“The Little Bit Naughty Book of Kama Sutra Positions” is a small, pocket-size book published by Amorata Press and sold by FunWares. The book is a hardcover, full-color page book that is about four inches across and five inches tall. The book has 94 pages which are split into 2 parts and 7 different “sections”. The book comes with a book jacket that can be removed, but the physical book itself has the same print as the book jacket does. Because of all of the nude people inside this book, I recommend not reading this out in public.
The book does have quite a bit of photography in it. The photos are all done tastefully, and while you’ll see bare breasts and bare butt, you won’t see any close-ups on the genitals. Both whites and blacks are represented in the photography, but any oriental race is absent. The models all look like models; you won’t see much of a variance in body-type. The pictures always seem to go nicely with the content, though, so you won’t see pictures of sex positions when it’s talking about kissing. The editors did a great job of matching the pictures to the content.

I enjoy this book because it modernizes the Kama Sutra. Other books call themselves Kama Sutra books, but they’re actually just a large book of sex positions which is not what I want. I also don’t want to read the actual Kama Sutra since it pretty much makes very little sense in modern language. However, The Little Bit Naughty Book of Kama Sutra does a decent job of providing both of those things. It provides sex positions while also staying nice and true to the original Kama Sutra and modernizing it for our current lifestyles.
The book is split into two parts. The first part is all about the teachings of the Kama Sutra while the second part is all about Kama Sutra sex positions. There isn’t much reading to do in the second part, but the first part is worth reading through since it covers some sex/Tantric techniques.

The first part is going to focus all on the ideas and techniques included in the Kama Sutra. For example, we get a run-through of the basics of Tantric sex and how to breathe to further enhance your pleasure. The book explains the Kama Sutra’s sex organ terms (yoni, lingam) and why they were named as such. The book explains how masturbation and sex toys fit into the Kama Sutra nicely and why they are important to your sex life. You’ll learn about different chakra points and how to meditate to improve your sexual pleasure. This section also teaches about the different types of kisses that the Kama Sutra teaches. It finishes up by teaching Tantric ways of touching, and Kama Sutra-explained ways for manual and oral sex on both a male and female.
Part two starts on page 54. The book does a great job of separating sex positions into their difficulty. There are three difficulties with level 1 being slow and sensual and level 3 being acrobatic. I enjoy the fact that the book kept the original Kama Sutra names as well. No renaming the positions to things like “Modified Doggy Style” and such. Instead, you have “The Lotus” and “Milk and Water Embrace”.
Each sex position is always accompanied by a real-people picture. Sometimes all of the text is on one page with a full-page picture on the opposing page, but a couple times, both the picture and text are contained the same page which allows for two positions for two pages instead of just one. Each one of the positions includes a “How-To” text which explains how the two of you should get into the position. Each position also includes a “Tantric Tip” which is ways to make sure you bring the sex position into the most meditative and pleasurable ways of the Kama Sutra. Each one also has a “Great For…” section which is going to explain what each position’s strengths are (such as shallow penetration, g-spot, short penises, etc.) Along with those two, each position has a “21st Century Tip” which is a way that you can modify the position in a way that’s more modern. I actually like the 21st Century Tips. They are usually something “kinky” like bondage, watching pornography, or using sex toys, but they aren’t cheesy, and they are things I wouldn’t have thought up myself.

There are the most Level 1 positions with not quite as many Level 2 postions. There are only a few level 3 positions presented. The Level 1s are all things that most people should be able to do while Level 2 is, like it should be, something that not all people could do. Level 3 is probably reserved for the most athletic of us since they are usually standing in some odd way where the male must support all of her weight. However, most of these positions are pretty unique, and I wouldn’t automatically assume that these are all positions that you’ve already done. Some are basic positions with a twist, but the majority are actually unique and not the same-old, same-old.
I like this little book though. It’s not amazing detailed, but it provides a good overview before jumping into the different and unique sex positions. I wish it had more information about weight/size differences in the sex positions section, but most books usually don’t. The full-color pictures add to the experience, and out of all the “Kama Sutra” books I’ve read, this one sticks really nicely to the Kama Sutra and updates the old information for a more modern group of people. Thanks to FunWares adult toys for sending me The Little Book of Kama Sutra Positions for review.