Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

The gag with attached toilet paper attachment hangs off a chair, holding a toilet paper roll. Image for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

Have you fantasized about becoming a piece of human furniture? Would you rather be dressed up in a maid outfit with a toilet brush attached to your face? Do you want to become your lady’s newest ashtray? In this Humiliator Mouth Gag System review, let’s talk about this piece of kink gear that makes it possible.

How Does the Humiliator Mouth Gag System Work?

The Humiliator Mouth Gag System is a simple gag designed to work with additional attachments. The Humilator Mouth Gag System itself is just a gag with a post attached. The wearer feels the gag slide into their mouth, but the magic is on the non-wearer’s end. This snap-in attachment post protruding from the mouth gag offers play opportunities; you simply snap in an attachment, and the wearer’s mouth anchors the attachment in place!

The humiliation mouth gag sits on a flat surface with the toilet paper attachment on it. There's no roll of toilet paper, showcasing the "empty" design that lets you slide a toilet paper roll onto the gag. Image for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

The exact attachment depends on what kinky ideas you have in mind. Available accessories from include a:

Close-up on the pedestal on the front of the mouth gag that allows for attachment pieces. It uses a simple push in two prongs design that allows for swapping attachments very easily. Image for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

Each one of the attachments includes a short handle for the attachment, ensuring the wearer’s face isn’t directly next to the attachment. This can be functional (since the wearer likely needs some space to use a toilet brush cleaner with their face ;) ), but it also adds additional humiliation to the visual of the gag.

The Humiliator Mouth Gag System is lined with 5mm neoprene (on the wearer’s side) and leather (on the viewer’s side). It has a standard, non-locking buckle, and the attachment post on the front of the gag uses a Bayonet fastener lock to secure attachments. The gag portion itself that goes into the wearer’s mouth is a half-moon bit gag made from plastic and about 0.75″ in diameter.

(The Humiliator Mouth Gag System may also be called the Scott Paul Designs Humiliator Gag System.)

Close-up on the pedestal on the front of the mouth gag that allows for attachment pieces. It uses a simple push in two prongs design that allows for swapping attachments very easily. Image for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review: The Gag Itself

A humiliating mouth gag is only as functional as the gag is; if the gag itself is unusable for you, it won’t matter what attachments you can snap onto it!

This gag is a sturdy gag set-up. Unlike some of the BDSM gags with attachments on the market, it’s very clear that this set-up was designed for actual rough use of the attachments. It isn’t just decorative.

The attachments aren’t just glued on; they’re fastened with a clip-on system you’d use to put together portable furniture. The gag isn’t just a single strip of fabric; it’s made of a robust, multi-layer material crafted to cushion the face when the attachment on the end of the mouth is being used for its purposes.

This is partially why it’s so surprising to me that the Humiliator Mouth Gag System uses a very firm plastic gag inside of the mouth.

Close-up on the mouth gag loop that goes inside of the wearer's mouth. It's made from plastic, and it looks very firm and rigid. The portion under the loop looks very firm, padded, and formed like it would help support the weight using the person's face while wearing it. Image for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

The plastic isn’t particularly pleasant to bite down on for long periods of time. While the gag portion of the Humiliator Mouth Gag System doesn’t have any sharp edges that would cut into gums (it’s all smooth plastic), it’s a very firm, rigid type of plastic that isn’t the most comfortable to bite down on. It feels like the rigidity of metal with a slight bendability that gives away its plastic origins.

I would have loved to have seen a softer outer covering for the Humiliator Mouth Gag itself. The plastic isn’t (thank god) metal, but it is a very firm, rigid material. With the gag slid into the mouth, biting down on this plastic bit is the biggest support for the gag and the attachment hanging off of it.

That means, once my submissive‘s mouth and teeth get tired of biting down on the thin, unforgiving plastic, it’s time to take off the gag. A softer, plushier material cushioning this thin plastic bit would have given it more staying power. The thin plastic, partnered with the rigid plastic, means his jaw gets sore faster than I would have thought. (You probably won’t have the same problem if your wearer has musical instrument hobbies or other hobbies that strengthen the jaw.)

