The Arcwave Ion truly is jam-packed full of different features – and all of them are kinda amazing in their own right. As-in, I would easily want to see most of these features regularly included in other penis masturbation sex toys if they were done right.
Let’s take a look.
Storage Base that Also Charges
If you’re someone who’s worried about tiny, prying hands touching and poking at everything, the button on the base of the Arcwave Ion storage base must be held down in order to release the lid. So it does provide an extra hint of privacy from accidental discovery.
Twist-and-Clean Design
I love the idea of this for any type of penis masturbation sleeves that include electronic parts that can’t be easily washed. The “sleeve” portion of the Arcwave Ion can be twisted off from the motorized “base”. This means you can wash the sleeve without a care in the world (waterproof) while all of the electronic parts stay nicely protected away from the water. (We find we generally have to use a lightly dampened washcloth in order to clean off the lube fingerbrings on the electronic side, though).
This makes cleaning really simple.
Smart Silence
Some Womanizer sex toys and We-Vibe sex toys have been equipped with Smart Silence for a bit now, so it makes sense that the Arcwave Ion (which is made by the same parent company) would include it as well. I think that’s honestly a first for penis-focused toys.
Smart Silence means that the Arcwave Ion automatically turns on (and off) based on the presence of a penis inside of the Ion masturbation toy. So when the penis is inserted, the toy starts up at your intensity of choice. Most important, when the penis is removed (possibly in a hurry!), all of the noise and movement of the Arcwave Ion instantly stops.
The sensor seems to work exactly as intended, and we haven’t had any issues with it malfunctioning. As mentioned below, due to a curved penis, we had issues getting it recognize properly, but when tested with fingers and dildos, everything went swimmingly, so I think it’s an anatomy issue.
Arcwave Ion Sex Toy Review: How It Feels
The biggest selling point of the Arcwave Ion is how different it feels from other penis masturbation toys. It’s all over its marketing, and honestly, by including a brand-new-type of penis stimulation (Pleasure Air), you would expect it to feel very different from standard stroking toys.
The first thing to note is that the Pleasure Air stimulation is mostly designed to be stationary – as it needs to get a good “suction” against the skin to provide the sensations. That’s how it works with the clitorally-designed ones too. With that in mind, I’d imagine most penis-owners aren’t really used to finding a toy, sliding it in, and staying completely in place, but that’s how you really start to explore the Pleasure Air sensations of the Arcwave Ion. It might not take forever, but I’d expect to spend 5 minutes trying to find the perfect “spot” for your body – and once you find it, you’ll know.
My partner really is at a loss for words to describe the suction sensations of the Pleasure Air design. He’s tried to explain it over and over, but the most he generally comes up with is “It’s so unique”. He compares it to the sensation of having someone lightly twisting their palm across the head and frenulum over and over in the best spot possible. He notes that finding it can take a bit (and if you don’t find the right placement, it doesn’t really feel like much). He says there’s like a “sweet spot” – and he compared it to using the Womanizer toys on me saying that “Once you have that sweet spot, you pretty much just want to set it and leave it to let it do its job. I never really knew how that felt when I was using them on you, but now I see how important that is.”
The Pleasure Air itself is only part of the sensation. As far as we can tell, the movement of the Pleasure Air motor actually causes some slight movement/vibration in the rest of the cylindrical sleeve that surrounds the penis. He mentions that it feels a bit like a deep vibration – not a standard sex toy vibration but something that feels like it goes “underneath the skin” in a really intense way. It’s part of why he loves the Arcwave Ion so much – this additional “thrumming” sensation with the suction.
For most of our experiments, we’ve left the Arcwave Ion in a single spot and just let it do its job – a job it does really well. With no movement, the Pleasure Air of the vibrator can gradually pull him into an orgasm with zero movement required. He still has to use hands (to hold the toy in that proper spot), but it has reliably worked for an organically-feeling, unique-feeling, intense penis orgasm for him over and over.
You can use the Arcwave Ion while stroking as well. I recommend very small micro-strokes, and every time we’ve tried that, it’s orgasmic within seconds. I think the familiarity of the up-and-down really helps enhance the sensations, but to avoid breaking the suction-type seal, you’ll want to make them very-small strokes.
Arcwave Ion Sex Toy Review: The Downsides
Most notably, due to the design of the Arcwave Ion, you need to have a straight penis in order to use some of the functions. The Pleasure Air Smart Silence sensor seems to require firm pressure on both sides of the Pleasure Air hole – or at least a presense of something there. If your penis happens to curve on the upper part of the shaft, this will make using the Smart Silent feature absolutely infurioating. It means using the Arcwave Ion on a spot that isn’t as orgasmic in order to play nice with the Smart Silence feature – or turning off the Smart Silence feature entirely. (Which is what we did. Luckily, that is something the ArcWave Ion offers.) The sensor point at a lower point in the shaft than near the tip would have helped dramatically with this problem – at least if you have a penile curvature near the tip.
If your penis is particularly curved, the silicone’s unforgiving curvature means that the masturbator might not be particularly comfortable to you at all. While the silicone is very stretchy/expandable thickness-wise, it’s pretty set-in-stone for the actual curvature. To solve this, especially with the Twist-and-Clean design, Arcwave could easily sell a base that didn’t include the full-cylindrical design. It would accomodate more penis sizes that way.
Finally, we have to hit on the noise level. The ArcWave Ion isn’t particularly quiet. It isn’t the loudest toy I’ve ever heard, but it’s very, very similar in intensity to a Hitachi Magic Wand when it’s pressed against the penis – and when it’s not pressed against a penis, it’s room-take-over loud. The Smart Silence feature was probably Arcwave’s guard against this excess noise (since you’ll never hear it when it isn’t pressed up against a penis since the Smart Silence only turns it on when it’s pressed up against a penis), but if you had the issues we’ve mentioned above, you’ll definitely notice the ArcWave Ion penis masturbator. When snuggled against a penis, you can easily hear it in the same room, and anyone directly outside of a closed-door could hear it too. (I’d recommend having people multiple rooms away). When it isn’t snuggled against a penis, we can hear it across my entire two-bedroom apartment if all the doors are open – but it’s hard to hear if it’s two-door-separation.
It isn’t necessarily a quiet toy – but the Smart Silence feature clearly was designed to help with some of that.
Arcwave Ion Review Final Thoughts
If you’re someone who’s penis is mostly straight, I think you’ll genuinely enjoy the Arcwave Ion penis sleeve. Its design is crafted for you, and the pleasure it provides is genuinely unique. The Arcwave Ion clearly went after the “Men Who Want the Best” market with the design – both from the visual design of the toy all the way to the equipped features inside of the Arcwave Ion. It very clearly – in every part of the experience – isn’t a $10 “pocket pussy” that’s designed to get humped and tossed under the bed to collect lint. The Arcwave Ion, from features to displayable storage case, seems like a toy that’s designed to live on your bedside, provide pleasure for someone who may not live alone, and provide a very interesting and different sensation from standard, humpable penis masturbation sleeves.
The Arcwave Ion isn’t like any other penis masturbation sleeve on the market – and that, in itself, is saying a whole lot.
Want to read the entirety of my huge-ass review? Check out this Arcwave Ion review on Kinkly.