Worried about trying cock rings because of the learning curve – but want to experience the benefits of cock rings? A beginner-friendly cock ring, like The Stiffy cock ring, is a fantastic start for anyone who’s nervous. The “S.T.I.F.F.Y. Cock Ring” stands for “Strap to Intensify Feeling For You”. Made from polypropylene (which is extremely light-weight and fabric-feeling) with Velcro for a fastener, this cock ring can be adjusted to any size – and it can be adjusted on the fly. Too tight? Fix it. Too tight? Fix it. The Stiffy cock ring is 9.5″ in total length which means it can be adjusted from 1.5″ to 2.75″ in diameter to fit a huge range of penis sizes.
How Does the Stiffy Work?
The big selling point of The Stiffy Cock Ring is its adjustable design. Essentially, unVelcro the ring, wrap it around the area you want to restrict, and reVelcro the strap into a “ring” again. Adjust the tightness based on your personal preferences. There’s no such thing as “too tight” or “too loose” when you can adjust it freely anytime you want. That’s really what makes The Stiffy a beginner cock ring. You don’t have to worry about sliding a testicle in, one at a time, and you don’t have to worry about getting the ring back off after orgasm. It’s a fantastic start to cock rings to get you used to the sensation with a very simple, “easy out” of the ring if things aren’t going well. In addition, after you’ve used The Stiffy a few times and have an idea of what exact tightness you enjoy, The Stiffy can now function as a starting point to know the exact diameter of any rigid cock rings you now want to purchase in the future – or maybe a cock ring with a vibrator attached. Either way, The Stiffy is fantastically easy to use.
The Stiffy claims to be better than other cock rings because it’s light-weight (true), breathable (true), comfortable, durable, washable, and “airport-friendly”. This, to an extent, is all relatively true – at least, if you were going to make a comparison chart of ALL cock ring materials against this particular material. We’ll talk about all of those aspects in the next section.
Easy to address are the ring’s claims of washability and airport friendliness. Both of those are accurate. This cock ring can easily be washed (though so can many other materials). The Stiffy is also airport-friendly with fabric that isn’t going to set-up off any TSA-check concerns (but again, so are other cock ring materials like silicone or rubber).
That being said, the one thing The Stiffy *doesn’t* do is enhance erection as much as rigid cock rings. If you get a well-fitting metal cock-ring, that’s pretty much the “best” blood restriction you’re going to get. Something that uses Velcro and fabric isn’t going to achieve the same results, but I’d say it’s a difference of 10%. You get 90% of the same results with the properly-fitting The Stiffy. I’ll take that trade-off anyday when you consider how easy it is to put on and take off The Stiffy compared to a metal cock ring. (Though the metal cock ring has the jewelry-looking-factor going for it.)
Does the Stiffy Cock Ring Work?
Let’s go through and analyze the Stiffy erection ring’s performance from all of the claims that it makes. Seems easiest, doesn’t it?
First off, let’s talk about whether the Stiffy Cock Ring works. And in our use, it works as well as you want it to work. Want it to work really well? Make sure the ring is really tight. Want it to help your erection just a little bit or work more as a visual decoration? Tighten the Stiffy Cock Ring more loosely. That being said, when the ring is tightened pretty well, we definitely noticed its cock ring effects. It made the penis harder, faster, and even when doing non-sexual things (setting up the space, removing clutter from the bed), the penis stayed hard when it otherwise wouldn’t have. So yes, we definitely found that it’s cock ring benefits worked. (We, personally, enjoy using it around the “entire package” of testicles and shaft.)
Is The Stiffy Cock Ring Comfortable?
This one can be a bit of a tricky one. The polypropylene material is extremely light-weight and soft, and it doesn’t dig into the skin. That being said, when you velcro the S.T.I.F.F.Y Cock Ring and it’s under noticeable tension, it makes the edge of the fastener stick out a bit instead of its “laying flat” position when there’s no tension. This means, if you have fat stores around the base of the penis (and pretty much every human does – even my 145-pound partner), it’s quite possible for the edge of this cock ring fastener to stick out and “poke” into your skin – especially depending upon the position you’re in. When we fastened it with the fastener towards the top-side of the penis (which was most natural for him because it was easiest to see what he was doing), when laying down, it would poke into the skin. Adjusting the S.T.I.F.F.Y. Cock Ring to where the fastener was resting against the inner thigh completely eliminated the problem, but that’s definitely something you’ll figure out as you start using the cock ring.
