“Oral Sex She’ll Never Forget” is a Quiver Press book that is the sister companion to the “Oral Sex He’ll Never Forget” book. The front cover is softcover, and this is a pretty large book in size at about the length and width of a piece of paper. The inner pages are all full-color, and they are photo-quality pages as well. The book has 50 different oral sex scenarios included in 159 different pages.
In case you don’t know what this book is, this book is not really a “how-to” guide on giving you every cunnilingus tip out there. Instead, it’s actually more of a “scenario” book. The book is going to provide a bunch of different scenarios (each is pretty much two pages), and those scenarios are going to give you a specific way to tease and give oral sex to a vulva-owning partner in order to spice things up and keep things fresh. I really like the format of this because you just read one scenario at a time. Instead of trying to memorize a huge book of information (like other how-to books), this one basically just introduces one new technique at a time with each new scenario, so you never end up feeling too overwhelmed.

So what does each kinky scenario give you? There are two pages. The article starts off with the “Perfect the Move” which are things you need to do beforehand to “start off” your scene. Sometimes this has you practicing a technique (sans the vagina itself) and sometimes it’s just things like “Send a sexy text beforehand” and such.
The “scenario” is then listed which is what they recommend using this technique/set-up for. This usually includes what, exactly, you’re going to do to make her day better. For example, it talks about for her anniversary, you’re going to give her an oral sex present as well as the regular present.
This section also includes a “Last-Minute preparations” section which tells you how you want to transition into the oral sex portion of the sex.
Of course, the last thing listed is the “technique” specific to that scenario. This section includes all of the text, step-by-step, that you need to know to perform the technique.

The neat thing about this book is that there are illustrations! I know; how often do you see that? Some of the techniques have pictures, but some illustrations show a man’s head licking a woman’s genitals along with arrows that show you exactly how the technique is supposed to go. It makes learning the techniques a lot easier, and the text also explains what, exactly, you’re supposed to be doing with your tongue as you continue.
There’s a neat feature included on the pages called “Sex Fact” as well as “The Sexpert Says”. The “Sex Fact” appears on almost every page, and it’s not usually sex-help related, but it’s normally a random sex fact that is knowledge-related. “The Sexpert Says” is all about random sex tips to make your sexual experience even better. These “Sexpert” tips are on most pages, and they aren’t exactly new or novel, but they do provide things to think about while you’re doing the scenario that the book has in mind.

This book also includes sex toys which is awesome. A lot of books tend to leave out the idea of sex toys, but a couple of scenarios purposely include sex toys. For example, one of the scenarios uses the idea of having the woman wear a strap-on remote vibe while doing public things with oral sex as the grand finale.
The book categorizes the scenarios into different categories, so you can easily pick out which one you feel like doing at any given time. There’s “Cunnilingus Event Headliners” which are ones that are done as a special event (such as in an airplane or an anniversary), the “Increase Orgasmic Intensity with Sensual Indulgences” which include using the hands and other erogenous spots instead of just focusing on the oral sex, the “Cunnilingus and the Single Lover” which focuses all on issues that would focus around casual sex, “Cunnilingus on the Sexual Edge” which is all about S&M play, “Your Cunnilingus Fantasies Come True” which is all about roleplay fantasies, “Special Skills Cunnilingus” which focuses on harder oral techniques, “Special Things Up with Quickies” which is all about how to give quick, effective oral sex, and “Games People Play” which is all about including sex games with your oral sex.
Overall? The book includes a lot of different scenarios which are useful and helpful for making a fun night out of oral sex. If you regularly give oral sex to a vulva-owner, you may have already figured out a lot of these techniques, but there will still be a few left to try (or just inspiration for fun). However, if you don’t give it that often, these little scenarios are great inspiration and make it much easier to figure out “how” to give oral sex without it seeming too boring/old. Not all of the suggestions are amazingly unique, but enough are unique enough that I’d be happy to recommend this to those who want to give better oral sex.