The Clear Lightening Master’s Choice Clear Acrylic Cane is a long and strong spanking cane sold by Cane IAC. This cane has a long, spanking shaft of about 30 inches and is about 3/8″ thick. It’s made from a clear, see-through acrylic, and it features a slip-resistant handle as well as a hanging strap for easy storage.
The cane doesn’t come with any particular packaging. It has a small tag attached to the hanging strap that is easy to cut off if you want, but there’s no particular packaging.
The Clear Lightening Master’s Choice Clear Acrylic Cane is made with quality in mind. Just like all other Cane IAC products, I’m really impressed by the quality of this cane. The cane’s shaft itself is very thick and very easy to control, and the cane itself is attached firmly to the handle of the cane. The hanging strap is a thick strap that runs through a pre-made hole in the handle, and the knot is tied really firmly (but it is easy to cut through if you don’t want it). I’m really, really impressed.
This cane is a bit thicker than the previous spanking canes that we’ve been using. As it’s acrylic, it’s a very firm and solid material, so it’s not going to break or snap. It has a very slight amount of bend to it, but for most intensive purposes, it is going to stay firm and ungiving for spanking use. The thickness of the cane tends to make it less snappy than other canes, but the rigidity of the material can make it pretty stingy at the same time.
I do enjoy how easy this bdsm cane is to handle. The thickness of the shaft of the cane means that it doesn’t flop around too much, and as the handle is slip-resistant, your hand doesn’t really slide around on the cane. The handle itself gives you a good area to grip (even if you have large hands), and the cane is pretty long which gives you a good area of reach. It will eacily cover both cheeks of most people’s butts. If you want and have a small hand, your wrist can slide into the hanging strap of the spanking cane as well.
For sensation, it definitely gives a strong sensation! The boyfriend says that it’s almost like a stingy thud – with a lot more sting than thud. The thickness of the cane really makes itself known, and as the top using the cane, you want to make sure to be a bit lighter than needed because it’s really easy to underjudge how much this one can hurt. The thickness and the weight of the acrylic really gives a deep, under-the-skin, muscle pain that can hurt a lot more than those light-weight, blister-making canes. It’s almost like this one goes straight into the muscles to give that sore feeling (so the boyfriend says).
The Clear Lightening Master’s Choice Clear Acrylic Cane is very, very easy to clean! Because of the acrylic material, you can easily clean it with warm water and antibacterial soap, and it’s easy to see it is fully clean as well. If you plan on playing hard, you may want to keep this cane to single-person use, but for the most part, you should be able to sterilize this. For storage, it easily hangs up by the hanging strap.
Overall, this spanking cane definitely provides an interesting sensation compared to other other bdsm canes. It actually has a deep, under-the-skin type of spanking instead of the surface stinginess that I’ve gotten used to being able to give him. The clear, see-through aspect means you can watch the butt you’re spanking, and the sensation is definitely neat! Plus, it’s an easy cane to handle, and it’s going to last you a long time. Thanks to Cane IAC for sending me this BDSM cane for my Clear Lightening Master’s Choice Clear Acrylic cane review.