tape over regular duct tape is fourfold:

a) bondage tape is reusable (with some care)

b) bondage tape doesn’t rip off any hair or skin when removed.

c) BDSM tape leaves no sticky residue on the skin, has no scent or taste, and is available in a multitude of designs and colors. (To be fair, though, basic black and red tend to be the easiest types to find.)

d) bondage tape just looks sexier than duct tape. It doesn’t have the dull sheen of duct tape that reminds you of wrapping your pipes. It’s bright, shiny, and glossy – and reflects light in a really sexy way.

A lot of people also love the fact that bondage tape doesn’t have to leave any marks. It might make the skin flush a bit red because of the heat, but once the tape is removed, it’s possible for there to be no marks left on the skin. Rope (especially) and other kink restraints may not be able to claim the same feat.

If a no-marks play is extremely important to you, keep these two things in mind during play with bondage tape: 1) bondage tape wrapped too tightly can pinch skin and definitely leave marks. 2) any play where the restrained person is pulling at the bondage tape at an angle can leave marks on the skin where the edges of your bondage tape cuts into the skin.

Essentially, if you’re truly going for a no-mark experience, make sure to ensure your squirming captive can’t push their limbs against the edges of the bondage tape. (Not sure what I mean? Imagine binding the wrists together as your captive holds their wrists with bent elbows at nipple-level in front of them. Once those wrists are bound, all the captive has to do is separate their elbows to have the bondage tape digging into skin. To prevent the tape from digging in in this scenario, you’d want to use bondage tape, or another bondage method, to fasten the elbows to each other as well. See the “how to use bondage tape” example images below to see this in action.)

Tips for Buying Bondage Tape

As all bondage tape is made of the same material (PVC), I don’t need to give you too many tips. Almost all of the rolls out there are pretty similar, honestly. Still, here’s what I recommend:

Look at Length: I would recommend paying attention to how long each roll of tape is. Most rolls are around 60 feet long. As long as you aren’t looking to do a full bondage tape mummification (see below), you should be fine with just a single roll of bondage tape. Still, if you’re on a budget, it’s worth shopping around to see how different rolls compare in terms of the length-to-cost ratio.

Determine Your Use: If you happen to know what you’re going to want to do with the bondage tape, this is a great time to estimate how much bondage tape you’re going to need. If you’re short on cash, I recommend physically making an estimation – instead of guessing. Find a loose string, and wrap it 4-6 times around the spot that you want to bind or 2-3 times around a spot that you’re using for decoration. Unbind that string and measure how long that wrap was. That’s how much bondage tape you’ll need to accomplish what you want. Especially if you’re tying something larger (like a bondage tape lingerie or binding the wrists to the thighs with bondage tape), you might find that a single bondage idea might take an entire roll.

Think about Your Cuts: Most rolls of bondage tape do not come pre-cut. This allows you to cut lengths that will work best for you, your body, and the uses that you want to use it for. So when you’re picking up a roll of bondage tape, make sure to remember that you’ll like be snipping off pieces of it. For example, trying to use all 60 feet just to bind the wrists together is going to be a huge pile of bondage tape on your partner’s wrists. You’ll probably cut a much-smaller length for that – but then that leaves you with a 40-foot piece and a 20-foot piece. That means you might want to buy two separate rolls if your plan was to also use a 60-foot piece occasionally for bondage tape costumes.

Think about Color: One of the bigger choices you’ll make about your bondage tape will simply be the color. Red, pink, and black are the most common bondage tape roll choices out there. You might be able to find some other color variations, but it’ll be harder. Which one of these colors works best for you?

Don’t Worry Too Much: I’m gonna be honest with you here. Almost all of the bondage tape on the market is exactly the same. There isn’t a whole lot of variance you can get with a long strand of PVC wrapped around a cardboard circle. I’d even say that you don’t need to be too worried about buying from generic brands either. Your biggest concern, really, is just going to be how much to buy. As long as you’re buying from a reputable sex toy store for a product labeled “bondage tape”, you’re likely going to receive something that works just fine.

