One of the latest additions to the Tantus line-up is the Uncut #1 dildo. Partner to the Tantus Uncut #2 dildo, this silicone dildo is made from the special Tantus Dual-Density O2 silicone for a high-quality feel. 0.15″ wider and 1″ longer than the Uncut #2 dildo, this uncircumsized dildo is 7.45″ in length with a width of 1.75″ at the head. Odorless, hypoallergenic, and phthalate-free, this toy features a harness-compatible base that can also be used in strap-on harnesses. The base does not function as a suction cup, and the base does not include a hole to equip the dildo with vibrations.

I’m honestly really surprised that it’s taken this long to get a good uncut dildo out there. I’m sure there are a couple available, and I think I’ve seen them in non-safe materials, but I think Tantus has made one of the first mainstream uncut dildos in body-safe silicone. I’m glad that they have. While this doesn’t have a “moveable” silicone head (I’m not sure if dildo material technology is quite advanced enough to have a material that actually would allow the foreskin to move to expose the head), it does have a realistic feeling to it with a foreskin that mostly covers the head of the penis.

The Tantus Uncut #1 definitely is an interesting dildo – and it’s top-heavy. Unlike most of Tantus’s dildos, this silicone toy doesn’t stand upright if you set it down on its base. It will fall over. That’s because the head of this toy is pretty thick in size – much more-so than the shaft of the dildo. This is slightly frustrating as the dildo needs to be laid flat – unlike most other Tantus toys.

The texture itself is pretty noticeable. The head itself is going to be the hardest part to penetrate with; once you get passed the head, it’s all easy from there. For people using this for anal pleasure, you’ll probably want to be warmed up to take the 1.75″ head. If you’re experienced, you may be able to take that without a warm-up, but most people will probably prefer one. Once it’s in, it’s a long toy. It’s about 7 and a half inches to be specific. This is surprisingly longer than a lot of dildos.
As like most Tantus sex toys, this one has a realistic-like texture throughout the dildo. There are veins, but they aren’t designed to be a “textured sensation” that can really be felt during use. Instead, they look realistic – like a human penis with an erection.

The material itself is pleasurable – though slightly tacky. It’s not tacky in a bad way. It’s tacky in a way that will cause your hands to not smoothly slip down the shaft of the sex toy. Some Tantus silicone allows for that truly smooth experience. This one tends to grip onto skin a bit more. It seems to smoothen up a lot with lubricant, though. Something about the material works well with lube. It doesn’t seem to “absorb” the lube you put on. It seems to stay smooth for a long time, and very little lube reapplication was needed.

I’m not sure how much I’d agree with the “realistic feel” comment. I imagine it’s even harder to simulate a realistic uncircumsized feel because part of the experience is the moving of the foreskin. While this one looks incredibly real and feels great, it doesn’t quite feel like human skin. I didn’t expect it to, but some people might be disappointed after reading the marketing. It’s probably one of the closer attempts to realism that I’ve seen, but it still doesn’t quite hit the “Is this actually real?” test.

This dildo really seems perfectly designed for harness use as well. The length makes it a perfect harness partner – as you lose a bit of length when wearing a harness, an extra-long length is important. The base works well in most harnesses. The only thing you’ll need to do is insure that your O-ring is large enough to fit the head of the dildo. As the dildo is about 2″ in thickness, the O-ring will need to be able to switch out O-rings or have a built-in O-ring that’s large enough. The included O-rings with my harness were not large enough, so I had to switch out for a larger one. This is something you’ll have to think about in advance.
As a note, unlike some of the other Tantus dildos, the Tantus Uncut #1 doesn’t have a whole at the base in order to use a bullet vibrator in the dildo. This isn’t a big deal, but it’s just something to know.

As this is made from high-quality silicone from Tantus, it’s a breeze to clean. It just needs to be cleaned with warm water and anti-bacterial soap. It can also be boiled in a pot of water in to sterilize it for use with multiple partners (because of its non-porous material). It’s compatible with use with water-based lubricants as well as high-quality silicone-based ones. I’ve had no problems pairing this with Wet Platinum lube. For storage, it does tend to pick up hair and other fuzzies (and even required a wash after putting it in the harness because it picked up some leather fuzzies just from putting it in), so you’ll want to keep it in the original box or storage bag to reduce having to wash it all of the time.
Overall, if you enjoy a thicker head and a long length with an uncircumsized appearance, this dildo is going to really appeal to you. It’s really a fantastic dildo all-around. The material is safe, the texture and appearance is very realistic, it smoothens up really nicely with lubricant, and it can be used in harnesses and by itself. As long as you think you’ll enjoy the measurements, this is a sex toy that does exactly as it’s supposed to do – and you’ll love it. Thanks to SheVibe for providing this uncircumsized dildo for my Tantus Uncut #1 Dual Density O2 Silicone Dildo review.