UPDATE MAY 2020: The Prince Valiant is no longer in production. Phallix Dildos, which makes the Prince Valiant, is still crafting dildos though.
I did it. I’ve had it on my wishlist for as long as I can remember, and I finally chose to purchase Prince Valiant. Prince Valiant is a Phallix glass dildo that includes a beautiful dichroic pattern and pretty white swirls. EF lists the diameter as 1 1/4 inches. There is no way that this dildo is that measurement. My measurement takes the head at about 2 and 1/8 inches. An inch on a glass dildo? That’s definitely a big deal. It’s made from Pyrex glass, and the quality of the workmanship definitely shows in a positive way.

I think Phallix should work on their packaging. Prince Valiant is no cheap dildo, and I’d be lying if I said that, because of the price, I wasn’t expecting more. I am. I expect a lot more when I shell out the price of furniture on a sex toy. While Prince Valiant provides on being a quality dildo, it does not provide on the packaging. Prince Valiant comes in a plastic blister-pack type packaging. Inside is a small pamphlet for Phallix toys, Prince Valiant itself, and a small storage pouch. Small is a pretty accurate description for the storage pouch. Prince Valiant is actually too tall to fit in the pouch. This makes the storage pouch pretty useless for storing this toy. I’ll keep it around for another toy, but it was not useful for Prince Valiant. I suggest you purchase a Phallix Storage Bag to store your dildo if you shell out this much money. They are padded and work great for storing Prince Valiant. I have the 9 inch storage bag, and it works fine.

I’ll be honest with you; I really don’t enjoy the Prince Valiant and probably never will. This is not the toy’s fault. Not at all. I’m not much for larger toys, and I’ve never, ever, inserted anything over two inches in diameter. I was expecting a toy slightly larger in diameter than the Bent Graduate, and that’s not what this is. I will not blame the dildo for that. It’s not the dildo’s fault, and I’m not going to give it a bad rating for that. I was able to use it, and I’ll give you my perspective on it, but my perspective will be biased towards the “I hate large toys” field, and I’m letting you know that. If Vixen Creation’s Randy or NJoy’s Eleven are your babies, you’ll most likely enjoy Prince Valiant. I mostly stick to my little Bent Graduate – and that’s when I’m feeling brave. Why review it then? It’s lacking in any sort of reviews, and like I did, I know it’s scary spending so much money on a toy that has no feedback.
I thought I’d first attempt to see what Phallix had to say on their website about this dildo. From what I can tell, it must have been discontinued since Phallix does not list it as one of their products. A quick search of the rest of the internet let me to find that Phallix seems to like the name “Prince Valiant” because there are about six different versions of Phallix dildos named Prince Valiant being sold on other stores. I had no lucky finding any information out about this sex toy online.

The Prince Valiant glass dildo is ridiculously sturdy. I’m impressed by the quality that went into this dildo. The glass has no imperfections, and the surface of the sex toy is completely smooth – no texture – intentional or otherwise. The dildo, believe it or not, is actually clear on the inside. The blue you see is the outer color. If you hold Prince Valiant up to the light, you can actually see through the dildo to the blue on the opposite side. It’s actually really trippy. Maybe Phallix changed their design of the dildo because EF pictures do not match the Prince Valiant I received. My Phallix Prince Valiant has white stripes between the dichroic layers instead of the deep blue like the product pictures. It really is a gorgeous piece to behold though.

You don’t have to worry about the dildo breaking. Prince Valiant is made with quality in mind. I’m afraid of breaking it, but for science, I’ve tapped the dildo on a lot of different surfaces in the apartment with no ill effects. I even put it in the Phallix bag and dropped it from waist height onto the carpet. No harm to the dildo. With regular use, there’s no chance of this sex toy breaking. (You have to be careful about dropping it without the bag though.) If you are careful, this is easily a sex toy that should outlive you though.

Along with all of this, Prince Valiant features a nice flared base. It’s about 1/4 inch larger than the shaft of the dildo. This base was made completely flat, so the Prince Valiant will happily stand up for display purposes. (And you better bet your butt that I’m displaying this toy.) It’s not harness compatible, and even if it was, it’s way too heavy for a harness. EF doesn’t make a note of the weight, but it weighs about the same amount as my medium NJoy stainless steel butt plug, so it’s not a light or flimsy toy.

The Prince Valiant is also curved. Again, I think Phallix changed the design, but this dildo has an interesting curve to it. The base is flat, then the dildo curves to the right slightly. From there, it curves to the left more drastically, and then finally, the head actually curves to the right for g-spot pleasure. This is actually a really great design since it’s intending to make it so you don’t have to angle the glass dildo awkwardly to attempt to hit your g-spot. Instead, it’s already angled at the right curve for g-spot pleasure.

How is this during use? It’s actually pretty unique in the fact that it has a huge head. From the head to the shaft, the dildo actually drops down about 3/4 of an inch in diameter. The head is the largest part of the toy to try and get around, and the head is also what caused me the largest amount of a problem. It took a lot of time and effort to be able to comfortably insert the head of this dildo. Once you get the head in, though, you’re pretty much home free. The head feels interesting though; It does end up pressing on my g-spot in a pleasurable way, but I’m just not a fan of such large toys for insertion. The g-spot pleasure felt downright amazing, but I just felt awkward with such a large toy. (It’s impossible to explain.)
So does it hit the g-spot? Yes. it actually does it in a really great way. It’s like my Bent Graduate in a way since it hits the g-spot so nicely, but instead of pinpoint stimulation like the Bent Graduate, this wand does the “I’M HULK. I FIND G-SPOT BECAUSE I CAN’T MISS IT” thing. Yes, that’s a real term. Really. Look it up. (Nobody should let me write reviews at 4 AM. It’s a bad idea for all involved.)
So even though I didn’t like the size of the dildo, I did like the g-spot pleasure. I even like the g-spot pleasure enough to actually consider using this in the future. It functions as a great sex toy that even looks gorgeous in the process. The look of the dildo is what really dragged me in. It just looks like sex. It’s definite quality, and I have no worries about ever having to replace this dildo. As long as I don’t drop it on the ground, this sex toy is going to be with me long past when my will is read.
Did you know that Phallix is the official glass sex toys of Vivid Entertainment? Yeah, me neither.

Anyways, if you want to clean your Prince Valiant glass dildo, it can be washed down with warm water and antibacterial soap. It could also be sterilized with boiling or bleach. If you want to share without sterilization, use an extra-large condom (as the regular ones won’t fit). For storage, please, please, please buy a different storage bag than the one that is included. That bag will no protect your dildo adequately. It just won’t. This is compatible with all types of lubricant.
In the end? Prince Valiant, while not my dream toy, is going to be someone else’s dream toy. I love it because it’s easily the most beautiful sex toy I own, but someone else will love it because of it’s ability to find the g-spot in such a quick and pleasurable way. It’s going to last forever, and it’s one of those sex toys that I’m happy to show off.