Fun Ways to Play with Ejaculating Dildos

How to Play with Ejaculating Dildos. Image shows a person squeezing the ejaculation bulb of a squirting dildo - which is squirting water out of the tip of the dildo.

In the world of “dildos with features”, this one is probably the coolest. A squirting dildo lets you bring the fun of ejaculation to a, literally, “on-demand” design. Want ejaculation right now? An ejaculating dildo can make it happen. Want to make it ejaculate again three seconds later? Yep, that’s doable too. Ejaculating dildos are really neat – and it’s no surprise that there are so many different ways to incorporate them into your sex and kink play.

But let me not get ahead of myself on kink education here. Let’s start with:

How Does an Ejaculating Dildo Work?

Ejaculating dildos, in this “day and age”, work one of two ways:

1) Most ejaculating dildos function “manually”. When the dildo is created, a hollow tube is built into the center of the dildo. This hollow tube exits through the base of the dildo. So you have a hollow tube that runs from the tip of the dildo all the way out the base. These dildos come with a large, empty syringe. The syringe is used to house all of your liquid of choice. When the time comes, you attach the syringe to the hose out the base of the dildo and you press down the plunger on the syringe. Instant ejaculation! These syringe-equipped ejaculating dildos tend to have the highest capacity – because they have the syringe there housing all of the liquid. Syringe ejaculating dildos also let you control the force of the ejaculation. You can slowly press it down for some dribbles – or push it hard for a forceful ejaculation.

1a) Some “manual” squirting dildos hide the squirting release pump inside of the testicles for less “tubing” hanging out of the dildo. That means, when you’re ready for that release, you just give the testicles a very firm squeeze. (I do not recommend trying that on a biological penis.)

2) Some ejaculating dildos, however, have upgraded to electronic spurting. You will fill up a liquid chamber inside of the dildo, and when the button on the dildo is pressed, the dildo will electronically squirt all of its payload. Since electronics are expensive – and putting liquid near electronic runs a higher risk of breaking things – these types of dildos are more expensive – and they’re more likely to malfunction. They may not have the ability to ejaculate with as much force as a syringe-style ejaculating dildo also – but they do have the benefit of being ejaculation-on-demand with no hoses to fuss with.

There’s a reason most dildos still use the manual syringe method!

Liquid Options for an Ejaculating Dildo

Now that you know how to use an ejaculating dildo, you can easily see that it’s pretty easy to add any liquid to the chamber of your ejaculating dildo. Really, whatever you have in mind, it’s probably possible (which makes it really easy to get kinky with squirting dildos).

Some things to keep in mind, though:

  • The substance needs to easily squirt through a syringe and the tube of the dildo. This means that most thick liquids (like “real” ejaculate) are more-likely to get stuck and may not travel as easily through the dildo. Prepare for more blockages and more of a gentle “leak” instead of a strong “squirt” if using liquids that aren’t very runny.
  • Anything you add into the dildo should be safe to be ejaculated into the area where you’ll be squirting it. Don’t go squirting sugary beverages into the vagina – and don’t go squirting alcoholic ones into the bum. Just make sure whatever it is is safe for your body.
  • Obviously, anything non-liquid is going to get stuck in the tube. Don’t try to stick mini chocolate chips up a squirting dildo or anything. (Unblocking the tube inside of a squirting dildo can be a pain; I recommend avoiding it at all costs.)
  • Keep in mind the temperature of your liquid. If you’re force-feeding down someone’s throat, a cold cola is probably welcomed. If you try cold water in the butt? Less-so. Don’t be afraid to lets things hit room temperature – or to put them in the fridge – depending on what you’re doing.
  • If you’re inserting this into someone anally, keep in mind that too much liquid quickly turns into an enema play scene. The butt can deal with a little bit of liquid, but if you’re having a blast and refill the dildo a few times, you’re probably going to have a partner who needs to use the toilet pretty urgently within a few minutes.

What to Put In an Ejaculating Dildo?

  • A lube with the “look” of ejaculate. These lubes include ingredients that make the resulting lube have the cloudier, white appearance of ejaculate. Unlike “real” ejaculate, however, they’re much less viscous, and they shoot out of dildos more reliably – plus, you can have entire bottles of it on-demand unlike the “comes from a human” stuff.
  • Pee. You can totally use pee in ejaculating dildos – especially for watersports scenes.
  • Any beverage of choice. If your squirting dildo is clean (please make sure it’s clean!), people can easily drink from a squirting dildo. Keep in mind that you might aerate anything that goes through the dildo (from all of the forced pressure), so some liquids might end up tasting a bit odd.
  • Warm (but not hot!) water. If you’re going to squirt it into a human and want the cheapest, most accessible thing out there, consider warm water. Cold water can be seriously painful internally, so go for warm water (room temperature is going to feel “cold” to the internal parts of the body). It should be warm enough to comfortably drink with no concerns.

