SexSmarts is a fun little card game sold by MyPleasure. This game doesn’t come with any sort of board, but it does come with four different sets of playing cards to use. The full set basically includes 100 SexSmart cards (25 of each topic), a scoring pad, the box itself for storage, and a SexSmarts playing guide and sex tips guide. The game can be played by yourself (for fun trivia information) or with as many players as you want split into teams for easy score-keeping.

The box for SexSmarts is really colorful and creative. The box is yellow and orange, so it’s pretty hard to miss the box. This also makes it not-so-discreet which may be a problem if you need to hide your stuff. One of the biggest problems I had with this box was the fact that there’s really no way to seal it. The top of the box flips shut, but there’s no latch or anything to keep the box from slipping back open. This means you must keep the box upright at all times for storage. Since it’s such a flat, wide box, I would much have preferred it to keep it sitting up on its side instead of laying flat. The box is a nice, thick cardboard (think “Hardcover book”), though, so it does a great job of protecting the cards when not in use. Along with this, for easy retrival, the box features a red ribbon that can be pulled up to make it easier to remove items from the box.

The game is extremely easy to play. In fact, there’s no set-up at all. You just sit around and take turns reading off the questions on the cards. You can play for purely trivia reasons, or the included score sheet makes it even to keep score when a player gets a question right. The instruction book doesn’t give any specific instructions, so you can make up the instructions that best suit your group. The instruction gives you some unique ways to “win” such as the person to get three answers right in all categories wins, the perfect to get 12 answers overall wins, each time someone answers a question incorrectly they must take off a piece of clothing, anyone who answers incorrectly has to face a truth or dare question, and when playing with your partner, whoever gets the most answers correct gets to ask the other to fulfill a fantasy.
This little board game also includes a small sex manual. This manual is 15 pages long of different, assorted sex tips. It talks about how to have safe sex, how to clean sex toys, how to hit the g-spot, how to add lubricant to your sex life, how to avoid a UTI, and how to try anal sex. It also gives quite a few different recommendations including erotica recommendations, classic erotica recommendations, movie recommendations, sex how-to book recommendations, and sexual places to visit. The final additions to the book are a small article about short-hand used in personal ads and a small little article about the statistics involving sex.

The playing cards included with this game are of pretty great quality. They’re actually better than most nude poker playing card sets. Each card has medium-thick cardboard that is full-color, pretty to look at, and lightly laminated to make it look professional without making it look overdone. Each card is much better than your average poker card; they are about four inches tall and three inches wide. They are about double the size of your average poker playing card. However, they still fit comfortably in your hands, and even with multiple playings, you shouldn’t find that the cards have bent edges or anything.
The front-side of the card asks the question itself. It includes all of the information you need to answer the question. On the back side, there is the correct answer and the card also explains the answer as well with a pretty large paragraph. This means you get more sex knowledge while you’re playing!

The trivia questions themselves are surprisingly fun. They are actually also surprisingly difficult – even for someone that spends their day around sex like I do. I like the cards, and they vary nicely from “really easy” to “really hard”. It’s actually inspired me to think about putting up a weekly “sex fact” which would be a neat idea. Some are going to be questions that most people will know the answer to while other things are going to be questions that most people probably won’t know. All of the question are true and false or multiple chocie questions. They even make it easy to answer the questions by splitting things into four different “categories”.
One of the categories is “Carnal Culture” which basically focuses on sex throughout history and trivia like that. Another is “Wild Card” which is basically a focus on all the other things not covered such as fetishes or terminology. Another is “Bodies” which includes anatomy and sexual position questions. The last is “Dirty Talk” which is basically asking you to identify definitions for sexual words.
You want examples, right? (You always do.)
A Dirty Talk card: “A Glory Hole is… A) A corner of a party where guests have sex B) Slang for a woman’s genitals C) A hole in the wall used for sex D) Slang for anus”
A Carnal Culture Card: “When did the U.S. Surpreme Court declare laws against sodomy unconstitutional? A) 1962 B) 1973 C) 1984 D) 2003”
A Bodies Card: “True or False: A cock ring is usually put on a soft penis.”
A Wild Card: “Which of these animals practices monogamy? A) Penguin B) Platypus C) Lion D) Horse”
So you see that the cards are fun too. So basically, SexSmarts is an amazingly fun card game that can be played with any number of players. The cards are perfect for any variety of sex geek, and honestly? It’s just plain fun! It doesn’t have a high replayability with the same people unless you don’t tend to remember facts very well, but for what you play, it’s just really fun. Thanks to MyPleasure Sex Toys for sending me this romantic game for my SexSmarts review.