The Aneros Maximus is a five-inch long male prostate stimulation toy made from white plastic. Only four inches of that are insertable. On one end of the bottom of the toy is a little fingerhold to make use easier and on the other end is a perineum stimulator that’s meant to press up against the perinium during use. At the widest point, the Maximus only has barely over an inch of diameter which isn’t too much to take. The product description at this store for Adult Sex Toys says it’s for experienced users only, but we didn’t have too much problem with it.
The packaging for the Aneros Maximus is pretty basic. There’s a plastic box that it comes in that has a base that allows the box to sit up. On the front, it gives the word “Aneros” in large letters with the reviews the toy has gotten in the background in tiny letters. No naked people on this sex toy. On the back, it describes the product and gives the instructions.
This prostate stimulation sex toy even comes with instructions which is neat. First, you are supposed to wash the sex toy with warm soapy water before use. Then you are supposed to lie on your side and bring a knee to your stomach and relax as you insert it. After fifteen minutes of relaxing with the toy in, you are supposed to manually contract your muscles to move the toy for prostate pleasure. It recommends against using manual stimulation on the toy – just your own muscles. We did try that, and it’s definitely quite pleasurable and for us, it definitely seemed like the best way to use it.
During use, I’m not sure exactly how we felt about this. The size is honestly not that large, despite what the product description says, so Jor, who can’t take much that’s large, could take this with only a little hesitation. He says that it felt amazing at first, but after about thirty minutes, he was ready to be done with it. I think he might be a bit spoiled to some of the silicone toys we own – he just didn’t like the hard, plastic feeling of the Maximus. I tried to tell him that prostate stimulation might be a little difficult without a firm toy to use, but he says that, although it did feel pleasurable, the length of time that he likes to keep his toys in for makes this not a good choice for him. Which is fine, because I’m honestly not real fond of plastic toys in my crotch either, so I can relate.

However, he does stress that, for about the first 25 minutes, he really loved the sensation. He said it felt almost like he needed to pee, but he didn’t need to. He claims that it just felt extremely pleasurable and tensing the muscles of his body made it feel even more pleasurable without too much attempt at moving on his part.
He does recommend against moving with this in though. He’s someone that likes to move and grind against things, but with the Maximus, it will end up pushing the prostate end up against the body in a slightly uncomfortable way. Plus, the toy is pretty lengthy, and when you move, it doesn’t have give like some other anal toys does, so it can be uncomfortable for movement. We did try sex with it in, and he says it was pleasurable, but we did it in missionary, so his body was still about as straight as it had been when he was laying down with it in. Other more adventurous and body-twisting positions will most likely push the Aneros sex toy into some uncomfortable places.
A small complaint about the Maximus is that it is a white anal toy which makes me seriously question Aneros’s sanity. Many people, males included, don’t want to see if a mess was made, so if that’s something that bothers you, have something ready to just throw the toy into (like a washcloth to cover it so you can’t see if a mess was made.)
The Aneros Maximus is compatible with both water-based and silicone-based lubricant. I recommmend using some generous amounts of lubricant because it will be doing some movement during use. We used silicone lubricant, and it seemed to last as long as we needed it to. For cleaning, you just need to use some warm water and antibacterial soap. It may be difficult to get some of the scent off, but boiling it for a couple minutes should help reduce it, but it may not get rid of it. For storage, we plan on putting it back into the original plastic packaging, but this would easily store pretty much anywhere you chose to put it. I’d recommend putting it in a plastic baggie to keep it from spreading the scent or anything if the idea of that bothers you.
So are we personally impressed? Yes, but it’s just not a toy for us because he likes grinding and he wants to go longer than what it’s comfortable for him. But it’s not the toy’s fault at all – the toy is downright pleasurable, and I’m sure others are going to enjoy it quite a bit – even if it wasn’t the perfect fit for us. This store for adult toys sells this male g-spot stimulator, so purchase the Aneros Maximus today. If you are looking for something smaller, there are plenty of other Aneros products on their site as well.