Bondage Tape Safety Issues

Bondage tape is honestly pretty darned easy to use. There isn’t much to learn when you want to learn how to use bondage tape. That being said, there are still a few things that can be helpful to know:

Don’t Wrap Bondage Tape Too Tightly: When you’re wrapping the tape, don’t stretch it while wrapping. You want it to be snug – but not stretched. If you stretch it, when you let go, the tape will “shrink down” to its non-stretched size, and your bondage restraint will become tighter than you intended it to be. (It also can tug and pull the skin in a really uncomfortable way when you do this.)

Keep a Pair of Safety Shears Around: Keep a pair of safety scissors around to cut your partner out in case of an emergency. For the most part, you should be able to unwind the bondage tape easily enough that scissors won’t be needed. It’s always better safe than sorry though! The more elaborate the tie, the more reason to keep safety shears nearby.

Mind the Heat: Because the bondage tape doesn’t “breathe”, you want to make sure that you don’t keep your partner in bondage tape for too long. Especially if it’s a full-body wrap, the tape can trap body heat, so it can become surprisingly warm very quickly. Turn up the air conditioner, use a fan, or just take your partner out of the tape if they start to feel a bit warm. If the attempt to cool them down isn’t making a difference, start unwrapping that tape and get them out of their bondage tape cocoon ASAP. Heatstroke is a very real thing – not to mention that most people don’t feel particularly sexy when extremely hot.

Know Your Limitations: Because bondage tape has a larger surface area, it’s safer to use if you have reasons that keep you from using rope for bondage. However, always know your limitations and never go beyond them. Make sure you can easily “rescue” your captive from the tape, too.

Never, Ever, Ever Do a Suspension: Unless you’re an expert with thousands of hours of suspension experience and multiple people there to spot your captive, bondage tape should never, ever be used for bondage suspensions. It was never designed for weight-bearing purposes.

Fluids Afterwards: Like any other activity that can get you warm or make you sweat, rehydrating with some water afterward is a great idea. Depending on your tie, hydrating beforehand can lead to issues with needing to pee (which might be part of your fun – or it might not). For most people, though, that’ll be a problematic annoyance, so plan ahead. After all the sweating, make sure to hydrate afterwards.

Watch for Movement: If you’ve been paying attention, you’d notice that we have a “perfect storm” brewing. This kinky tape makes the wearer sweaty. It also doesn’t adhere to skin. Completing our trifecta, this kinky tape can also move around if a person wriggles. This means you need to regularly check-in to make sure your wraps are exactly where you put them. As tape travels, unintentionally, across skin as you’re playing, it can end up much tighter or looser than you intended. Especially when around sensitive areas or the neck, this can be painful or dangerous. So regularly check in with your tape.

How to Use Bondage Tape

This is the big section that you’ve been waiting for, right? Make sure you read the above passages to really “learn” what you’re getting into, but once you do, you’re ready to use your bondage tape and have some fun with it!

Let’s go through how to use bondage tape – step-by-step with some ultra-helpful pictures:

A person holds their two wrists next to one another. Another person's hands show a roll of bondage tape about to be wrapped around the wrists. This shows how to use bondage tape.

(image above) To start, decide what area you’re binding with bondage tape. Have the person to-be-bound place their limbs how you’d like them bound. Unravel a bit of the bondage tape, and place it flat against the person’s skin. Ensure the tape is flat against the skin.

How to Use Bondage Tape image. A person's wrists are sitting out on a flat surface while another person's hands are wrapping bondage tape around the wrists. The pink bondage tape is pulled taut.

(image above) For best results, try to pull the end bondage tape as close as possible to the start of the bondage tape. Essentially, bondage tape works by “gripping” onto bondage tape that’s already present. By ensuring that there is bondage tape present within millimeters of the start of the wrap, you reduce the slippage of the bondage tape on the first initial wraps.

Ensure the bondage tape is pulled snugly (don’t let up tension as you do this!), but don’t pull too tightly. You should be able to fit two fingers underneath your initial wraps.

How to use bondage tape. A wrap of bondage tape is shown being pulled snugly against the wrists. The bondage tape is being wrapped around bondage tape that's already present on the wrists.

(image above) Now that you have the initial wrap of tape in place, begin to wrap your bondage tape over this initial wrap. Directly wrap the bondage tape on top of the first layer of the wrap as best as possible.

Remember when you’re learning how to use bondage tape: the tape functions through its friction on previously-wrapped layers. Keep your wraps on top of one another to make your bondage tape as functional as possible.

