When it comes to high-end products, Njoy definitely delivers.
The Pure wand dildo is an eight-inch curved stainless steel sex toy. The smaller ended-ball is one inch in diameter while the larger one is an inch and a half. As it is stainless steel, it does weigh in at three pounds. Yes, that weight is something that you will definitely notice while trying to use it. It’s hypoallergenic and phthalate-free. The wand itself is completely smooth without any sort of seems on it. It has the “njoy” symbol on it on the inside of the curve. You can feel it with a finger, but it’s something that you definitely can’t feel during use. It is a shiny metal, and as long as you keep it clean, it will continue to shine. It also makes cleaning extra easy because it’s quite obvious if you missed any spot.
My favorite part about the Pure wand is the box it comes in. I’ve never understood why there aren’t more pictures of that. The outside of the box is pure black and has the “njoy” logo etched pretty big into the lower-left hand corner of the box. The box is made very sturdy, and it includes what feels like Styrofoam-cut foam to cuddle up against your Pure wand. The Pure wand fits nicely and happily into its spot. The foam itself is lined with hot pink, satin fabric, and the lid is held up with two ribbons. The inside of the lid is also lined in black velvet. It basically looks like the most luxurious packaging on the planet. I absolutely love it and I’m even tempted to leave it open just to show off how pretty it looks. That having been said, it’s also extremely easy to pull the Purewand out of its spot – no hassle involved.
The Pure wand works well for what it is designed to do. It does reach my g-spot nicely, and I’ve actually had more luck with this than I have with the Lelo Ella. However, the biggest downside that the Pure wand has is that it’s freakin’ cold. If you don’t warm this up with body heat before you go for play, it may possible feel like you are getting frostbite in your nether regions. Like I said, it’s easily avoidable by just warming the steel in your hands – it only takes two or three minutes. I’d suggest that you leave the Pure wand between your legs (just hanging out between them, not doing anything) while you warm-up, and it will get warm too with the body heat.

If temperature play is something you enjoy, the Pure wand is your new best friend. If placed near somewhere warm (or in hot water), it can reach very hot temperatures. If placed in the refrigerator or the freezer, it can be very cold.
The Pure wand isn’t very large with width – it’s only 1 1/2 inches with diameter. Coupled with the fact that it’s stainless steel, you don’t need too much preparation to slide this dildo in easily. However, it’s easier to reach your g-spot after you’ve been stimulated for awhile, so you may want to hold off on trying early on after your warm-up. It will be very smooth for insertion and very comfortable to have inside.
I’d recommend that you start off with the smaller-balled end and then move up to the larger ball if you find that you’re craving more fullness. With the weight of the Pure wand and the size of it, it does fill up very well, but you could get more stimulation if you switch to the larger-ball end. I recommend you use this toy yourself (instead of having a partner use it on you) for the first couple times since steel is quite unforgiving. Your partner can’t feel what you do, and you won’t know what you like, so getting a feel for the toy and its pleasures before you share the pleasures would probably help.
The Pure wand can also be used anally. Since it’s so curved, it would be pretty impossible to get this lost in your intestines. However, remember that you CAN go from vaginal to anal, but you CAN NOT go from anal to vaginal without possibly giving yourself a UTI. If anal to vaginal is in your master plan for the night, cover it with a condom for the anal portion.
From what I have been told, the Pure wand does stimulate the p-spot very well as well as the g-spot. If anal is something that interests you, this toy would be a great purchase to get the best out of both worlds. My recommendation is that you do it yourself for the first time and make sure you use lots of lubricant.
As its stainless steel, it’s pretty hard to go wrong with cleaning or lubricant. For lubricant, water-based or silicone-based would make the Pure wand happy – it doesn’t really matter which. Oil-based will even be fine if that’s what you’d like. For a quick after-use cleaning, you could use toy wipes or just wipe it down with really hot water, a washcloth, and anti-bacterial soap. However, for best use (or use between partners), make sure to boil the Pure wand in water to get all of the germies out of it. If you want to make it an easy job, just throw the Pure wand into the dishwasher next to your coffee mug.
The Pure wand is an amazing toy that I will have for years to come. With careful cleaning and care, the Pure wand lasts years upon years because it’s made of stainless steel. It’s also somewhat famous in the BDSM communities for being an amazing dildo. I recommend the Pure wand for someone looking for great g-spot pleasure that will last for years without having to be replaced.