“Dare…To Try Kama Sutra” is a neat little book published by Hunter House and written by Marc Dannam and Axterdam. This book is part of the “Dare…” series which is a series written in French and translated to English about different parts of human sexuality and how to do them. This book has a softcover and has 108 black and white pages which are divided into 7 different chapters. The front cover shows a nude male and female “trying” to do a sex position but failing at it. It’s adorable. The backside explains the book itself.
This book does include quite a few illustrations. Each position described is usually accompanied by some illustrations of the position itself. The illustrations are usually done by little nude characters, so you’ll see the occasional (illustrated) penis and vagina. For this reason, it also might look a little weird if you decide to want to read this book in public.
I don’t know how I feel about this book. On one end, it does have its merits. It brings together a lot of information from the original Kama Sutra and explains best how to interpret that information. It also brings in a lot of sexual explanations from other sex positioning books. However, that actually ends up making me feel like I’m reading a compilation of other books instead of a new, original book.

Another problem with this book is the set-up. The book is almost all words with one picture per sex position to demonstrate the position. While this isn’t bad in itself, it isn’t great either. I’ve seen sex positioning books done a lot better is the problem. When it comes to sex positions, I love to see the very basics of the position. What the good things, the bad things, and things to consider plus pictures of how to do the sex position. This book really only has the very basics of sex positioning which did leave me feeling a little biased against the book.

The book includes 49 different positions. Each one of these positions is unique from one another. However, almost all of the positions are also very athletic. While this isn’t such a bad thing for some people, other people are just going to balk when they see some of the positions this book suggests. While I’d imagine they all could be done, it would require a lot of energy and maneuvering on the part of both partners. There really aren’t any “basic” positions included in the book except for the last chapter which is all about how to have “lazy sex”.
I was a bit disappointed about the book because of the lack of weight consideration as well. The first chapter (introduction) started off with a nice start about talking about how weight and height can really make a difference in what sex positions you can do and everything. I was really hopeful for a book that would provide some weight-concerned positions, but aside from a couple that focused on height differences, nothing was really mentioned about weight.
My last point is some of the suggestions that were made. For example, in one of the positions, it recommends that, if you are lazy, you can use a scarf to tie a stick of polished wood (broom handle?) to your leg and insert the broom into yourself and have sex with it. This seems like a very odd suggestion for a sex positioning book. In another spot, it recommends that, if she presents her butt to you, you should “surprise” her with some anal sex. Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a good idea either.
Overall, it’s not a bad sex positioning book, but it’s not great either. The positions it mentions are all good ideas, but the book doesn’t actually explain how to get into the positions for the most part. It does explain some variations on some of the positions, but the book just seems a bit wordy for people who are just looking for a pick-and-choose type of sex position book. However, if you want the background information on different information about the Kama Sutra and other popular sex books, this one is worth checking out. Thanks to Hunter House for sending me this book to review, and if you’d like to own this book yourself, you can purchase the Dare…To Try Kama Sutra book.