The Kinklab Power Tripper attachment is sold by TabuToys sex toys. It’s only compatible with the Neon Wand which is an electrostimulation device produced by Kinklab. The Power Tripper attachment allows you to turn your entire BODY into a Neon Wand and be able to use your entire body to conduct and transfer electricity.
The Kinklab Power Tripper attachment provides an insanely unique sensation. Instead of just having the Neon Wand itself be an electrostimulation device, when you put the Power Tripper attachment on your body, your entire body will be electro-itized, so when you touch your partner, it will make sparks fly! The sparks actually only fly when you’re *near* your partner, but the electrostimulation, like the Kinklab Neon Wand does, doesn’t have any “gap” to jump if you’re actually touching the other person. Because a centimeter or two away from their skin is the best way to get the sensation to actually work correctly.
The Kinklab Power Tripper comes in a clear, plastic, blister-pack see-through box. This box is pretty sturdy, and it can easily work for storage of your Power Tripper attachment. Inside the box, there’s an instruction manual, and the product details can be removed to make the box completely clear and see-through. As the Power Tripper doesn’t look very “sex toy” like, this may work well for storage for most people.
Like any electrostimulation sex toy, there are “rules” and things you should know. You should only use this if you’re an adult, and as it IS electricity, don’t be stupid. Really. Don’t use the Power Tripper or Neon Wand if any of the play partners are pregnant or have any heart conditions. Do not use the Power Tripper attachment with any other type of Violet Wand. Do not touch the eye or eye area or any part of the skin that is not completely healthy. You should not direct electricity to one part of the body for more than 10 seconds at a time.

In order to use the Kinklab Power Tripper, you need to already own a Kinklab Neon Wand. You then should remove all of your metal worn next to the skin along with anyone you’re playing with. (I’ve seen people use Violet Wands while still wearing their jewelry, but until you get to know things, take it all off including body piercings if possible). You then want to make sure the Neon Wand is off (I recommend not plugging it in). You then plug the Power Tripper Attachment into the Neon Wand. You then place the body contact (the long and flat metal part) against your skin. Places to wear it include inside your undies, inside the waist band of your jeans, inside of your sock, inside a strap-on harness, and places like that. It MUST be fully touching the skin though, and it must be stable in the fact that it’s going to stay there.
You then can turn on the Neon Wand. The Neon Wand should be kept at the lower levels when using the Power Tripper – especially for your first uses. You can experiment later. The body contact should not fall off of the person wearing it, and the Neon Wand itself can be set down somewhere as long as it isn’t going to get unplugged accidentally. Remember that the Neon Wand should ALWAYS be turned off (and best unplugged!) when removing or changing the attachments.
I apologize for the lack of pictures. It actually looks really amazing in use, but I’m terrified to hold my camera while having electricity go through me or through my partner, so until I find a third person to add to the equation, I probably won’t have any pictures of the pretty sparklies.
Even if you don’t like electrostimulation, the Neon Wand will amaze you. It’s sorta like being shocked with static electricity. Except it’s not quite as intense (on the lower settings), and you have the power to control it. It makes your hair stand up, and it makes you shiver in a good way. Some people find that they don’t like the feeling after trying it, but it’s definitely way different than a TENS unit or an internal electrostimulation toy. I definitely find more people who love the sensation than those that hate it!
The amazing thing about the Kinklab Power Tripper is how versatile it is and how much it really adds to the Neon Wand experience. You can just touch a partner during normal things like a handjob but include electrostimulation in it. You can use a metal flogger that will conduct heat, and the flogger will have electrostimulation. You can use metal guitar picks and things like that, and again, it will have electrostimulation. If you have a third person, a second person can hold hands with the Power Tripper wearer and be able to shock the third person. It’s absolutely amazing all of the fun things that you can do!
To be clear, you COULD experience pain with the Kinklab Power Tripper or the Neon Wand. I feel like that should be made clear. However, if you take things slowly and use the lower levels of intensity, there really shouldn’t be any pain or discomfort. It feels “funny”, but not in a painful way. Kinda in a giggly, can’t sit still sorta way. Make sure that you fully trust your partner and know their health and heart issues before playing though, and again, take it slowly. It IS electricity after all!
You want to take care to clean the Power Tripper attachment correctly. After each use, you can clean the metal plates by using at least 75% rubbing alcohol, and the wand or the attachment should not be used until the alcohol is fully evaporated and fully dry.
Overall, if you want a new type of foreplay experience, I highly, highly, highly recommend getting the Power Tripper attachment for the Neon Wand. Even if you don’t end up using it a lot for foreplay (which I think you will!), it’s one of those amazing things that you really don’t get to “do” much, so it’s just fun to play with – and even something you could probably show off to your friends as a magic trick! As a foreplay toy, though, the sensations feel really good and well, electrifying, and it’s definitely different than your average sex toy – and in a fantastic way! Thanks to TabuToys for providing this electrostimulation accessory and Neon Wand attachment for my Kinklab Power Tripper review. They also sell other luxury adult toys for you to purchase!