Welcome to the prettiest anal plugs I’ve ever owned – and that’s saying something because I own a LOT of the Crystal Delights plugs. (See Crystal Delights My Lil Pony Tail Review, Crystal Delights Crystal Minx Plug with Tail Review, Crystal Delights Pleasure Paddle Review, and more.). But I think the Crystal Delights Red White Blue Sparkle Butt Plug is probably the most-gorgeous I own – only matched by the other Sparkle items in the Crystal Delights lines.
So, safe to say, Crystal Delights is definitely raising the bar on what it means to be an “anal toy” – both in visual appeal and the actual safety and quality of the toys too. All of their toys are handmade with Borosilicate glass with embedded jewels that take your butt’s comfort into account too. (No rough edges here!)
The Crystal Delights Red White and Blue Butt Plug was a limited edition plug released around the 4th of July – with all of the gorgeous colors. I’d say that they nailed it perfectly. Made with a short stem with a diameter that’s very beginner-friendly, this glass jewel butt plug is 3.4″ in length with a bulb diameter of 1.3″ at the widest point – and a weight that’s slightly over 3 ounces.
So, let’s get into our Crystal Delights Sparkle Butt Plug review. (This review features the Red White and Blue Butt Plug from Crystal Delights, but the design is the same for all sparkle plugs that Crystal Delights sells.)

Crystal Delights Butt Plug Review: The Looks
This Sparkle Gem Butt Plug is going to be unlike anything you’ve ever really “looked at” before. It isn’t your standard jewel plug, and it isn’t your standard colored glass plug either. It’s a gorgeous mixture of both. In fact, I’m not entirely sure how they pulled off this design; I only know that I really like it – and it’s even more beautiful in-person.
Essentially, it looks like the Crystal Delights Sparkle Butt Plug is hollow on the inside – and inside this hollow chamber, Crystal Delights filled it with colorful little gems. With the Red White Blue Sparkle Plug, the plug is filled with red, white and blue gems, but for other Sparkle butt plugs in the series, there are a lot of other sparkle fill color options.
At the base of the plug, you’ll see a gorgeous gem – either red or white depending on which plug you chose. It’s just the “topping on the cake” for a plug that looks this amazing, and my god, let me tell you: it’s sparkly.
When you have the butt plug in darker light, it still looks amazing, but where it really shines is in bright, well-lit areas with direct light. (Diffuse light still makes it gorgeous!) Sliding this butt plug from side to side really shows off the internal sparkles – and the gem at the base of the plug as well. It’s literally unlike any other sex toy I’ve ever seen, and it’s goddamn gorgeous. (I could gush on how unique and pretty this is for hours. Needless to say, I love them, and I’m super happy that Crystal Delights is coming out with them in Glow-in-the-Dark and dildo versions too!)

Crystal Delights Anal Plug Review: The Feels
Like all Crystal Delights butt plugs, a lot of attention was paid to the use of the butt plug – not just looking at it. Since the dawn of their company, they’ve always been focused on high-quality, pleasurable stuff – and their icing on the cake was finding tons of new ways to make things look even more beautiful.
First off, you have the tapered tip. This tapered tip makes insertion so much more comfortable. It starts off small (perfect for your body!) and slowly gets larger as you slip it inside. This makes slipping it in so much more comfortable – and if you’re new to a toy this size, it also means that you can slowly work it in over periods of weeks if the size is just a bit too big for you at first. You don’t have to start huge to get it inside your body; you can acclimate as you go.
Moving down the butt plug, you have the thinner retention area. This thinner area really helps the plug stay in. On our larger Crystal Delights toys, the plug design stays in wonderfully with very minimal slippage. In fact, we’ve taken our Crystal Delights butt plugs outside, in public, on multiple occasions, and they’re some of our favorite plugs to wear at kink events to show off. My partner has a very slender-framed body, so you can generally see the jewels while walking around – and if we’re using one of the tails, that’s obviously very visible the entire time.
I will caution for minimal lubricant on these glass plugs, though. Normally I’m all “Lube, lube, lube, lube” – but if you overlubricate with the Sparkle Anal Plug and any glass plugs, they tend to be more slippery – and will slip out of the body much-more-easily.
If it’s your first time with an anal plug when using the Crystal Delights butt plugs, I recommend going hogwild with the lube. Don’t expect it to stay in all day while walking around, but if it’s your first time, your comfort is more important. As you play with the Sparkle anal butt plug, over and over again, slightly reduce the amount of lube you use until you find that easy “sweet spot”. You know, where there’s enough lube for easy insertion and comfort but not enough that the entire toy feels like it might slip out.
(We use the slightest drop of lube on our glass butt plugs – compared to lines of lube on our silicone toys. Glass just slips in much easier – and requires less lube. If you’re new, you should still overuse lube, but as you learn what things feel like in the butt, you’ll know when you can reduce.)