It’s important to keep everything under tension. You may need to use your second hand in order to hold the original end of the bondage tape in place as the tension may attempt to “tug” it or move it. This should stop happening after a few wraps are in place.

Two wrists shown side-by-side wrapped in pink bondage tape. A second set of hands is holding a roll of bondage tape and about to make another wrap around the wrists. Used for a how to use bondage tape article.

(image above) Continue making wraps around the original wraps as best as possible. Depending on how large of an area you’re trying to bind or how much bondage tape you have available, I’d recommend 3-6 wraps. With something smaller like the wrists, 3 secure wraps is probably great. With something thicker like thighs, you’ll likely prefer 6 secure wraps.

There’s minimal downside to too many wraps. It will be warmer, cause more sweating, and use more bondage tape, but if your end goal is secure bondage, you might choose to err on the side of “better bound” than not.

NOTE: You want your bondage tape under tension, but I’d recommend not using as much tension is as-shown in the photos. You can see the skin bulging around the tape on the upper arm. This pictured bondage tape wrapping would be too tight for safe play purposes. Ensure you can slide two fingers snugly underneath the bondage tape for nerve safety. If we were playing with the pictured bondage tape, I’d likely add more wraps around the elbows. Forcing the elbows together would reduce some of the pressure the relaxed elbows are causing to the wrists.

A person's two wrists are bound in bright pink bondage tape. Another person is cutting off a strip of the pink bondage tape with safety shears. Image for how to use bondage tape article.

(image above) If you’re wrapping directly from the original roll, at some point, you’ll need to decide where you want to end your wrapping. Use scissors or safety shears (depending on whether you’re near flesh or not) to cut the strand fully off your bondage tape roll whenever you’re ready.

NOTE: Since we weren’t near flesh, there was no reason to use safety shears. However, that’s what I had nearby. We could have used standard scissors without much of a problem.

A person is holding the tail end of a piece of bondage tape. They are pressing it securely to a wrap of pink bondage tape around another person's wrists.

Once you have finished with the wrap, lay the end of the piece of tape securely against the wrap, and smooth the bondage tape down. That will make it hold securely!

This final piece of bondage tape is important to your entire bondage set-up. Ensure that you’re pressing it as securely as possible to the rest of the wraps. More contact area between this final piece and the rest of the wrap will hold the best.

If you have a bondage eel (someone who enjoys trying to escape), try to place this piece of bondage tape away from easy access. To start the unwrapping process, someone just needs to unsecure this final piece to easily unwrap all of your hard work.

Two people hold hands in the middle of a white table. One person's wrists are bound in pink bondage tape.

That’s it! You’ve pretty much nailed it. That’s all you really need to know about how to use bondage tape.

Take the same process/steps and apply them to clothing/decorative designs if you’re not trying to use them for active bondage.

Looking for more tips about how to use bondage tape? Take these finer tips for different uses of bondage tape:

How to Use Bondage Tape to Restrain Wrists

You can restrain the wrists easily with bondage tape. As the wrists are extremely capable of movement, you want to make sure to put extra layers to “keep” your partner in the bondage.

For extra security, you can also wrap the bondage tape up the forearms. Remember that people move their wrists quite often (and often without realizing it), so you may have to resituate the tape as they wiggle. Make sure to place the “end” point of the tape out of reach of the fingers to keep your partner from undoing their bondage.

Wrists can be restrained above the body, in front of the body, behind the body, near the ankles, or basically, anywhere you can think of. Wrists can be restrained to one another, and while it’s more difficult, wrists can be restrained to pieces of furniture, too, like a bedframe.

How to Use Bondage Tape to Restrain Ankles

The ankles can be restrained to one another or to an outside object. Restraining the ankles is just like the wrists, but the kink tape tends to be more difficult for the captive to remove.

If you’re restraining the ankles together, I recommend placing a folded washcloth between the two ankles. This can help reduce the ankle bones from rubbing together in a decidedly unsexy and painful way.

Keep in mind that a leg usually has a lot of power behind it. This means you’ll want to add more wraps than with the wrists – especially if your scene has your partner intentionally trying to strain against them.