Close-up on the mouth gag loop that goes inside of the wearer's mouth. It's made from plastic, and it looks very firm and rigid. The portion under the loop looks very firm, padded, and formed like it would help support the weight using the person's face while wearing it. Image for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

On the brighter side of this gag design, though, the plastic mouth gag is extremely slim compared to most gags. It has a diameter of a little less than 0.75″. Unlike some mouth gags (which are impossible to fit into a jaw), this gag is going to fit into virtually anyone’s mouth with ease.

(Learn more about the different types of BDSM gags.)

While the mouth gag is a primary supporter of the attachment, the rest of the gag is there to help too; it’s clear a lot of time and trial-and-error went into the design of the gag to make it as comfortable for the wearer as possible. It does this in a few ways:

  • VERY Padded back head strap. The back of the gag has a VERY padded back head strap. We’re talking 0.5″ of pure padding on the back of the gag, coming in-between the gag’s strap and the wearer’s skin. This keeps the buckle fastener from pressing uncomfortably into the skin.
  • Lightly padded front panel. All of the front leather panel has a slim layer of padding (covered in neoprene) on the side that touches the wearer. This provides a bit of plushness for any left/right movements of the attachment that may leave the harness pressing into the face.
  • Chin panel. Looking at the gag, you’d never guess that little piece of fabric under the chin meant so much, but during use, it’s a different beast. That little chin panel underneath the attachment point is one of the more rigid points on the entire Humiliator Gag System, and it provides additional support to keep the attachment pointing upright and away from the body instead of letting it droop downwards. This helps support the bit gag inside of the mouth.

About the only thing it’s missing is a secondary fastening strap. If the gag had another head strap that ran to the top of the head, almost all of the pressure would have been removed from the bit as a weight-supporting point. As it is, the back of the head strap helps support some weight, but the mouth bit controls a lot of the movement on the up/down plane while wearing it.

Top-down view of the gag with the toilet paper attachment on it. This showcases the thick padded back-of-the-head strap as well as the padded front panel with the loop that goes into the wearer's mouth. It looks formidable.

Swapping the Humiliator Mouth Gag Attachments

The magic of the Humiliator Mouth Gag System is its ability to swap out the attachments. You can go from a pretty submissive boy holding a toilet paper roll to a pretty pet wearing their own feather duster while parading around in a maid outfit.

It does this through a relatively simple attachment point at the front of the Humiliator Mouth Gag.

If you’ve ever slotted two metal tubes together, it’s likely using the exact same system as the Humilator Mouth Gag System. There are two protruding cylinders sticking out from your attachment. There are two holes on the base Humiliator Mouth Gag post that fit these two cylinders perfectly.

Simply place the attachment post against the opening of the Humiliator Mouth Gag, press in the two cylinders, and the attachment post slides inside of the pole on the Humiliator Mouth Gag. Once those two cylinders pop into place with a “clink”, the attachment is ready to go.

Just as easy, a very light touch pushes in both cylinders, and as soon as both cylinders are pushed in, the attachment can easily be removed.

I’m actually very impressed with this system. There aren’t any sticking points on it. It isn’t difficult to depress any buttons, and the attachments are lightweight enough that they’re easy to hand hold too.

I can easily swap the attachments on or off while the gag is being worn by someone with virtually no movement or pressure on their head.

If this was a lesser-designed mouth gag, I’d be worried about accidentally losing grip and hitting my partner in the head. That isn’t a concern – at all – with the Humiliator Mouth Gag system. Everything goes together and comes apart in (literal) seconds with the lightest touch.

I’d say it’s a dream system that works as flawlessly as it would in your fantasies.

The padded backstrap of the humiliator gag. Not only does it have multiple adjustment points, but it has quite a few layers of material to help make the gag's weight more comfortable to wear.

Using it for Scenes

I’ve been having a lot of fun crafting scenes for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System review. At this point, we only own the Toilet Paper Attachment accessory, so it’s a bit limiting, but part of the fun of the system is how modular it is. There are so many other opportunities for the future.

