The Green Lightning Double Trouble Green Acrylic Cane is a pretty green-Acrylic cane from Cane-IAC. The cane is two feet in length with two different strands of Acrylic attached to the same point in the handle.The handle itself is about six inches long so that leaves about eighteen inches for the length of the cane’s Acrylic portion. The rods are each 1/4 inches wide which makes them pretty lightweight and stingy. As the name implies, each one of the rods is a nice, dark green color. This cane also comes with a hanging strap to make it extremely easy to store.

This cane doesn’t come in any particular packaging. There is a little tag that says “Cane IAC” that hangs off of the hanging strap on the end of the cane, but that’s all.
This is the one cane that I own that makes noise when I pick it up or use it. It’s not that this is a bad thing. It’s actually one of the most amusing things about it. See, now that I’ve used it on the boyfriend, just the noise of this one being picked up will scare him. The two little Acrylic rods end up knocking against each other and making a little “clicking” noise that can be heard in the same room, and depending on how hard you hit, outside a closed door.

I am impressed by the quality of this cane. I was afraid that one of the rods would fall out, but both of the rods are secured firmly in the handle of this cane. I was afraid they’d chip against each other or something, but no, they work together to be evil, mean little rods. The handle itself doesn’t slip off at all, and it provides a great, no-slip surface to grip the cane. The hanging loop is tied really tightly and unless you cut it, it’s going to stay on there forever to hang your toy. It’s just definitely some very high-quality work on this cane. Each one of the rods are pretty flexible and light. They don’t bend into any sort of a U-shape, but they will bend away from each other (for space between the rods), and the two rods do not wiggle around at all when the handle is wiggled; they stay nice and straight.
This cane doesn’t seem to sting as much as it does cause some muscle bruising. It doesn’t leave that surface sting, and it doesn’t feel like it hurts that much, but after about twenty seconds, the muscles under the skin start to feel sore and hurt. It’s really a deep-hitting cane, and I’m really interested in trying to figure out exactly how it causes that sensation. It’s something that doesn’t seem so evil at first, but after the strikes start piling up on top of each other, you realize that this little cane is not to be reckoned with.

This is one of those canes that I’d call an advanced cane. You’d have to hit really lightly to not cause any bit of pain at all. This cane is one that could easily cause some bruising under the skin. I don’t think this cane is whippy enough to cause bleeding on the skin unless you use it really roughly, but it could definitely cause some bruising if you got some good hits in. You’d think that the two little Acrylic rods would pinch your skin, but in our experience, they don’t seem to pinch at all. They just work together to be one of the meaner canes that we’ve used so far.
Cleaning this cane is easy. You just have use warm water and antibacterial soap to clean up the Acrylic rods. The two rods pull apart (but not out of the handle), so it’s really easy. The deep green hides any “stains” on the cane and just keeps the cane looking really gorgeous. After cleaning, the hanging loop can be used to hang the cane.
I’m just really impressed by the Green Lightning Double Trouble Green Acrylic Cane. It’s most certainly not something we’ll pull out on any regular basis because of the pain involved, but it’s still an amazing toy for producing that pain. it’s amazing at how little surface sting it has when it causes such muscle pain. I’m actually really amazed by the design and the quality. Thanks to Cane IAC for sending me the Green Lightning Double Trouble Acrylic Cane.