The Nexus iSTIM Attachments 3 Pack is a pack of three different iSTIM-compatible attachments for the Nexus iSTIM Electrosex Device. You can purchase these Nexus attachments through FunWares. The attachments are compatible with the Nexus Glide, Nexus Neo, Nexus Titus, Nexus Excel, and Nexus Vibro. These attachments do require the Nexus iSTIM Electrosex Device kit, and you can view my Nexus iSTIM Electrosex Device review if that’s something you’re interested in.
The packaging is kinda neat. I’m actually pretty fond of the packaging. Instead of making a regular plastic box that could fall open when bustled around, Nexus actually makes tabs at the top of the packaging that snap together and are reverse one another so the box can’t “open” up without you actually pulling the two tabs apart. It seems difficult to explain, but I promise that it’s really neat and easy to open. The instructions to use the iSTIM attachments are on the backside of the packaging’s insert.
Before I get started, I will mention that all three of the Nexus iSTIM Attachments are included with the Nexus iSTIM Electrosex Device Kit (the main kit with the power unit itself). This, however, is another three pack of the same items. If you want to use two of the same ones (for example, you have two Nexus Glides and want to use both at once for intense sensations), you could purchase this pack. Also, if you lose the original attachments, you can purchase this pack to get all three attachments back to be able to use them with your Nexus toys.

So, what are these attachments? Basically, each one of the attachments is a small plastic piece that attaches to the base of your Nexus toy to make it electricity-compatible. Each one of the plastic pieces can easily be stored in the Nexus iSTIM Electro-Stim device case with no issue, so you don’t have to worry much about storage issues, and it’s possible to easily remove and attach the attachments to the Nexus sex toys.
How to use the Nexus iSTIM Attachments seems like a valid concern. However, it’s really easy. You just need to remove the stainless steel ball on whichever Nexus toy you want to use. From there, you clip the Nexus iSTIM Attachment into the space and push the lead from the iSTIM into the hole underneath so that it can make contact with the attachment. You then just insert the toy like you normally would, and once the toy is fully inserted, you can turn on the iSTIM electrose capabilities and experience electrified sex!
It works as expected. It does make the electricity run throughout the toy, but compared to the self-adhesive electrode pads, be prepared that the electricity will probably not be as strong. It didn’t seem as strong to me. However, it does still transfer the electricity well, so if you’ve ever wanted to try an inserted toy with electricity, this could work out fantastically. Please just make sure to follow all electrosex safety rules, and don’t turn on the electricity until the toy is fully positioning and in-place. If you want to adjust and jiggle the toy while it’s inserted, for safety’s sake, wear latex gloves.

As long as you don’t go hog-wild, the electricity attachment seems to stay attached to the toy really well. It can be pulled off, so do try to minimize movement. This probably would not work during rough sex or active sex. If you were spooning or something like that with a gentle rocking, you could probably get away with it during intercourse. As most of the Nexus toys were intended for Prostate purposes (and meant to be used fully through the internal spasms of muscles), the electricity attachments don’t seem to have been designed for rough sex. It’s just something to keep in mind.
Overall, if you want to use the Nexus iSTIM electrosex capabilities internally (whether anally or vaginally), these attachments make it possible to have electrosex for your Nexus toys. Compatible with a couple of the Nexus prostate toys, the Nexus iSTIM attachments allow you to experience electrosex internally. Thanks to FunWares for providing this electricity sex toy for my Nexus iSTIM Attachments 3 pack review. You can use the FunWares coupon code “Mistress Kay” at checkout for 10% off your total purchase!