The Fantasy Affairs board game is a board game is a full-sized board game that makes it easy for you to indulge in fantasies with a partner. This adult game can be played by both English and Spanish speakers as the instructions are in both languages. The game includes 36 Fantasy Affair cards, 36 Creative Kiss cards, 104 Heart cards, 10 Heart tokens, 2 game markers, a game board, and a dice.
The box itself is pretty well-made. It should easily hold up to other items being placed on top of it. It also is really gorgeous. It’s made from a holographic-like material that makes the box really shimmer in the light. It looks really cute. However, because it is so noticable, it is probably not the most discreet board game out there. It also is a bit large (at about traditional, non-sexual board-game sized), so you might have a more difficult time hiding this one.

This game is intended for two people. It was made with a heterosexual couple in mind. You can easily play it with a homosexual couple as long as you take out the cards that don’t work (“He says” cards taken out for a lesbian couple, etc.). It will leave you less cards, but the game will still work okay. As the game does seem to be designed for just two players, it seems to work best that way, but if you have some extra token pieces, you could get creative and make this work for multiple groups of people or swinging groups. It would take some modification of the rules, but it’d be possible.

The rules do take reading to figure them out. Normally, most games can be played out of the box. You’ll probably want to take a glance and skim through the rules before you start to play this one. To start off with, you want to put all fo teh cards face-down in their appropriate spots on the board. Then each player takes turns drawing Fantasy Affair cards until she has a “She Says” one and he has a “He Says” one. From there, the two players take turns rolling the dice and moving around the board. As you land on spaces, you do what the space asks you to do. The first one to collect 5 Heart Tokens will win the game. When you win, you get to act out the two Fantasy Affair cards that were drawn at the beginning of the game. Fun stuff!

Playing the game is pretty fun, actually! This game has a lot more replayability value than a lot of the board games that I’ve been playing lately. Part of the fun is the fact that some of the board spaces include the cards that go with them. Each one of the spaces on the board represents an action. For some of them, its things like “Propose a toast to your lover” or “Strip”, but for others, like the “Kiss” square, you actually get to pick out a Kiss card. With the cards, there are 36 different options you could actually engage in, so it keeps the game being fun for multiple play-throughs. Plus, there are a ton of Fantasy Affair cards. With all of those ways to “win” and get a prize, it actually ends up being different every play-through.
The game does take a bit to get used to, and there are some awkward aspects about it. For example, you keep going around the board until someone has collected five pieces. With that in mind, if you have bad luck at collecting pieces, you may end up getting a bit bored of repeating some of the actions. The game itself doesn’t take too long; for us, it took about 40 minutes to finish a play-through. It’s something you could definitely do one night as a date-night to have some new fun with a partner.
Overall, Fantasy Affairs is a fun board game that has a beautiful layout and can be enjoyable for multiple play-throughs. The different cards and actions make it fun to play over again (at a later date) and the design of the board looks sexy and sensual instead of cheesy. Some of the actions are a bit repetitive, but overall, the game is a good way to try something new with your partner.