UPDATE APRIL 2024: This dildo is no longer in production, but this sex toy review remains available for reference. While you’re here, why not check out some additional educational info – like online submissive tasks, beginner pegging positions, saran wrap bondage, and enema 101 info.
The Marc Dorcel “SO” G-Spot Dildo is a silicone, double-sided dildo sold by Tabu Toys Adult Toys. About nine inches in length, the “SO” G-spot Dildo has two different ends which have different diameters. For the larger end, the diameter is about two inches. Yes, this is a pretty large toy. On the smaller end, the diameter is slightly over an inch. Made of body-safe material and phthalates-free, the So Dildo is created in a vibrant, pink color.

The packaging for this large silicone dildo is pretty simple. It comes in a recyclable cardboard box that clearly displays the dildo through the front of the box. The box is nicely designed, and it displays this silicone dildo well. Inside, there’s an instruction manual about cleaning and caring for your sex toy. The box is much larger than the dildo itself, though, so you may not want to use the box for long-term storage of your sex toy.
The Marc Dorcel “SO” G-spot Dildo has a pretty nice design. It’s a pretty basic design, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good one. The dildo has two ends – one end is much larger than the opposing end. The silicone that this dildo is made of is pretty draggy, and I definitely recommend using extra water-based lubricant to make sure that things slide and glide nicely like they should. Otherwise, this dildo’s surface does tend to be slightly “grippy” and not so pleasurable without the extra lubricant. There are seams that run along the sides of the dildo, and they ARE noticable. They won’t really be an issue unless you’re really sensitive to seams. If you are very sensitive to them, though, the “SO” G-spot Dildo may bother you during use.

As for the rigidity, the “SO” G-spot Dildo has some flexibility to it. It’s not a ton, though. And almost all of the flexibility is actually in the smaller-diameter end. So while the dildo will bend near that smaller end, it virtually has no bend when it comes to the larger end. So if you require g-spot stimulation, the larger end is going to provide a lot more regular pressure than the smaller end. During use, the smaller end just tends to bend with hard pressure, but the larger end does not. This is something to keep in mind depending on how you like your g-spot stimulation.
The first thing most sex toy lovers will notice is the similiarity between the Njoy Eleven and this dildo. And they are pretty similar. They both have the “wand-like” shape along with ridges on one side and more pronounced heads on both ends of the dildo. However, the Marc Dorcel “SO” G-spot dildo really doesn’t have the same size and girth as the Njoy Eleven. This, in my opinion, is a good thing as the NJoy Eleven is a pretty gigantic dildo! So, while it has the same design-ish, expect the “SO” G-spot dildo to be smaller in girth in size. Along with that, since it’s made of silicone instead of stainless steel, the “SO” G-spot dildo is not nearly as heavy as the Njoy Eleven.

So, the Marc Dorcel So G-spot Dildo is an interesting sex toy. The two ends are very, very different in terms of size. On paper an inch may not seem like much, but when it comes to the actual dildo, an inch ends up being very noticable. In fact, I kinda wish the smaller end was a bit larger in size. The smaller end feels like too little but the larger end feels like too much. There’s not really a nice “medium” between the two.
When it comes to sensation, though, the dildo feels nice. Neither end has enough of a g-spot curve to really hit my g-spot, though. As it’s designed to be a g-spot dildo, I was a bit disappointed about that. However, I tend to have a deeper g-spot than most, so that doesn’t surprise me too much. The larger end seems like it came closer – just because it has more girth to it. But neither of them felt too much like targeted g-spot pressure to me. If you have a more shallow g-spot, though, I can see how this could definitely hit the g-spot.

As this dildo is completely made of silicone, cleaning it is extremely simple. You just have to use warm water and antibacterial soap. If you want to sterilize it, it’s simple to sterilize by boiling it in hot water for a couple minutes. Since this sex toy is made of silicone, I also recommend that you only use water-based lubricant to make sure that this dildo will last longer. For storage, the dildo does tend to pick up a bit of lint, so just make sure to keep it away from any particularly furry-like places.
Overall, the design on the Marc Dorcel So G-Spot Dildo ends up working pretty well. It’s not perfect, but for people who want an Njoy Eleven-esque experience that’s cheaper as well as smaller in size, the So G-Spot Dildo works really well for that. When you want a thicker sensation, the larger end provides extremely well, but if you just want a thinner, more targeted sensation, the smaller end is perfect for that. The dildo isn’t anything too “out there” in terms of sensation, but it does provide nice, pleasurable intensity. Thanks to TabuToys for providing this dildo like the Njoy Eleven for my Marc Dorcel “SO” G-Spot dildo review.