In the meantime, the Toilet Paper Attachment exploration has been going really well. Its swiveling, dangling arm allows you to slide a roll of toilet paper onto the post, turning your Humiliator Mouth Gag System into a toilet paper holder.

We’ve found that he has a limit as of right now, and we start getting jaw soreness around the 45-minute mark. He, again, doesn’t have any hobbies that require a strong mouth/jaw (like if you play musical instruments or sing), so this impacts our use time with it.

Even so, with 45-minute limit, I’ve still crafted out some fun BDSM scenes. I like putting my new toilet paper holder into a kneeling position in the bathroom as I shower and get ready for dates. It’s surprisingly hot to have him looking submissive, kneeling silently in the bathroom, and only able to simply watch me while I go about my prep.

The entire gag is refreshing my human furniture kink, that’s for sure.

Right now, reducing any extra weight on the gag is a priority as it extends his playtime and reduces that fatigue. This means placing half-empty rolls of toilet paper on my “holder” if I want him to sit for awhile.

This actually leads to some fun punishments. I simply swap out the half-empty roll for a completely full roll if he’s been bad, and the change in his posture is almost immediate. (It’s probably one of the more entertaining punishments out there. Changing a toilet paper roll as punishment? Amazing.)

In the future, I’m excited for other potential uses with the Humiliator Mouth Gag system. I’m exploring the idea of using it as a serving tray; I’d love to have a pretty submissive kneeling with my glass of water whenever I want it.

Let’s Talk Cleaning

With a mouth gag system this durable (and let’s be honest, expensive!), you’ll probably want to consider the Humiliator Mouth Gag one of the central pieces to your humiliating mouth gag play. This means you may want to use it with multiple partners.

The design of the mouth gag makes this viable – though not as sanitizable as I’d like.

The wearer will come in contact with two materials while wearing the gag. The “gag” portion that goes into the mouth is made entirely from plastic; you can easily sanitize this plastic with your usual sanitization methods.

The backside of the front leather panel is less sanitizable. It’s a plushy neoprene material. It’s there to help absorb some of the weight of the attachment and prevent the gag’s frame from pressing uncomfortably into the sides of the mouth. However, sanitizing neoprene attached to leather is difficult, and it’s unlikely that you could get this fully sanitized between immediate partners.

Your best bet for sharing the Humiliator Mouth Gag system between wearers would be a sanitizing bath on the mouth gag piece (the most important part) with spot cleaning on the neoprene. Allow the neoprene to fully dry, and preferably allow the gag to be unused for 2-4 weeks before using it on a new person.

Final Thoughts: Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

Scott Paul Designs Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

Mistress Kay at Kinky World

Visual Appeal
Ease of Integration to Bondage Play
Versatility for Lifetime Scene Ideas


The Humiliator Mouth Gag System had an impossible task: manage to be comfortable for long periods of wear while a gigantic, potentially-heavy, interchangeable attachment dangles off the front of the gag.

With that in mind, it does a pretty good job. It’s clear this mouth gag was crafted with a serious attention to detail. From extra padding at high-pressure places to an attachment swap fastener that’s even easier to operate than opening a tub of ice cream, this gag was obviously playtested into oblivion before it was released.

I wish the bit gag inside of the gag system had some additional padding to help alleviate some of the jaw strain. A second, vertical head strap also would have relieved some of the jaw strain, too.

As those two things don’t exist, we’ve found we do have a limited playtime with the Humiliator Mouth Gag System. Eventually, it’s simply exhausting for his mouth to keep a firm grip on the gag, and we need to take it off. (It leaves his jaw sore the next day in the “I worked out hard” way.)

Aside from those wishlist features, though, the Humiliator Mouth Gag System is probably the most comprehensive, durable, versatile humiliating BDSM gags I’ve ever seen. The attachment list is expansive. This just isn’t a gag that was phoned in; this was crafted to be the only attachment gag you’ll ever need for your play.

The gag with attached toilet paper attachment hangs off a chair, holding a toilet paper roll. Image for my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review

Thanks for reading my Humiliator Mouth Gag System Review.

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Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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