UPDATE March 2021: The Fashionistas Bunny Taill Butt Plug is no longer in production. However, Tailz makes a similar butt plug that’s essentially the same – just missing the design on the insertable butt plug portion. This butt plug review remains as a reference for anyone looking for info on this plug.
The Fashionistas Bunny Tail Butt Plug is a small glass butt plug. The butt plug portion is made from glass while the tail portion is made from feathers. The plug, in total length, is about seven inches long (with tail portion length) with the insertable portion itself being about three inches in length. This glass butt plug, the small version, is about an inch and one fourth in diameter, and the glass portion features a design etched into the glass.
The packaging for this glass butt plug is pretty cute. The packaging is plastic, and it shows the glass butt plug through a see-through window in the front. The butt plug is contained in a tray that easily will work for storage as well. As this box is much larger than the butt plug itself, you may not want to use it for storage as it will take up more room than the sex toy would. You will need to make sure to store this glass butt plug in a place where the feathers will be safe though.
This bunny butt plug has a pretty basic design. The glass portion itself is a slick and smooth glass with a design etched into the glass. The design doesn’t seem to make too much of a difference to the slickness of the glass. The tail itself is made from white feathers. I actually, from the picture, was expecting something more “round-ish”, but the tail is mostly just features that come out from the glass butt plug itself. Because they are all “centered” towards the middle of the plug, it does come out looking like a bunny tail, but it is just a lot of feathers. All of the feathers are pretty soft, too, and you’ll get some fluff coming off from the plug in the beginning, but that dies down pretty quickly.

I absolutely love the design that was etched into the plug itself! It does make it feel a bit “wrong” to insert the plug, but the plug itself looks beautiful with the design on it. The plug features the exact same design on both sides of the plug, and the design shows a fairy planning in the flowers. (Two fairies, since it shows on both sides). The flowers are really beautifully drawn, and the fairy looks cute and playful. There’s really nothing sexy or sexual about the design, but it does give a very whimsical appearance to the plug. The design is etched into the glass, and it doesn’t add too much drag to the glass butt plug, so it still doesn’t require much lubricant for insertion.

The plug itself, because of the design of it, does require some anal practice to be able to comfortably use it. I’m glad to see that the manufacturer chose to make more of a tapered design, but it does go from a small taper to a much larger insertable shape relatively quickly. The shape isn’t the largest, but it is about the size of three fingers at the largest point. This isn’t huge, but this is more than the very-first-time-anal-beginner is probably going to be used to. I’d say that most with any anal experience will be able to use this plug, but if this is your first time, it might be a bit too large.
This glass anal plug does stay inserted once you insert it though. The retention area is quite a bit smaller than the largest part of the plug, so the plug does seem to stay in like it’s supposed to once it’s inserted. I wouldn’t recommend wearing this butt plug out and about because of the bunny tail part and because the glass isn’t the most comfortable to sit on, but the tail does seem to stay in pretty well when you’re walking around with your bunny tail “sticking out”.

If you want a bunny tail, this glass butt plug does “deliver”. The bunny tail doesn’t feel quite like a real bunny’s tail, but it does look cute and pouf-y sticking out from your butt. The plug does stay in pretty well, and depending upon how well you take care of this glass butt plug, the bunny tail can look more or less realistic. (It looks more realistic when you don’t squish the feathers so the feathers look nice and full instead of looking flat).
A slight problem with the feathers is that they don’t appear to be “real” feathers, and because of that, you do have to be careful of getting lubricant on the feathers. When lubricated, the feathers do not look as nearly as cute as the feathers do when they’re nice and fluffy like they’re intended to be. The feathers do seem to clean up alright, but they don’t return to the nice fluffiness that the anal plug started off with.
To clean this glass butt plug, you’ll want to use warm water and soap. You do have to be careful when washing this butt plug because of the feathers that are on the end of this glass sex toy. The feathers do not clean up as well, so I do recommend trying to keep the feathers away from lubricant and mess as much as possible. We’ve managed to keep the feathers feeling pretty good by always allowing the tail to air dry itself fully and keeping the water and soaking-ness on the feathers themselves to a minimum. I also highly recommend keeping this as a single-partner sex toy (or fluid-bonded partners) just because you can’t really “sterilize” feathers. For storage, you’ll want to keep this out somewhere where the feathers have a chance to keep dry.
Overall, the Fashionistas Bunny Tail Butt Plug is a cute little butt plug that has an adorable bunny poof design. The plug itself is designed beautifully, and it comes with feathers that make the poof of the tail. The tail definitely requires some special care taken as well as it may not look as bright and fluffy as it does first out of the box after a couple uses. You have to be really careful to keep the lubricant off of the feather area to keep the feathers looking as nice as possible, but if you want a bunny tail, this glass butt plug can work.