Fun Ways to Use an Ejaculating Dildo

Now, the extra-fun part of this article: let’s talk about some hot ways to use a squirting dildo the next time you want to pull one out. Pick and choose what works for you – this is all about getting inspiration for the next time you want to play!

“Realistic” Oral Sex Fantasies

Of course, an ejaculating dildo lets you “up” the realism of any oral sex fantasy through its squirting cum feature. If it has a suction cup base, you can easily slide it onto the wall for to “pleasure” your fantasy person. You can ratchet that up even further by printing off any XXX pictures and taping them above the wall where you have your squirting dildo attached. Not only will you get a view of a person or scene you find hot while fellating this ejaculating sex toy, but you can also have a hot visual in mind for that final moment when your “lover” ejaculates.

Oral Sex Training

Some people like to use their squirting dildo as a simple way to train for future oral sex. While standard dildos will allow you to train your throat for the presence of a penis, standard dildos don’t really replicate the sensations of liquid being suddenly squirted into the throat. An ejaculating dildo lets you practice oral sex – while also getting to practice the ejaculation sensation to reduce any coughing or choking when done with a real-life human.

Ejaculating Toy Facial

You don’t have to just keep the liquid in the mouth, though. Especially if you’re into the idea of facials, it’s really easy to pull off the dildo for the “money shot” – and get it all over your face. Especially if you’re a big fan of porn or those cumshots, this can be a fun way to incorporate ejaculation into your sex life when you may not have a partner.

Didn’t nail the “money shot”? Refill the dildo and try all over again! Or, y’know, just keep refilling it over and over to easily fulfilll a bukkake fantasy.

“Feed” Your Partner

A cum squirting dildo doesn’t just have to be a good fit for active sex acts. You can also use it as a form of foreplay – and as a great tool for humiliation too. (Or just an intimate way to share! It all depends on how you frame it!) Use the (very clean!) ejaculating dildo to provide all of your partner’s liquids as foreplay. You can use something as simple as water – or something flavored or alcoholic (standard “be safe while playing with alcohol” rules apply!)

You can really experiment with the intensity of this one. You can strap the ejaculating dildo onto yourself and force your partner to kneel before you to “accept” their liquids anytime they’re thirsty. Or you can lay down and have them cover your “dick” with their mouth while they “nurture” their water from you. It’s totally up to you.

Squirts with Each Pegging Orgasm

For those who enjoy pegging, this can be a way for the recipient of the dildo to feel more “connected” with the person wearing the dildo’s orgasms. In this case, keep the refilling liquid nearby, and each time the person wearing the dildo orgasms – they can press down the syringe and “ejaculate” at the same time! After that wave of orgasm is over, they can simply refill the syringe, go back at it, and continue pegging until another orgasm hits – with more dildo ejaulation. It can be a fun way to feel more “connected” during a pegging.

(As mentioned above, if you have a partner who enjoys multiple orgasms while pegging, be prepared for a bit of enema play after all of the pegging is done!)

Strap It Onto a Penis Owner

Ejaculating dildos aren’t just for femdom partnered play! If you’re someone who fetishizes (or just plain enjoys!) that moment of ejaculatory climax – but your penis-owning partner is using a strap-on dildo for whatever reason, an ejaculating toy can help bridge that gap. They can now literally “cum on command” – but can also go until you’re satisfied (or their cardio skills give out). This can add some intimacy to the final “orgasm” for the two of you- and if you just enjoy the sensation of ejaculation internally, this can just plain add the sensations too.


Since any liquid can really work in an ejaculating dildo, there’s no reason that you can’t use pee in your dildo sex toys – and then use the squirting dildo to cover your partner in that liquid. If your primary use for your ejaculating dildo is watersports scenes, I recommend picking up a squirting dildo with a large liquid capacity; “watersports” tends to have a lot more liquid than a simple ejaculation would.

(To keep things as sanitary [and sexy] as possible, I recommend using pee that’s fresh – like, you just went into the container right before you started doing the act.)

Pee-Free Watersports

Of course, if you like the idea of watersports (and being covered in your partner’s warmth) but are squicked out by the idea of actual pee, you can easily switch out the urine for some plain water – or other liquids. To get the “lightly yellow” color, you can experiment with different beverages warmed up (lemonade, really watered-down orange juice, etc.). I do NOT recommend adding food coloring. You’ll definitely get the yellow you want – but you’ll likely stain everything it touches.

“Pee” While Standing

This one is mostly for fun, but I will totally admit that I strapped on my ejaculating dildo, filled it with water, and had fun standing in front of the toilet to easily stand and pee. The envy was real with how simple and easy that was!

An Ejaculating Dildo During Sex

Obviously, you can just use a cum squirting dildo like a standard dildo during sex. You don’t need to get super creative with it – when you want to make the ejaculate with the dildo slipped into someone, just activate the ejaculation – and enjoy! You can totally make your ejaculating dildo a “one and done” type of toy; you don’t always need to get super creative with everything! (As much as I enjoy turning everything into a full production). 

Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
Sex toy reviewer, kink educator, and weirdo who is constantly staging pretty photos for sex toys.

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