Mastering Multiple Position Sex is a book written by Eric Marlowe Garrison and published by Quiver Books. It can be purchased at this sex toys store. It’s a softcover book that has full-color pages on the inside. There are 191 pages split into 13 different chapters, and there are a lot of full-color pages. The book features a colorful layout as well. This book is not suitable for public reading as it has a lot of large pictures of intercourse.
This book focuses on the idea that it can be difficult to transition from one sex position to another sex position. Most position books just list positions to try out. This book, however, lists these positions in small groupings. Each little grouping is supposed to be a group of positions that are easy to get from one to the next. That’s the interesting premise behind this book, and one that, if you ask me, I think they did a good job executing.

As stated in the introduction of the book, this book’s ideas were tried out on the author’s clients before being placed into this book. He had his clients try out the positions and how well they fit together before they could make it into this book. This is supposed to mean that this positions are quality and have been tested by real, genuine couples who found that the positions were good for their sex life and enjoyable.
There are thirteen “movements”. This is what the author calls each little section that lists a group of positions. Most of the moments have three positions. These movements basically tell you a group of positions that can be used together during one session of sex. Along with that, most of them have a “theme” to them. For example, there’s one on quickies, one on non-bed positions, standing positions, ones that include toys, positions for female pleasure, positions for simultaneous orgasms, and lots of other themes. These themes are basically what the sex session is supposed to focus around, and the positions that the author provides is supposed to help you achieve that goal.
This book provides a LOT of information about each movement. As you can imagine, since the book is about 200 pages long, and there’s only 13 movements, that there would be a lot of information about each movement. Each movement follows some pretty basic steps, though, so you can find all of the same information in about the same spots.

The “title” page of each movement basically gives you the entire run-down of everything that is included in the movement. This includes little preview pictures of the positions and what order and how many there are. This also includes a description of the goal for these positions as well as how this is going to help your sex life. It also includes a very helpful little guide that includes a difficult scale for each position from 1 to 5 in difficulty to let you know how hard you’ll have to work for this movement.
From there, you move into the bulk of each one of the movement sections. It starts off each movement talking about setting the stage for your set as well as warm-up for what you’re going to do. From there, it then moves into Position 1 where it will include a large paragraph describing what, exactly, you’re supposed to be doing during this position. Sometimes, the book does give extra pointers (in bullet points, to make it easy!) after each position in order to further explain how to enjoy it best.

From there, it will move onto Position 2. Position 2 is usually your transitional position, and it sometimes is an intercourse position and other times doesn’t have to do directly with intercourse. Again, you get a large paragraph explaining what to do. This continue for however many positions there happens to be in each movement. At the end of the movement is the final “Bravo!” section which basically ends up being a little summary of what this movement was trying to teach you about sex.
In the beginning of the book, the author talks about how people have unfairly thought that porn represented real-life and how those weren’t natural bodies anddidn’t portray real sex. After that introduction, I was all rarin’ to go to see real bodies. Unfortunately, while the introduction talks about that, the photography is still all obviously done by models. All of the pictures are suggestive, and there are no blatant pictures of genitals or anything. However, while the pictures were meant to be artsy (and can sometimes be very difficult to show the position as well because of the art-sy-ness), I still wish there would have been a squishy-looking woman or a guy with a bit of a gut.
The movements themselves are an interesting idea. I like the idea that you can just take a couple of positions and make it embody a neat lesson for your sex life and something that will improve it. I like how the movements were done, and from what we’ve tried, the movements do go pretty smoothly from position to position. Not all of the positions were positions we could do (there are a couple of four and five stars that we can’t do), and a couple we couldn’t do due to lack of strength/weight, so we couldn’t do them all, but we did a good chunk of them with no problem, and they were interesting to do.
I’d say that, if you regularly enjoy trying out new positions, you’re going to probably like this book. It’s going to give you a new way to try out a bunch of new positions that work well together, and each little movement is like a mini “goal” to reach which is a lot of fun as well. It’s not going to really give you a lot of amazingly unique position ideas, but if you want to try and have more unique sex through new positions and new themes behind your sex life, this is a good book to look into. Thanks to SexToy.com for sending me this book for my Mastering Multiple Position Sex review.