If the Stiffy Cock Ring had rounded edges along the fastener bit, it would likely decrease almost all of this comfort issue. The fact that the manufacturer sewed a giant fabric label at this spot also doesn’t help as the label fabric pokes into the skin as well. As it doesn’t, you’ll just want to learn where the most comfortable spot for the fastener is for you.
Is The Stiffy Cock Ring Breathable?
We haven’t tried the Stiffy Cock Ring for all-day wear, but compared to our metal, TPR, and silicone rings, the Stiffy Cock Ring feels much more doable for all-day wear or long-term wear. In part, this is because of the Stiffy’s ability to adjust on-the-fly. You can wear your cock ring at a looser setting for an enhanced “look” without restricting enough bloodflow to be dangerous.
On the topic of “look”, as someone who views a partner wearing this, I will say that the label sewed onto the S.T.I.F.F.Y. cock ring is large and distracting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sex toy that has its own label this prominently featured – especially to the detriment of the sexual look and feel of the toy. Removing this label, or making it embroidered in smaller size or a black thread, would drastically increase the sexual “look” of this cock ring. As-is, it definitely looks more like a medical device than a sexual turn-on – even if it does do its job particularly well.
In addition to being adjustable, the cock ring does feel much lighter and easier to wear than many other materials. It is noticeably lighter in weight than other cock rings I own – and noticeably thicker in width than most cock rings too.

Is The Stiffy Cock Ring Durable?
We’ve seen no reason to doubt the Stiffy Cock Ring’s durability. Even with lots of tugging and moving during all of our tests, it works exactly as expected. I think the only way you’ll start to see a failure with the S.T.I.F.F.Y. cock ring is if the Velcro starts to become less grippy. The entire ring is sewn together really well, there’s no excess thread hanging off, and it looks and feels extremely durable. I’d expect this cock ring to last years upon years, honestly.
Packaging of The Stiffy
The Stiffy Cock Ring comes in a plastic, blister-pack packaging. Just pop open the packaging, and you can easily get at the ring. This packaging is pretty small in itself, and if you’re looking for easy packaging that helps you identify where the ring is at (because it’s larger than the ring itself), this packaging works great. It’s oddly-shaped for stocking objects on top of it, but it’s really easy to get The Stiffy penis ring back into the packaging, and it makes it easier to find it when you want it.
Cleaning The Stiffy Cock Ring
As this polypropylene cock ring is made of a fabric material with zero electric parts, it’s pretty much one of the easiest things you’ll ever need to clean. Warm water and mild soap will clean it up. Give it a nice bath under some running water, and rinse it clean. Lay the cock ring out to allow it to fully dry before putting it back in storage. For best results, store The Stiffy cock ring laying fully flat to avoid the material getting any “memory”. If that isn’t happening, store the cock ring rolled up to approximately the size you’d use, avoid squishing it under heavy objects, and don’t place any tension on it.
As the Stiffy Cock Ring is made from a fabric, it can be used with all types of sex lubricant. (Though if you’re using a lubricant that tends to stain fabrics, make sure to do a spot test beforehand!) Water-based, silicone-based, oil-based, and even household Crisco oil would all be safe for use with The Stiffy. (Can’t say I recommend the last one, though!) The point is, the fabric definitely gives it an advantage over other body-safe materials that might be more sensitive to the lubricant that you use.
On the bright side, as The Stiffy is a small piece of fabric that’s in a circle, it’s relatively discreet. The Stiffy did choose to sew in “THESTIFFY.COM” in large font right on this loop of fabric, though, so it’s just a simple search engine search away from an adult knowing what it is. For anyone who’s going to take a cursory glance, though, it just looks like a small, rolled up piece of fabric which could be at-home on a craft table.
Final Review of The Stiffy Cock Ring
Overall, we really enjoy the S.T.I.F.F.Y. cock ring. The fact that it’s Velcro-fastening makes refastening and the perfect fit an absolute breeze, and with that in mind, it can be as “functional” as you want it to be. Make it tight for better erection strength, or make it a looser fit for a piece of functional cock decoration.
I’m not as-much of a fan of the large label that takes up 1/4 of the cock ring’s surface area when the ring is worn. In addition, the squared edges of the Velcro fastener can poke into skin when the ring is under tension if you aren’t careful about where you position them. That being said, those are minor complaints in the scheme of things – especially for an affordable ring that is extremely-beginner friendly and works at hardening the erection.
Thanks to the makers of this adjustable cock ring for sending me this beginner cock ring for my The Stiffy cock ring review.