How to Use Use External Surfaces for Effective Bondage Tape

Bondage tape works surprisingly well when used for a double-column tie. That is, when you put a limb directly against a long thin surface, and wrap the two long parts together. Imagine having your partner stand next to the kitchen table’s leg – then binding one of their legs to the kitchen table’s leg. This keeps your partner from bending their leg, and since the table is large, it may also them from moving. That’s what I’m talking about.

Other household objects that can accomplish this would include: dining chairs, canopy bed posts, heavy non-dining tables, desks, stair banisters, porch railings, and anything else your kinky mind can get creative with.

Make sure the object is heavy enough to avoid getting tipped by your partner’s weight and movement. If it isn’t, consider using something else – or making it a scene all about staying as still as possible.

If you’re into group play, a second “person” can be a fantastic “prop” to bind the first person to. Now you have two people bound together.

If you want a “portable” version that forces your partner to keep their limb straight, I’d recommend a spreader bar. How to use bondage tape with a spreader bar? Have your partner spread out their arms, straight out, like they’re making a T with their body. Place the spreader bar, at full length, across their wingspan on top of the shoulders. Now, use two separate rolls of the tape, and wrap the upper arms and forearms to the spreader bar on both arms. Now your partner will be unable to drop their arms – or move them at all.

You can also get more creative with how to use bondage tape with a kinky spreader bar. Place the spreader bar along one of the legs, and wrap the entire leg to the rigid length of the spreader bar. Now they’re going to have a very hard time walking or bending that leg.

You can also start getting really creative with multiple spreader bars. Use one on each leg for a real immobilizing scene (this can be how to use bondage tape in a great way for medfet purposes!).

Bondage Tape for Gagging and Blindfolds

PVC BDSM tape has no taste. This means it can make a wonderful gag or blindfold – if you want. Some tips for how to use bondage tape for gagging and blindfolds:

  • Be very careful where you place the edges of the tape. Since the edges of the BDSM tape can be sharp when quickly dragged across the skin, you’ll want to be very careful when using this along these sensitive areas. Place it slowly, remove it slowly, and place it in a way that minimizes the person’s skin contacting the edges.
  • Do not wrap too tightly. While that’s always important when learning how to use bondage tape, it’s particularly important here. The eyes and mouth are not the place to learn how much this tape can cut into sensitive flesh.
  • Do a few wraps around the eyes/mouth to ensure the kinky tape stays put. You don’t have get too tightly, but a few wraps will help the tape adhere to itself to ensure it stays on the head.
  • If you’re someone who wants to reuse your bondage tape later on, make sure you use soap and water to wash any strands used for this type of bondage. Nobody really wants to be bound with dried, days-old saliva later down the line.
  • Unlike most blindfolds or gags, kinky tape doesn’t grip or tear at hair. This can make it a good fit when someone has a sensitive scalp.
  • Keep a close eye on your gag or blindfold. As noted, the tape can cut into skin, so if you see it bunching up or moving into places you didn’t intend it, it’s time to take it off.
  • You’ll want to be particularly careful about the tape slipping and sliding when on the head. Since hair is pretty slippery as-is, the tape’s properties can make this very easy. A bondage tape gag or bondage tape blindfold may not be a great fit if you know the person will be thrashing their head around a lot.
  • Ensure you have a non-verbal safeword in play. Since a gag would reduce your partner’s ability to speak up about any problems, having a way to communicate issues without words is always a great idea.

As always, all safety information about gagging still applies.

How to Use Bondage Tape for Kinky Clothing

There are a lot of people who love the flexibility and fun of using bondage tape to make their own clothing. Not only does it let your inner fashion designer shine, but it’s also a fun way to decorate yourself or your partner. Plus, it photographs really, really well if you’re looking for some erotic shots.

When figuring out how to use bondage tape for clothing, you can get creative and make mini-skirts, panties, boxer briefs, briefs, bandeau bras, bras with straps, halter tops, “corsets”, tube tops, regular tops, pants (wow!), dresses, socks, stockings, or anything else that you’d like to do.