Moving on, we have the base. Bases with jeweled butt plugs can be hit-or-miss depending on the love that the manufacturer put into them. You know what I’m going to say at this point: Crystal Delights did put the love in, and the jeweled base is fantastic.
The base isn’t completely flat; it’s really nicely rounded on all of the edges. The area for the gem is actually “sunk” into the plug, so the gem doesn’t stick out as far – and the rounded edges really protect your butt from coming in contact with the gem itself. This also helps ensure the gem is much harder to ever slide off. Those rounded edges really protect it.
If your butt ever comes in contact with the gem’s surface, you don’t need to worry about any discomfort. The edges of the gem have been nicely softened, and nothing feels sharp at all. I can run my fingers along it with no concerns. The very-edges (at the points where the gem attaches to the base) can feel a bit jarring, but you should never have any contact with that with the way the plug is built; it’s even hard to get my finger in that spot.
All of this comes together for a butt plug that’s not only gorgeous – but it also is really easy to use. It slides into the butt nicely, feels super weighty and pleasurable while it’s in there, and with the right amount of lube and selecting the right plug size for your body, it stays in there really nicely too. It’s pretty much everything a butt plug should be.

Crystal Delights Sparkle Butt Plug Review: The Longevity
As you can imagine, a high-quality glass butt plug like this is likely to last you a long, long time. Honestly, the glass material isn’t going to degrade, so how long your Crystal Delights butt plug lasts is entirely up to you and how you care for it. It’s designed to outlast you even.
The only thing that will shorten its lifespan is improper care – like dropping it or storing it in precarious circumstances. Glass isn’t necessarily delicate, but it can’t handle drops on the ground like a silicone dildo would. It also can’t take being banged against the counter – or even dropped against the stopper in the bathroom sink. Any impact has the potential to chip or break your Crystal Delights butt plug. With that in mind, with any glass sex toy, including the Crystal Delights Sparkle butt plug, you should be running your hands over the surface of the toy before every use – just to check for any problems.
It is possible that the glue that holds on the gem on the Red White Blue Sparkle butt plug will come undone. If so, Crystal Delights includes instructions on their website on how to repair it. (It’s a simple, two-step process you can do at home with near-zero effort). Otherwise, they also will repair the plug for you if the gem ever slips off. They can’t control the lifespan of their industrial adhesive, but I’m really glad to see that they stand behind their products.
Crystal Delights Sparkle Butt Plug Color Choices
The Red White and Blue Sparkle Butt Plug is limited-edition butt plug. They’re still selling them now – but probably not for much longer!
But if you love the look of this Sparkle butt plug and want one of their standard colors, Crystal Delights has you covered there too. They offer an entire category full of sparkle butt toys including everything you could ever want. (I’m not kidding. Everything is in there!)
You can get a sparkle butt plug tail, a sparkle butt plug with crystal base, and a sparkle butt plug with pony tail. (I’m seriously salivating over that pony tail. If it was available in a thicker plug, I’d be snapping it up right now.)
Crystal Delights Red-White-Blue Sparkle Butt Plug Review: Final Thoughts
If you’re into the look of this gorgeous Sparkle butt plug, run – don’t walk – to pick it up. There’s nothing standing in your way, function-wise. This Crystal Delights butt plug does exactly as it claims to do – making plugging pleasurable, fun, and easy to do. It’s safe, stays in the body really well, and is one of the cheapest sex toy investments you can ever make; it’ll last forever (with proper care)!
Like any Crystal Delights plug, it’s hard to find anything bad to say about it. It’s gorgeous, it works fantastically, and you’re going to fall in love with it.