UPDATE MAY 2020: The Pony Play Whip Royal is no longer in production. This review remains as a reference for those who are curious.
I’ve been delving into the different explorations of pony play, and since I’m also a college student, a small budget is something I’m attempting to stick to.
The Royal Pony Play Whip plug part is four and a half inches long and an inch and a half thick at the thickest part of the plug. It’s made of rubber and is pretty firm yet still has squish to allow it to be used more comfortably. In most circles, this would be considered a “medium” plug and not something for a beginner to attempt. For an intermediate user, it should feel filling without being uncomfortable. An advanced user may find this to be a little small. The tail aspect is a little longer than a foot and is made of what appears to be small strings of nylon. If you leave the strings of nylon in one place for too long, they will hold that form for awhile. The tail itself also appears to “bunch” together for the most part unless you kink some strands out of it. It won’t fray away from the other pieces.
Since it comes curled up into a plastic bag, you will want to let the plug sit out and lay flat before you attempt to get too serious with it. For one, the nylon strands will be in a distinct curve because of the way it was packaged. For two, this plug definitely has a rubber scent to it. I personally find the scent of rubber to be pleasantly intoxicating, but others may not. If it sits out of the package for a day or two with a rinse down in some water once or twice, the smell should fade considerably. After using a couple times, it won’t be noticeable.

As a whip, this really is a joke. It stings like none other, and because it curves and holds shape, it can be pretty difficult to hit a target successfully. When you do actually get a good hit in, it’s going to sting because the tails are so light. The tails of this “whip” also have a habit of tangling with each hit, so it’s really not going to work as a whip. Besides, the handle is shaped like a butt plug – it’s not exactly easy to hold onto for long periods of time.
As a pony tail, it works pretty decently. It’s definitely a large-sized plug, so if you aren’t experienced with anal play, I recommend you find something smaller to start out with. Once in, though, this plug will actually stay in unlike some of the smaller counterparts. Once in, the curve of the tail works for your favor. It will curl up between your legs quite happily, and it stays in quite well. The base can be a little uncomfortable between the cheeks, but it isn’t anything horribly bad. Since you’ll most likely be standing or on all fours while wearing this, it shouldn’t be too uncomfortable. The weight is about right, so don’t worry about it falling out because it weighs too much.
I’m not sure how long this well last, but for all of my “whipping” and play, the tail hasn’t dislodged at all from the base. It does seem to have been molded straight into the plug base itself, so it doesn’t look like the pieces will just start falling out. It does seem like it will stay together quite well despite heavy use.
Storage will be, honestly, the worst part of this toy. If you plan on playing with it often, you will want to find a place to lay it out flat so the tails don’t curl up. If you only will play with it occasionally, you should have the time to just wait for the tails to be straight before you play.
Since the plug is completely smooth rubber without any seams, it’s easy to clean. However, rubber is porous so I truly wouldn’t recommend sharing this with another partner – keep one to your own. If you do want to share, I recommend using a condom between uses. I recommend a condom even if you aren’t sharing because it makes clean-up ten times easier. Clean up with warm water and antibacterial soap. Because it’s rubber, silicone and water-based lubricant would both work well with this plug. I recommend silicone-based since it lasts longer, and if you will be doing activities with this in, you will want something that lasts so you don’t have to keep applying lubricant.
Overall, I say this is a great purchase for anyone who is wishing to explore pony play. Because the tail works great and stays in, it works wonderfully for your “pony”. It doesn’t work well for any sort of “whip” play, though, so avoid it and buy a real whip if that’s what you’re looking for. If you aren’t experienced anally, I recommend buying a small anal plug along with this one to get yourself “worked up” to this size of plug so it will be comfortable for play.