Some tips for how to use bondage tape for bondage tape clothing:

  • You’ll need more than one roll of this BDSM tape. Unless you’re just making a bandeau bra with minimal wraps, most “clothing” will probably take two or three rolls – even if it’s just lingerie coverage. If you’re going to be making it public appropriate, assume you’ll need quite a bit more to ensure skin doesn’t poke through. Consider this in your plan.
  • Plan ahead when wrapping areas you want to look perky and full. This would include the ass, the balls/penis, and the breasts. Let’s take the breasts for example. If we start our wrap at the top of the breasts – and continue wrapping downward – we’re going to press the fullness of the weight down – and into the depths of the bondage tape where no one can see it. If we start the wrap at the bottom of the breasts and wrap upwards, you can make for a lot fuller-looking chests. (Push-up bras, 101!) The same thing can happen with the testicles too!
  • Err on the side of extra overlap when wrapping for clothing purposes. Instead of ensuring 1/4th of each wrap overlaps, go for 1/2 or 3/4th of overlap with each wrap. As the body moves, the tape will readjust. This overlap is designed to help prevent any skin from poking through the longer your model wears it. If your model is entirely clad in a midnight black bondage tape tuxedo, you’re going to be kicking yourself when a small, half-inch of skin starts to disrupt the look half-way through your playtime.
  • Try to keep the “seams” of your bondage tape clothing wraps as uniform or out-of-sight as possible. This may be especially tough when you’re switching rolls or using new colors, but it will pay off in a polished look when you’re done.
  • Depending on what you’re doing, the likelihood that you’re reusing this tape is minimal. If your bondage tape clothing includes wrapping into the nooks and crannies for a complete look, this likely means the tape will get creased and folded. Once the tape is held in those creases and folds, it’s hard to flatten it out. As the tape loses its flatness, it reduces its gripping ability.
  • You don’t have to stick with one color of bondage tape. Instead, consider using multiple colors. This can really add some flair to your resulting pieces.
  • You can always “preview” a bit of what your look will look like by using saran wrap bondage. Obviously, saran wrap is much wider and see-through, but it also wraps and clings in a similar manner to the body. If you want to get an idea of if you’ll like something before investing the money into getting the BDSM tape rolls to make it happen, try out your idea with saran wrap.
  • Depending on what your BDSM tape looks like, if you want to make it look its absolute best, it can be “shined up” with a bit of silicone lube rubbed into the surface. This will really make it shine if you’re doing this for picture purposes. At the same time, ensure that you have a plan for cleaning off the BDSM tape when you’re done (silicone lube needs soap and water!) or consider it garbage.

Now, if you’re going to take all of this and make bondage tape clothing in public, here’s some how to use bondage tape tips:

  • If you’re looking for something a beginner can really “nail” for a femme body, consider doing a high-waisted mini skirt. Select a BDSM tape color that matches a bra that makes you feel sexy. From there, start right under where the bra hits, and do coverage all the way to just where the butt meats the thighs. Now you have a cute “bondage tape dress” without having to hassle with the difficult part of the breasts. Beginners can nail this one pretty well.
  • Definitely consider how “exposed” you want to be. If a nipple popping out is going to be bad, ensure you’re wearing pasties or a bra. Same with a penis or vagina. Make sure you’re wearing the proper underclothes like boxers or a thong. Try to keep underclothing to an absolute minimum to allow the bondage tape to shine and reduce your sweating – but also wear enough that you’re covering the necessarily-covered parts.
  • You may want to use see-through tape to “tape” the final piece of bondage tape down. This can help reduce the likelihood of things unraveling – or if you find an asshole at a party who thinks its funny to try to undress you when you’re not looking.
  • If you really need parts of your bondage tape clothing to stay in place, consider using lingerie tape.
  • Please, please, please make sure to bring a change into regular clothes. You’re going to get hot in bondage tape clothing – and not in the sexy way. If you feel like you’re swimming in your own sweat, you’re probably going to want to change out of it.
  • Pack a pair of safety shears in a purse or bag – just in case.
  • Keep bathroom breaks in mind. Does the tape need to be unwrapped and rewrapped to pee? Will the “outfit” just be over as soon as the person needs to use the restroom?

For inspiration for bondage tape clothes, check out this bondage tape clothing gallery.

How to Use Bondage Tape for Mummification

While the word sounds a bit scary, mummification is just the act of wrapping your partner into a comfy little bondage tape cocoon. Just have your partner lie flat – then wrap everything but their head in bondage tape. That’s it! For people who enjoy strict bondage, there’s nothing more binding than being entirely unable to move.

