The strongest vibrator from the plusOne line of sex toys, the plusOne Vibrating Wand is the company’s version of a wand massager. Made completely from high-quality silicone, the plusOne Vibrating Wand is equipped with 10 different vibration settings in its rechargeable design. This fully-silicone wand massager is 7.4″ in length with a head and body diameter of 1.6″ at their thickest points. The plus One Vibrating Wand is waterproof and rechargeable through its magnetic recharging design.
Where Can You Get the plusOne Vibrating Massager?
A couple of years ago, I remember when the press release made it into my inbox. Sex toys…on Wal-Mart shelves? What? For awhile now, Wal-Mart has been selling adult items through their online store, but when you went into the family planning section in-stores, you’d be met with just condoms and lubes. Recently, some stores have started picking up a few cock rings produced by condom manufacturers, but this? Wal-mart now carries plusOne toys in-stores ON SHELVES, and it isn’t just little disposable cock rings.
While I’m always a proponent of supporting online sex-positive sex toy stores and buying as much of a “vibrator” as your needs and budget allow, there’s also something to be said about sex toy options that are available to the masses. I know that not-everyone can afford a high-end vibrator, and for a lot of people, online shopping from these stores isn’t viable either. That’s pretty much where plusOne comes in and where I’d highly recommend it. Most sex toys are better than NO sex toys – especially when you have a need that you know will be solved by adding a toy to the bedroom.
So when shopping online at sex-positive stores isn’t an option for whatever reason, I’m glad society is very-slowly moving to a place where there is a line of adult toys at Wal-Mart. While they obviously won’t be the best massagers out there (due to their lower price and the fact that Wal-mart is carrying them in the first place which requires mass-production that a lot of higher-end and niche shops can’t handle), they DO fit a need for a lot of people, and I very-much, seriously respect that.
That being said, let’s delve into the plusOne Vibrating Wand review – which is the plusOne’s wand massager option.

Design of the plusOne Vibrating Wand
Featuring a really simple wand massager design, the plusOne vibrating wand is just a very-short (for the world of wand massagers) vibrator that’s covered in a silky-smooth, seamless silicone. The wand massager is only a bit over 7″ in length – which is a far cry of the usual 12″+ lengths of most wand massagers.
The wand massager has a single button on the handle of the vibrating wand. This single button can be press and held to turn on and off the massager, and single presses will cycle through the vibration settings. The plusOne vibrating wand features 3 steady vibration settings and 7 vibrating patterns. I’m not a huge pattern person, so I enjoy the fact that turning the vibrator off (and then back on) will reset the vibrations back to the first of the 10 options – which is the low steady vibrations setting. (You have the Low, Medium, and High steady vibration settings as the first three the vibrator cyces through. It then will cycle through the other 7.)
The base of the plusOne Vibrating Wand has a unique charging port I’ve, quite-literally, never seen before. It’s a magnetic charging port, but instead of both connectors being entirely flat, the charging cable uses a small “spike” that inserts into a concave area at the base of the wand massager. The magnets help keep these two pieces in constant contact with one another to charge the vibrator.
The plusOne Vibrating Wand is much-smaller than most wand vibrators (including the Le Wand Petite Rechargeable Massager which is a full three inches longer than the plusOne massager), so do not expect any wand massager attachments to fit onto the plusOne wand massager.

