Designed as a complete guide to bondage, “Tie Me Up!” by Stephan Niederwieser is a black-and-white, photo-included book full of instructions and step-by-step guide for rope bondage. The book has 200 pages, and it’s a softcover book. It’s about 5″ by 7″ in size which makes it about the same size as a lot of standard novels. Both the back and the front covers are pretty overtly sexual, so you may not want to read this one in public.
Surprisingly, it’s really light in weight. This makes it really simple to toss into your rope bag if you want; lots of full-color books add up in weight quickly, but this one genuinely feels like an awesome pocket guide that you could keep with your rope for good referencing during play.

ESPECIALLY if you are into male-to-male bondage, the “Tie Me Up!” Complete Guide to Bondage is going to be a great choice. Most how-to bondage books feature nearly-exclusive heterosexual couples (and the very rare, occasional lesbian couple), so if you’d much rather look at photos and bodies that somewhat-match the partner you want to play with, Stephan Niederwiser’s book can be a good choice. It’s definitely a refreshing change from the standard heterosexual bondage books.
As a note, none of the photos are censored or cropped to avoid showing the penis or butt either. Lots of the shown penises are flaccid, but there are some shots that include erect penises as well.

For the book’s contents itself, the book does a pretty good job of giving you everything you need to do some good bondage. A lot of the book focuses on how to tie up the body for sex – including practical opinions about what to do with the person in the specific tie after you’ve tied them up and how it can include penetration/play in that position. Not only does the author give specific instructions about how to tie that person up, but Niederwieser also does a great job of including more text with safety information or practical suggestions.
The book doesn’t just jump into ties. The first couple chapters focus on the safety and basics of knowing what you need to know to do rope bondage safely as well as the supplies you’ll need. Safety information even includes specific information about the penis and doing penis bondage – I’ve never seen that before. Rope supply information includes comparing and contrasting different types of rope as well as where to get each type and what each type is best at.

The author does a pretty good job of keeping a good attitude throughout the book. He doesn’t say “This is dangerous, never do it!”. Instead, he says “here are the risks and here’s what you can do to lessen those risks”. He makes lots of mention of ensuring that both parties are having fun and consent to the activities. The book, while it has more pictures than text, still has interesting text that’s useful to read. The author didn’t skimp on the text, and you’ll be depriving yourself if you don’t read the text as well as the pretty pictures.
When it comes to the plethora of ties and knots available in this book, the advice is two-fold. First, the book gives step-by-step photos, in black-and-white, that clearly shows the steps to take to tie the tie. Along with that, each photo includes a sentence or two with written instructions. It doesn’t just include instructions for the tie. It also includes the easiest way to place your partner. For example “Have your partner place his arm in this spot while you wrap the rope in this manner…”
Table of Contents includes:
Why Bondage: Types of Bondage: An Overview
The Basics: What You Definitely Need to Know
Basic Equipment: Learning the Ropes
A Guide to Knots: Getting Knotty
Ropework: The Best Positions (For Sex)
Tools and Aids: Aids for Quickies
Advanced Techniques: Want More Bang For Your Buck?
Safety Measures: Safety First
Overall, especially if you’re wanting to tie up men for the purpose of sex, Tie Me Up! The Complete Guide to Bondage is a fantastic book. It’s not entirely inclusive of every sex position or rope bondage tie out there, but it gives a lot of good safety information and will get you started on the right path. For people who only dabble in rope bondage or just want to bind up their partner and get right to the fun, this will probably be the only book you need. Thanks to MEO.de for providing this male rope bondage book for my Tie Me Up! The Complete Guide to Bondage book review.