If you’re trying to figure out how to use bondage tape for mummification, your first step is figuring out how much of a “cocoon” you want to do. You can do a full-body wrap – or you can do a half-body wrap. Full body wraps take a whole lot more bondage tape and can be harder to pull off if the bound person is larger or heavier than yourself.

This means that half-wraps usually work best for most people. You can wrap the majority of the upper body or you can wrap the majority of the lower body. An upper-body half-wrap goes from the hips all the way to the lower shoulders. A lower body version goes from the hips down to the ankles.

If you are going to just do the upper body, your partner can stand, and if you are just doing the lower body, they can sit for easy access to their legs.

If you are going to do full-body, it is important that you start with the upper body first! This allows your partner to still be able to keep their balance with their legs while you work. Always do this near a soft surface when restraining the legs in case your partner needs to fall backwards after losing their balance.

For safety’s sake, avoid including the head in your mummification.

Like every other type of BDSM tape bondage, overlap the pieces of bondage tape for optimal grip. You can tape “around” the fun areas like the genitals or breasts if you want to play with someone while they are in bondage.

If you do full-body bondage, make sure you can lift up the person to get them onto a bed or flat surface to lay them out after they have been fully mummified.

If you’re looking for more information about how to do mummifications, I’d recommend poking into my resources for saran wrap mummification. They’re extremely similar:

Pink bondage tape laid out on a white table. The tape is extremely wrinkled.

How to Reuse Bondage Tape?

Bondage tape is designed to be reusable. Essentially, since bondage tape is made from non-stick PVC instead of any adhesive, there’s nothing about the tape that can actually “run out” because you’ve used it. Unlike an adhesive bandage, where all of the sticky parts are gone after it’s been used once, bondage tape has no adhesive to “run out”. So, in essence, bondage tape is reusable.

It isn’t easily reusable though. Reusing bondage tape requires removing it gently to avoid ripping it or kinking it. It also requires proper storage – and removing all of the sweat, lube, and bodily fluids from the surface of the tape. This isn’t the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but it definitely requires more time than the simple word “reusable” implies.

How to reuse bondage tape starts with ensuring you store it correctly. To do that, while winding down from a scene, I recommend you:

  • Slowly unwrap the bondage tape from your partner. As long as this isn’t an emergency, you don’t need to cut it off of them. While slowly unwrapping it, take care to keep the strands as straight and unwrinkled as possible.
  • After the bondage tape has been fully unwrapped, go through with a wet towel and wipe down the surface of the bondage tape that touched your partner’s skin. People sweat (a lot) in bondage tape. A build-up of sweat on the tape will make it gross next time you take it out – and possibly unusable.
  • Leave the bondage tape to dry. Preferably leave it lying flat on the floor to do that, but if you can’t, placing it gently in a non-wrinkled fashion on top of items in a semi-empty drawer will give it time to dry out.
  • When the bondage tape is fully dried, it’s time to put it away. Ideally, rewrap the bondage tape around the original wooden spool that it came in. The PVC bondage tape holds its first best if it’s wrapped around a circular object. If that isn’t possible, consider using an empty toilet paper roll or an empty power towel roll.
  • If you’re unable to roll the bondage tape around something (which I highly recommend for wrinkle-free tape!), you can also gently pile the bondage tape on top of itself with gentle, sloping corners. Then insure nothing presses down on it. Avoid any hard creases or corners in the tape for storage. Any crease that you leave it in the tape will now stay in your bondage tape forever.

Creases in bondage tape aren’t just decorative problems. They’re also adhesion problems. Since PVC bondage tape works by sticking to itself, any texture or disruption in the tape’s ability to “stick” to itself will lead to a loss of stickiness. This may not be a large issue if the textured issue is the first layer you put on the skin, but it will create a lot more issues if the textured area is the last layer you put on (and therefore, the layer that needs to hold the most tension).

(On the picture above from our how to use bondage tape series, you can easily see that my pink tape has creases in it now. This piece of bondage tape would be very poor at bondage because of all of the creases, and it’s not likely worth reusing.)

Have fun with all of it! If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at the.mistress.kay (at) I’m always happy to help!

Read Other BDSM How To Articles

Article originally published: July 18, 2011.
Updates on: May 2023, February 2022, September 2021, August 2021, July 2021.

How to Use Bondage Tape. Image shows three rolls of bondage tape (in red, pink, and black) piled on top of a book next to a set of safety shears.
Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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