Charging the plusOne Vibrating Wand
The plusOne Vibrating Wand has a naked port on the base of the wand where the toy plugs into the charging cable. This cable slides easily into the wand. Expect to wait two hours for the vibrator to fully charge, and the Vibrating Wand Massager will show a steady light when it’s done charging. When it needs a top-up, the vibrator’s light rapidly flashes to let you know your toy is about to die.
Review of the plusOne Vibrating Wand
So, let’s talk about the use of the Vibrating Wand, its vibrations, and its noise.
The vibrations on the plusOne Vibrating Wand are actually surprisingly powerful. I didn’t expect much from a rechargeable cordless wand massager at this price point, but I’ve been incredibly pleased with it. The vibrations are noticeably strong, and they “ride the line” between surface-level buzzy vibrations and rumbly vibrations. They definitely have the “feel” of deep, rumbly vibrations, but if you leave the toy in place for too long, it can be temporarily numbing to the area too. Either way, the vibrations are impressive from a toy at this price point, and I’d say it’s likely strong enough for orgasm for the majority of people.
On that note, the plusOne cordless wand massager is also relatively quiet. It’s not the quietest vibrator out there, but it’s definitely one of the quieter wand massagers. (Which also comes with the fact that it’s not as powerful as some of the wand massagers as well). With music or the TV on, it’s unlikely that someone would hear the plusOne Vibrating Wand outside of a closed door.
The biggest “downside” about the plusOne Vibrating Wand is the dispersion of vibrations. With a wand vibrator like this, you generally want to have a handle where the vibrations can be lightly felt with all of the powerful sensations getting focused in the head/tip of the wand. The vibrations of the plusOne Vibrating Wand are very-noticeably focused in the head of the massager, but it doesn’t keep the hand from receiving the vibrations on the handle. I’d say you get about 60% of the power of the vibrations in your hands when holding the vibrator’s wand massager handle. That’s not the end of the world, but it is a particularly odd sensation – like right now, while I’m trying to type after having powered on the vibrator for a few minutes to get some last-minute thoughts, and my fingers feel like weird, numb digits that are definitely lacking in some of their usual tactile sensitivity.
Obviously, your hand’s sensitivity comes back in a bit, but if you’re alternating playing with the vibrator with touching your partner or other parts of yourself with hopping back into using the plusOne Vibrating Wand, the constant intense vibrations might reduce some of your enjoyment of your non-vibrating activities.
That’s why I’d generally keep to recommending the plusOne Vibrating Wand as a solo or focused activity. If the goal is to use the vibrator on yourself or partner with very little interruptions until that orgasm happens, the plusOne Vibrating Wand works a-okay for that, and you won’t likely notice or care about the weird-hand-feelings while you’re cuddling in orgasmic afterglow afterwards. If you try to go from using the wand massager to touching your partner or other hand-focused activities, though, it becomes a lot more of a nuisance.
All of that in mind, however, for a wand massager at this price point, the plusOne Vibrating Wand offers some pretty powerful vibrations.

plusOne Vibrating Wand Packaging
The packaging of the plusOne Vibrating Wand was designed to stand out on store shelves, and it does that pretty well. Adding to the impressive feat list, the plusOne sex toy box actually has a cardboard book-like-cover that can be lifted to show the vibrator itself through a plastic window. Considering this vibrator is sold in a grocery store, it’s a fantastically ingenious packaging design. It hides the vibrator’s full design from people who aren’t interested, but it allows a peek for those who are interested. All of the features about the plusOne Vibrating Wand are displayed on the packaging in easy, bullet-point formatting.
I’m also impressed with the instruction booklet inside the packaging. It includes illustrated diagrams about ways to use the plusOne Vibrating Wand. Especially if this is a first toy, I could definitely see that being really helpful. It’s worth noting that it only shows the vibrating wand being used on a vagina; adding an illustration of penile use would be really neat too. (After all, vibrators aren’t just limited to vaginas!)
The plusOne Vibrating Wand packaging includes the vibrating wand, charging cable, storage bag, and instruction manual.
Cleaning the plusOne Vibrating Wand
The plus One Wand Vibrator is waterproof, and it’s made from a seamless, single sheet of silicone. That means it’s really easy to clean. Just use warm water and mild soap, and you can clean up this vibrator really quickly.
While you likely won’t need lubricant with a wand massager, if you choose to use lube, make sure to use water-based lubricant. Other lubricants could harm the silicone material of the wand.
Final Thoughts of the plusOne Vibrating Wand Review
Overall, I think plusOne did a fantastic job with making an affordable, easy-to-access vibrator that’s pretty great for solo use, a limited budget, and crowded living situations. The vibrations aren’t as powerful as most wand massagers, but they are stronger than most regular vibrators. The vibrations traveling through the wand massager’s handle is aggravating, but it’s not the end of the world, and it’s certainly something a lot of people can live with as long as it comes at a lower price point. The wand massager is rechargeable, made from a body-safe material, and generally behaves like a low-end luxury massager. You can find “better” wand massager options out there, yes, but not for this price. plusOne definitely won with this one. Thanks to plusOne for sending out this affordable wand massager for my plusOne Vibrating Wand review.